Efteling Scavenger Hunt · Halfway down Pardoes Promenade you will see a large gateway to your...


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Efteling Scavenger Hunt

Discover even more of Efteling with this scavenger hunt.

Be surprised by the many amazing and exciting attractions!


You begin this scavenger hunt at the House of the Five Senses, Efteling’s main entrance building. After walking through the entrance gate, to your right you will see the impressive Efteling Theatre, which stages Dutch-language musical performances for young and old. The theatre is one of the five largest in the Netherlands and is situated on the Dwarrel Plein.

1) How many towers does the Efteling Theatre have?

_______ tower(s)

If you cross the Dwarrel Plein in the direction of the railway track, to your right you will see the Vonderplas lake, which is where the sensational Aquanura water show is performed in the evenings. Aquanura opened in 2012 to celebrate Efteling’s 60th anniversary.

2) Aquanura is a tribute to one of Efteling’s original ten fairytale depictions. Which fairytale does it represent?

The Gnome Village

The Frog Prince

The Naughty Princess

As you pass Aquanura and cross the railway track you will find yourself on Pardoes Promenade. Halfway down Pardoes Promenade you will see a large gateway to your right. If you walk through the gateway and between the rocks to your right you will find the entrance to PandaDroom. This adventurous, 3-D voyage of discovery transports you through the breathtaking world of nature.

3) This attraction was developed and built in partnership with which organisation?


After visiting PandaDroom, turn right at the Octopus restaurant and walk outside. Follow the path to the right until you reach the Spookslot haunted house with its ghouls and apparitions. If you continue to the end of the path you will arrive at the Piraña Plein. Turn right so that the Piraña is on your left and the Bob bobsleigh run is to your right. Continue walking straight ahead and you will catch a glimpse of Fata Morgana’s towers through the trees. Fata Morgana takes you on a boat trip through various scenes in the Forbidden City.

4) On what story are the scenes in Fata Morgana based?




Upon entering the palace, pay close attention as you enjoy your trip so you can answer the following questions:

5) How many belly dancers can you see around the sultan?

_______ belly dancer(s)

6) What is being guarded by the giant underneath which you sail?


As you leave Fata Morgana, walk through the Bazaar souvenir shop and outside onto the Fata Morgana Plein. Cross the square and walk past the Bob bobsleigh run back to the Piraña.

7) To what does this attraction’s name refer?

Piraña is a dangerous, flesh-eating fish

Piraña is delicious type of hamburger

Piraña is a carousel on the playground carousel

8) How many large waterfalls do you encounter during a wild and exciting trip on the Piraña river rapids ride (you don’t necessarily need to count them; there is another way to arrive at the figure)?

_______ waterfall(s)

As you leave the Piraña (dripping wet), turn to your right. This path leads you to the exciting Ruigrijk realm.


As you enter the Ruigrijk realm you will see Baron 1898 looming directly in front of you. This dive coaster opened on 1 July 2015 and features a 37.5-metre freefall. Help the mining baron and embark on this wild ride!

9) What is the top speed of Baron 1898?


10) For what is mining baron Gustave Hooghmoed searching?


If you turn to the right at Baron 1898 you will find a sand path that leads to De Vliegende Hollander. This water coaster ride, which lasts almost four minutes, will test your mettle. Step aboard and try to escape the curse of the ghost ship!

11) In 1678 Captain Willem van der Decken set sail on a holiday, even though this was not permitted. On which holiday did he set sail?


12) What ‘animals’ guard the house?


On the other side of the water you will see the wooden, racer rollercoaster Joris en de Draak (George and the Dragon). This double-track rollercoaster splits visitors between two competing trains, which race against each other on separate tracks while trying to defeat the swamp dragon.

13) What names are given to Joris en de Draak’s two competing trains?


One you have defeated the dragon, follow the path to the Ruigrijk Plein, which leads you around the Python rollercoaster.

14) You must be a certain height to ride the Python. What is the minimum height requirement?

_______ metres



The large Ruigrijk Plein contains the Polka Marina pirates’ carousel and Station de Oost train station. Step on board Polka Marina and sail the sea or catch the steam train at Station de Oost and make a roundtrip around Efteling. You can ride waves up to 25 metres in height on the Halve Maen swinging ship or take a leisurely drive in one of D’Oude Tuffer’s vintage cars.

15) What make/brand are the cars on the D’Oude Tuffer course?


You exit the Ruigrijk realm between the Halve Maen and the Game Gallery. Walk straight ahead at the junction and cross the small bridge. You are now on Hartenhof. Straight ahead you will see Polles Keuken restaurant.

16) For what dish is Polles Keuken known?


If you stand with your back to Polles Keuken, leave Hartenhof in the direction of the Pagode, where you can also see the Gondoletta. You have now entered the adventurous Reizenrijk realm.


If you take a trip in one of the Gondoletta’s boats, think about the following question:

17) Name two other Efteling attractions which also have a revolving boarding platform.

1. _______________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________

When you step out of the boat, with any luck the Pagode will be ready to lift you into the air.

18) If you look down at the ground from the Pagode what can you see in the flowerbed below, which is not visible at ground level?


After you’ve had a good bird’s eye view of the park, follow the path to the left until you reach Carnaval Festival Plein. The attractions Vogel Rok, Carnaval Festival and Monsieur Cannibale surround this square.

In Carnaval Festival you travel to many different places together with Jokie and Jet.

19) In how many different places does Jokie celebrate carnival?

