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WEEK – 27 (17.09.2020)



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Sample Paper

Note: Each question carry 2 marks and all questions are compulsory.

1. Who wrote the story meeting cezanne?

a. Sir Michael Morpurgo b. William blake c. William Wordsworth d.Rabindranath Tagore

2. Who was coming that evening/

a. Old man b. special guest c. best customer d. lady

3. Young boy named Yannic admires …………………….

a. His cousin b. the hotel c.provence d.the painter

4. Who was Monsieur Cezanne?

a. Chef b. famous painter c.architect d. intelligent

5. When Amandine looked at Yannic how was her cheeks?

a. Wet with tears b. red c. bloom d. flies

6. The boywatched the birds in fascination because it was his…………….

a. Passion b. interest c. hobby d. none of the above

7. The boy took the duck home because he felt very………………. For the duck

a. Sorry b. angry c. laughter d. none of the above

8. What was the boy’s state of mind when he told his father that he threw away the gun

a. Bold b. frightened c. shy d. all of the above

9. The boy slowly raised his

a. Rifle b. leg c. voice d. none of the above

10. What is the meaning of wheeling?

a. Flying around in circles b.walk down c. sleep d. play

11. Who wrote the poem dust of snow ?

a. Robert frost b. William blake c. William wordsworth d. none of the above

12. What is the meaning of hemlock tree?

a. Tree belongs to the pine family b. poisonous tree c. coconut tree d. none of the above

13. Where did the dust of snow come from?/

a. Hemlock tree b. coconut tree c. bamboo tree d. pine tree

14. What was the speakers heart been given?

a. He was angry b. changed mood c. same mood d. all of the above

15. What is the meaning of rued?

a. Angry b.depression c. happy d.regret or feeling sorry

16. How many types of sentences are there?

a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4

17. …………………..sentence is a statement or a piece of information

a. Declarative b. imperative c. exclamatory d. interrogative

18. How many kinds of interrogative sentenmces are there?

a. One b. two c. three d. four

19. A group of words that gives us complete meaning is called……………….

a. Noun b. verb c. predicate d. sentence

20. ………………sentence ends with a questionmark.

a. Imperative b. declarative c. interrogative d. exclamatory



Sample Paper

सही उत्तर पर (√) का निशाि लगाइए

(1) किस पौधे में पीली िली खिली थी ? (1)

(क) गलुाब (ि) सोनजूही (ग) िमल

(2)हमारे पूर्वज किस पक्षी िे रूप में पपतपृक्ष में आत ेहैं ? (1)

(क) गरुड़ (ख) हंस (ग) िौर्ा

(3) गगलहरी िी औसत आयु कितिी होती है ? (1)

(क) दो वर्ष (ख) दस र्र्व (ग)सात र्र्व

(4) गगल्लू िा पिय भोजि क्या था ? (1)

(क) बादाम (ख) काजू (ग) चिा

(5) उच्चाररत भार्ा िो िहत ेहैं। (1)

(क) भार्ा (ख) मौखखक भार्ा (ग) ललपप

(6) भारत िी राजभार्ा है । (1)

(क) हहिंदी। (ख) अिंगे्रजी। (ग) मराठी

(7)सीलमत क्षेत्र में बोली जािे र्ाली मौौखखक भार्ा है। (1)

(क) बोली। (ख) भार्ा। (ग) वर्ष

(8) बालि सबसे पहले सीिता है। (1)

(क) भार्ा। (ख) बोली। (ग) मातभृार्ा

(9)“तार” भार्ा िा रूप है। (1)

(क) मौखखक। (ख) ललखित। (ग) ललपप

(10) र्र्व िे भेद होत ेहैं। (1)

(क)दो। (ख)तीन। (ग)चार

(11) वर्ों िा व्यर्स्थथत रूप िहलाता है। (1)

(क) र्र्वमाला। (ख) अिुथर्ार। (ग) अिुिालसि

(12)पत्नन का शदु्ध रूप होगा ? (1)

(क)पननी। (ख) पत्ननयां। (ग)पत्ती

(13)पतर का शुद्ध रूप होगा ? (1)

(ि) पतर।् (ख)पनथर। (ग)पत्र

(14) युग युग से िौि अपिे पथ पर िडा है ? (1)

(क) हहमालय। (ख) पेड। (ग) जहाज

(15) हहमालय किस पर अडा रहता है ? (1)

(क) पहाड पर। (ख) नभ पर। (ग) िर् पर

(16) हम सब िुछ िैसे पा सित ेहैं? (1)

