Effects of vibration therapy on muscle mass, muscle


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Effects of vibration therapy on musclemass, muscle strength and physicalfunction in older adults with sarcopenia: asystematic review and meta-analysisShuang Wu1, Hong-Ting Ning1, Su-Mei Xiao2, Ming-Yue Hu1, Xin-Yin Wu3, Hong-Wen Deng4 and Hui Feng1,5*


Background: Sarcopenia, a progressive loss of muscle mass and function with advancing age, is a prevalent conditionamong older adults. As most older people are too frail to do intensive exercise and vibration therapy has low risk andease of participation, it may be more readily accepted by elderly individuals. However, it remains unclear whethervibration therapy would be effective among older adults with sarcopenia. This systematic review and meta-analysisexamined the effect of vibration therapy including local vibration therapy and whole-body vibration therapy, forenhancing muscle mass, muscle strength and physical function in older people with sarcopenia.

Methods: A systematic literature search was conducted in March 2019 in the following 5 electronic databases:PubMed, CINAHL, Embase, PEDro, and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, with no restriction oflanguage or the year of publication. Randomized controlled trials and quasi-experimental studies examining effects ofvibration therapy on muscle mass, muscle strength or physical function in older adults with sarcopenia were includedin this systematic review. Two reviewers independently assessed the methodological quality of the selected studies.

Results: Of the 1972 identified studies, seven publications from six studies involving 223 participants were included inthis systematic review. Five of them conducted whole-body vibration therapy, while two conducted local vibrationtherapy. A meta-analysis of randomized controlled studies indicated that muscle strength significantly increased afterwhole-body vibration therapy (SMD 0.69, 95% CI 0.28 to 1.11, I2 = 0%, P = 0.001) and local vibration therapy (SMD 3.78,95% CI 2.29 to 5.28, P < 0.001). Physical performance measured by the sit-to-stand test and the timed-up-and-go testwere significantly improved after the intervention (SMD -0.79, 95% CI − 1.21 to − 0.37, I2 = 0%, P < 0.001) and SMD -0.83,95% CI − 1.56 to − 0.11, I2 = 64%, P = 0.02, respectively).

Conclusion: Vibration therapy could be a prospective strategy for improving muscle strength and physicalperformance in older adults with sarcopenia. However, due to the limited number of the included studies, caution isneeded when interpreting these results. More well-designed, large sample size studies should be conducted to furtherexplore and validate the benefits of vibration therapy for this population.

Keywords: Sarcopenia, Vibration therapy, Intervention, Muscle mass, Muscle strength, Physical performance

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* Correspondence: feng.hui@csu.edu.cn1Xiangya school of nursing, Central South University, Changsha, Hunanprovince, China5Xiangya-Oceanwide Health Management Research Institute, Central SouthUniversity, Changsha, ChinaFull list of author information is available at the end of the article

Wu et al. European Review of Aging and Physical Activity (2020) 17:14 https://doi.org/10.1186/s11556-020-00247-5

IntroductionThe ageing population is rapidly increasing worldwide[1]. The ageing process is responsible for markedchanges in multiple tissues and organs, especially forskeletal muscle [2]. From age 40 to 80, total skeletalmuscle mass declines 30 to 50% in both men andwomen [3, 4]. The term sarcopenia was first coined byRosenberg et al. in 1989 as the progressive loss ofmuscle mass with advancing age [5]. With less musclemass, muscle strength and muscle function are greatlyreduced [6]. However, the loss of muscle strength ismuch more rapid than the parallel loss of muscle mass[7]. Subsequently, sarcopenia has been defined as a defi-ciency in muscle mass plus decreased muscle strength orthe impaired physical performance [6].Sarcopenia is prevalent in the older population. It im-

pairs personal health and reduces life quality, while at thesame time putting a heavy financial burden on the health-care system [8]. A recent systematic review found that theprevalence of sarcopenia was 1–29% in the community,14–33% in long-term care institutions and 10% in hospi-tals [9]. Sarcopenia results in a higher risk of disability, de-pression, mortality, increasing the risk of fall-related injuryand the possibility of being admitted to a long-term carefacility [10–13]. The health care cost of sarcopenia in theUnited States alone was estimated at $18.5 billion or ap-proximately 1.5% of total healthcare expenditure in theyear 2000 [14, 15]. Additionally, sarcopenia will increasehospitalization costs by 34% among patients 65 years andolder [16]. Early intervention is the key point to improvethe outcomes in older adults with sarcopenia.The most effective physiologic way to prevent and

