Elements of Design



8 Principles and elements of design.

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• Whatistheproductorservicebeingadvertised?

Odyssey Putters


X Create a mood

X Organize other elements on the page

•Analysis Thedesignerusedlineinthisadbycreatingagridthatresemblesascoreboardatagolfing

event that creates an idea or mood of this putter will put you on the leaderboard. It also makes the viewer realize that the putter is very popular on the PGA tour, which means that many professional golfers are using this company’s putter. Also the lines guide the viewers eye to the picture of the actual product, so now when they see this style of putter they will know that it an Odyssey. The intent was certainly to give off the idea that this putter will improve your game and will get you on the leader board. The impact on the viewer is that their game will greatly improve with use of this product and makes them feel like they are using something that pros do so it must be a good putter. These styles of lines work the best because it makes it look exactly like a golf scoreboard, which is what the designer was going for, and it works wonderfully. These lines not only make the scoreboard but they do a good job of organizing the lettering and also guides the viewer to the product. These lines create a grid that gives the design unity and a nice structure to it. Lines are used very wisely in this design because they establish the grid and do not go beyond to have lines that just clutter and make the design messy.


I believe line is used very effectively in this ad because it not only organizes and guides the viewer, but it also creates a strong idea that this product will improve your golf game. Golf is a huge market and people are always trying to improve and have the best products so by saying that this is used by professionals it makes people think that it must be a top putter and will make their score even better.

• Whoistheprimaryaudienceoftheadvertisementorwebsite?

Men or women golfers ages 20-60




Nautica cologne

• SHAPEisbeingusedinthedesigninthefollowingway(s):

X Line or a line illustration is creating the predominant shape

X Shaded or colored areas are creating the predominant shape

X Shape is sustaining the viewer’s interest.

X Shape is helping the viewer understand the concept

X Shape is leading the viewer’s eye through the design

•Analysis The designer used shape in order to capture the viewers interest and also using the actual product to shape the ad. The scent is an aqua rush so they wanted to use some sort of water action photo and this bottle is shaped perfectly to portray a wavy or water like shape. Shape was utilized to capture the action of the photo and put it directly in the product. The intend was to make this product relate to its actual scent and by dramatizing the cool things this product will bring. By looking into the bottle which is the shape in the add you can see this aquatic scene that will bring viewers eyes to the bottle and then will need to know more about this shaped bottle and then can see the name right below it. Shape completes the concept of this add so and also leads the eye. The shape in this ad impacted the audience by creating this dreamy scene inside of the shape which draws the audiences eyes to this and the shape also pulls this add all together so that the audience can too understand what ad is trying to do which and create that perfect aquatic scene and putting it inside this bottle. In the case the most appropriate shape was the product itself and it helped create this cool blue aquatic scene. The shape sustains the viewer’s eyes and brings the viewers eyes right to the action on the page. This shape captures all the action in so it is very easy to bring the viewers eyes to the focal point of the ad, which is the shape. This brings the only main shape in this ad helps so that the ad is not cluttered with other things. Also this ad does a great job with brand rec-ognition by using the actual bottle and it looks like the Nautica logo of the sails so now after this ad when people see the bottle they will know exactly what it is.

• PleasedescribetheeffectivenessoftheuseofSHAPEinthisdesign.

Shape is used great in this ad and it happens to be the actual product which adds even more to the ad than any other shape would in this specific ad. It brings the ad together and makes it all make sense and captures the viewers eyes.


Men in their 30s-50s.



• Whatistheproductorservicebeingadvertised?



X Create a particular mood or feeling

X Reinforce or support the concept of the design

•Analysis Texture was used in this ad to create a mood or feeling of natural and healthy, that if you eat

this product you will be making a healthy choice instead of other chips. The designer was trying to convey natural in every way in this ad, from the earth tones, the brush strokes, a picture of a sun, and a vine of tomatoes. All of those compile into an ad that gives the view-er a nice warm good feeling that draws them into looking further into the ad. The use of the actual chips is another good choice to ad texture to the ad to show off the grainy choice of these “natural” chips to convey the message even more than this is a healthier choice than other chips, then with the bag right in the middle of the sun provides product recognition so that the viewer will then be able to pick the product out easily the next time they see it. Texture adds to the concept of the natural design because without it the message really would not get across as well. With regular text instead of the brush strokes not as much of the natural feel would be conveyed and would just seem plain, while the brush strokes make the viewer feel the ad was created on that piece of paper and makes the viewer at ease at the sight of nice gentle earth tone brush strokes. These textures are not overwhelming but more subtle and this also ads a nice warm feeling to the ad because there is a lot of white space and it not just one big cluttered ad but just some simple parts that ad texture and get the natu-ral feel across to the viewer.


The texture in this ad is very effective because if does create a mood and it also helps sup-port the concept the designer was going for and that is a natural feel, and that is exactly what this ad portrays.


Men in their 30’s or 40’s that like sports and would frequently be watching games and eating snacks like these.






X To create a mood. X Symmetrical balance is reinforcing the message—such as; serious,

conservative, sophisticated, stable, elegant, etc.•Analysis The designer used balance in the website in order to create a mood of laid back, fun, or cre-

ative. While also using the symmetry in the website to reinforce a message of professional-ismandwhilestillbeingabletohavefunwiththecreativeprocess.Theintentwasdefinite-ly to create that fun mood that shows off their creativity but also the symmetry of the website still shows that they are professional and get the job done while still being very creative. This website impacts the audience by letting them enjoy looking at this site and being able to bring some fun and enjoyment to their day. While still being very easy on the eyes with the nice symmetry and color scheme on the website really draws the viewer in. The symmetry of this website works best because at the top it creates a feeling of fun creativity and the rest is balanced to give that professional feel. Overall the balance of this page really captures the viewer and makes them want to give this website a chance to design something for them because they have done such a great job of conveying the fun mood through balance but still making it seem professional and serious at the same time that really helps this website draw in viewers.


