Employee Town Hall Meeting conducted by Capt.Anil Singh ... MEETING...Employee Town Hall Meeting...


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Employee Town Hall Meeting conducted by Capt.Anil Singh, Sr.Vice President &Mg.Director, DP World, Chennai and Ms.Monal Srivastava, Regl. Head (HC) & Director CCT in CCT on

14th October 2014 During the day, after the Terminal visit, Captain Anil Singh and Ms Monal have planted the sapling near the Out Gate amidst of all CCT Employees. CCT Success team board was unveiled by SVP- SCO Region in the august presence of CCTians

Town Hall – Meeting with CCT Employees, Mr Ennarasu Karunesan, CEO& Director extended a warm Welcome to Captain Anil Singh, Sr. Vice President & Managing Director, DP World Subcontinent Region along with Ms Monal Srivastava, Head – Human Capital & Admin., SCO Region& Director CCT on 14th October 2014 @ CCT Training Hall. Captain Anil Singh, SVP- SCO Region addressing the CCT Employees and he had dwelled upon sustainable focus and improvements on Safety, People, Environment, Diversity and what an Individual can do thing to improve in their life.

There were 2 sessions held each lasted for 1- 1/12 hours with participation of 145 employees and interaction with SVP of DPW SCO and expressed themselves on how they felt about Safety, Environment, People and Diversity.

In between the 2 town hall sessions, Unions (CCTEU and CPCTEWU), on protocol did their ceremonial respect to SVP- DPW SCO, Director & CEO of CCT and Regional Head – HC & Admin., SCO by garlanding and presenting shawls to them.

At the close of Town Hall meeting, Rewards were felicitated in recognition of Safety initiatives and contribution done by 14 CCTians 12 G4S contract workmen through SVP - DPW SCO.

Finally, SVP- DPW SCO had an interactive meeting with Sr. Management Team of CCT and has expressed himself on what is in store for our Container Terminal business, Globally, Regionally and BU’s potential to sustain and grow and importance of showing Revenue improvements in static volume and then move on. Also he has encouraged and elicited ideas from all CCT Sr. Management Team with focal point on Innovation stating that Innovation is not inventing new thing but doing things efficiently and smartly.

