Employment Resource Guide - Philadelphia...


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Employment Resource Guide

The Society for Employment & Equal Rights

Support Center for Prison Advocacy

Beyond the Walls: Prison Health Care & Reentry Summit

Philadelphia, June 2014


About the Society for Employment and Equal Rights

The Society for Employment and Equal Rights (SEER) grew out of two focus groups in

October 2010 at Philadelphia FIGHT’s Ins�tute for Community Jus�ce, to address

human rights viola�ons in jail and prison. As the conversa�on shi�ed, viola�ons of

employment rights seemed like the area most people were passionate about, leading

to the crea�on of the group.

The majority of SEER members are formerly incarcerated/convicted people. The group

prides itself as being actually experienced with the difficul�es related to employment


SEER has undertaken a diverse range of work. We have been involved in ongoing

campaign work, including “Ban the Box” legisla�on. We are also passionate about

sharing informa�on with others through our mee�ngs, resource sharing and mee�ngs

with school-age youth. Another central effort involves reaching out to employers to

build rela�onships with them. We believe that we can truly make a change, especially

because the inspira�on for our work comes from the real life experiences of formerly

incarcerated/convicted people.

About the Support Center for Prison Advocacy

United around the belief that “community organizing is a reentry program,” the

Support Center for Prison Advocacy was founded to facilitate leadership from formerly

imprisoned people and their families in figh�ng HIV and mobilizing their own

neighborhood communi�es.

The Support Center is a Philadelphia-based coali�on with a triple focus:

Increased visibility and access to informa�on and resources pertaining to

prisons, reentry and specific ac�on items.

Direct ac�on advocacy through campaigns and ac�on steps.

Leadership development and movement-building work.

As an ini�a�ve of Philadelphia FIGHT’s Ins�tute for Community Jus�ce, the Support

Center for Prison Advocacy links prison and HIV services to the change-makers that

have put such services in place.


Table of Contents

Job Search Tips………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…..4

Needs for Recently Released Ex-Offenders…………………………………………………………………..6

Body Language Dos and Don’ts…………………………………………………………………………………….7

Computer Access………………………………………………………………………………………………………….8

Tips for Contac�ng Employers……………………………………………………………………………………10

How to Explain Your Record to Employers………………………………………………………………..12

What’s Happening at ICJ…………………………………………………………………………………………….14

Ban the Box FAQ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..16

Companies That Have Hired People with Records………………………………………………………18

Job Training Resources……………………………………………………………………………………………….23

Other Useful Informa�on and Resources……………………………………………………………………26

Staffing Agencies and Part-Time Work……………………………………………………………………….28

Quick How-Tos…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..30


Special thanks to...

Brian Malone

Gena Poulard

Madeline Smith-Gibbs

Theresa Sullivan

Terry Trudeau

Frank Walder


Job Search Tips

Compiled from SEER members’ advice and personal experiences with the job search


1. Know what kind of job you are looking for. What do you like to do? Do some

thinking about your strengths and abili�es, and how those things can help direct

your job search.

2. Network! This is sta�s�cally your most likely way to get a job. The easiest way to

get hired is to find a job that is not being adver�sed, but how can you find that job

if no one knows you’re looking for a job?! Talk to people you know or meet, and

let them know that you are looking for work. Ask around to see if others know of

employers who hire people with a criminal record. One of the best ways to get

the word out that you want a job is to work at a business through a staffing

agency, such as the ones listed on page 28.

3. Put together a resume. Tips are included on page 30. Ask others to read over

your resume and give you feedback. Compile a por�olio of any cer�ficates and

documenta�on of awards or accomplishments. You can also gather le�ers of

reference from people who you have worked with in the past, and/or people who

know you well.

Success Story from SEER

“An employer told me to get three references from people who have

known me for a long period of �me. He wanted to know who I was before

and a�er jail, and to account for the employment gap. He suggested a

pastor, a district rep and a lawyer. I got the references, and got the job.”

Tye Underdue


4. Know how to “sell yourself” to an employer online and in person. Are you be�er

with online communica�on or face-to-face? Your job search strategies will differ,

depending of which you feel most comfortable with. A lot of employers now want

you to apply online. Ask someone for help if working with a computer is

unfamiliar to you. Free computer access resources are included on page 8.

5. Find employers known to hire people with a criminal record. Companies we

know of are included star�ng on page 18. This can help you get back into the job

market, and lead to finding work quicker. You might also consider temporary

work or offering to fill in when needed, which might turn into full-�me work.

Another strategy might be to offer to work for free for the first few days to show a

posi�ve work ethic.

6. Try not to get discouraged! A�end groups or talk to people who have been

through this process. It can definitely be hard to find work, and it might help to

know that others are feeling the same frustra�on. Volunteering for a company or

organiza�on is one way to fill your “down �me.” The company will see how well

you work and what you are like, and that you have a genuine interest in that

company. You will also increase the amount of people you network with.

Quick Tip

Some general fields to look into are:

Kitchen work

Fast food (McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Burger King)

Grocery Stores (Acme, Fresh Grocer, Save-A-Lot, Superfresh)

Hospitality/hotels (Ramada, Comfort Inn)



Needs for Recently Released Ex-Offenders

By SEER member Bryant Poland

1. Finances for things such as transporta�on (transpass/tokens/daypass) as needed

or ID/birth cer�ficate/social security card/etc.

