EIBTM Social Media & MICE



Social Media and MICE from the EIBTM event in Barcelona

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  • 1. 27th 29th November 2012

2. By Rana Walker Principal Consultant, GR&ATACTE Special Projects Consultant 3. SociallyBe Smart. Be Hip. Be Seen. 4. Seperation of Private &Professional Formalities in language Privacy & Security Time zones & culturaldifferences Like a brand vs. Service issue 5. Sources: www.Go-Gulf.com 1 Billion users www.facebook.com175 M users 2 43 6. Source: www.Go-Gulf.com 7. Source: www.Go- Gulf.comFastest Growing 8. NO PUSH of content (this is web 1.0 vs. web 2.0)Allow users to also generate the: News Feedback Ideas Photos Videos and more 9. Share your personality, NOT yourpersonal information!Share your companys philosophy, NOTproprietary information!Viral social media provokes an emotion! 10. Trust is the #1 influencer of buyingdecisions in the future!Build your online network and youronline Sphere of Influence 11. PRE:Introduce speakers & topics, blogabout expectations at eventDURING: Blog, share news, launches &ideas in one voiceBlog recap & highlights, usePOST:attendee quotes post-event 12. PRE:Create event page /event tab oncompany page with teasers,pictures, agenda, speaker bios.Create custom check in locationsDURING: Update page with agenda, actionpictures, speaker quotes and solicituser-generated contentPOST:Repurpose content using questionsto validate theyve been heard,build loyalty, post new photos andvideos 13. PRE:Publish a # (hashtag) in advance,engage with agenda reminders,ask & answer questions, contestsDURING:Engage via agenda reminders,ask & answer questions, contests,use a twitter wall, changes andcrisis commsPOST:Thank attendees, solicit overallevent feedback, share contestwinners, solicit local for next year 14. PRE: Prepare a welcome video, use past event footage, teaser of venue & interviews with meeting leadersDURING: Take video of speakers, venue with participants, meetings, parties & testimonial interviews of attendeesPOST: Share the highlights in one summary video, post interviews from staff, utilize for next years event promotion as well 15. PRE:Update status, create event,promote in user groups and oncompany pageDURING: Update status and promote ingroups and provide dailysummary on company pageUpdate status & company pagePOST:with links to news articles on theevent, or with a successful recap 16. PRE: Share links to event agenda and pre-event news articles and press releasesDURING: Share links to event news, update with quotes from speakers, start a video chat for those not at eventPOST:Share links to articles from event, host a post event video chat to summarize conference 17. PRE:Create a photo group andencourage attendees use, beginwith event prep photosDURING:Take photos to connect with theother social networks & peakinterest, encourage others alsoPublish closing event pics andPOST:ask attendees to share pics withtheir promo items 18. PRE:Create check-in locations &badges, scavenger huntsDURING: Encourage check in at event, atbooths, at venues throughouttripPOST: Continue engagement wherepossible, create anticipation forfollowing years event 19. QR Codes RFID (click image to hyperlink) 20. SUCCESS! Not built on a House of Cards Thrives via internal Social Media champions Multiple Departments play an integral role Requires Upper Management support 21. SOCIAL@SAPIENTBy Michelle DeCostaGlobal Travel Manager35 22. Sapient & YammerMichelle De CostaGlobal Travel Manager | SapientEmployees: Learn more aboutTravel at SapientWant to find out whats new withTravel? Follow me onyammer.com 23. Puzzled? Supplement your Face-to-Face networking via LinkedIn online! 24. Listen to what the little birdie tells you 175 Million TWEETS per day and a lot of them discuss Travel! 25. If Facebookwere a country,it would be the3rd mostpopulatedin theworld!Source: Facebook 26. 72HOURS.The amount of video uploaded toYouTube every minute! 27. Travel Buyer Opportunity:Research, Source & Share = Empowerment! 28. Kansas City BTA / November2011 P. 49 29. Rana WalkerSocial Media Evangelist andPrincipal Consultant at GR&AThttp://be.linkedin.com/in/ranawalker