(क) हार माि िर। (ख) झूठ बोलिर (ग) मेहित और लगि से

(17) हहमालय भारत िे शीश िा क्या है ? (1)

(क) मुिुट। (ख) तारा। (ग) चाौ द

(18) हहमालयन स ेसदा लडा ? (1)

(क) बाधाओिं से। (ख) जग से। (ग) लोगों से

(19) लेखििा िे किस पक्षी िो पर्गचत्र बताया है ? (1)

(क) िौौव ेको। (ख) िोयल िो (ग) तोत ेिो

(20) हहिंदी भार्ा िी ललपप है ? (1)

(क) देर्िागरी। (ख) फारसी। (ग) रोमि



Sample Paper

1.A machine , on an average , manufactures 2825 screws a day. How many screws did it manufacture in the month of January

? 1

(a) 84750 (b) 87575 (c) 81925 (d) 79100

2.A vessel has 4 litres & 500 ml of milk. In how many glasses , each of 25 ml capacity,

can it be filled? 1

(a) 150 (b) 160 (c) 170 (d) 180

3.Which is greatest? 1

6895, 23787, 24569, 24657

24567 23787 24657 6895

4.Insert commas suitably and write the names according to International System of Numeration: 78921092 1

(a) 78,921,092 (b) 78,92,10,92 (c)7,89,21,092 (d)None of these

5.What is the sum of 567 and 843? 1

(a)843 (b)1500 (c)1410 (d)567

6.Identify the greatest and the smallest in 2853, 7691, 9999, 12002, 124. 1

(a)12202, 124 (b)12202, 7691 (c)9999, 124 (d)None of these

7.Which is the successor of 1099999 ? 1

(a) 1100001 (b) 1100000 (c) 1099998 (d) 9999999

8.Which is the predecessor of 208090 ? 1

(a) 208089 (b) 208091 (c) 218090 (d) 198090

9.What is the successor of 2001? 1

(a) 2003 (b) 2001 (c) 2002 (d) 2000

10.Which natural number has no predecessor? 1

(a)1 (b)2 (c) 0 (d)None of these

11.Which is the smallest whole number? 1

(a) 0 (b) 2 (c) 1 (d) None of these 12. 460 ___ 406 1

(a)= (b)None of these (c)> (d)<

13.Which of them is not a prime number? 1

(a)23 (b)4 (c)11 (d)13

14._____ is the factor of 68. 1

(a)17 (b)6 (c)3 (d)5

15.The sum of two odd and one even numbers is 1

(a)Even of odd (b)Odd (c)even number (d)Prime

16.Which of the following is divisible by 3? 1

(a)15287 (b)15267 (c)152638 (d)15286

17.The number of multiples of a given number is _______. 1

(a)2 (b) infinite (c) Finite (d) None of these

18.How many factors does 36 have ? 1

(a) 5 (b) 6 (c) 7 (d) 9

19.Which of the following is the smallest prime number ? 1

(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 5

20.What is the value of 8x1769x125 1

(a) 1769000 (b) 1768000 (c) 1768010 (d) 1769010



Sample Paper

• All questions are compulsory

• Each question carry one mark

Q.1 The water soluble vitamin is

a) Vitamin A b) Vitamin C c) Vitamin E d) Vitamin K

Q.2 Fruit of cotton plant is known as

a) bale b) boll c) fibre d) kapok

Q.3 Which of these is not a natural fibre?

a) Nylon b) jute c) wool d) cotton

Q.4 Which of the following will dissolve in water

a) Metal b) Chalk c) Paper d) Oxygen

Q.5 The carnivores have

a) Sharp teeth b) claws c) both (a) and (b) d) only broad teeth

Q.6 Vitamin D deficiency leads to

a) beri beri b) scurvy c) rickets d) anaemia

Q.7 Fungi and bacteria are called

a) Omnivores b) herbivores c) decomposers d) scavengers

Q.8 A substance which allows light to pass through it is:

a) Transparent b) translucent c) opaque d) none of these

Q.9 Deficiency of iron causes

a) Anaemia b) goiter c) rickets d) beri beri

Q.10 Historians believe that cotton clothes were first worn in:

a) India b) Egypt c) China d) Europe

Q.11 The process of grouping things is based on:

a) Similarities b) dissimilarities c) both (a) and (b) d) none of these

Q.12 Deer eats only plant products so, it is called:

a) Carnivores b) decomposers c) herbivores d) scavengers

Q.13 Which of the following is a root vegetable:

a) Potato b) Carrot c) cabbage d) broccoli

Q.14 Ginning is done to separate cotton fibres from

a) Stem b) fruit c) seeds d) flower

Q.15 Carrots are rich in:

a) Vitamin C b) Vitamin E c) Vitamin A d) Vitamin K

Q.16 The nutrient found in green leafy vegetables and fruits

a) Fats b) Carbohydrates c) Proteins d) Vitamins

Q.17 Jute is cultivated in the

a) Rainy season b) winter season c) summer season d) both (a) and (b)