See �p below.

2. Employment/actual leads on employers who hire ex-offenders.

See page 18 for a list of employers who hire people with records.

3. Educa�on and computer basic knowledge: how to build a resume, how to create

an email account, help with filling out applica�ons online.

See pages 8, 23, and 30.

4. Housing and help finding a home plan (if applicable). A telephone number with

either an answering machine or voicemail.

For those without friends or family who can help, contact OSH at 802 North Broad

Street, Philadelphia, or Bethesda Project at 609 South 15th Street, Philadelphia


5. Counsel/mentor/someone to talk to about life issues who can give solid advice.

It’s very important to keep your morale up!

6. Public assistance/medical insurance/other benefits and help with the applica�on

process (if applicable).

Philadelphia Department of Public Welfare

Mary Howard Clinic at 125 South 9th Street, 215-592-4500

JFK Behavioral Health at 112 North Broad Street, 215-568-0860

7. Family, friend, or group geared towards ex-offenders understanding their role and

place as they reintegrate back into their family and community se�ngs.

Quick Tip

See “Adam” on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway most Monday a�ernoons

for help with obtaining ID records. He should be standing near the Galusha

Pennypacker Statue between 18th and 19th Streets.


Body Language Dos and Don’ts

Your body is sending messages even when you aren’t speaking. Your posture, how you

walk, the expression on your face, how you dress – all of these things send messages

to poten�al employers about what you’re thinking and how serious you are about the

job. The wrong body language can suggest that you are nervous, uninterested, or

being dishonest. Follow these �ps to make sure that your body is saying what your

mouth is saying!


Give a firm, confident handshake.

Maintain good eye contact. Not mee�ng someone’s eyes can be a sign that you are

lying or hiding something.

Show your interest in your body by nodding and smiling as appropriate.

Prac�ce beforehand in front of a mirror or a friend. Ac�ng relaxed in a stressful

situa�on doesn’t come naturally to everyone. The more you prac�ce, the easier it will

be to give posi�ve cues to poten�al employers.


Slouch or sit casually. Sit up straight to signal that you are mentally present and

interested in what the employer is saying.

Fidget or bounce. Nervous energy can be interpreted as boredom or disinterest.

Hunch over or keep your arms crossed. Opening up your body will make you appear

more approachable.

Quick Tip

If you’re feeling nervous before an interview, find a private place and try

“power posing”: plant your feet widely, raise your arms up in a “V,” and �lt

your head back. Harvard Business School researchers have shown that

holding this pose for two minutes can lower stress levels and make you

feel and appear more confident.


Computer Access

Many job applica�ons are only available online these days. If you don’t have access to

a computer at home, don’t get discouraged! Check out these places for free computer

and internet access, and turn to page 23 for more job training resources.

Asociación Puertorriqueños en Marcha (APM)

3263-65 North Front Street | 215-546-9700

Monday-Thursday 9am-2pm

Casa Monarca

1448 South 17th Street | 215-253-3033

Monday 12pm-3pm, 6pm-8pm; Wednesday 3pm-8pm; Saturday 10am-3pm

Congresso De La�no Unidos

2800 North American Street | 215-763-8870

Monday-Friday 9am-5pm

Heavenly Hall Annex

4015 Poplar Street | 215-686-5372

Monday-Thursday 10am-2pm; Friday 1pm-5pm

Kingsessing Recrea�on Center

4901 Kingsessing Avenue | 215-685-269

Monday-Friday 5pm-9pm

Logan CDC

4542 North 11th Street | 267-335-3626

Wednesday-Thursday 9am-3pm

Mercy Neighborhood Ministries

1939 West Venango Street | 215-227-4393

Monday-Friday 1pm-5pm

More Options For more informa�on about FREE

computer use, internet access,

and training, visit



Spotlight: Computer Labs at Philadelphia FIGHT

Philadelphia FIGHT offers four computer labs

AIDS Library

1233 Locust Street, 2nd floor215-985-4851

Monday 1pm-5pm, Tuesday-Thursday 1pm-7pm, Friday 1pm-5pm

Cri�cal Path

1233 Locust Street, 3rd floor | 215-985-4448

Tuesday-Friday 10am-1:30pm

Ins�tute for Community Jus�ce

21 South 12th Street, 7th floor | 215-525-0460

Tuesday-Friday 1pm-5pm

Youth Health Empowerment Project (ages 13-24)

1417 Locust Street | 215-564-6388

Monday 7pm-11pm (LGBTQ drop-in ages 13-29), Tuesday 1pm-4pm, Wednesday-

Thursday 3pm-6pm, Friday 1pm-4pm

Methodist Family Services of Philadelphia

4300 Monument Road | 215-877-1925 x311

Monday-Wednesday 12pm-5pm

Philadelphia Unemployment Project

112 North Broad Street, 11th floor | 215-557-0822

Monday-Friday 9am-4:30pm

Urban Affairs Coali�on

1207 Chestnut Street, 4th floor | 215-851-1784

Monday-Friday 12pm-3pm

Urban League of Philadelphia

121 South Broad Street, 9th floor | 215-985-3220

Tuesday-Friday 10am-4pm

Village of Arts and Humani�es

2544 Germantown Avenue | 215-225-7830

Monday-Thursday, 10:30am2:30pm; Friday, 1pm-5pm


Tips for Contacting Employers

By Phone

Write down what you want to say, especially if you’re not used to calling employers.

