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EgyptBluff Review Game

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The Nile River flows through two important regions in Egypt called….

Who drove the Hyksos out of Egypt to start the new Kingdom?

Who would the people of Egypt blame if their crops did not grow or if disease struck?

Who is Egypt’s first pharaoh?

This was the title used by the rulers of Egypt.

These are steep rapids along a river.

Is the Nile the second largest river in the world?

Explain what caused the end of the Old Kingdom

What does the double crown symbolize?

The southern part of ancient Egypt was called__________.

_________ wrote and copied religious and literary texts.

What job employed the most people in Egypt?

Ramses the Great is best remembered for what?

List the 3 types of pyramids we discussed in class

Whose tomb, discovered in 1922, has taught us much about Ancient Egypt?

The Egyptians called the kingdom to the south of Egypt________.

Egyptians believed this left the body and became a spirit after death.

What was good about the flooding of the Nile?

True or False – Egyptians believed that pharaohs were also gods.

Who were pyramids built for?

True or False – Egypt’s geography kept it isolated from other cultures.

Why were tombs filled with art, jewelry, and other treasures?

This helped historians understand hieroglyphics.

What is a dynasty?

How was Egypt able to build pyramids and temples?

Explain the burial practices of the Ancient Egyptians.

Give 2 similarities and 1 difference between Mesopotamia and Egypt

What are the five elements that make up a civilization?

During the New Kingdom, where were pharaohs buried?

Define delta.