treat sarcopenia and related muscle malfunction is aphysically active lifestyle, or even better, physical exer-cise [17, 18]. For example, aerobics, endurance exerciseand resistance exercise training have been regarded asthe main strategies for preventing physical function de-cline [19]. However, these conventional exercises maynot be suitable for weak individuals (i.e., aged or frail in-dividuals or elderly individuals with physical limitations),especially institutionalized elderly persons, as theirmuscle strength can deteriorate to a point where it be-comes critical for independence during transfers andwalking [20–22].An alternative to traditional exercise technology is vi-

bration therapy (VT). It may be a safe, autonomous, andefficient way to increase or maintain muscle mass,strength and function for elderly and weak individuals,who are unable or unwilling to perform conventionalworkouts [23–27]. When VT was added to conventionalresistive exercise, a great improvement in muscle powerwas reported [28]. VT is a training modality that usesmechanical oscillations as a stimulus for human neuro-muscular structures, where the energy is transferred

from the vibration device to the human body or parts ofit [28–30]. The mechanical stimulus produced is thoughtto use proprioceptive spinal reflexes to increase musclefunction by enhancing muscle spindle excitatory signal-ing while lowering the inhibitory response of the Golgitendon organ to the motoneuron pool [28, 31]. Similarto the effects of resistance training and plyometric train-ing, vibration stimulus increases the gravitational load onthe neuromuscular system, thereby providing a stimulusthat modifies the functional capacity of skeletal muscle[32]. VT can be applied to the targeted muscles mainly bytwo ways: whole-body vibration (participants squat orstand on the vibrating platforms) and local vibration (ap-plied superficially over the targeted muscle) [20, 33].A growing number of clinical trials have demonstrated

the favourable impacts of VT on postural control [34],mobility [35–37], lean body mass, muscle strength andphysical performance [38–40], quality of life [41], effi-cacy and safety [42] in healthy elderly individuals. How-ever, when trials were conducted on frail elderlyindividuals, hospitalized elderly individuals or more spe-cifically, older adults with sarcopenia, improvement inmuscle function was not reported [43, 44].Up to now, some systematic reviews [9, 43, 45] have

synthesized the evidence of physical activity in sarcope-nia, none of which have included VT. No systematic re-view has synthesized the evidence of VT among elderlyindividuals with sarcopenia [20]. Therefore, it is now ne-cessary to conduct a systematic review to examine allthe evidence and clarify the effects of VT on musclemass, muscle strength and physical performance in eld-erly patients with sarcopenia. The findings from thisstudy could be used to guide clinical decision-making ininterventions and treatments for sarcopenia.

MethodsProtocol and registrationThis systematic review was registered in the PROSPEROinternational prospective register of systematic reviews(no. CRD42019128866). We followed the PreferredReporting Items for Systematic review and Meta-Analysis(PRISMA) guidelines in conducting this review [46].

Eligibility criteriaAbstract-only studies and reports were excluded from thisreview because of the limited information on the interven-tion and participants’ characteristics, as well as the diffi-culty of determining the specific quality of these studiesThe inclusion criteria were as follows: 1) Randomized

control studies or quasi-experimental studies; 2) Thestudies should have clear and detailed diagnostic criteriafor sarcopenia, no matter which one was used in thestudy; 3) VT (local VT or whole-body VT) was used inthe study, regardless of type; 4) Outcomes of the studies

Wu et al. European Review of Aging and Physical Activity (2020) 17:14 Page 2 of 12

included at least one of the following data results:muscle mass, muscle strength or physical function. Stud-ies were excluded if they included individuals who hadevidence of hereditary or acquired muscular disease orwere under treatment with testosterone or otherpharmacological interventions known to influencemuscle mass or if they lacked related outcomes.

Search strategyA systematic literature search was conducted in March2019 in the following 5 electronic databases: PubMed,CINAHL, Embase, PEDro, and the Cochrane CentralRegister of Controlled Trials, with no restriction of lan-guage or year of publication. The search terms usedwere as follows: (sarcopeni* OR muscular atrophy ORmuscle weakness OR muscle mass OR fat free mass ORlean body mass OR lean mass OR body composition ORhand strength OR grip strength) AND (aged OR agingOR seniors OR elderly OR older) AND (vibration ORwhole body vibration OR whole body vibration trainingOR vibration exercise OR vibration platform OR vibra-tory therapy OR vibratory plate OR sham therapy ORWbv OR low intensity vibration OR LIV OR VbX ORWBVT). The exact search syntaxes used are listed inAppendix 1 (Supplementary Table 1). Reference lists ofrelevant articles were also manually searched, and au-thors were conducted for additional data, if necessary,for the systematic review.