Plan ahead, but don’t just read your script over the phone.

Smile while you’re talking on the phone. This helps you sound cheerful and relaxed.

Make sure anyone who might answer your phone knows that employers might be

calling. Keep your voicemail message simple and professional. Avoid jokes or music.

Return all calls within 24 hours.

By Email

Use a simple and professional email address. See page 8 for places that offer free

computer access and page 30 for help se�ng up an email account.

Be clear why you are wri�ng, what kind of posi�on you are seeking, and how you

would help their business. Keep the email message brief.

At the end of the message, tell the employer you plan to follow up, give them your

phone number or another way to contact you, and thank them for their �me.

Check your message for correct spelling, grammar, and punctua�on before hi�ng

send. Have someone else proofread it as well.

Applying in Person

Be polite to everyone you meet, and assume that you are being watched while you fill

out the applica�on. Be courteous and professional even if you’re not face-to-face with

the person who will review your applica�on.

Greet anyone you meet with a smile, eye contact, and a firm handshake.

Do some research about the company before going there, and dress professionally

even if you just plan to pick up an applica�on. You may be asked to interview on the

spot, and you want the employer’s first impression of you to be a good one.

Remember that many companies no longer have paper applica�ons. Don’t be

surprised if you are directed to the company’s website. See pages 8 and 23 for free

computer access and job training resources.



Dress appropriately. For most jobs, this means conserva�ve business wear.

Prepare for the interview. Know what the company does and what sets them apart.

Be ready to talk about your strengths and what sets YOU apart.

Arrive 10-15 minutes early. Don’t be late!

Make a good first and last impression. Avoid talking about nega�ve issues at the very

beginning or end of an interview.

Be ready to answer common interview ques�ons, such as: Tell be about yourself. Why

are interested in working for this company? How do others describe you? What are

your strengths? What are your weaknesses? Talk about a �me in the past where you

solved a problem, worked on a team, or resolved a conflict.

Keep your answers posi�ve and related to the job. When possible, give specific

examples – don’t just say you’re responsible, tell a story of a �me you were trusted

with something important.

Have a few ques�ons for the employer prepared. Most employers end job interviews

by asking if you have any ques�ons. Asking ques�ons shows that you are ac�vely

interested, but make sure that your ques�on wasn’t answered earlier in the interview!

Hiring Incentives

Employers may be able to receive special benefits for hiring people with

criminal records. Look into these programs and see if they could apply to

you or the job you are applying for.

Federal Bonding Program

An incen�ve to employers to hire hard-to-place job seekers (such as those

with a criminal record). Call the State Bonding Coordinator in Harrisburg at

717-787-6915 or 1-800-345-2555.

Work Opportunity Tax Credit

A federal tax credit available to employers who hire individuals with a felony

record, among other “target group” qualifying individuals. Call the PA

Bureau of Workforce Development at 717-783-3676 for more informa�on.


How to Explain Your Record to Employers

Employers are always interested in job applicants’ past: what skills or experience they

have, what jobs they’ve done, and so on. It’s important to be honest with these

ques�ons because being dishonest will make you look untrustworthy and could even

get you fired down the road if the employer checks your references or does a

background check. Use these �ps to be prepared to present your convic�on record

and your �me in prison in the best light possible.

On Your Resume

Many resumes describe the applicant’s past chronologically: their most recent job,

then the job before that, then the job before that and so on. If your work history

includes long periods of unemployment, you might instead consider crea�ng a resume

that highlights the match between the job and your skills. This is o�en called a

“func�onal resume,” and examples can be found online. Once you get your foot in the

door, you can explain the gaps in your employment history.

Don’t forget to include any volunteer jobs or training programs you’ve done on your

resume. While not paid work, this type of experience can show that you are a hard

worker and that you are dedicated to building your job skills. You might also consider

including jobs that you held while in prison, especially if they are related to the job you

are seeking. See the next page for an example.

SEER Success Story

I went to the job and I showed the skills I knew. It got

me not only the job I ini�ally applied for, but got me an

even be�er job than I had expected.

Rysheen Caldwell


Quick Tip

If haven’t had many jobs since returning home, consider including prison jobs or

volunteer posi�ons in your resume. Here’s an example of what this could look like:


Ins�tute for Community Jus�ce July 2013-Present

Volunteer Mailroom Assistant

Weekly prep of literature and stuffing of envelopes for non-profit mailing to


Philadelphia Industrial Correc�onal Center March 2012-June 2013

Corridor Worker

Swept, mopped, wiped down windows, and cleared trash.

During the Interview

First of all, answer all ques�ons directly but don’t give more informa�on than you

are asked for. Second, know that most employers in Philadelphia are not allowed to

ask if you have a criminal record during the first interview. See page 16 for more

informa�on about our city’s “Ban the Box” law.

If you are asked about gaps in your resume, we suggest briefly explaining what was

going on in your life. For example, “I was addicted to drugs, but have been clean for

5 years and have completed hea�ng and air condi�oning training” or “I was young

and had no support systems in my life, but since then I have a wakeup call and have

started to contribute to my community. I know you will not be disappointed if you

hire me.” Note that these examples acknowledge past difficulty but quickly move

on to put a posi�ve spin on it.

