Election Manifesto Booklet



Executive Election Manifesto Booklet 2011

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Welcome to the Executive Election Manifesto Booklet.

This booklet gives information about all the candidates, where the election debates are and where

you can vote to choose your Sabbaticals.

The successful candidates will represent 19,500 students at the University and also run the Students’ Union. They will decide how much time, effort and

money is spent on the wide range of activities provided by the Union

Read this booklet to find out what the candidates are promising to do and come and quiz them at the

Election Debates.

Use your vote to choose your Sabbs.








Online at :-www.leicesterunion.com/vote 08:00 Monday 28 February till 20:00 on Friday 4 March

Monday 28 February:- 08:00 – 23:00 Queens Hall/Foyer10:00 – 22:30 Library10:30 – 15:30 Bennett11:30 – 14:30 Engineering11:00 – 13:00 MSB Computer Room17:15 – 19:15 Beaumont Hall, Foyer outside Dining Room

Tuesday 1 March:-08:00 – 23:00 Queens Hall/Foyer10:00 – 22:30 Library10:30 – 15:30 Bennett11:00 – 13:00 MSB Computer Room11:30 – 14:30 Law17:15 – 19:15 John Foster Hall

Wed, 2nd March 08:00 – 23:00 Queens Hall/Foyer10:00 – 22:30 Library10:30 – 15:30 Bennett11:00 – 13:00 MSB Computer Room17:30 – 19:00 Vaughan College

Thu, 3rd March 08:00 – 23:00 Queens Hall/Foyer10:00 – 22:30 Library10:30 – 15:30 Bennett11:00 – 13:00 MSB Computer Room11:30 – 14:30 Chemistry

Fri, 4th March 08:00 – 20:00 Queens Hall/Foyer10:00 – 19:00 Library10:30 – 15:30 Bennett11:00 – 13:00 MSB Computer Room

This person shall be the principal representative of the Students’ Union to the University, sitting on a number of Senior University


Another responsibility of this person will be to oversee and develop academic representation through

Education Representatives and Course Representatives.

This person will also oversee the work of the Students’ Union Education Unit, as well as ensuring that

information about academic University support services is readily available to students.







Alex Nutt



Tuition Fees I will lobby the University to ensure that it does not charge £9000 for an Undergraduate degree. I will also encourage the University to address the Postgraduate and International fees debate and pressure them to not increase fees to an unfair level. In the current climate and the increase in tuition fees I will fight for an increase in bursaries and grants.

Contact Hours You are paying an extremely high amount for your tuition and in many cases the amount of contact time you receive just isn't sufficient. Next year I am committed to ensuring the University increases the contact hours that students receive.

Postgraduates I will ensure that postgraduates receive an increase in the support infrastructure here and that are a greater range of activities to appeal to the postgraduate students. I will also pressure the University to provide Personal Tutors to postgraduates.

Distance Learners If you’re a Distance Learner I know you have been overlooked but I am determined to engage in greater dialogue with you and provide you with greater opportunities to get involved. I am committed to ensuring that distance learners aware that the Education Unit is available to support them with any problems or issues they may have. There are often some ‘hidden’ costs with a DL course and I will pressure the University to make these costs more available to prospective students.

Some of my Achievements so far: -­‐ Secured the move of the Graduate Fair to the Percy Gee. -­‐ Chaired the review of SSDS, ensuring that the changes are student focused. -­‐ Lead a successful Feedback and Assessment campaign receiving 600 responses. -­‐ Oversaw the election of over 380 Course-­‐Reps.

International Students Many International students find it extremely difficult coming to study at an overseas institution. Some University regulations regarding academic practice such as plagiarism are often difficult to understand. I will produce a guide on these specific regulations aimed directly at International students.

Proposed by: Tom ‘Jay’ Grundy Seconded by: Tom O’Gorman LUSUMA President Ski and Snowboard Club Treasurer

Supported by Academic Affairs Officer 2009-­‐2010: Alex Smith

‘I am confident that Alex Nutt is the best candidate to lead the Students’ Union in these difficult times. He has my full support and is the best candidate for the position’.

If you have any questions drop me an e-­‐mail at


Or phone me on 07906 819027

Find me and read my extended manifesto on Facebook at

www.facebook.com/alexnutt Or on Twitter www.twitter.com/AlexNutt

Placement and Research Opportunities Employability is a key issue. Students need to be best prepared for entering employment during their time at University. I am committed to increasing the opportunities for students to develop transferable skills by extending the Leicester Award by introducing placements and research opportunities within the Students’ Union.

Alumni Mentoring Scheme Graduates from the University can provide great advice and support to current students. I pledge to improve the links students have with companies and employers by encouraging notable and successful graduates to engage with the University and act as mentors to you.

Careers Fair I have managed to secure the autumn careers fair in the Students’ Union building next year and it is imperative that it is successful. It is imperative you have access to the best employers so you have the best career opportunities available and I am committed to working closely with SSDS to ensure that the best companies and employers attend our careers fair.

National Student Survey (NSS) The University generally does extremely well in the NSS with an 89% overall satisfaction rate last year. However, there are subjects which have fundamental problems and issues and these need to be addressed. I am committed to making this one of my top priorities to ensure that you receive the highest quality of teaching and academic support.


It’s true, nobody cares.

I know it.

You know it.


NOBODY CARES who is elected at the end of the day except the people who are running.

It’s that time of year again! Where they promise us the world, but deliver F**k all.

All we do is pay more money, and get less. But hey,

NOBODY CARES!Fees are going up, and our so called ‘representatives’ feel opening an

expensive restaurant is the way forward.

So long as our ‘student representatives’ get free drinks, free entry, and VIP, what the f**k do they care?

The system is flawed, and the candidates more so. When did the Students’ Union last do something that ACTUALLY provided you

with the ‘best student experience’?