Study selectionTwo reviewers independently assessed potential eligiblestudies by screening the titles, abstracts, and full texts.In case of disagreement, consensus was sought betweenthe reviewers, or a third reviewer was asked. Duplicateswere identified and excluded, and multiple articles of thesame study were collated so that each study, rather thaneach article, was the unit of interest in the review.

Data extraction and quality assessmentData extraction was performed by two reviewers inde-pendently using a standardized data collection form thatincluded the year of publication, first author, subjectsand their sex, age of participants, study design, diagnos-tic criteria for sarcopenia, settings, main outcomes andtraining protocols. All outcomes were reported as in theoriginal articles.Two reviewers independently assessed the selected

randomized controlled trials according to the Risk ofBias Tool found in the Cochrane Handbook for SystemicReviews of Interventions [47], with the following aspects:sequence generation and concealment of allocation (se-lection bias), blinding of participants and personnel (per-formance bias), blinding of outcome assessors (detectionbias), incomplete outcome data addressed (attrition

bias), free of selective reporting (reporting bias), andother bias. The quality of non-randomized studies wasassessed using the Methodological Index for Non-Randomized Studies (MINORS) tool [48]. The MINORStool identifies 12 items, including 8 specifically designedfor non-comparison studies: a clearly stated aim, the in-clusion of consecutive patients, a prospective collection ofdata, endpoints appropriate to the aim of the study, an un-biased assessment of the study endpoints, a follow-upperiod appropriate to the aim of the study, loss to follow-up less than 5%, and a prospective calculation of the studysize. The items are scored as follows: 0 = reported, 1 = re-ported but inadequate, and 2 = reported and adequate. Re-sults for non-comparison studies range from 0 (lowquality) to 16 (high quality). Disagreement on the qualityrating between the reviewers was settled by discussing orconsulting with the senior researchers if necessary.

Data synthesis and analysisWe followed the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Re-sults of Interventions to handle and analyse the data torun the meta-analysis [49]. Outcomes are presented asthe mean change from baseline in muscle mass, musclestrength and physical performance. All outcomes arecontinuous variables. The meta-analysis was conductedusing Review Manager, version 5.3 (Cochrane, London,UK). In the meta-analyses, standard mean differences(SMD) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were used forcontinuous data. The results were regarded as statisti-cally significant when P < 0.05. Heterogeneity acrossstudies was tested by using the I2 statistic, which is aquantitative measure of inconsistency across studies.Studies were considered to have low heterogeneity whenthe I2 statistic was 25–50%, and those with an I2 statistic> 75% were considered to have high heterogeneity. Arandom-effects model was used if the I2 statistic > 50%,otherwise the fixed-effect model was used [50].

ResultsStudy selectionA PRISMA flowchart of the literature search and studyselection are demonstrated in Fig. 1 [46]. We identified atotal of 1972 records, with 1606 records left after dupli-cates were removed. Then, 1548 records were excludedafter screening the title and abstract, leaving 57 articlesfor full-text review. Among the 57 articles, 50 were ex-cluded due to the following reasons: not focused on sar-copenia in an elderly population (n = 41), not VT (n = 8),no assessment of muscle performance (n = 1). Theremaining 7 articles were assessed for methodologicalquality. All 7 articles were considered to have met thequality standards of methodology and were retained forthe systematic review. The seven articles [51–57] camefrom six clinical studies, so six research groups were

Wu et al. European Review of Aging and Physical Activity (2020) 17:14 Page 3 of 12

included in this systematic review. Studies with two pub-lications [54, 55] were considered as a single studythroughout the systematic review.

Quality of the studyThe results of the quality assessment using the CochraneCollaboration Recommendations assessment tools arereported in Fig. 2 and Fig. 3, and those using the MI-NORS tool are reported in Supplementary Table 2. Thequality of the included studies were found to be accept-able. The three randomized controlled trials showed ahigh risk of performance bias, which is inevitable. TheMINORS scores ranged from 11 to 13 out of a possible16 for the quasi-experimental studies. Most studies re-ceived a score of 0 for the item for unbiased assessmentof the study endpoint. Due to the VT, it was not possibleto blind patients or study personnel to the groupallocation.