Focus on your current ac�vi�es and future plans. Talk about the educa�on and job

training, community work, and volunteering you’ve done since your release. Keep

the conversa�on on your career goals, why they’re important to you, and how hard

you’re willing to work for them.




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What’s Happening at ICJ

ABE: Adult Basic Educa�on classes. Placement tests should be scheduled with GED

Instructor Holly Pester at 215-985-4448 x171.

ATR Career Development Program. This 9 week course includes resume wri�ng, job

search skills, interviewing techniques, and guest speakers from various industries.

Thursdays, 10am-12pm. Contact Shanté for more info: x279.

ATR Life Skills Program. Explore methods for produc�vity, organiza�on and human

poten�al, Thursdays, 2-4. Contact Akua for more info: x403.

Computer Lab. This is a computer lab open to the public. Come check your email,

search for a job or surf the web! Computer classes are also available. Open Access

Computer Lab: Tuesday –Friday, 1pm-5pm. Contact Gena at x400 for more info or to

sign up for classes.

Crea�ve Wri�ng Workshops. Are you interested in poetry or storytelling?

Wednesdays, 2-3pm. Contact Akua at ext. 403, or Kate at x408.

GED. Are you ready to achieve your high school equivalent cer�ficate? This class

meets twice weekly to prepare students to take the GED exams. Placement tests occur

at 1233 Locust st-3rd floor. Classes are Tuesdays and Thursdays, 4-6pm. Contact

Hannah for more info at x402, or GED Instructor Holly Pester at 215-985-4448 x171.

PHN (Prison Health News). Are you a writer, poet or ar�st? This group writes and

edits a newsle�er for people behind the walls in prisons all over the country. Tuesday,

2-3. Contact Naseem for more info: x417

TEACH Outside (Treatment Educa�on Ac�vists Comba�ng HIV). This is an intensive 5

week course on HIV treatment and ACTIVIST training! Wednesdays and Fridays (5

week sessions), 10am-2pm. Contact Naseem for more info at x417.

TITO (Teach Inside Teach Outside). Have you recently been incarcerated? This 12

week reentry course encompasses educa�on on coming home, health, mental health,

empowerment and ac�vism for people who have been incarcerated. Mondays, 10-

1pm. Contact Theresa for more info: ext 409.

Yoga: Are you STRESSED? Alex teaches this all levels Yoga class. This prac�ce can be

done on the floor or in a chair and is sure to leave par�cipants relaxed and focused.

Contact Hannah for more info: ext. 402.


Ban the Box FAQ

By Support Center for Prison Advocacy coordinator Madeline Smith-Gibbs

What is “Ban the Box”?

The Fair Criminal Records Screening Standards Ordinance, commonly known as Ban

the Box, is a Philadelphia city law that came into effect in July 2011. The ordinance

encourages the hiring of qualified ex-offenders by ensuring that a poten�al employer’s

first impression of an applicant is their work qualifica�on, not their prior criminal

history. An es�mated one-fi�h of Philadelphia’s popula�on has a criminal record, and

job discrimina�on poses a significant barrier to successful reentry. Ban the Box aims to

reduce recidivism through the employment of qualified returning ci�zens.

Specifically, Ban the Box prohibits poten�al employers from inquiring about criminal

convic�ons on the job applica�on or during the first interview. If an employer does not

conduct any interviews, then it is not permi�ed to conduct any inquiries regarding

criminal records. Ban the Box applies to all city and private employers with 10 or more

employees except criminal jus�ce agencies (e.g., prisons, courts, police departments).

What should I do if I am asked about my criminal record?

Answer the ques�on honestly. This can be frustra�ng, but lying or ge�ng angry at the

employer won’t help you get a job. We suggest checking “yes” and wri�ng a note such

as: “My convic�on is not related to this posi�on. I am happy to explain later.”

Since the employer is probably breaking the Ban the Box law, consider filing a

complaint with the Philadelphia Commission on Human Rela�ons (PCHR). If the

complaint is based on an inquiry found on a job applica�on, nothing more is required

from you so long as you include a copy of the applica�on. If the complaint concerns

unlawful ques�ons in a job interview, you will have to provide more informa�on and

may need to tes�fy at a hearing.

The complaint form is available on the PCHR website, at www.phila.gov/

humanrela�ons. Let the Support Center for Prison Advocacy know if you have any

ques�ons about filing a complaint — we’re happy to help!

Did You Know?

Most Philadelphia employers cannot ask if you have a criminal record on the ini�al

job applica�on or during your first interview.


Why is it important to file a complaint?

Filing a complaint with PCHR forces noncomplying employers to either remove the

ques�on from their selec�on process or be fined. This helps level the playing field for

Philadelphia’s returning ci�zens. Furthermore, Ban the Box complaints provide

evidence that the ordinance is being violated. At present, PCHR has received rela�vely

few complaints, sugges�ng rela�vely few viola�ons – which we know is not the case.

Evidence of widespread noncompliance will allow us get the City’s a�en�on and

demand more ac�ve enforcement of the ordinance.

What other rights do job-seekers with records have?

According to federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) guidelines,

employers can only turn you away for a convic�on if that convic�on has some

rela�onship to the job you are applying for. If the convic�on is too minor, or too old,

or for some crime that has no connec�on to the work that you would be doing, then

the employer cannot use that convic�on to deny you the job.