Do you really pay £5 on a Friday Night just to see Sabbatical Officers and their friends dance on stage? Do you even know what Sabbatical Officers are? Do

you even care?

Yet every year they promise the world. Nothing Changes. We forget their promises, and then they run for election again saying how great they have



Jennifer Clark

ACADEMIC AFFAIRS OFFICER I pledge to: 1. Conduct a REVIEW INTO COURSE DELIVERY AND CONTACT HOURS Assess the benefits of increasing numbers of seminars and intensifying the merit of seminar work to increase attendance and rebalance the coursework-­‐exam ratio, and recording lectures to aid Distance Learners and exam revision. 2. Build on the current COURSE REP SYSTEM As the only Course Rep trainer last year I found sharing experiences beneficial to all course reps so I want to create a Course Rep Alumni group for previous course reps still at University to help run training sessions, share experiences, and provide a support network. 3. Review the need for COLLEGE STUDENTS in our STUDENTS’ UNION The £15m Students’ Union should be a place for our students to meet and study, we should not be sitting on the floors of our own building! Methods of intervention need to be reviewed including a swipe card purchasing system or consumer checks when purchasing goods are approaches I want to evaluate. I do not want to just ban their revenue. 4. Support development of the Higher Education Achievement Report (HEAR) The current classification system is in need of modernisation; both students and employers deserve a more detailed record of achievements. The development of the HEAR is chaired by our Vice Chancellor Sir Bob Burgess and I will support his plans to include extra curricula activities and fully support the recently passed proposal “Electives for all Colleges”.


AWARD Leicester Award participation dramatically increased with the reform of the Course Rep system and award introduction for Union Parliament and Societies. I will ensure to promote greater involvement next year. The introduction of an accredited grading system will reward outstanding candidates further.

6. Implement SABB ON THE SOFA Ensure that every executive spends time each day in the Square consulting students. “Topic of the Week” will be introduced encompassing all executive responsibilities, allowing students to share their opinions. Each topic will have thorough feedback. Having work laptops will make the team more mobile and visible around the Union.

7. Review the need for OPEN ACCESS AREAS in EVERY DEPARTMENT Few departments have their own space to consult course peers and ask lecturers questions. I will review the need for every department to have the opportunity of an Open Access Area; developing all areas to supply core text books and computer access. 8. Press for MORE CORE TEXT BOOKS Increase the number of core text books relative students studying the module. With increasing fees, we need to make sure that core resources are more widely available in all University libraries and bookshops. 9. Work with the University to promote AWARENESS OF SUPPORT AND BURSARIES

10. To EXTEND THE GOOD RELATIONSHIP with the University As the Student Representative on many reviews, I understand the academic development plans and will work to ensure students receive support, representation, and exceptional services achieving the best student experience from an open and accountable Academic Affairs Officer.

Final Year student studying Economics 2008-­‐2011 Economics Society member 2008-­‐2011 Modern Dance Society member 2009-­‐2010 BA Economics Course Representative 2009-­‐2010 Economics Society Treasurer 2009-­‐2010 SIFE Leicester Media and Marketing Triple Award Winner at the SIFE National Competition 2010 Course Representative of the Year 2010 Top 10 Undergraduate in the UK at the Graduate 100 Awards Nov 2010 Attended the National Demo in London Appeared on ITV Central opposing the Raise in Tuition Fees 2010-­‐2011 SIFE Leicester President 2010-­‐2011 Market Manager of the on campus Farmers’ Market 2010-­‐2011 Economics Society Secretary 2010-­‐2011 Union Parliament Social Science Open Seat 2010-­‐2011 Student Activities Trainer 2010-­‐2011 Course Representative Trainer Student Representative on the Student Development Zone and Careers Services Review Panel Student Representative on the Personal Tutor Review Panel Represented Leicester SU in the final 15 at the NUS Innovation and Social Enterprise Competition Proposed: Gareth Welsh – Sports President Seconded: Sultan Alfadl – ISA Treasurer

Facebook: Vote JEN for Academic Affairs

Do you think none of the candidates are good enough for the post?

Do you think you can do a better job?

Then vote for Re-Open Nominations (R.O.N.)

If R.O.N. gets more votes than anyof the candidates the election for that position will have to be re-run

allowing other candidatesto come forward.





This person shall be responsible for overseeing and co-ordinating the campaigning work of the Students’ Union, especially the

priority campaigns.

Another responsibility of this person will be to promote opportunities for students to get involved in the Students’ Union,

and organise campaigns to encourage involvement.

This person will also co-ordinate the work of the Students’ Union Executive Committee, will be the key point of contact with NUS, and will be responsible for ensuring that the Students’ Union is

liaising with Halls of Residence.









CAMPAIGNS & INVOLVEMENT My Involvement so far: • University of Leicester Lacrosse Club President


• University of Leicester Lacrosse Club Mixed Team

Captain '09/'10;

• Union Parliament Officer '09/'10; • Exec election campaigner ‘08/’09/’10;

• Member of RAG '09/'10/'11;

• Rag "Uncovered" Calendar Model;

• Rag Skydiver '10;

• Sports Exec Committee '10/'11;

• Member of LUSSC '09/'10/'11;

• Member of English Society '08/'09/'10;

• English Department PAL '10/'11;

• Ripple Contributor '10/'11;

• Debt Sentence Pallbearer '10;

• National Student Survey Flash Mob Participant '10; • Leicester Award Participant '10/'11;

Proposed by: Jen Clark

(SIFE President) Seconded by:

Clara Probert (Newton House

President, Maths)

IF ELECTED, I PLEDGE TO YOU: Increase Fresher Involvement: When I was a fresher, I didn’t know what the S.U did or what I could do and I

want to change this. I want to increase fresher involvement within the

Students’ Union by going to the freshers personally: go to halls and show them

what the S.U does and what they can do to change it. Furthermore, before they

arrive I want to let them know of future campaigns and how to get involved by

including more information in their fresher welcome packs.