Study characteristicsThe 6 clinical studies, composed of 3 quasi-experimental studies and 3 randomized controlledtrails, involved 208 participants with sarcopenia. Allof them included subjects aged 60 years or older, ex-cept one study [51] (58.2 ± 6.4 years old). The numberof participants ranged from 9 to 80. The diagnosticcriteria of sarcopenia among these studies were differ-ent, and only one study [57] published in 2019 usedthe diagnostic criteria of sarcopenia from the AsianWorking Group for Sarcopenia (AWGS). The othersused the diagnostic criteria from a variety of previousstudies. Details are shown in Table 1.The characteristics of the VT protocols and outcome

measurements are outlined in Table 2. Overall, 145 par-ticipants received VT. Two studies [52, 53], including 19participants investigated local VT, with a vibration fre-quency of 300 Hz. The other 4 studies [51, 54–57],

Fig. 1 Flowchart showing how the reviewed articles were identified and selected

Wu et al. European Review of Aging and Physical Activity (2020) 17:14 Page 4 of 12

including 126 participants, adopted whole-body VT, andthe vibration parameters were different among thesestudies, varying from 12 [56, 57] to 60 [54, 55] Hz. Thepostures of participants on the whole-body VT platformwere standing [56], half-squat standing [51, 54, 55], andsitting [57]. The training programmes in these 4 stud-ies [52–57] were long-term programmes, and the dur-ation of all programmes was 12 weeks, except for one[57] that was 8 weeks. The remaining study [51] mea-sured the acute effects of whole-body VT. All thestudies [51–53, 56, 57] measured the relevant pheno-types before and after the intervention, and two stud-ies [52, 54, 55] continued follow-up after theintervention for 12 weeks.

Impacts of different vibration intervention strategiesFour studies assessed the effects of VT on muscle mass,including two randomized controlled trials [55, 57].However, different measurement tools had been used inthese studies: two of them [52, 55] used the cross-sectional area, one [56] used the weight-adjusted musclemass index measured by bioelectrical impedance ana-lysis, and one [57] adopted muscle mass measured bydual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. There was no signifi-cant increase in muscle mass in the studies by Wei et al.[55], Pietrangelo et al. [52] and Zhu et al. [57]. However,the study [56] that used the following weight-adjustedmuscle mass formula: total skeletal muscle mass (in kg)/body weight (in kg) × 100, found that, after a 12-weekintervention of whole-body VT, the muscle mass wassignificantly higher than that before the whole-body VTintervention. The two randomized controlled trials indi-cated that muscle mass did not show significant differ-ences between the two groups (SMD 0.08, 95% CI − 0.32to 0.48, I2 = 0%, P = 0.69) (Fig. 4).Muscle strength was measured in all studies. Four

studies [52, 53, 55, 57] used lower limb strength mea-surements as an indicator of muscle strength, whilethree studies [51, 56, 57] used grip strength. All thestudies demonstrated that muscle strength increased sig-nificantly after the VT intervention, regardless of whichindicators were used. The two randomized controlledtrials using whole-body VT indicated that musclestrength showed a significant increase after whole-bodyVT (SMD 0.69, 95% CI 0.28 to 1.11, I2 = 0%, P = 0.001)(Fig. 5). One randomized controlled trial using local VTalso indicated a significant increase in muscle strengthafter local VT (SMD 3.78, 95% CI 2.29 to 5.28, P <0.001) (Fig. 6).Physical performance was measured in five studies.

Different indicators were used among these studies. Themost commonly used one was the timed up-and-go test,a coordination and agility test for elderly individuals,which was used in four studies [51, 54, 56, 57]. The find-ings of the four studies all revealed that the performanceof the timed up-and-go test improved significantly after

Fig. 2 Risk of Randomized control studies bias graph

Fig. 3 Risk of Randomized control studies bias summary

Wu et al. European Review of Aging and Physical Activity (2020) 17:14 Page 5 of 12

the whole-body VT. Three studies [54, 56, 57] used fiverepeated sit-to-stand tests as one of the indicators of phys-ical performance, and all the findings showed that thetime for five repeated sit-to-stand tests shortened signifi-cantly after the whole-body VT. Two studies [54, 57]adopted walking speed as one of the indicators of physicalperformance, and both studies suggested that walkingspeed improved significantly after whole-body VT. Bal-ance tests were performed as one of the phenotypes ofphysical performance in 3 studies [51, 53, 57]. The find-ings of Miller et al. [51], using the Berg balance scale to as-sess static and dynamic balance capabilities, showed nosignificant improvement after the whole-body vibrationintervention. The results of Bellomo et al. [53] demon-strated a significant improvement in the sway area and inthe ellipse surface with open and closed eyes after 12weeks of local VT. In a study by Zhu et al. [57], no signifi-cant differences were noted in static and dynamic balancecapacity after 4 weeks of WBV exercise; however, signifi-cant improvements were observed after 8 weeks. Two ran-domized controlled trials that used whole-body VTindicated that the time for five repetitions of the sit-to-stand test and timed up-and-go test were significantly

decreased after the intervention [(SMD -0.79, 95% CI −1.21 to − 0.37, I2 = 0%, P < 0.001) (Fig. 7) and (SMD -0.83,95% CI − 1.56 to − 0.11, I2 = 64%, P = 0.02) (Fig. 8),respectively].

