

Trabajo de alumnos de 1º de ESO del IES Navarro Villoslada de Pamplona.

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The tiger lives in Asia,especially in India.

He is carnivorous, he hunting in his territory.He attacks for surprise.

He hunting buffalos and deer, him favourite food, but he hunting too monkeys, snakes, frogs, turtles and fishes.

The tiger female doesn´t have much of babyes, she have got two, three or four babyes.Half of bayes die before when be adult .

He loves have a shower in the water.In the night he mark him territory.In thenight he hunting too and the day he sleep.

Is the bigest tiger of the

world.The male can reach the

400 kg and 2,80 metres .He

lives in wood of mountains in

Siberia and in Manchuria


He hunting in the night , he

hunting big animals like deers,

wild boards and other

animals.But he eat frogs,

fishes and other littles animals


His fur is very thick.

He is a big hunter in the night.



He can reach 7 tons, 3 or 4

metres tall and 7 metres

long.His ears are enourmus

and they are grey,

He lives in woods, in deserts,

in mountains and in valleys.

He eats grass and branchs.

The oldest male direct the

herd, when the male is adult

he goes and he lives in


The bison is the biggest mammal

of América.He can reach the ton.h

eis amazing, because he has got

the tail of lion, hump of camel,

the horn and the force of a bull.

He has got a very thick fur, his fur

is brown.When he needs food, he

find in the grass under the snow.

The bisont is short- sightedness

but his hearing and his sense of

smell are the best .

He loves the mud .

Is the biggest wild cat, he hunt in the night.

He loves the hares the, he eats much of hares, he can eats one hears of day.

The lynx eats mouses, foxies and squirrels.He can jump 6 metres.

In auttum, the lynx hunt with his family, the babyes are with his parents until the next year.

Is the stronger of family cats of América. His hearing and his sense of smell are very develop.

He can reach the 1,50 metres and the 180 kg in the males.He hunt in the ground, in the night.He know wait an other animals next to the river for hunt it.His mouth and his teeth are very strong, he hunt animals biggest than his.

He is solitary and he didn’t hunt in group.

Is a stronger wild animal, he doesn’t likes the company, he hasn’t got good character, in especially the Blach rhino, he be angry very easy and he destroyed all he can see.

He’s is short- sightedness, he’s herbivorous and eats much grass and plants.

He’s very sensitive to bites of mosquitoes.

In the night he goes to find food and water to have a shower.

The rhinos are a endangered animals

o This animal is prehistoric, much of babyes die because the wolfs attacks and kill the babyes, the babyes die for hunger or the bears.

o When they enemy attacks , thhey shape a circle to defend they babyes, the females and the youngs males, they puts in the centre, the males puts out of the circle because they defend the herd.

He is the biggest carnivorius in the word .He lives in places very colds , his coat protects.He swim very well like the dog, he swim with his legs. He can run very fast.

He likes hunt seal, but he likes the whales aand little animals like birds.He find food thanks his sense of smell , he can smell a die whale, he can swim under of the ice until 2 minute.

He lives in the winter in a den in the snow, there she had her babyes and they wait the spring . In this time th female does’t eats any of food, but the babyes suckle milk of his mum.

When the seal appear on the water the polar bear kill the seal and then he eats the seal.

o The turtle of Galapagos is the biggest turtle of the world, because he can reach the 400 kilogram.He has got a long neck, a big shell and big legs.

o In the time of year reproduction the male loock for the female and she make the nest to puts they eggs.

o Is an endangered animal because the rats, and kats kill them, the goats and other herbivorous takes

them food

He can reach the 6 metres long and the tonel of weigh.His body is long and strong.His body is grey with blue and greyish-brown dyes.His teeth are triangular.

When he is young, he eats fishes.crustaceans and othe invertebrades.

When he is adult, he eats seals, dolphins and whales.