A Greener University: I’m a keen recycler - just ask my housemates! On average 55% of waste

produced is recycled and I want to increase this by reviewing the current waste

disposal scheme and launching a new environment campaign, working with the

environment team, in order to show students what they can do to help such as

students in private accommodation to simply get a green box. I intend to lobby

halls of residence to ensure they are maintaining our environment policy and

doing everything possible to reduce the University’s carbon footprint further!

Increase Postgrad and Distant Learner Involvement: Last year 17% of Postgrad students voted, 25% of international students voted

and overall 0% of distant learners voted. Considering that combined they make

up more than half the student population this needs to be addressed to get

them all involved too and improve our student democracy. By increasing and

improving communication with postgrads and distant learners via e-mail, the

website and on online forums, I aim to get them involved in Union business as

it’s their Union too.

Healthy Living: Mental, physical and sexual health is something I think is important to students

and should not be neglected. The University has much to offer students to

benefit all aspects of a person’s health but many are not aware of what is

provided. Therefore, I’d like to launch a new and bigger healthy living campaign

to stress the importance of student health.

Anti Fascism!: With the uproar caused by the recent EDL march and BNP local election

candidates, I feel anti fascism should be made a priority, especially in Leicester

– such a multicultural city. Following the success of previous campaigns such

as Love Music Hate Racism, I intend to protest against anti-fascist groups and

launch active campaigns to support the Union’s policies in civil rights,

democracy and free speech etc.

BACK THE CAP: Unfortunately, tuition fees are set to rise, meaning students will leave

University with a huge amount of debt. The rise in tuition fees will also put

people off higher education and stop many coming to University. Although the

rise is inevitable, I will make it a priority to prevent any future rises in fees.

Representation of Students: In order to provide the best student experience, I will be sure to place you, the

students first and will aim to give you what you want as it is your Students’

Union. More recently, the S.U hasn’t been providing the students with what they

want and due to the severe spending cuts the S.U isn’t delivering to the

students. So, I want to campaign to promote the S.U and its facilities bringing students back, serving their needs and placing them in the heart of it all.



Alex Moore – Manifesto ----------CAMPAIGNS---------

Students, on our campus and all around the country, are facing unprecedented attacks from the Con-Dem government. These are attacks on our right to a decent education and to a decent future. That’s why I believe that our Students’ Union should be doing everything in its power to organise the fight back against education cuts and tuition fee rises. If we allow them to happen, job losses and service closures have the potential to devastate our campus. So the Students’ Union should be building for rallies, demos, strikes and occupations on the campus and elsewhere, leading a campaign against cuts at Leicester.

On a national scale, the union should be working to escalate the student struggle against cuts, helping build a movement capable of winning victories. A campaign strong enough could stop the fees increase, save EMA and end the Higher and Further Education funding cuts. Leicester Students’ Union should campaign for a fighting NUS. For an NUS which, rather than engaging in back room talks with ministers on which student grants the government can get away with scrapping, will take a fighting stance, and demand that they fund our future. Education is a right not a privilege!

If elected I will fight for: - NO SKY HIGH FEES- FOR FREE EDUCATION: Scrap Tuition Fees and Loans, implement living grants! It would cost the government £3.5billion a year to make education free. The government says they cannot afford this yet there is £130 billion a year lost in tax avoidance and evasion from big business and Non-Doms. The government should collect this money instead of making cuts. The banks were bailed out to the tune of £1trillion and are still receiving massive bonuses. Students shouldn’t be forced to pay for the bankers’ crisis! - NO EDUCATION CUTS: The government should invest heavily in education. It provides a future for so many people and in turn a future for the country. The cuts in funding will mean departments, courses and jobs will be lost. The university management should not pass these cuts on to the students and staff. It should refuse to increase fees or make job and service cuts. Instead they, with the help of the Students’ Union, should build a massive campaign to demand the money that the government has taken from the university budget! - SAVE EMA: EMA is a vital method of aiding students through college and into university. There are countless students who depend on the money to pay for bus fair, books and meals. I believe it should be available to all, and be increased to £60 a week, to take financial pressure off parents and help young people through education. The Students’ Union should support college students in campaigning to save EMA. -FIGHT ALL CUTS AND LINK WITH TRADE UNIONS: It is ridiculous to ignore cuts in wider society, as they will also have a huge effect on students. Half a million jobs will go from the public sector which will have a huge knock on effect on the private sector job market! Where are we going to find work after we graduate? The Students’ Union should support any action taken by lecturers and support staff, including strike action. When our teachers go on strike, as it’s likely they will on March 23rd, we must take strike action in solidarity with them and in defence of our education - a national education shutdown. - MORE POLITICAL INVOLVEMENT: We need to democratise the students union, with regular general meetings that all students entitled to attend. These meetings would be used to decide on union policies democratically and could determine the next course of action for the campaigning work of the union. - EQUAL RIGHTS: The cuts will have a disproportionate effect on some sections of society, such as women, Black and Asian people, LGBT people and those with disabilities. We should work to ensure all sections of the campus community are fully represented in our union and in our campaign work. The Students’ Union must be absolutely categorical in its opposition to all forms discrimination including racism, sexism and homophobia. We should support and