How can I get involved in the Ban the Box movement?

Great ques�on! Ci�zens and community organiza�ons around Philadelphia and

around the country are working to eliminate job discrimina�on against people with

criminal records. Contact the Support Center for Prison Advocacy for more


Support Center for Prison Advocacy

c/o Philadelphia FIGHT’s Ins�tute for Community Jus�ce

21 South 12th Street, 7th floor

Philadelphia, PA 19107

215-525-0460 x410


Companies That Have Hired People with Records

Compiled from Community Legal Service’s Ge�ng Back to Work: A Guide to

Employment Services and Opportuni�es for Ex-Offenders, the Philadelphia Department

of Behavioral Health Resource Manual, and SEER members’ experiences.


1650 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103. Job applica�ons online only: h�p://


Ac�on Manufacturing

Design, fabrica�on and assembly of metal parts.

190 Ri�enhouse Circle, Bristol, PA 19007. Call at 215-278-4001. Resumes can be sent

to emp@ac�on-mfg.com.

Allegheny Distribu�on and Delivery

Supplies furniture to retail stores

4545 West Girard Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19131. Call at 215-473-7300.

Alpha Office Supply

Office supply and furniture provision, office services

2066 West Hun�ng Park Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19140. Call Gloria Collins at 215-226



Example jobs: grill cook, general u�lity, banquet server

Apply online at: www.aramark.com/careers. If you know someone who is an

employee there, ask them to put an “employee referral” for you online. There is a

special sec�on on the website to do this, and direc�ons to refer a friend at:


A&S Manufacturing

Metal sawing, assembly, part cleaning, etc.

3246 Collins Street, Philadelphia, PA 19134. Call at 215-425-6130.

Belgrade Parts and Services

Replacement part and accessories

2748 East Butler Street, Philadelphia, PA 19137. Call Bill Reilly at 215-744-1263 x10.

Brite Star Manufacturing

Christmas novel�es wholesale, wiring, electrical

2900 South 21st Street, Philadelphia, PA. Call at 215-271-7600. They offer mainly

seasonal work between mid-September and January.


Cardone Industry

Remanufacturing auto parts

5660 Rising Sun Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19120 and 5501 Whitaker Avenue,

Philadelphia, PA 19124. Call at 215-912-3000 or visit www.cardone.com.

C&C Distribu�on

4343 Whitaker Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19124. Call at 215-291-8200.


Example jobs: cleaning specialist, loader/unloader, sales representa�ve

Search for jobs and apply online at: h�p://www.cintas.com/careers. Closest loca�on

in Philadelphia is: 4700 West Jefferson Street, Philadelphia, PA 19131. Call at 267-233-


Crown Boiler

Wholesale hea�ng products

3633 L Street, Philadelphia, PA 19134. Call at 215-535-8900. Jobs are only available

through the temporary agency Labor Force: 215-336-6800.


Example jobs: driver, customer service associate, package handler

Search for jobs and apply online at: h�p://careers.fedex.com. For big corpora�ons

such as FedEx, it may be helpful to visit a few loca�ons and ask the manager or hiring

director whether there are any job openings. Don’t forget your resume!

Giant Food Stores

2550 Grant Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19114. Call 215-464-8280, choose op�on 2, and

ask for Lisa. You must fill out a job applica�on online first: www.gian�oodstores.com/


Quick Tip

A very helpful website for all types of

Philadelphia area informa�on is at:



Ha�ield Meat Company

Example jobs: retail sales merchandiser, food safety quality assurance, customer

experience resource coordinator

Search for jobs and apply online at: www.ha�ieldqualitymeats.com/careers. Or email

a resume and cover le�er to resumes@hqm.com.

Home Depot

Example jobs: sales associate, freight team member, warehouse opportuni�es

Search and apply for jobs at: h�p://careers.homedepot.com.

JBD Contractors, Inc

2256 Route 322, Swedesboro, NJ 08085. Call at 856-457-3500. Job applica�ons only

online at h�p://www.jbdconstruc�on.com.

JB Mascaro & Sons

Waste management processing

2650 Audubon Road, Audubon, PA 19403. Call at 484-398-6500 or visit

www.jpmascaro.com. Just off the SEPTA 100 line at the Bridgeport sta�on across the

ball field. Applica�ons are only accepted Tuesday through Thursdays, 9am-2pm.

Jerith Manufacturing

14400 McNulty Road, Philadelphia, PA 19154. Call at 215-676-4068.

Mancino Manufacturing

4732 Stenton Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19144. Call at 215-842-0690.

Moyer Packing Company

Example jobs: route driver, meat packer

249 Allentown Road, Souderton, PA 18964. Call at 215-723-5555.

Neatsfoot Oil Refineries

2925 East Ontario Street, Philadelphia, PA 19134. Call at 215-739-1291 and ask for


Origlio Beverages

3000 Mee�nghouse Road, Philadelphia, PA 19154. Call at 215-698-9500 or email

Bryan Griffin, Director of Corporate Development at bgriffin@origlio.com.

Philadelphia Cricket Club

Applica�ons and resumes accepted by email, fax and online to Susan LaTorre, Human

Resources. 415 West Willow Grove Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19118. Call at 215-247-

6001 x3200. Website: www.philacricket.com.