Q.18 The process of making yarn from fibres

a) Retting b) ginning c) spinning d) none of these

Q.19 Which materials are attracted by magnets

a) Plastic b) rubber c) magnetic d) both (a) and (b)

Q.20 The substance that dissolves in a liquid:

a) Solvent b) solute c) solution d) mixture



Sample Paper

• All questions are compulsory

• Each question carry one mark

Q1. Tripitakas are the religious books of the

(a) Hindus (b) Buddhists (c) Muslims

Q2. Who was a great musician?

(a) Ashoka (b) Samudragupta (c) Kanishk

Q3. Taxila has yielded important information about

(a) Kanishk (b) Harsha (c) Ashoka

Q4. Fahein was a ___________ traveller.

(a)Tibetan (b) Chinese (c) American

Q5. Moon is the satellite of

(a) Earth (b) star (c) planet

Q6. _________ is called a blue planet.

(a) Star (b) sky (c) earth

Q7. A heavenly body which revolves round the sun is

(a) Galaxy (b) universe (c) planet

Q8. A heavenly body which revolves round it's planet is

(a) Satellite (b) galaxy (c) star

Q9 Agroup of seven stars is called a

(a) Moon (b) orbit (c) saptarshi

Q10 A celestial body having it's own light and heat is called

(a) Star (b) moon (c) orbit

Q11A family of millions of stars in the sky is called

(a) Planet (b) satellite (c) galaxy

Q12. The vast and infinite space having millions of galaxies is called

(a) Universe (b) galaxy (c) star

Q13. India is a land of

(a) Diversities (b) fights (c) Inequality

Q14. Farming is a _________ activity.

(a) Tertiary (b) secondary (c) primary

Q15. How many languages we have in our country?

(a) 22 (b) 26 (c) 28

Q16. Neil Armstrong was the ___________ man to land on the moon.

(a) last (b) first (c) second

Q17. The first Indian satellite was

(a) bhaskar (b) insat (c) aryabhatt

Q18. Inda's space programme began in

(a) 1976 (b) 1975 (c) 1789

Q19. Religious book of the Buddhists is

(a) Ramayana (b) Mahabharata (c) Tripitaka's

Q20. Meghaduta was written by

(a) Panini (b) kalhan (c) Kalidasa



Sample Paper विकल्पेभ्य: उचित ंउत्तरं चित्िा ररक्तस्थानानन परूयत-

1.ससं्कृत वर्षमाला में कुल स्वर………….होत ेहैं। (1)

(क)11 (ख)33 (ग)13

2.अयोगवाह…………होत ेहैं। (1)

(क) तीन। (ख)पा च। (ख) दो

3.त्जन वर्ों के उच्चारर् में अन्य वर्ों की सहायता न लेनी पड़,े उन्हें…………. कहत ेहैं। (1)

(क)व्यजंन। (ख)स्वर। (ग)अयोगवाह

4.स्वर और व्यजंनों को आपस में जोड़ने की प्रक्रिया को………….. कहत ेहैं। (1)

(क) वर्ष-ववच्छेद। (ख)वर्ष-सयंोजन। (ग)हलन्त

5.“य ्र ्ल ्व”् व्यजंनों को ………….कहत ेहैं। (1)

(क)ऊष्म व्यजंन (ख)अन्त:स्थ व्यजंन (ग)स्पशष व्यजंन

6.ससं्कृत भार्ा में ललगं और वचन दोनों…………..पत्रकार के होत ेहैं। (1)

(क)एक। (ख)दो। (ग) तीन

7. जो शब्द पतु््लगं व स्त्रीललगं दोनों में नहीं आत ेहैं,…………. कहलात ेहैं। (1).