organise campaigns against racist organisations such as the EDL, against sexism on our campus and in our community and against homophobia in all its forms. ----------INVOLVEMENT---------- In a University that is so diverse in culture and people, it is important that the union continues its attempts to include as many different students as possible. There are many things that the union can do to bring in students who feel alienated or isolated by certain policies or habits of the union. -FOOD ON CAMPUS: I believe that there should be a wider and more affordable range of food on campus. Many people are vegetarian for religious, ethical, political or dietary reasons. The Vegetarian options available in the University and Union premises are pretty poor and unimaginative, mostly excluding vegans (who make up a large proportion of vegetarians). I think we should lobby food providers on our campus to increase their vegetarian and vegan range and lower prices. -ALCOHOL FREE ZONES AND EVENTS: Many people don't drink alcohol for religious or personal reasons and they are often excluded from social events/nights due to high amounts of alcohol consumption that make them feel intimidated. I believe that the Student’s Union should host more events that are not based on drinking to include more people. For example, there could be regular ‘food of the world’ events. On big events such as Summer Balls there should be alcohol free zones. -MATES RATES: The university has many students including undergraduate, postgraduate and overseas. I believe that there should be more involvement with each other. I would launch a scheme to bring together students called ‘mates rates’. Based on events during Fresher’s Fortnight where all students could meet and form groups. They would then be able to receive discount at union events and restaurants when going out together. -WIDER RANGE OF GIGS/MUSIC: The new venue at the union has increased the number of bands and acts that come to Leicester. However I still feel more can be done to increase the range of acts. The Union should work with the O2 Academy to encourage local or underground bands to aid the music scene in Leicester to flourish. Unions like The University of Leeds' Student Union benefit greatly from events like Slam Dunk. ---------MY RECORD---------

I have a strong record of campaigning against cuts and for better rights and conditions for students. I am currently a member of the Union Parliament where I have put forward a number of motions to include the university in defending education. I pushed for the university to become affiliated to Leicestershire Against the Cuts, a broad campaign which is actively opposing all cuts.

I am the treasurer of the society Socialist Students here at Leicester. As a socialist, I

understand the need fight against all attacks on ordinary people, which are made by a government whose main interest is in protecting the profits of big business, bankers and the super rich. Socialist Students is a national organisation and plays a leading role in the student movement across the country.

I was the Sociology Society Secretary (09/10) and am currently Sociology Society Vice president. I am a LUSH DJ with a show I co-run called ‘Only the Sickest’. Outside of university I am a leading member campaigns such as Youth Fight for Jobs and have played a key role in organising protests against fees and cuts in Leicester.

ANDRE LOPES Campaigns & Involvement

Student Democracy Complete review of Union Parliament, from seats to elections to location. Reintroduction of officers with portfolios, examples include environmental,

women’s and equality officers. Streamline meetings to become more debate centred. New marketing strategy to ensure a larger amount of nominations first time

round. Fairer system for candidates running against re-­‐running candidates in sabbatical

elections. Minimum of one non-­‐sabbatical student to be sent to NUS conferences.

Leicesterunion.com Thorough reorganisation and condensation of student democracy and

campaigns based information as much is currently in a confusing format. Greater information on where to go and who to talk to in different situations. Research other Union websites to see what information students elsewhere

demand from their websites. Provide unique content which is not available on the Facebook page.

Tuition Fees Work with the university to ensure fees are kept away from the £9,000 limit. Campaign and raise awareness against politicians who have broken promises on

tuition fees, in local, national and European elections.


My Involvement: -­‐ Economics Society Vice-­‐President and Employer Liaison Officer

10-­‐11 -­‐ Member of Union Parliament, Open Seat for Social Sciences

10-­‐11 -­‐ Course Representative

10-­‐11 -­‐ Creative Spark Society Treasurer

10-­‐11 -­‐ Governance Forum (Student Parliament Creation) Key Contributor

09-­‐10 -­‐ Boat Club Senior Coxswain

09-­‐11 -­‐ LUSH Radio Presenter

09-­‐11 -­‐ Oadby & Leicester Fees Protests Attendee 10-­‐11 -­‐ Ripple Contributor

10-­‐11 -­‐ 3rd Year Economics & Law Student 08-­‐11

“ANDRE LOPES, putting the YOU in campaigns, because involvement is my #1

campaign” Campaigns More student led campaign ideas, less sabbatical led. Campaigns should be about

issues facing students and a sabbatical officer’s role should be to develop and act on these.

Greater partnership with De Montfort University on campaigns which affect wider issues.

Introduce a permanent campaigns committee formed from Union Parliament officers with campaigns societies invited to attend.

Polls on the Facebook fanpage to find out what students are really thinking. Ensure valued external media contacts maintain strong relationships with the SU. Greater use of student media groups to advertise campaigns. Campaign flyers and student democracy information in freshers packs.

Part Time, Distance Learners and Study Abroad Students Email part time & distance learner students separately at the beginning of term

providing them with links and explanations on student democracy and current campaigns.

Allocate time during Union Parliament specifically for issues and questions emailed in by distance learners and year abroad students.

Provide marketing material at Vaughan College during student elections, encouraging them to nominate themselves and the benefits of doing so, and also to vote.

Ethics & Equality Ongoing passive campaigns about lesser known issues such as casual racism and


Environment Work with the university to ensure updates on environmental policies are passed

onto students. Increase student awareness of the low environmental impact of the Percy Gee

building. Rubbish is often left around in the square so the number of bins and their

location needs to be reviewed to ensure people can easily recycle their rubbish. Provide information to students entering 2nd/3rd year in returners packs on how

and what to recycle in their private accommodation. Contact: al212@le.ac.uk for any question.

Jack Hill For Campaigns and Involvement Officer For an exciting, effective and rewarding campaigning experience

Proposed by: Stephanie Lavington Officer without Portfolio, Union Parliament

Seconded by: Harriet Smith Academic Officer, Union Parliament

Manifesto: I believe: in the benefits of promoting a sense of community and acceptance within the

Students’ Union.

I aim: to provide an exciting, effective and rewarding campaigning experience for all University of Leicester students

I promise: to follow the below points of my manifesto so that the Students’ Union community will together become fairer, greener and more active in campaigns; politically, charitably and socially

• Community: o I pledge to work with the other Union Executives to create a larger sense of

community and belonging in the University of Leicester Students’ Union. • Equality:

o I believe in promoting equality, acceptance and fairness amongst all University of Leicester students. The idea of ‘community’ relies on these three principles, so I will commit myself to this belief. In working closely with the Welfare and International Officer and societies that represent minority groups, I will raise awareness and recognition for every part of the Students’ Union to reflect how strong a community we are.