Balance is effective in this website because they are able to convey this fun and creative mood that draws people in. While the symmetry provides the professional feel that will bring in many viewers and potential clients to this design site because they have shown so well their creativity.


Anyone looking for web design, so small businesses or other professionals looking for cre-ative web design.






X Strengthen an idea; support the message. X Contrasting colors X Contrasting shapes X Contrasting texture•Analysis Contrast was used in this ad in order to create a feeling of elegance that goes with their beer

and also the contrast creates isolation that brings a dramatic feel to the ad that will get the viewers attention every time. The designer uses contrast to strengthen the idea that this beer is elegant and brings high quality by isolating it and contrasting the size by blowing up the cap to a way bigger size than it actually is. Also the colors contrast in the ad with the green on the black back round. It was a very good choice to use a black back round because there is a lot of white space in the ad the black makes the contrast with the green cap. The intent was to show how nice and fancy this beer is by creating a very dramatic ad that will just guide the viewers eye right to the cap and they will recognize the product right away either next time they see it or will already know the product. There is also some texture contrast because of the nice water droplets on the nice smooth metal cap just adding to the overall feelingofhowfinethisbeermustbe.Thisadisataverygoodlevelofcontrastforthefinecraftsmanship of this beer, it is not polar opposites but it is just enough in order to create this dramatic feel and elegance that goes along with the product.


I think this ad is very effective because the isolation draws the viewer in and creates a dra-maticfeelthatreallyportrayshowfinethisbeermustbetohaveanadaselegantanddra-matic as this.


The primary audience to this ad is men aged around 40 years old that are looking for this fine,smooth,andqualitybeer.Alsosportsfanswhoarelookingforamorequalitychoiceofbeers.



• Whatistheproductorservicebeingadvertised? http://www.torchydesign.co.uk


X Provide consistency

X Unify the design with consistent elements (grouped/repeating elements)

X Lead the viewer’s eye through the design

•Analysis The designer used unity on this website in order to create a consistent, fun, and creative

website that is pleasing to the viewers eye and shows off the creativity of the design group. The intent was to guide the viewer through the website because making a kind of fun and interesting scrollable website makes the viewer want to continue scrolling down in order to see the whole design which makes them also view the whole website not just stop at the first page. The site is unified by consistent elements which is the ladders going all the way through the website and changing to different scenes as the viewer scrolls down. This design definitely guides the viewers eye by having the ladders going down it guides the viewer right down the design and to the rest of the website while providing some fun drawings that make it even easier to captivate the viewer.


This design is very effective because it does a great job of using the unity of the drawings to guide the viewer through the website. Also the use of consistent elements provides unity throughout the website that is visually pleasing to the viewer that draws them into the site even more.


Companies that are looking for fun and creative design.



•Whatistheproductorservicebeingadvertised? wonka.com


X Creates a mood or feeling X Creates visual tension and movement X Provides unity and balance X Creates harmony

•Analysis The designer used color on this website in order to create this fun and imaginative feeling

that goes with the slogan for the company. The use of bright cool colors really draw in the viewer and adhere to the audience they are going for which are younger people who will be drawn in by these colors. Even the use of the purple in the background works very well to add to this overall theme. The colors coming out of the hat create movement in the design to guide the eye to all the other pages on the website. Also using this design allows the website to create unity throughout the site by being able to use these colors throughout the website. The colors selected for this design definitely support the idea of the design they are the per-fect tints of these colors to create the imaginative feeling of the design. This design could not get the same affect if it used warm colors, it has to be these cool colors to work for this candy website. These colors will also create brand recognition because all the candy this company makes will have a similar concept on the wrappers so people will know that it is Wonka candy without even reading the package. This design would not benefit from using grayed tones because even if it was used for the background it would take away from the theme of the website there for not making the design work as well.


This website is effective at using color because it creates the feeling that the slogan of the company is even trying to portray. The selection of colors is also perfect and it would not be as successful of a design.


Kids age 5-12 that will want to have some great candy.



•Whatistheproductorservicebeingadvertised? thepapermill-lasswade.com


X Creates a mood or feelingX Creates contrast

•Analysis In this website the designer used unity in order to create an elegant feeling by using darker

earth tones. The website uses low-key color which does not have much white in the actu-al background picture. The white text also provides contrast to the website because of the bright white text on the darker background which adds to the value of the overall design. The impact of this design on the viewer is that it creates this sophisticated and elegant feel-ing through value, which will draw the viewer in to check out what this restaurant has to offer if they want to go to a more upscale place. The contrast in the design makes the text stand out more, so it was a good choice to add that contrast against the dark background be-cause it guides the viewers eyes to the text on the page so they will see what the site is actu-ally about. The warm and inviting feel also helps to have the viewer actually go further into the website and potentially actually go to the restaurant.


Value in this design create the mood that the designer was going for which was a sophisti-cated and elegant feeling. Also using the warm colors invites the viewer into the page so it feels welcoming to viewers. The contrast of the text also makes the text pop out and catch the viewers eye so they will actually know where to go on the site and not just admire the nice picture that provides them with an elegant feeling.


Upper class people that want an upscale restaurant to go to.