DiscussionOverall, this systematic review with the six currentlyavailable studies showed that VT may not have a notableeffect on muscle mass compared to no treatment, but ithas a significant impact on muscle strength and physicalfunction in older adults with sarcopenia.In this study, the eligible investigations were limited to

VT, 2 [52, 53] for local VT and 5 [51, 54–57] for whole-body VT, and muscle mass, muscle strength or physicalperformance in older people with sarcopenia. Amongthem, different methods were used to diagnose sarcopenia,which could result in different severities of sarcopeniaamong the participants in the studies, thus increasing therisk of information bias. The interest in sarcopenia hasrisen in recent years, while universally accepted diagnosticcriteria is still lacking [58]. Prior studies also mentionedthis inevitable bias [44, 45]. Therefore, we recommendthat future research should unify the diagnostic methods

Table 1 The characteristics of participants included in the review

Study year Studydesign

Country SubjectsnumberT (male,female)C (male,female)


Diagnosing criteria of sarcopenia

Bellomo et al.2013 [53]

RCT American T:10(10,0)C:10(10,0)

70.9 ±5.2

SMI (kg/m2) by DXA < 2 SD of a young reference group

Wei et al. 2017[54, 55]

RCT China(HongKong)


T1:78 ±4T2:75 ±6T3:74 ±5C:76 ±6

SMI (kg/m2) by BIA, cutoff 8.87 kg/m2 for male, cutoff 6.42 kg/m2 for female

Zhu et al. 2019[57]

RCT Mainlandof China


T:89.5 ±4.4C:87.5 ± 3

SMI (kg/m2) by DXA cutoff values 7.0 kg/m2 for male and 5.4 kg/m2 for female; gripstrength cutoff 26 kg for male and 18 kg for females, walking speed cutoff value 0.8 m/s from AWGS

Pietrangeloet al. 2009 [52]

CCT Italy T:9(4,5) M:75.3 ±6.9F:71.0 ±5.7

SMI (kg/m2) by DXA < 2 SD of a young reference group

Chang et al.2018 [56]

CCT China(Taiwan)

17(12,5) 82.12 ±8.19

SMI (kg/kg) by body composition analyzer (model IOI353) cutoff for males 10.75 kg/m2,and females 6.75 kg/m2 grip strength cutoff 26 kg for male and 18 kg for females,walking speed cutoff value 0.8 m/s Standards

Miller et al.2018 [51]

CCT American 15(0/15) 58.2 ±6.4

ALM/BMI cutoff values 0.789 for male and 0.512 for female

SMI (kg/m2): muscle mass (kg)/height (m)2, SMI (kg/kg): muscle mass (kg)/weight(kg), ALM/BMI: ALM (appendicular lean mass)/BMI (body mass index), DXA Dualenergy X-ray absorptiometry, BIA Bioimpedance analysis, AWGS Asian Working Group for Sarcopenia

Wu et al. European Review of Aging and Physical Activity (2020) 17:14 Page 6 of 12

according to the consensus from the International Work-ing Group on Sarcopenia [7], the European WorkingGroup on Sarcopenia in Older People [59] and the Asian

Working Group for Sarcopenia [60] to improve homogen-eity in study populations and contribute to the under-standing of the results. The vibration protocols were quite

Table 2 The characteristics of training protocol and outcomes included in the review

Study year Type ofintervention(T/C)


Posture of WBV orlocation of LV


Time ofduration

Frequencyof sessions×durationofprogram

Outcome measures and (followup period in weeks)




Bellomoet al. 2013[53]


VISS device(Vissman, Rome,Italy)

Vastus medialis, vastuslateralis and rectusfemoris muscles

300 15min 1/weekfrom week1 to 83/weekfrom week9 to 12

NM Lower-limbstrength(0,12)

Balance test:Sway area (0,12)

Wei et al.2017 [54,55]

T1: WBVT2: WBVT3: WBVC: None

WBV machine(Fit vibe excel,Gymna UniphyNV, Bilzen,Belgium)