• Fees: o As a first year, I am the only candidate for this role that will still be on an

undergraduate course at university when the new fees structure is in place. I know the 2011/2012 academic year is crucial for us to win the fight against education cuts, as they will affect us as an entire student body long before the fees increase in 2012.

o After attending the 2010 National Demonstration in London and Local Demonstration in Oadby, I plan to continue this fight against the rise in

tuition fees and cuts in education funding which are to begin effect in the 2012/13 academic year.

o Diversity in the student population creates community and a sense of acceptance. The new fees structure will have a detrimental effect upon this diversity. Thus, I pledge to pressure the University to ensure that their fees review has minimal effect on prospective students from various backgrounds.

• Environment: o I trust that small steps in ‘going green’ are giant leaps for the planet when

taken by a large number of individuals. I promise to raise environmental awareness amongst the Students’ Union so that the community can begin to take these steps. I believe ‘going green’ is a marathon and not a sprint.

• Health: o We all know that students’ can have problems with living a healthy lifestyle

whilst at university, so to attempt to combat this there are two main points I wish to address:

Healthy Eating: I will begin a campaign to highlight ‘healthy eating on a student budget’

Sexual Health: I pledge myself to raise awareness of and promote sexual health. I believe that the Students’ Union should have a supply of free condoms on all student nights and large scale campaigns to eradicate the social stigma of talking about sexual health.

Affiliations and Involvement: • Course Representative, Ancient History and History First Year. • Academic Officer in Union Parliament. • Currently part of the Leicester Award scheme. • Attended the 2010 National Demonstration in London against education cuts and

the local demonstration in Oadby. • Successfully campaigned for the election of Stephanie Lavington to Union

Parliament. • Successfully campaigned for the election of Philippa Tilley to Union Parliament. • Member of the LGBTQ society. • Member of the History society.


• Email: JH412@le.ac.uk • Facebook event: ‘VOTE JACK HILL FOR CAMPAIGNS AND INVOLVEMENT’ • Twitter hash tag: #hill4campaigns

Thomas French

Activism not Apathy

Campaigns & Involvement Officer We as students can achieve more together than we can if we work alone. Apathy lets important issues go unchallenged. I think it is time we as students did more to make a real difference. This is a time for Activism not Apathy! Fees: v With the Fees now raised, I will work to make the University not go to the full £9,000 while working to keep the University of Leicester as diverse as it was before the cuts. v Work for greater grants for more students, who really need them. v Fight to keep all departments safe, every subject at university is important! A greener Union: v Recycle 70% of all union waste. v Provide more Vegetarian and Vegan options within the Union, both healthier and friendlier to the environment. v Promote ways in which students can be both green and cost effective in their budgets. Ethical Responsibility: v We shouldn’t reward unethical companies with contracts in the student union! We should be working with forward thinking companies who have a sense of Corporate, Social Responsibility and not large corporations who only make token environmental efforts. This is more than just not selling kik-kaks, but opening up our union to fair trade, green and responsible companies who care. A Safer Union: v Strive to make our university have ‘Zero Tolerance’ for any form of student sexual harassment. It is time to tackle this problem seriously and I want our union to get a’ Zero Tolerance’ accreditation from the NUS as a sign that we take student safety and happiness seriously. v Look for safer alternatives for students returning home from Union nights. Discrimination: v Bring back key officer positions within the council to create a more effective connection for fighting discrimination including Womens’, Black and other such Equality Officers.

v Many universities have LGBTQ common rooms enshrined into their constitutions, and I think we would benefit from doing the same. v Part-time and International Students do not get the same student experience; all students should feel like an equal part of our University. Student Parliament v Our Parliament also has an unfair divide between undergraduates and postgraduates; I will seek to address this balance. v Our University is bigger than just the University Road Campus; the questions of our International Peers are important and via email should be included within the Parliament process. v Advertisement should be more than just student union facebook updates, all students within the process must help bring up attendance. Charity of the Month: v In order to highlight the amazing work that many aid groups do I will work with RAG in order to have every month dedicated to a different charity. Not only will this help many offensively underfunded groups for good but also encourage the student body to become more socially active. These foundations will range from international bodies to volunteering groups and even charities local to the people of Leicester.

Council Member 2010/11 Amnesty International Committee 2008/11 Amnesty International President 2009/10

Hope Not Hate Committee 2010/11 Vegetarian Society Founder

Lush Radio DJ Member of the Politics Society

Member of University of Leicester Feminists Member of University of Leicester Palestine Solidarity

Member of University of Leicester Oxfam Member of University of Leicester LGBTQ

Member of University of Leicester Contact Volunteering Tuition Fee demonstrations since 2009

Helped organise the counter EDL Demonstration and One Leicester Celebration. Facebook Search: “Vote Thomas French for Campaigns &

Involvement Officer” twitter.com/Vote_TomFrench

Do you think none of the candidates are good enough for the post?

Do you think you can do a better job?

Then vote for Re-Open Nominations (R.O.N.)

If R.O.N. gets more votes than anyof the candidates the election for that position will have to be re-run

allowing other candidatesto come forward.





This person shall be responsible for the day to day running of the Students’ Union, looking after areas

such as staffing and finance.

Another responsibility of this person will be to oversee the Bars and Entertainments within the

Students’ Union.

This person will also be responsible for student discipline, as well as being responsible for the

presentation of the Students’ Union annual accounts, budgets and associated reports.






For Better Student Representation, Vote OUMI for Strategy and Communications

Strategy and Communications

O2 Discounts for Students

An early bird scheme to make sure that University of Leicester students are offered some sort of discount for gig tickets, and given first priority.

