EITC Outreach Strategies for your Community



EITC Outreach Strategies for your Community. Brought to you by the Native Financial Education Coalition’s Native Earned Income Tax Credit Network. Presentation Overview. Identify your Team Identify your Objective Identify your Resources Identify your Market Outreach activities. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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EITC Outreach Strategies for your Community

Brought to you by the Native Financial Education Coalition’s

Native Earned Income Tax Credit Network

Presentation Overview

Identify your Team Identify your Objective Identify your Resources Identify your Market Outreach activities

Developing your Outreach Campaign

Start with your action planTeam ObjectivesMarketMessageActivities

Your team

“It only takes one person to make difference – but, the work is much easier if you have a team”

Who is on your team? What strengths do they bring to the

table? How will they help you get information

out to your target audience?

Identify your objective

“If you have a clearly defined objective you’re more likely to succeed.”

Bring more dollars into the community Help families save $ on tax

preparation fees by promoting free sites

Reduce the number of Refund Anticipation Loan’s (RAL’s)

Your Target Market

New filers New parents New workers Those using paid tax preparers Those getting RAL’s

Your Message

What is the message that we have to share?1. Untapped $$ 2. Free Tax Preparation – save dollars – get it done for

free3. Refund Anticipation Loans – why pay to borrow your

own money? (Tribal communities were above the 50% range in RAL uptake)

4. Others?1. Liz- article in Iowa Farmer Today said RALs can be as

much as 459% interest2. Some states have statutes that forbid high interest

rates- but fee structure is deceiving3. Can make good estimates on how much being left on

the table- (Nadia will send link)

Outreach Methods

Passive - No direct communication Posters Flyers Brochures

Active – Direct communication – Buder report found that 40% of folks accessed a free tax site thru word of mouth Parenting classes Gatherings Meetings


Leadership Elders Staff Community Advocates

Utilizing Materials

Remember: Your target market probably has limited time & resources to go to and from your site-Provide clear, detailed information.

If advertising a tax site include: Address with the room information, Staff

contact with phone number & email Hours of Operation What materials they need to bring with them

Accessing Outreach Materials

Oweesta materials include: Paycheck stuffers, poster, flyer.

Center for Budget & Policy Priorities:Roxy Caines: caines@cbpp.org

Find out where the free tax sites areIs there a state EITC outreach

campaign Others?

Fun Stuff

Postcards – Get your taxes done for free – a $100 value!

Workshops/Fairs Articles Testimonials Super Saturday National EITC Day!!!!

Distributing info

Community gatherings Headstart classrooms Resource programs Schools Health Clinics Employee orientation packets Employee paychecks

Distributing info

Financial Education classes TANF WorkForce Investment – Dept. of



Headstart Parents – What would you do with $1,718?

Cost of RAL’s – Did you know you are paying to borrow your own money?

Tax preparation fees = 3 full tanks of gas, 2 paid light bills, groceries for 2 weeks

Outreach Examples

Presented by: Sarah Ruppel, Asset Development Coordinator

White Earth Investment Initiative

Midwest Minnesota Community Development Corporation

Contact Info:Email: sruppel@mmcdc.com


White Earth Outreach InitiativeStarted 4 years ago with outreach, then expanded VITA to serve

White Earth, last year-first independent White Earth sitePartnered with Shooting Star Casino-they provided space next to

pick up for W-2s- can talk to them while waiting to pick up W-21000 paycheck stuffers, advertised in tribal & local newspapers,

radio ads, TV ad- biggest marketer was word of mouth by volunteers

New loan product –zero interest, zero loan fee- in partnership with bank; added marketing strategy to include refunds in 1-2 business days

Promoting Savings: Onsite link to type in amount of money to save per month by interest rate to see savings potential http://www.planningtips.com/cgi-bin/savings.pl ($10/mo x 12 mo x interest rate = savings)

At capacity this year, so trying to grow assets of existing customers; hoping to expand volunteers to serve more

Low-Income Taxpayer Clinics

Presented by:Liz Diers Assistant Professor at Black Hills

State University in Spearfish, South Dakota; CPA with Masters of Business Taxation and Program Director of South Dakota LITC Program; Also, VITA site coordinator.

 Contact info:


Low Income Tax Clinics

An LITC is a Non profit organization that provides free services to low income and English as second language taxpayers

2 components: 1)representation & controversy with IRS (represent in court,

respond to notices, file delinquent returns, file amended returns

2) ESL- outreach & education on rights and responsibilities, including EITC- go into Native communities to provide

Goal- have at least one clinic providing both services (may be one or both)

Great partnering opportunity- speakers & materials Matching can be in kind Grants are calendar year- deadline 7/31

Low Income Tax Clinics

List of 2007 Clinics is at http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-utl/pub_4134_02_2007.pdf

Application process in IRS Publication 3319 at http://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/p3319.pdf

EITC Outreach Materials & Resources Oweesta: www.oweesta.org/eitc Center on Budget & Policy Priorities:http://www.cbpp.org/pubs/eitc.htmRoxy Caines: caines@cbpp.org National EITC Day: www.irs-eitc.info/spec EITC State Links:


National Community Tax Coalition: http://www.tax-coalition.org/

Thank you

For more information, please contact:

Patsy Schramm, NFEC EITC Committee Facilitator at: edgpj@aol.com or

Iris Friday, Chair at iris.Friday@hud.gov