Stood barefoot withtheir knee joint flexed at60° on the platform ofthe WBV machine withhands holding onto therail in front


12min6 min4 min

3/weekfrom 1 to12



Meterwalking testTimed upand-go testFive-repetition sit-to-stand test(0,6,12,18,24)

Study year Type ofintervention(T/C)


Posture of WBV orlocation of LV


Time ofduration

Frequencyof sessions×durationof program

Outcome measures and (follow upperiod in weeks)




Zhu et al.2019 [57]

T: WBVC: None

WBV machineWellengangExcellencereciprocatingvibrationplatform (SVG,Wellengang,Germany)

Set on the chair next tothe WBV machine andput the foot on the fixedposition of the WBVmachine with handsholding onto the rail infront

12 for 1 to2 weeks14 for 3 to6 weeks16 for 7 to8 weeks

20min 5/weekfrom 1 to 8

DXA (0,8)


The 6-m gaitspeed testTimed-up-and-go testFive-times-sit-to-stand testBalance test(0,8)

Pietrangeloet al. 2009[52]

LV VISS device(Vissman, Rome,Italy)

Intermedius femoris,rectus femoris, vastusmedialis, and vastuslateralis muscles.

300 15min 1/weekfrom week1 to 83/weekfrom week9 to 12

CSA (0,4,8,12)



Study year Type ofintervention(T/C)


Posture of WBV orlocation of LV


Time ofduration

Frequencyof sessions×durationof program

Outcome measures and (follow upperiod in weeks)




Chang et al.2018 [56]

WBV Whole-bodyvibration (i-vib6050 model)

Stood on a vibrationand stimulationgenerating platform

12 10min 3/weekfrom week1 to week12

SMI (kg/kg)(1, 12)

Gripstrength(1, 12)

Eight-foot upand go testFive repeatedsit-to-standtestsStanding onone-foot textShoulder-armflexibility text(1, 12)

Miller et al.2018 [51]

WBV Whole-bodyvibration (PowerPlate platform(Northbrook,Illinois)

Stood bare foot on theplatform, legs shoulderwidth apart, knees flexedto a 30° angle, and theirarms placed equidistanton the device handles.

30 T1:6 minT2:1min

T1:1 timeT2:6 time

NM Gripstrength(acute)

Timed Upand Go TestBerg BalanceScaleSit and Reach(acute)

WBV whole-body vibration, LV local vibration, CSA cross-sectional area, SMI (kg/kg): muscle mass (kg)/weight(kg), DXA Dual energy X-ray absorptiometry, NMnot measured

Wu et al. European Review of Aging and Physical Activity (2020) 17:14 Page 7 of 12

heterogeneous in terms of vibration type, vibration fre-quency, and vibration duration. It is hard for us to draw aconclusion as to the optimal vibration protocol. In previ-ous studies, various vibration frequencies for whole-bodyVT have been used in frail populations [25, 61–63]. Theyused VT mainly between 12 and 30Hz. We found whole-body VT uses a different vibration frequency and dur-ation, which was mainly between 12 and 40Hz and 1–20min, respectively, than local VT, for which two studiesused the same vibration frequency and duration of 300Hzand 15min, respectively.Studies included in this systematic review reported

that muscle mass might not increase significantly afterVT, either whole-body VT or local VT. Only one in-cluded quasi-experimental study [56] found that theweight-adjusted muscle mass index (muscle mass/bodyweight) was improved after whole-body VT. However,this weight-adjusted muscle mass index ignored thechange in body weight after whole-body VT. Studieshave proved that whole-body VT could lead to weightloss [64, 65]. Therefore, the improvement in the weight-adjusted muscle mass index in this study may not becaused only by the change of muscle mass. Our findingssuggested that VT did not provide sufficient stimulus forskeletal muscle hypertrophy in older adults with sarco-penia. These findings were in accordance with the sys-tematic reviews performed by Chen et al. [66] andBeaudart et al. [43]. All of their results showed no im-pact of VT on muscle mass in regard to frail partici-pants, participants residing in a nursing home orparticipants with limited mobility. The above partici-pants may be too weak to tolerate a large dose of VT[9]. Furthermore, a small dose of VT would be difficult