A Collective ‘hall’ for Those Living Away From Oadby

I want to create more of a community with the non-Oadby halls, including a catered accommodation option. Cards may be provided for those who want it and

two meals a day can be claimed on the union campus. This ‘new hall’ will leave less people feeling left out from the activity in Oadby. I

will provide events throughout the year for both halls and work hard to keep students living closer to uni more involved with the social side of university.

A Safe Way Home

I want to work towards a FREE Safety Bus service. It is a valuable service that keeps students safe. Whether they’ve been at the union or in the library, every student should be able to get home safely late at


Student Twitter and/or Facebook Forum The truth is most students, don’t know what goes on behind the scenes but every

student is entitled to have their voice heard. I want to set up an easily accessible online forum that is maintained daily. A Twitter or Facbook page is all we need to have an open and approachable relationship between the Union, the

Executives and the Students.

More Varied Nights Out Red Leicester, Retro, Shampoo and Madfer-it were some of the nights offered in my first year. They may not have been everyone’s cup of tea, all of the time, but students had more options. The nights out this year have not given us the same

range of choice as we had a few years ago. The introduction of another ‘in-house’ SU night is what I hope to put in place for next year. I’ll put forward a

questionnaire asking the students what they want, and put it all together for another great SU night.

Living after halls

I aim to provide returning students with more information and guidance on what living alone is actually like with Past students providing their good and bad

experiences to help first year students with their decisions. I also want to introduce a place where students unhappy with their living

situation can go and negotiate a swap. For example, a fall out with a housemate may mean you no longer want to live

with them and there may be another person with the same problem, on the next street.

My Involvement So Far

Leicester Panthers Cheerleading Society President 10/11, Events Manager 09/10, Member 08/09/10/11 Leicester University Afro-Caribbean Society - 08/09/10/11

UoL English Society - 08/09/10/11 ACS Netball Team - 09/10

LUTheatre - 09/10 Management Society - 09/10/11

LGBTQ - 10/11 RAG Naked Calendar Model - 08/09, Member 08/09/10

‘I Love Mondays’ Freshers Bar Crawl Rep - 10/11 ‘Hubba Bubba Mondays’ Promoter - 09/10

Any questions find me on Facebook as Oumi Karenga or email me on ok24@le.ac.uk

Do you think none of the candidates are good enough for the post?

Do you think you can do a better job?

Then vote for Re-Open Nominations (R.O.N.)

If R.O.N. gets more votes than anyof the candidates the election for that position will have to be re-run

allowing other candidatesto come forward.





This person shall be responsible for overseeing, through the relevant committees, the grant

allocations for student groups, as well as overseeing the development and being the primary point of

contact for student groups.

Another responsibility of this person will be to act as the principal point of contact with the Sports


This person will also oversee the work of the Students’ Union media groups as chair of the Media and Communications Team, and will also act as the

principal point of contact for local and national media.







Where there’s a Wilmot there’s a way!

Student Activities Officer

Societies: • I would like to tweak the STARS system so that the

societies that deserve the extra support will receive it.

• I would like to integrate societies into the promotional material for the Come and Try (CAT) trips. In this way societies will have an easy way in which to facilitate a tour for their members.

• I will continue with my policy of not turning down any new societies and would aim to finish my term in office with 150 active societies.

• I will also look to bringing back the society sub-committees. In this way society Presidents will be able to flag up any issues they are having which can then be addressed.


• The associations all offer very differing services to our students so I believe that individual bi-monthly meetings would be more beneficial than a regular general association meeting.

• I will continue my hard work to find the Music Association a sustainable system of funding since the University cut their support. I will do this by working with the music group leaders to find either external sponsorship opportunities or approach the alumni department. I will also continue to lobby the University for the funding to be returned.

• I want to work with the ISA to make more of their trips CAT trips, ensuring the maximum turnout for both events.

• Medic sport has been a huge issue this year and is an area that I want to work closely with LUSUMA to solve within the next academic year. It is important that we find a way to ensure that medical students are able to play sport despite their academic commitments.

Media: • Once built the media suite will be a fantastic resource. I am encouraged

by the amount that the Ripple and LUST communicate and am confident that once LUSH move in there all three will benefit from the move.

• If elected I will continue to give the media groups the support and provisions that they need in order to develop.

Sport: • The development of the

Team Leicester brand means that it will be much easier to find a general sponsor for our sports kits.

• Next year I would like to expand on my development of a series of events based around varsity week in March. This year will see at least the ECB cricket factory and British Cycling coming on campus to promote local volunteering opportunities to our students. Next year I hope to expand this further with the ultimate dream being that every one of our teams can work with their local governing body to set up a varsity week event.

• I am currently looking into the possibility of organising for qualified UoL students to go to American Summer camps through the students union. The reason for this is that BUNAC and Camp America are far too expensive for 1st time coaches. Many students could earn much more money staying in England so miss out on this fantastic life-changing opportunity. These companies mark ups are huge and I believe we could run this with our students receiving all profits.

SUPPORTED BY: Proposed by: Tom “Jay” Grundy (LUSUMA)

Seconded by: Sultan Alfadl (ISA)

Twitter: UoL_activities Facebook: Re-Elect Tom Wilmot



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Do you think none of the candidates are good enough for the post?

Do you think you can do a better job?

Then vote for Re-Open Nominations (R.O.N.)

If R.O.N. gets more votes than anyof the candidates the election for that position will have to be re-run

allowing other candidatesto come forward.





This person shall act as the principal point of contact between the Students’ Union and University Welfare and International Offices, as well as being responsible for the implementation of

the Students’ Union’s Equal Opportu- nities policy.

Another responsibility of this person will be to ensure that welfare infor- mation is distributed to all new stu- dents, as well as being responsible for ensuring adequate arrangements for the

arrival, integration and represen- tation of international students from when they arrive in England.

This person will also be responsible for ensuring that relevant information about University and Students’ Union support services is readily available to students, as well as being an

advisor to the International Students’ Association and chair of the International Students Committee.