(क)तीसरा ललगं। (ख)अन्य ललगं। (ग)नपंसुकललगं

8.“बालक:”का स्त्रीललगं शब्द हैं। (1)

(क) बाललका। (ख)ललना। (ग)छ छात्राओ ंसे

9. वर्ष-समहू ,त्जसका अथष हो……………. कहलाता हैं। (1)

(क) वर्ष-ववच्छेद। (ख)शब्द। (ग)अकारान्त

10.पेट…………. (1)

(क)अधरम।् (ख)उदरं। (ग)मस्तकं

11. अनेक कौव…े…………..l. (1)

(क)काका:। (ख)शकुा:। (ख)बका:

12. दो चुहहया…………….l. (1)

(क)अजे। (ख) वपपीललके। (ग)मवूर्के

13.दो पौधे…………….. । (1)

(क)पादपा:। (ख)पादप:। (ग)पादपौ

14. ससं्कृत भार्ा में………….. परुुर् होत ेहैं। (1)

(क)एक। (ख)दो। (ग)तीन

15. बोलने वाला (वक्ता)…………. परुुर् के कताष होत ेहैं। (1)

(क) प्रथम। (ख) मध्यम। (ख) उत्तम

16. प्रनयेक परुुर् में………… वचन होत ेहैं। (1)

(क)एक। (ख)दो। (ग)तीन

17. सजं्ञा के स्थान पर प्रयोग होने वाले…………. सवषनाम कहलात ेहैं। (1)

(क) वर्ष। (ख) शब्द। (ख) वचन

18.एतम…्…………l. (1)

(क) इन दो को। (ख) उन दो को। (ग) इसको

19.इमौ……………..l. (1)

(क) हम दो। (ख) ये दो। (ग) तमु दो

20.नवाम…्…………. (1)

(क) उसको। (ख) तमुको। (ग) क्रकसको



Sample Paper • All questions are compulsory

• Each question carry one mark

Q1. Multiple choice question:

1. Labels and Flyers can be used as __________ tools.

(i) Presentation (ii) Design (iii) Advertisement (iv) none of these

2. The line color of a shape can be changed using the ________ option.

(i) Shape fill (ii) line outline (iii) shape outline (iv) none

3. Shape outline is in _______ tab.

(i) Home tab (ii) Insert tab (iii) Format tab (iv) none

4. Picture button is in the __________ tab.

(i) Insert tab (ii) Format tab (iii) home tab (iv) none

5. To group all the objects, choose _________ option under Grouping.

(i) Regroup (ii) Group (iii) Ungroup (iv) none

6. The shape button is in the ___________ group.

(i) Illustration (ii) table (iii) shape style (iv) Design

7. Font size and color is in _______ tab.

(i) Home tab (ii) insert tab (iii) format tab (iv) none of these

8. Flyer is a small handbill used for advertising an event or a _______.

(i) Product (ii) item (iii) design (iv) presentation

9. __________ provides the framework for systematic problem solving.

(i) LPT (ii) PLT (iii) TPL (iv) None of these

10. The symbol used to insert comments in a flowchart is __________.

(i) Decision (ii) Annotation (iii) Process (iv) Output

11. Start symbol is represented by:

(i) Terminator (ii) Flow lines (iii) Flowchart (iv) Data

12. Arrows in a flowchart is used to represent:

(i) Data (ii) Flowchart (iii) Flow lines (iv) Decision

13. A set of instructions that direct a computer to carry out a given task is :

(i) Flowchart (ii) Program (iii) Input (iv) Output

14. A __________ is used to represent a sequence of instructions:

(i) Flow lines (ii) Program (iii) Flowchart (iv) Decision

15. __________ contains all the symbols that can be used in a flowchart.

(i) Drawing area (ii) Smart panel (iii) Flowchart (iv) Process

16. The large white area in the centre is called:

(i) Smart panel (ii) program (iii) Smart panel (iv) Input

17. The short key used to save symbols is _________-.

(i) CTRL +A (ii) CTRL + S (iii) CTRL + Z (iv) CTRL + R

18. The shortcut commands are available on the _________.

(i) Menu Bar (ii) Tool Bar (iii) Smart panel (iv) Drawing area

19. You can use the Process symbol to do :

(i) Input (ii) Output (iii) calculation (iv) Decision

20. The information that the computer takes in is called:

(i) Process (ii) Input (iii) Output (iv) none of these



Sample Paper • All questions are compulsory

• Each question carry one mark

Q.1 Which City is situated on the banks of rivers Narmada ?

(a) Jabalpur

(b) Vijayawada

(c) Badrinath

(d) Kolkata

Q.2 Which city is situated on the banks of rivers Alaknanda ?

(a) Badrinath

(b) New Delhi

(c) Nadik

(d) Surat

Q.3 On between which two countries Border statue of Jesus Christ located ?