for older adults with sarcopenia who are inclined to losemuscle mass and who have a limited number of musclespindles to excite to cause a significant increase inmuscle mass [55]. However, we observed studies report-ing that muscle mass increases ranged from 3.4 to 8.7%after whole-body VT [67, 68]. These studies requiredparticipants to exercise on the vibration platform, for in-stance, to perform a squat, deep squat, wide stancesquat, toes-stand, deep toes-stand and one-legged squat.Standing position during WBV may facilitate the humanresponse to a vibration stimulus [69, 70]. All the partici-pants in this systematic review stood [56], half-squatstood [51, 54, 55] or sat [57] on the machine during theVT, which might remove the influence of exercise andthus not be sufficient to stimulate muscle hypertrophyin the participants.A favourable impact of whole-body VT [69, 71, 72] and

local VT [38, 73] on muscle strength was proposed by pre-vious studies in healthy adults. This study found that itmay also work in older adults with sarcopenia. Accordingto the limited information we found, lower limb musclestrength increased from 38.4 to 41.7% [55, 57] during theintervention period with whole-body VT, but the increasecould not be maintained after cessation of training. How-ever, lower limb muscle strength increased by 43% afterlocal VT, and the increase in strength was consistentlymaintained after local VT was interrupted for 12 weeks[53]. The reason could be that, during whole-body VT,the vibration energy was reduced by the activity of mus-cles in the lower extremity and the positions of the kneeand ankle joints, which may influence the magnitude ofthe stimulus applied to proximal structures [74, 75]. Fur-thermore, the reduction of energy from VT could decrease

Fig. 4 The forest plot of effect sizes of whole-body vibration therapy compared to control on muscle mass. Values on x-axis denote standardizedmean differences. The diamond illustrates the 95% confidence interval of the pooled effects

Fig. 5 The forest plot of effect sizes of whole-body vibration therapy compared to control on muscle strength. Values on x-axis denotestandardized mean differences. The diamond illustrates the 95% confidence interval of the pooled effects

Wu et al. European Review of Aging and Physical Activity (2020) 17:14 Page 8 of 12

if it was applied directly at the location of the muscle [76].The reason could also be that whole-body VT was gener-ally conducted with a lower vibration frequency and lessduration time (vibration frequency varied from 12 to 60Hz, and duration time varied from 1 to 20min) than localvibration (vibration frequency was 300Hz, and durationtime was 15min) in the included studies. Some frail par-ticipants cannot tolerate a high dose of whole-body VT,because they have difficulty squatting or standing on thevibrating platform for a long time or with a high vibrationfrequency. This situation also limits the effectiveness ofwhole-body VT [75]. However, we did not find any inves-tigations that compared the effects of whole-body VT andlocal VT in older adults with sarcopenia. Further studiesare needed to reveal whether local VT could be a morebeneficial therapy for frail elderly individuals withsarcopenia.Different senior physical fitness tests were adopted to

assess physical performance in older adults with sarco-penia. This systematic review found that the timed up-and-go test and five repeated sit-to-stand tests werecommonly used as physical performance measurementsand were significantly improved after whole-body VT.These results were consistent with a series of systematicreviews aimed at the healthy elderly persons [34, 36, 42].These two tests were not measured in the studies con-ducted by Bellomo et al. [53] and Pietrangelo et al. [52],which used local VT. Thus, we could not discernwhether local VT had the same effect as the whole-bodyVT. However, for the balance test, which was measuredafter local VT and whole-body VT, both showed afavourable impact on the balance test. This might meanthat VT can benefit the elderly individuals with sarcope-nia with regard to balance function, just like for thehealthy and frail elderly populations [35, 36, 77–80].

Disordered balance is the most common cause of falls inolder adults and often leads to injury, disability, loss ofindependence, and limitations in quality of life [80, 81].Appropriate interventions, such as VT, might preventdysfunction or loss of independence.Above all, VT did not significantly improve muscle

mass. However, muscle strength and physical perform-ance promoted compared with no treatment. Our find-ings, which reported that the increase in muscle strengthwas not in line with the changes in muscle mass, weresimilar to other studies [31, 70, 73]. Considering thenon-parallel relationship between the training-inducedchanges in muscle mass and muscle strength, a possiblereason could be that the mechanism of VT, namely,neuromuscular adaptations, caused an increase in type IIfibres in the participants, and synchronization of motorunits improved, rather than increased, in lean musclemass [31, 73]. In addition, studies have suggested that theloss of muscle strength is more rapid than the loss ofmuscle mass in older adults and that the decline in theage-dependent strength cannot be explained by the loss ofmuscle mass alone [39, 82]. It has been shown that bettermuscle strength and physical performance are more vul-nerable to the ageing process than muscle mass [83].Therefore, VT that can improve muscle strength andphysical performance is critical for older adults with sar-copenia, which is associated with better ability to performdaily life activities and mobility, improvement in quality oflife and reduced healthcare costs [72, 84].Some strengths of this systematic review should also

be highlighted. We searched 5 electronic databases withno restriction on language or the year of publication. Inaddition to this, we also manually searched the refer-ences of the included studies for a broader research. Toour knowledge, this is the first systematic review that