No Problem is too Big or Small WELFARE AND INTERNATIONAL


I am a first year Historian who believes that University should be the most enjoyable time of your life. I want every single one of you to be happy. I will have an open door policy; offering you the best chance to see me. I want to hear from you, this is your union; I need your views and votes to make the changes you want to see. I have become involved in the University and have experience from my time in Sixth Form.

Past Experience and Involvement: • Leicester Ambassador (10-­‐11) • History Society (10-­‐11) • Hiking Club (10-­‐11) • Part of CultuRise Olympic Legacy challenging racism

through education, Newcastle. (09-­‐10) • Sixth Form Course Rep (08-­‐10) • Voluntary Teaching Assistant (08-­‐10)

Welfare Office The welfare office’s waiting times are too long .I would work to reduce those hours by the hiring of a second accommodation officer and working with emergency meetings for those who are desperate.

Accommodation Landlords should be pressured to sign up for the Abode List to ensure your home meets the required living standards. Student letting signs to be removed and creation a neighbourhood watch programme aiming to reduce the number of burglaries. Halls will be pressured into installing security lights and CCTV in a bid to keep you safe.

Health Your health is one of the most important things. If I am elected the Union would forge stronger links with the Freemans Common Health Centre and offer more drop in anonymous sexual health clinics.

Job Shop I would create an online job shop only available to Leicester students where you can find work in any field, all this with minimal hassle. The jobs offered will be graduate, temporary and part time. Jobs won’t be limited to local areas.


Contact Details

Email: dpt8@le.ac.uk Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/home.php?sk=group_146046945454676&ap=1 or search

Daniel Tinkler Welfare and International Follow me on Twitter: www.twitter.com/danieltinkler

Proposed by:

Ashley Davies

Seconded by:

Lorenzo Masini

Childcare I would make it a top priority for the University or even the Union to provide affordable childcare on campus. Your children will be close by and in the care of qualified professionals.

Community Liaison Popular events such as Clarendon Park Christmas Fayre will become termly (and free). This is will be a real opportunity to have fun.

Visa Changes The main priority is to work with campaigns in order to ensure that international students are given equal rights. The Union would also offer support regarding your “rights”.

English Language Classes Do you sometimes feel as if your English isn’t good enough? I propose teaching English as a second language the same way Languages at Leicester works.

Vacation Programme Stuck in Leicester over the vacation? The Union would provide a fun filled activity programme with campus socials and the opportunity to partake in fieldtrips. VACATIONS SHOULD BE FUN!

International Events Similar to welcome week, offering varied events to suit international student’s preferences (home students as well). Different themed events will take place where you can meet other internationals and home students. You can show people your culture while also experiencing the British way of life. You can create a true multi-­‐cultural accepting campus.

Additional Support: Ashley Back (Hiking Club Captain) Richard Salisbury (History Society Sports Secretary)


WELFARE & INTERNATIONAL OFFICER My name is Michelle Balonwu. I have assisted various departments at the university over the past 2 years (including the ED unit, welfare office, ELTU, international office and the ISC) with matters concerning student welfare and international students, such as the effectiveness of the university’s personal tutor system and the International Students Welcome Programme (ISWP). I believe the union has the capacity to do so much more in terms of student development and I aim to promote student welfare alongside student involvement -because more actively involved students are often happier students. If elected, I pledge to ensure that student welfare remains at the forefront of student union activities and that the welfare needs of all student demographics are further looked into and catered to by the Students’ Union. What do I hope to achieve if elected to be your Welfare and International Officer? WELFARE OBJECTIVES

1. Increase publicity and functionality of university welfare services • The “Survive and Thrive! Guide: The union has a duty to provide well publicized, easily accessible

information, on student welfare services. I intend to introduce a free, fun and easy-to-read student survival guide written by students containing an exhaustive list of all the support services available. All students should know where to go if they encounter problems.

• Improve functionality of Abode (more high quality, budget-friendly properties; more student-friendly landlords)

2. Increase campus job opportunities and funding for students • Lobby the university and liaise with the strategy and communications officer to ensure that as many campus jobs

as possible are filled by students. • Start more projects such as the ED unit’s Personal Tutor Research Project to employ students (e.g. have paid

student contributors to the aforementioned survival guide) • Publicize the student union’s hardship fund and petition the university to provide similar funding.

3. Provide CV building opportunities for students:

• The ‘English café’: Liaise with the English Language Teaching Unit to provide training for students on English degrees to host informal sessions for students hoping to improve their English language skills –an easily implementable project which could provide invaluable CV building skills for student volunteers as well as an immense potential for learners involved to benefit from a peer-to-peer learning environment.

• Ensure adequate training is given to volunteers and publicize such groups as the Student Run Health Group for eating disorders and the probono clinic and seek accreditation and for student volunteers

4. Ensure the union supports the welfare of all student demographics:

• Utilize the potential of societies to tap into the needs of students: Work alongside the student activities and campaigns & involvement officer to introduce Society Reps to parliament to empower more students to have their say on union activities and make student parliament a reflection of the diversity that our university embodies.

• Hold focus groups and introduce committees to ensure the union caters to the welfare needs of under-represented demographics such as part-time, medical and PG students and distance learners.

• Work with faith groups and the chaplaincy to ensure the university is respectful of religious and cultural differences and physically accommodates the various faith communities represented on campus.

5. Promote student welfare through activity

• Liaise with student activities officer and media groups to better promote societies. • Work with media groups and societies to create a ‘Societies’ Welcome Magazine’ to go in the welcome packs for


1. Work with the welfare and admissions office to improve international orientation programmes • Lobby the university for better accommodation arrangements during orientation week. Ensure no student is forced

to live alone in a block during ISWP. • Spring semester orientation: Ensure students joining the university in the January semester also have a fun, well-

organized orientation week • Work with the ISA, ERASMUS and study abroad society to develop ideas for orientation events and feed this to

the welfare office.

