Encountering Pope Francis/ Un Encuentro con Papa Francisco In Words and Images En Palabras e...


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Encountering Pope Francis/Un Encuentro con Papa FranciscoIn Words and ImagesEn Palabras e Imagenes

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The JOY of the Gospel/La Alegria del EvangelioBefore all else, the Gospel invites us to respond to the God of love who saves us, to see God in others and to go forth from ourselves to seek the good of others.

Ante todo, el evangelio nos invita a responder al amor de Dios que nos salva, para ver a Dios en otros y asi seguir adelante por nosotros para buscar el bien de todos. JoG 393

A homeless woman sleeps at the Termini train station in Rome. Pope Francis had sleeping bags distributed to hundreds of homeless people on his birthday.http://news.yahoo.com/pope-treats-homeless-sleeping-bags-133252121.html;_ylt=AwrB8pzB2CtVvyMA6wmQnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTBxNG1oMmE2BHNlYwNmcC1hdHRyaWIEc2xrA3J1cmwEaXQDTiziana Fabi AFP File

4A Throwaway Culture/Una Cultura de DeshechoHow can it be that it is not a news item when an elderly homeless person dies of exposure, but it is news when the stock market loses two points?

Como puede ser que no es noticia si una persona sin hogar muere en la calle, pero SI sale en las noticias cuando el mercado de valores pierde dos puntos?From The Joy of the Gospel5

Weeping with a Filipina street-girl who asked him, Why does God allow children to suffer?http://www.metatube.com/en/videos/262641/Pope-Francis-hugs-weeping-girl-at-Philippines-Sermon/#

6The Globalization of Indifference/La Globalizacion de IndiferenciaWe are a society that has forgotten how to weep how to have compassion.

Somos una sociedad que ha olvidado el llanto como tener compasin.

Remarks at Lampedusa 7

Kissing a Disfigured Man: http://nypost.com/2013/11/07/pope-francis-kisses-blesses-severely-disfigured-man/

8 A Revolution of Tenderness/ Una Revolucion de TernuraThe Son of God, by becoming flesh, summoned us to the revolution of tenderness.

El Hijo de Dios, al convertirse en carne, ha convocado a nosotros a la ternura.


10The Dignity of Work/La Dignidad del Trabajo "Work is fundamental to the dignity of the person. Work'anoints' with dignity, fills us with dignity, makes us similar to God who has worked and still works, who always acts.

El trabajo es fundamental a la dignidad de la persona. Trabajo nos unge con dignidad, nos llena de dignidad, nos hace semejantes a Dios que ha trabajado y ya trabaja, quien siempre acta.

Meeting with African Migrants in Lampedusa12No to An Economy of Exclusion/No a Una Economia de ExclusionJust as the commandment Thou shalt not kill sets a clear limit in order to safeguard the value of human life, today we also have to say thou shalt not to an economy of exclusion and inequality. Such an economy kills.

"As como el mandamiento " No matars " establece un lmite claro con el fin de proteger el valor de la vida humana, hoy tambin tenemos que decir ' no hars a una economa de exclusin y desigualdad. Tal economa mata." From The Joy of the Gospel13

To Pastors: Be shepherds with the smell of sheep14A Culture of Encounter/Una Cultura de EncuentroI prefer a church which is bruised, hurting and dirty because it has been out on the streets, rather than a church which is unhealthy from being confined and from clinging to its own security.

"Prefiero una iglesia que est magullada, herida y sucia, ya que ha estado fuera en las calles, en lugar de dentro de una iglesia que es poco saludable al limitarse y de aferrarse a su propia seguridad. From The Joy of the Gospel15