(a) Argentina and Chile

(b) USA and Canada

(c) Norway and Sweden

Q.4 Which is the oldest city in western Europe ?

(a) Lisbon

(b) Xian

(c) Rome

Q.5 On which two Countries Border Tree were removed to mark this Border ?

(a) Norway and Sweden

(b) China and Nepal

(c) USA and Canada

Q.6 Which two countries border is known as most confusing border in the World ?

(a) China and Nepal

(b) Netherlands and Belgium

(c) Italy and Vaticancity

Q.7 Which City is known as Walled City ?

(a) Jerusalem

(b) Athens

(c) Lisbon

Q.8 Man of Blood and Iron?

(a) Bismarck

(b)CN Annadurai

(c) Madan Mohan Malaviya

Q.9 Frontier Gandhi ?

(a) Mahatma Gandhi

(b) Jawaharlal Nehru

(c) Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan

Q.10 The body part never grows ?

(a) Teeth

(b) Eye

(c) Tongue

Q.11 This is the strongest muscle in the human body ?

(a) Tongue

(b) Hyoid bone

(c) Liver

Q.12 It is the oldest inhabited city in India. It is situated along the River Ganga ?

(a) Ahemdabad

(b) Delhi

(c) Varanasi

Q.13 Saint of the Gutters

(a) Florence Nightingale

(b) Saint Teresa of Kolkata

(c) Sarojini Naidu

Q.14 What is the capital of Syria ?

(a) Jerusalem

(b) Athens

(c) Damascus

Q.15 It is the capital city of Greece and is also its largest city ?

(a) Istanbul

(b) Athens

(c) Jerusalem

Q.16 Who wrote the book " Malgudi Days" ?

(a) Vikram Seth

(b) R K Narayan

(c) Mukul Raj Anand

Q.17 Which city is situated on the banks of River Ganga ?

(a) Vijayawada

(b) Kanpur

(c) New Delhi

Q.18 who wrote the book “ Two Lives”?

(a) Vikram Seth

(b) RK Narayan

(c) VS Naipaul

Q.19 Who wrote the book “ A Suitable Boy “ ?

(a) RK Narayan

(b) Vikram Seth

(c) Charles Dicken

Q.20 This is the only part of the human body that cannot heal or repair on its own ?

(a) Eye

(b) Nail

(c) Teeth




Sample Paper • All questions are compulsory

• Each question carry one mark

A. Choose the correct answer

1. A human heart filled with the love and respect of God is as a glass of cool water in the …………….

a. Hot desert sun b. Mountains c. Greenland d. Park

2. ……….. has got a great desire for knowledge and truth

a. Animals b. Man c. Birds d. Plants

3. Besides ……….. and beauty, men has even strong desire for achieving something better.

a. Truth b. Perfection c. Admiration d. Praise.

4. What is the other word for does not change

a. Unchangeable b Changeable c. Determined d. Powerful

5. Everyday as soon as you get up you will remember ………. And bow your head.

a. God b. Home c. School d. Log

6. One day an old man named ……………….. was sitting under a fig tree.

a. Raju b. Nathan c. Robert d. Louis

7. There is a …………. Behind everything.

a. Reason b. Rejection c. Revenge d. Respect

8……………… and problems are very important part of life.

a. Happiness b. Difficulties c. Aspects d. Pleasure

9 . In …………… Palestine experienced a very severe winter.

a. 1874 b. 1897 c. 1990 d. 2000

10. We will never forget to thank ………………………

a. God b. Parents c. Teacher d. All the above

11. Sometimes God uses little things to achieve ……………. Things

a. Little b. Great c. Plenty d. More

12. Let us increase our …………………. In God.

a. Trust b. Passion c. Gratitude d. Kindness

13. God ………………….. the good and punishes the evil

a. Rewards b. Loves c. Hatred d. None of the above.

14. Before starting any new work we have to thank …………………

a. Our self b. Neighbours c. Plants d. God.

15. God is kind to those who admit their ……………..

a. Mistakes b. Mercy c. Love d. Kindness

16. Who slowly climbed up the stairs of the bis

a. An old lady b. Young man c. Children d. Students

17. Who received a letter for bus driver Hans and the conductor Charles

a. John b. Joseph c. Director general d. None of the above

18. This story happened in 1970 in ……………

a. Vienna b. London c. America d. Sydney

19. Whose death shocked Hans and Charles?

a. Father b. Mother d. Grandma C. All of the above

20. We need many more people with …………… heart for others

a. Hard b. Tender c. Strong d. Coward