2. Improve awareness on international student issues • Bring both international and home students together to join forces with the NUS to voice our opposition to

recently proposed immigration reforms. These reforms have the potential to severely adversely affect both international and home students and result in the removal of the post-study work visas system, severe unemployment of UK citizens working in institutions offering access to higher education courses and increased competition or even monopoly of on-campus jobs.

• Work with the welfare office to ensure there are well-advertised guidelines for university visa renewal procedures so all students can benefit from the professional advice offered and also to help students avoid the more expensive personal application route.

3. Provide representation for students with dependants: • Increase representation at society level and parliament level. • Dependants Evening: Work with the chaplaincy and the welfare office to organize social evenings for students

with dependants (spouse/child). Provide a meeting place for international students with dependents to meet other students and their dependents, particularly to provide a networking opportunity for spouses of students.

4. Encourage international student integration • Liaise with CIO to encourage greater international student involvement at society, department and parliament

levels What will you get if you elect me? -­‐A welfare officer cares about your university experience and ensures the union provides the kind of support during your degree that you will benefit from even after graduation. Proposed by: Rosa Liu- LUST DG, Union Parliament Officer Supported by: Nickita Chauhan- CONTACT President James Loveluck- LGBTQA Welfare Officer, Parliament Officer Bruce Swan- Public Speaking Society VP, Law Society Sec. Zoe ‘Woo’ George- ChemSoc. Secretary

For more information… www.facebook.com/michellebalonwu

www.twitter.com/michellebalonwu www.fancysomechange.tumblr.com

Suzi Burtenshaw

You deserve MORE-­ Vote BURTENSHAW!


WELFARE QUESTIONNAIRE: If elected, I will create a questionnaire for all students in order to target the leading issues in the welfare of students, and consequently run off what students want. By doing this, I can fulfill my role to its fullest potential by responding to student ACCOMODATION:

houses listed earlier. I intend to create an accreditation scheme in order to force landlords to increase the standards of their properties by setting minimum standards. By monopolizing the private accommodation sector we can eliminate sub-­standard private accommodation.

INTEGRATION: I will support and work with the ISA by promoting their services and organizing different events for both home and international students to improve integration, including providing non drinking events and opportunities to embrace the British culture. TUITION FEES: I will make it a key priority to put pressure on the University to not raise international fees. I will also work with Welfare, UKBA, NUS and UKCISA to lobby the home office to not put the proposed immigration changes into practice.

BUDDYING SCHEME: I aim to improve integration with home and international students by creating a buddying scheme in order to expand upon ISWP week by combining a social events programme in order to create enhanced social integration between foreign and home students by paving the way for mutual positive experiences. If successful, I would also like to create positions in National societies for Buddying Representatives for international students with concerns or troubles.

SAFETY: More assistance is required for students living in the community as well as halls;; I will work ensure that security is elevated both on and off campus. I will create a D-­Lock campaign in order to reduce cycle theft, and formulate a Police Surgery once a week where students can speak to our Campus Cops. FINANCE:

awareness campaign to let students know of the help available including University short term loans. I also endeavor to raise the awareness of bursaries and hardship funds and provide literature on finance advice and guidance for students. GENERAL HEALTH: I aim to create weekly welfare sessions in the Square to tackle key welfare issues, including a particular focus on these aspects:


I wish to improve availability and diversity of food on campus, in particular improving the provision of vegetarian, vegan, halal and kosher options. I will provide water fountains and increase the number of healthy snacks in vending machines.

o ALCOHOL: I aim to raise drinking awareness by providing free Spikeys and also hold a binge drinking campaign in order to see the dangers. I also seek to provide water stands on nights out and promote the Alcohol and Drug clinic.

o SEXUAL HEALTH: I seek to promote and re-­brand the Choices clinic and make sure that every student is aware of its services, as well as looking into the provision of an on-­campus alternative for over 25s.

o MENTAL HEALTH: I wish to alleviate the stigma of mental health through the promotion of both the Counselling service and Nightline, whilst also increasing the Student Run Self Help Group to develop student peer work and tackle eating disorders.

Proposed by: JASON PILLAY (Head of Creative Productions, LUST)

Seconded by: SULTAN ALFADL (Vice President of the International Students Association)

If you have any questions e-­mail me at:


Find my extended manifesto on Facebook: www.facebook.com/suzi4welfare

Do you think none of the candidates are good enough for the post?

Do you think you can do a better job?

Then vote for Re-Open Nominations (R.O.N.)

If R.O.N. gets more votes than anyof the candidates the election for that position will have to be re-run

allowing other candidatesto come forward.








Online at :-www.leicesterunion.com/vote 08:00 Monday 28 February till 20:00 on Friday 4 March

Monday 28 February:- 08:00 – 23:00 Queens Hall/Foyer10:00 – 22:30 Library10:30 – 15:30 Bennett11:30 – 14:30 Engineering11:00 – 13:00 MSB Computer Room17:15 – 19:15 Beaumont Hall, Foyer outside Dining Room

Tuesday 1 March:-08:00 – 23:00 Queens Hall/Foyer10:00 – 22:30 Library10:30 – 15:30 Bennett11:00 – 13:00 MSB Computer Room11:30 – 14:30 Law17:15 – 19:15 John Foster Hall

Wed, 2nd March 08:00 – 23:00 Queens Hall/Foyer10:00 – 22:30 Library10:30 – 15:30 Bennett11:00 – 13:00 MSB Computer Room17:30 – 19:00 Vaughan College

Thu, 3rd March 08:00 – 23:00 Queens Hall/Foyer10:00 – 22:30 Library10:30 – 15:30 Bennett11:00 – 13:00 MSB Computer Room11:30 – 14:30 Chemistry

Fri, 4th March 08:00 – 20:00 Queens Hall/Foyer10:00 – 19:00 Library10:30 – 15:30 Bennett11:00 – 13:00 MSB Computer Room