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1.1 Introduction

Generally, a dam is built to store and provide water for industrial cooling, generating

hydroelectric power, irrigation, domestic water supply and recreation. Dams can be classified

to several types such as gravity dam, arch dam, buttress dam and embankment dam. It can

also be used for flood control and maintaining channel depths for barge transportation. The

water contained inside the dam could be pumped out or released by gravity through siphon

to the river. It also can be released through a spillway or weir for water flows function, either

intermittently or continuously.

Dam durian is the second largest dam in Melaka and is located at the Simpang Gading

approximately 3.7km from the town and 8km single durian from pump intakes. EDT is the

dam catchment land, built on a river Durian Tunggal that is anak sungai Melaka.

Dam was completed in 1974 and enhanced the capacity in 1992. Increase of the dam by

2.5m from 25.9m to 28.4m to make its capacity increased from 20.800ML to 32.600ML.

Dam was built to control river flow at intakes melaka.  The water catchment area is 41.4km

EDT that only represents 8% of the catchment area of 505.0km square melaka river.

Melaka river to accommodate the flow of water screening and water supply. Due to the

uncertainty of the flow system, it is necessary to operate reservoirs to control river durian will

ensure water is always available at the pump intake and maintain a minimum river flow. 

Dams and river regulation systems is built to store durian tunggal excess water in rainy

season and redistribute the water in the dry season.

Dam jus project started in june 2001 and completed in August 2003, the largest dam

reservoir with storage capacity of 45, 000 million liter, located in Jasin, Melaka. Dam

jus filled by raw water from the dam durian through pump station with a capacity of

100 million liter per day through the 12.4km pipe line.


1.2 Dam operations Durian Tunggal

1. Use of water from the EDT

Use water from the dam in accordance with the requirements in four ways :

I. Pumping water to the DAF water treatment plant

II. Release water into the river Melaka siphon system

III. Water discharge to the river using the draw off tower

IV. Pumping water to fill the dam juice


2. Replenishment EDT

EDT can be filled again in three ways :

I. Pumping water from the bunded strorage

II. Pumping water from the river muar, grisek

III. Rainfall in the catchment area of the dam

1.3 Melaka has two dams

Melaka river to accommodate the flow of water screening and water supply. Due to

the uncertainty of the flow system, it is necessary to operate reservoirs to control

river durian will ensure water is always available at the pump intake and maintain a

minimum river flow. 

Dams and river regulation systems is built to store durian tunggal excess water in

rainy season and redistribute the water in the dry season.


1.4 Figure empangan Durian Tunggal


1.5 Parameter to be needed to design quantity of seepage from EDT


2.0 Dam Jus

To purpose of the dam Jus is built to meet the demand of water supply and maintain the

volume of water to river’s Batang Melaka and streams Kesang. Water from the dam jus

will be channel to the river through the river Batang Melaka before being treated at the

Water Plant Gadek.

To use the water plant, a pumping system will pump 300 million liter of water a day to

a maximum of raw water station to water station before being conveyed to river Kesang

by river Anak Ayer Selandar. Costs dam construction including the cost of land

acquisition and resettlement areas of RM 160 million.





2.3 Rajah Sistematik Pemindahan Air Mentah Dari Empangan Durian Tunggal

ke Empangan Jus



Conclusion, the dam is very important to the state Melaka as function of the dam is

flowing raw water to be processed to the water treatment plant to be processed and

distributed to residents in the state Melaka. To purpose dam built to prevent the lack

of water during the dry season occurs. Besides that, the dam also generates

hydropower for saving electricity for half of the dam in Malaysia. Melaka has

two reservoir dams durian tunggal because the dam durian tunggal  to water to drain

the water treatment plant and dam durian tunggal to dam catchment  earth.