Fig. 6 The forest plot of effect sizes of local vibration therapy compared to control on muscle strength. Values on x-axis denote mean differences.The diamond illustrates the 95% confidence interval of the pooled effects

Fig. 7 The forest plot of effect sizes of whole-body vibration therapy compared to control on five-repetition sit-to-stand test. Values on x-axisdenote standardized mean differences. The diamond illustrates the 95% confidence interval of the pooled effects

Wu et al. European Review of Aging and Physical Activity (2020) 17:14 Page 9 of 12

included all the studies available to describe the effectsof VT in older adults with sarcopenia according to thesuggestion of the guidelines. However, our findings needto be interpreted with caution due to the potential limi-tations. First, only six studies with three randomizedcontrolled trials were included. We could not draw morecertain conclusions based on the small number of ran-domized controlled trials. Apart from this, the overallmethodological quality of the included studies rangedfrom moderate to excellent; among these, two studieswere high quality, and the others were moderate. Third,the diagnostic criteria, vibration protocols and outcomemeasures that used in the included studies were distinct,making direct comparison difficult, and the high hetero-geneity in the meta-analysis results could have led to anoverestimation of the effects.

Implications for future researchAlthough this systematic review provided evidence thatVT had positive effects on older adults with sarcopenia,we should consider that there was great variety among thestudies concerning sample size, degree of sarcopenia, typesof interventions and types of assessments. In addition, theabsence of changes in some of the outcomes explored inthis analysis indicated that VT must be carefully adaptedto the sample of older adults with sarcopenia. Moreover,as the included studies only compared one type of VTwith no treatment, we do not know the effectiveness ofVT compared with conventional exercises or among thedifferent types of VT. These limitations suggest that fur-ther research is needed to unify diagnostic methods ac-cording to consensus and compare different vibrationtypes (local vibration and whole-body vibration), vibrationtimes, vibration frequencies, vibration amplitudes and vi-bration magnitudes in elderly individuals with sarcopenia.More in-depth research comparing VT with other exer-cises that have been proven effective is needed.

ConclusionsCompared with no treatment, VT showed the potential toprovide positive benefits in improving the muscle strengthand physical performance of older adults with sarcopenia.However, no significant improvement was found in termsof muscle mass. Due to inherent imprecision (limited

sample size of the participants) and publication bias (thenumber of studies included was less than 10 for each out-come), the level of evidence was downgraded. To apply VTin elderly individuals with sarcopenia, more well-designed,large sample size randomized controlled clinical trials areneeded to examine efficacy and different regimens.

Supplementary informationSupplementary information accompanies this paper at https://doi.org/10.1186/s11556-020-00247-5.

Additional file 1 Table S1. Search strategy. Table S2. MINORS scoresof quasi-experimental studies.

AbbreviationVT: Vibration therapy

AcknowledgementsNot applicable.

Authors’ contributionsSW was a major contributor in writing the manuscript. H-TN analysis thedata. S-MX and M-YH search the electronic databases. X-YW and H-WDassessed the methodological quality of the selected studies. HF analysis thedata and writing the manuscript. All authors read and approved the finalmanuscript.

Authors’ informationNot applicable.

FundingThis work was supported by the Special Funding for the Construction ofInnovative Provinces in Hunan (Grant No. 2019SK2141).

Availability of data and materialsAll data generated or analysed during this study are included in thispublished article [and its supplementary information files].

Ethics approval and consent to participateNot applicable.

Consent for publicationNot applicable.

Competing interestsThe authors declare that there is no conflict of interest.

Author details1Xiangya school of nursing, Central South University, Changsha, Hunanprovince, China. 2Department of Public health, Sun Yat-Sen University,Guangzhou, Guangdong province, China. 3Department of Epidemiology andBiostatistics, Xiangya school of Public health, Central South University,Changsha, Hunan province, China. 4School of basic medical science, CentralSouth University, Changsha, Hunan province, China. 5Xiangya-Oceanwide

Fig. 8 The forest plot of effect sizes of whole-body vibration therapy compared to control on timed-up-and-go test. Values on x-axis denotestandardized mean differences. The diamond illustrates the 95% confidence interval of the pooled effects

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Health Management Research Institute, Central South University, Changsha,China.

Received: 6 April 2020 Accepted: 9 September 2020

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