https://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=A0LEVvCsuTVVhmcAum0nnIlQ;_ylu=X3oDMTBsa3ZzMnBvBHNlYwNzYwRjb2xvA2JmMQR2dGlkAw--?p=pope+francis+image+shantytown+rome&back=https%3A%2F%2Fsearch.yahoo.com%2Fyhs%2Fsearch%3Fp%3Dpope%2Bfrancis%2Bimage%2Bshantytown%2Brome%26ei%3DUTF-8%26hsimp%3Dyhs-001%26hspart%3Dmozilla%26fr%3Dyhs-mozilla-001&w=3500&h=2329&imgurl=media4.s-nbcnews.com%2Fi%2Fnewscms%2F2015_07%2F881851%2F150209-world-pope-shantytown-tirburtina-rome-850a_ec42b23014440975beef5847b3f5f124.jpg&size=734KB&name=150209-world-pope-shantytown-tirburtina-rome-850a_ec42b23014440975beef5847b3f5f124.jpg&rcurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nbcnews.com%2Fnews%2Fworld%2Fpope-francis-makes-surprise-visit-shantytown-outskirts-rome-n302816&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nbcnews.com%2Fnews%2Fworld%2Fpope-francis-makes-surprise-visit-shantytown-outskirts-rome-n302816&type=&no=1&tt=119&oid=2d6d97a8f0e66980f298b881e68779de&tit=Image%3A+Pope+Francis+visits+a+shantytown+on+the+outskirts+of+Rome&sigr=1353db7sp&sigi=144u4fj3n&sign=12m1oukol&sigt=103d1h5lg&sigb=14111ndng&fr=yhs-mozilla-001&hspart=mozilla&hsimp=yhs-00116A Poor Church for the Poor/Una Iglesia Pobre para los PobresA way has to be found to enable everyone to benefit from the fruits of the earth, and not simply to close the gap between the affluent and those who must be satisfied with the crumbs falling from the table, but above all to satisfy the demands of justice, fairness, and respect for every human being.

Una forma tiene que ser encontrada para que todos puedan beneficiarse de los frutos de la tierra , y no simplemente para cerrar la brecha entre los ricos y los que tienen que estar satisfechos con las migajas que caen de la mesa, pero sobre todo para satisfacer las demandas de la justicia, la equidad y el respeto a todos los seres humanos.

Washing the Feet of Incarcerated Youth on Holy Thursday:18Gods Mercy Has No Limits/La Misericordia de Dios No Tiene Limites God is in everyones life. Even if the life of a person has been a disaster, even if it is destroyed by vices, drugs or anything elseGod is in this persons life.

"Dios est en la vida de todos. Incluso si la vida de una persona ha sido un desastre, incluso si se destruye por vicios, drogas o otra cosa - Dios est en la vida de esta persona.

La Republica interview 9/19/13 The mercy of GodAmerica Magazine interview God is in everyones life19

A Culture of Solidarity/ Una Cultura de SolidaridadSolidarity is a word thatmeans more than some generous, sporadic acts. It is to think and act in terms of the communityIt is also to fight against the structural causes of poverty, inequality, unemployment, and [loss of] land, housing, and social and labor rights Solidarity, understood in its most profound sense, is a way of making history.

"La solidaridad es una palabra que significa ... ms que algunos actos generosos espordicos. Es para pensar y actuar en trminos de la comunidad ... Tambin es luchar contra las causas estructurales de la pobreza , la desigualdad , el desempleo , y [prdida de] la tierra , la vivienda y los derechos sociales y laborales ... La solidaridad, entendida en su sentido ms profundo, es una manera de hacer historia."

Stewardship of Creation/Guardines de la CreacinCreation is not a property, which we can rule over at will; or, even less, is the property of only a few: Creation is a gift, it is a wonderful gift that God has given us, so that we care for it and we use it for the benefit of all, always with great respect and gratitude.

" La creacin no es una propiedad que podemos gobernar a su antojo; o menos an, es la propiedad de slo unos pocos. La creacin es un regalo, es un don maravilloso que Dios nos ha dado , por lo que nos preocupamos por l y lo utilizan para el beneficio de todos, siempre con gran respeto y gratitud."

http://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/a-simple-intense-encounter-pope-francis-and-manilas-street-kids-92137/24Missionary Disciples/Discipulos MisionerosAn evangelizing community gets involved by word and deed in peoples daily lives

"Una comunidad evangelizadora se involucra con la palabra y con las obras en la vida cotidiana de la gente"null574376.4