Spotlight: Brown Family ShopRites

The Brown Family ShopRites have been SEER allies and true community advocates for people with a criminal record. Most posi�ons start as part-

�me and can lead to full-�me. Search for jobs and apply at: www.shoprite.com/career-opportuni�es

The closest Brown family owned ShopRites are at:

2301 West Oregon Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19145

Phone: 215-336-7300, Stephanie Lamore x150

2385 West Cheltenham Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19150

Phone: 215-887-4260, Lashawna Ready x169

2946 Island Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19153

Phone: 215-492-1333, Stephanie

Philadelphia Coca-Cola Bo�ling Company

801 East Erie Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19134. Call at 215-427-4500. Job applica�ons

online only at www.enjoycareers.com.

Philadelphia Furniture Surplus

5351 Lancaster Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19131. Call at 215-871-0800.

Procacci Brothers

Example jobs: inventory support

Search for jobs and apply online at: www.procaccibrothers.com. 333 South Front

Street, Philadelphia, PA 19148. Call at 215-463-8000.

Restaurant Depot

Example jobs: cashier, chef, general help

Search for jobs and apply online at: www.jetrordcareers.com. 700 Pa�son Avenue,

Philadelphia, PA 19148. Call at 215-334-2100.


Safe Disposal Systems, Inc

4301 North Delaware Ave, Building A, Philadelphia, PA 19137. Call at 215-332-3134 or


Samuels and Son Seafood Company

3407 South Lawrence Street, Philadelphia, PA 19148. Call at 215-336-7810 and ask for

Herb. Applica�ons kept for only 30 days, must resubmit each month.

Simkar Corpora�on

Ligh�ng manufacturing

601 East Cayuga Street, Philadelphia, PA 19120. Call at 215-831-7700.

South East Pennsylvania Transporta�on Authority (SEPTA)

1234 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107. Call at 215-580-7800. Apply for jobs

online at h�p://autohire.careershop.com/septajobs.

Southwark Sheet Metal Manufacturing Company

2800 Red Lion Road, Philadelphia, PA 19114. Call at 800-523-1052.

Team Clean

Example jobs: supervisor, custodian (full-�me, part-�me, and floater roles)

Team Clean asks for background checks, but has a history of hiring people depending

on record type and �ming. Search for jobs online at: www.team-clean.com. Call at


TriStar Service Group

Industrial and office window cleaning

137 Gaither Drive, Mount Laurel, NJ 08054. Call at 856-231-8998.

UHaul Interna�onal

Most posi�ons start as part-�me and can lead to full-�me. Applica�ons are only

accepted online. See h�p://jobs.uhaul.com for details.

Unique Industries

Party supplies

4750 League Island Boulevard, Philadelphia, PA 19112. Call at 215-336-4300 or 800-

888-0559. Applica�ons accepted online only. Apply by searching


V&S Ca�e Galvanizing Corpora�on

2520 East Hagart Street, Philadelphia, PA 19125. Call at 215-739-8911.


Job Training Resources

Ac�on AIDS Center City: Posi�ve Ac�on Voca�onal Program

Workforce prepara�on, resume assistance, and more

1216 Arch Street, 6th floor, Philadelphia, PA 19107. Call at 215-981-0088.

ARBOR Career Center

Job training and employment agency

225 South 15th Street, Suite 1000, Philadelphia, PA 19102. Call at 610-891-5509.

Baker Industries

Provides voca�onal rehabilita�on through on-the-job training for former prisoners,

recovering substance users, and people with disabili�es

3506 F St, Philadelphia, PA 19134. Call at 215-291-5700.

Connec�on Training Services

2233 West Allegheny Avenue, 2nd floor, Philadelphia, PA 19132. Call Sandra Davis, job

developer, at 215-430-0381. This organiza�on does not accept sex offenders. Must

have been released within the last six months from an incarcera�on period las�ng at

least six months.

EDSI Solu�ons

Job counseling and training company

160 East 7th Street, 1st floor, Chester, PA 19013. Call William Cruz at 610-876-4855.

You must be referred by the Delaware County Department of Public Welfare to receive

training from them without paying a fee.

Advice from SEER

“For me [the challenge] was admi�ng that this technology has

past me. So going to some classes to learn what is needed in

the field that I have chosen went a long way to making me

stronger and happier.”

LaDonna Boyens


Community College of Philadelphia

Contact Tara Timberman, Reentry Support Project Coordinator, for opportuni�es for

formerly incarcerated people. 1700 Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia, PA 19130. Call

at 215-972-6304 or email at ccpreentry@gmail.com.

Genera�on Four

Offers training in computer usage, interpersonal and �me management skills, valued

cer�fica�on programs, case management, and more

2233 W. Allegheny Ave, 2nd floor, Philadelphia, PA 19132. Call at 215-320-5559.

JEVS – Jewish Employment and Voca�onal Service

Enhances employability and self-sufficiency through educa�on, training, health and

rehabilita�on services

1845 Walnut Street, 7th floor, Philadelphia, PA 19103. Call at 215-854-1800.


Free basic computer training

5548 Chestnut Street, first floor, Philadelphia, PA 19139. Call at 215-474-1807.

Mayor’s Office of Community Services, OIC Building

Free basic computer training

1231 North Broad Street, 5th floor, Philadelphia, PA 19122. Call at 215-685-3908.

Metropolitan Career Center

162 West Chelten Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19144. Call at 215-843-6615.

Na�onal Comprehensive Center for Fathers

714 Market Street, 7th floor, Philadelphia, PA 19106. Call at 215-717-4000 or visit

www.nccfamerica.com. Their programs are intended to assist Philadelphia-resident

father with minor children, but will accept other individuals under special


Nonprofit Technology Resources

Free computer training and low-priced computers

1524 Brandywine Street, Philadelphia, PA 19130. Call at 215-564-6686 or visit h�p://

ntrweb.org. They host a free “bring your own computer” program on Wednesday

a�ernoons to learn how to operate or repair a computer. Owning a computer is

preferred but not required. Call at least a day or two ahead and ask for Regina to

schedule an appointment.


