Ember data


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Ember data:The coolest construction zone in JS today

By: Jason Cox & Javon Harper@jasocox@javonharper



What is Ember Data?

Automagic everything!

● Persistence/Retrieval

● Updating UI (no event handling/triggering!)

● Relationships

Why are we using it?

● Because we are using ember.js

● It's new, shiny, and fun!

● It's saved a lot of time with writing code (mostly)

● Fewer lines of code == fewer bugs

Defining Models

Getting Started

Make your model filejavascripts/models/user.js

App.User = DS.Model.extend({// Stuff goes here



App.User = DS.Model.extend({firstName: DS.attr(‘string’),lastName: DS.attr(‘string’)


Type: string, number, boolean, and date

Calculated Fields/Methods

App.User = DS.Model.extend({firstName: DS.attr(‘string’),lastName: DS.attr(‘string’),

fullName: function() { return this.get('firstName') + ' ' + this.get('lastName');}.property('firstName', 'lastName')



App.User = DS.Model.extend({firstName: DS.attr(‘string’),lastName: DS.attr(‘string’),

fullName: function() { return this.get('firstName') + ' ' + this.get('lastName');}.property('firstName', 'lastName'),

profile: DS.belongsTo(‘App.Profile’),favorites: DS.hasMany(‘App.Beer’)


Code samplehttps://github.com/nicholaides/ember-sample-app

REST Adapter

What is it?

● Used by Ember Data for all loading and storing

● Allows several customizations (more following)

● Could write your own (e.g., for XML or RESTlike)

Retrieving Your Data

var firstPost = App.Post.find(1);

var posts = App.Post.find();

var people = App.Person.find({ name: "Peter" });

var transaction = this.get('store').transaction();


user.set('age', 100);


Updating Your Data

● Pluralization (i.e., person: people)

● Endpoint Path

● Host

● Transformations (more following)

Adapter Configurations


When string, number, boolean, and date aren't enough.

DS.RESTAdapter.registerTransform('coordinatePoint', { serialize: function(value) { return [value.get('x'), value.get('y')]; }, deserialize: function(value) { return Ember.create({ x: value[0], y: value[1] }); }});

App.Cursor = DS.Model.extend({ position: DS.attr('coordinatePoint')});

Adapter Conveniences

● Sideloading, or embedding associations

● Identity map (ember data)

● "Everything in Ember.js is bindings-aware"

Model Lifecycle

States & Events

● Offers a handful of flags to express state

● isLoaded, isDirty, isValid + more

● Provides helpful events

● didCreate, didUpdate, didDelete,

becameError, didLoad + more


<div {{ bindAttr class=”beer.isDirty:modified”}}>

beer.on(‘becameError’, function() {invokeBlindRage();


Code samplehttps://github.com/javonharper/ember-sample-app

Other Frameworks


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