_______ places

When you leave Carnaval Festival you might like to simmer and spin for a while in one of Monsieur Cannibale’s cauldrons.

20) Name at least three types of fruit hanging around Monsieur Cannibale.

1. _______________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________

If you make it out of the cauldrons in one piece, follow the path to the left and you will enter the fantastical Marerijk realm.

21) What is the baby Laaf called Lijt doing in Lot’s Nursery?


22) What kinds of fruit can you see in the Laaf Brewery?




After waving goodbye to the extended Laaf family, turn right and you will arrive at Villa Volta; a house full of riddles. This stately villa, surrounded by a classic English garden, is peacefully situated on the north side of the park. But appearances can be deceptive! A statue of a woman is anxiously using her arms to balance on the roof. Something is not quite right, but what is it? Read the story of Hugo van den Loonsche Duynen while you are waiting to enter.

23) What was the name of the gang of robbers led by Hugo?


If you walk a little further, to your right you will find the crumbling gate to the magical city of Raveleijn. Take a seat for this spectacular park show, in which five children are transformed into fully grown riders on horseback and head into battle against the city’s wicked ruler and even more terrifying adversaries. Don’t miss out on the experience!

24) How many heads does the terrifying Draconicon have?

_______ heads

Continue in the direction of Droomvlucht. Step inside and dream with your eyes open!

25) What is special about the horse in the first scene?


26) How many trolls are playing in the water in the final scene?

_______ trolls

After your dream, walk through the gateway, keep to the right and cross the railway track. After passing the Marskramer souvenir shop, turn to the right and enter the Fairytale Forest via the Witches’ Gate. The first thing you will see is Sleeping Beauty’s castle. Follow the path, which will lead you around all of the fairytales, including the Gnome Village, The Six Servants, Little Red Riding Hood, The Wolf and the Seven Kids, and Hansel and Gretel. Pay close attention and read the stories in the large books of fairytales, then answer the following questions.

The Gnome Village:

27) Music can be heard coming from the musical toadstools. Where does the gnome live as he writes the music?




The Six Servants:

28) What are the names of the six servants?

1. _______________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________

4. _______________________________________________________________

5. _______________________________________________________________

6. _______________________________________________________________

At the halfway point of your stroll through the Fairytale Forest you will come to the Herauten Plein, which contains the fairytale of Cinderella. At midnight, Cinderella lost her glass slipper on the steps to a young prince’s castle. You can see where she lived with her mean stepmother and stepsisters. Will the prince eventually find his bride? And will the slipper fit?

Now that you’ve arrived on the Herauten Plein, take a seat and relax as you answer the following questions.

The Wolf and the Seven Kids:

29) Where does the smallest kid goat hide when the wolf is at the door?


When you leave the Herauten Plein you will walk past The Indian Water Lilies, Tom Thumb, Rumpelstiltskin, The Little Match Girl, The Emperor’s New Clothes, Fairytale Tree, The Gardener and the Fakir, and The Chinese Nightingale.

Tom Thumb:

30) What other name is given to the giant’s boots?



The Little Match Girl:

31) What appears in the flames and smoke when the girl lights her four matches?

1. _______________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________

4. _______________________________________________________________

The Fairytale Tree knows all of the Fairytale Forest’s stories and tells them beautifully. The Fairytale Tree is no less than 13 metres tall and various forest creatures live with him.

32) Which creatures can you see? Name three of them.

1. _______________________________________________________________

2. _______________________________________________________________

3. _______________________________________________________________

The Gardener and the Fakir:

33) What happens when the Fakir plays his flute?


The Chinese Nightingale is the final fairytale you will see before leaving the Fairytale Forest. Turn to the right and you will see the Diorama to your left. This is a 60-metre-long miniature world. Take a look and enjoy the tiny villages and their inhabitants.

If you continue along the path you will return to the square that leads to all realms.

34) What is the name of this square?


You have reached the end of your Efteling Scavenger Hunt. If you wish, you may now return to all of the realms and revisit your favourite fairytales and attractions.

We wish you further enjoyment in the World of Wonders!


Answers1) Three towers 2) The Frog Prince 3) WWF (Worldwide Fund for Nature)4) The Tales of 1,001 Nights5) Five belly dancers 6) The giant is guarding the treasure chamber7) Piraña is a dangerous, flesh-eating fish 8) Four waterfalls9) 90 kilometres per hour10) Gold11) Easter Sunday 12) Lions13) Water and Fire 14) 1.20 metres15) Ford16) Pancakes17) Piraña, Fata Morgana, Carnaval Festival, Monsieur Cannibale18) The flowers form the letter E for Efteling19) 15 places (Netherlands, Belgium, Monaco, France, England, Scotland, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Japan, China, Alaska, Africa, Mexico, Hawaii)20) Banana, apple, melon, lemon, pineapple21) Lijt is teasing Luim by not giving him anything to drink 22) Grapes, strawberries, pears, lemons23) De Bokkenrijders (The Buck Riders)24) Five heads25) It is a unicorn (a horse with a horn on its head)26) Five trolls27) In a hollow tree trunk in the Gnome Village 28) Long Neck, Bullet Eye, Goose Bumps, Jumping Legs, Big Ears and Hill Belly 29) In the grandfather clock in the left corner of the room 30) Seven League Boots31) 1. A warm fire 2. A festive dinner table with roast goose 3. A Christmas tree with a thousand candles 4. Her dear grandma 32) Squirrel, woodpecker and rabbit 33) The colourful tulips start to grow 34) Hartenhof