Office of Voca�onal Rehabilita�ons (OVR)

Voca�onal rehabilita�on services to help persons with disabili�es prepare for, obtain,

and maintain employment

444 North 3rd St, Suite 5A, Philadelphia, PA 19123. Call at 215-560-1900. Monday-

Friday 8:30 am-5pm. Must have a documented disability such as drug addic�on,

handicap, or mental illness to qualify for their training.

Philadelphia Unemployment Project

Membership organiza�on of low-wage workers and the unemployed which helps

people win unemployment cases, save their houses, and get access to health care

112 North Broad Street, 11th floor, Philadelphia, PA 19102. Call Lisa Haver, job

developer, at 215-557-0822.

Philadelphia Works, Inc

Job training and placement assistance to personas with barriers to employment such as

low literacy, criminal background, or homelessness

1617 JFK Blvd, Philadelphia, PA 19103. Call at 215-963-2100.

People for People, Inc

Their Project DAD program develops fathering and job search skills

800 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19130. Call Tonya Woods, job developer, at

215-235-2340 x687.

Project 4Ever Striving

Life skills and employment assistance

2418 West York Street, Philadelphia, PA 19132. Call at 267-968-0607. Offers the ATR


Resources for Human Development

Job training and other services

4700 Wissahickon Avenue, Suite 126, Philadelphia, PA 19144. Call at 215-951-0300.

ServSafe Cer�fica�on Training Program

Several SEER members have graduated from this program

1315 Walnut Street, Suite 900, Philadelphia, PA 19107. Call at 215-732-2991.

Tradeswomen of Purpose

Training and placing low-income women in blue-collar jobs

2300 Alter Street, Philadelphia, PA 19146. Call at 215-545-8702.


Other Useful Information and Resources

Access to Recovery

123 South Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19109. Call at 215-599-4972.

Career Link

Find the closest loca�on at www.pacareerlink.state.pa.us

Chosen 300

1116 Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia, PA 19123. Call Brian Jenkins at 215-765-9806.

They have a job info mee�ng with meal on the first Tuesday of each month at 12pm.

Community Legal Services

Legal services for low-income people in areas such as family law, consumer law, aging

and disabili�es law, employment discrimina�on, housing, public benefits, and language


Center city office: 1424 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19102. Call at 215-981-3700.

North Central office: 1410 West Erie Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19140. Call at 215-227-


Impact Services Corpora�on

1952 East Allegheny Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19134. Call Michael Don Pailin at 215-739-

1600 x167. Also located at 2701 North Broad Street, 4th floor, Philadelphia, PA 19132.

Call Marke�a Kelly at 215-430-7430 x216.

Ins�tute for Community Jus�ce

21 South 12th Street, 7th floor, Philadelphia, PA 19107. Call at 215-525-0460. See page

14 for more informa�on.

Kingdom Care Reentry Network (KCRN)

Training and personal mentoring for former prisoners

1606 Mifflin St, Philadelphia, PA 19145. Call at 215-334-3343.

Mayor’s Office for Reintegra�on Services for Ex-Offenders (RISE)

Case management services such as abuse treatment, behavioral health services, and

educa�onal and employment services

34 South 11th Street, 6th floor, Philadelphia, PA 19102. Call at 215-683-3370. Walk in

for sign-up and intake to see if you qualify. This program does not accept sex

offenders or arsonists.

Neighbors Helping Neighbors Associa�on

1213 Vine Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107. Call at 215-665-0654 or email



New Pathways Project

166 West Lehigh Ave, 3rd floor, Philadelphia, PA 19133. Call Chrisia Garcia at 215-763-


Office of Councilwoman Jannie L. Blackwell, 3rd District

City Hall Room 408, Philadelphia, PA 19107. Call John Fenton, Director of Community

Ac�vi�es, at 215-686-3418.

Pennsylvania Prison Society

Provides former prisoners with assistance in transi�on from correc�ons to the

community, including finding employment

245 North Broad Street, Suite 300, Philadelphia, PA 19107. Call at 215-564-4775.

Philadelphia Department of Behavioral Health

1101 Market St, 7th floor, Philadelphia, PA 19107. Call at 215-685-4983 or email

Michael Li�le at michael.li�le@phila.gov.

Services Employees Industrial Union (SEIU)

42 South 15th Street, 2nd floor, Philadelphia, PA 19102. Call at 215-226-3600.

Urban League of Philadelphia

121 South Broad Street, 9th floor, Philadelphia, PA 19107. Call Carla Bap�ste, career

center manager, at 215-985-3220 x200. Must bring two forms of ID to their

orienta�on class.

X-Offenders for Community Empowerment

2231 North Broad Street, Suite 200, Philadelphia, PA 19132. Call at 267-325-0335 or

215-668-8477 or email kimpayton@x-offender.org.

Quick Tip

Think of your first few jobs a�er release as “transi�on jobs” that help you

become financially stable and gain the experience needed to move up into

a career that you enjoy. Beyond your paycheck, transi�on jobs offer: a

chance to prove that you are dependable and self-reliant, an employment

record that can make you more a�rac�ve to future employers, basic

voca�onal skills, and a feeling of pride and accomplishment.


Staffing Agencies and Part-Time Work

*Temp to hire work

Accu Staffing Services

1601 Market Street, Suite 101, Philadelphia, PA 19103. Call at 800-437-ACCU.

Applica�ons are accepted Monday through Friday 9am-3pm.

Aerotek Commercial Staffing

1325 Morris Drive, Wayne, PA 19087. Call Sara Kennedy at 610-232-5807.

American Staffing Resources

7201 Frankford Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19135. Call at 215-333-7337.


445 Fairmount Ave, Philadelphia, PA 19123. Call at 215-440-1042 and ask for Pam, Bill,

or Pearl.

AmeriTemps, Inc

220 North 13th St, Philadelphia, PA 19107. Call at 215-627-2454. The work offered is

primarily on the Pier 84 unloading ships.

*Aeroteck Commercial Staffing

132 Welsh Road, Suite 110, Horsham, PA 19044. Call Patrick Robbins, Account

Recrui�ng Manager, at 215-902-8066.

Baker Industries

184 Pennsylvania Avenue, Malvern, PA 19355. Call at 610-296-9795.

Best Personnel

1315 Walnut Street, 3rd floor, Philadelphia, PA 19107. Call at 215-732-3100.

BNC Group

5739 North 5th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19120. Call Sandra at 215-548-8600.

Careers USA

18th and JFK, Philadelphia, PA 19102. Call at 215-561-3800.

Centrix Staffing

800 West Olney Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19120. Call at 215-725-4300.


1420 Walnut Street, Suite 716, Philadelphia, PA 19102. Call at 215-864-0500.


*Infinity Staffing

1500 JFK Boulevard, Suite 404, Philadelphia, PA 19102. Call at 215-735-9440.

*J&J Staffing Resources

200 Gilbraltar Road, Suite 122, Horsham, PA 19044. Call Kris�e Hentz, office manager,

at 215-773-9773.

Kelly Service

1635 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103. Call at 215-564-3110.

*Labor Force

1301 South Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19147. Call David Woodworth at 215-336-

6800. The office is open 6am to 9am. The office door is on the Wharton St side of the



3828 Aramingo Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19137. Call Gabriel Gonzalez at 215-288-

1203. Applica�ons accepted Monday through Friday 6:30-10am.


1818 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103. Call at 215-568-4050. Resumes are only

accepted through the front desk lobby.

On�me Staffing

207 North 9th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107. Call Yan Hong Mai at 215-829-0188. Also

at 2814 Co�man Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19149. Call at 215-333-3349.


1 Mall Drive, Suite 105, Cherry Hill, NJ 08002. Call Alicia Favuzzi, assistant staffing

supervisor, at 856-667-9003 x1300.


2 Penn Center, JFK Boulevard, Philadelphia, PA 19102. Can only apply for work at


Trinity Staffing

2340 South Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19145. Call at 215-218-9300.

Unique Staffing, Inc

1218 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107. Call at 215-238-9146.

Upli�, Inc

5070 Parkside Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19131. Call at 215-222-8763.


Quick How-Tos

How to Get an Email Account

Almost all online applica�ons require you to provide an email address. We

recommend www.mail.google.com or www.mail.yahoo.com. Remember that this will

be the employer’s first impression of you, so s�ck to some varia�on of your name or

ini�als. Make sure to check your email on a regular basis — many people expect a

reply to their email within a few days.

How to Access Your Criminal Record

Docket sheets can be accessed for free through the Pennsylvania Unified Judicial

System web portal: h�p://ujsportal.pacourts.us/docketsheets/cp.aspx. You can also

contact the Bureau of Records and Informa�on Services for official copies of your

criminal record for a fee. Call at 717-783-5588.

How to Create a Resume

Resumes are a way to market yourself and communicate why an employer should hire

you. Start by making a list of all your accomplishments, awards, cer�ficates, jobs,

volunteer posi�ons, and any other relevant ac�vity. Then, ask yourself what kind of

job you are applying for. Include skills, abili�es, knowledge, and experience that are

relevant to that job.

See pages 8 and 23 for lists of computer labs and career centers where you can get

help with your resume. You can also look up examples online, but it’s be�er to have

personalized help if possible. Make sure to proofread your resume before you send it

out, and have someone else look over it as well.

If you are applying for a job that is entry-level, you may not want to submit a resume

with your applica�on because it will make you seem overqualified. In such instances

only use the resume to fill out the applica�on.

Advice from an ICJ Participant

“I suggest staying strong and posi�ve while looking for work — never le�ng nothing

hold you back. People may say what they want to cri�cize you, but use that for an

uproar to prove them wrong. People can change to be�er themselves as humans.”

Tarrence Swartz, recently hired ICJ par�cipant








































Society for Employment and Equal Rights c/o Philadelphia FIGHT’s Ins�tute for Community Jus�ce

21 South 12th Street, 7th floor

Philadelphia, PA 19107

