Energy Performance of Fishing Vessel and Potential Savings




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    Fishing vesselEnergy consumption

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    use patterns; (c) the shing gears used; (d) the shing and trip patterns; (e) the distance to the shing

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    reducing the energy demand; hence obtain an economic andenvironmental savings (UNE, 2009, 2012). In addition to the newEuropean Standard on energy audits, some countries, such as NewZealand/Australia and Spain, had their own standard already

    2007; Saidur andindustries are noty in energy con-ssels the feedingtivity and patternsine fuel consump-ater and heat con-y analyses, are not

    relevant to shing vessels. For example, no heat is used onboardanalysed vessels. Seawater is used for the engines and onboardequipment, whilst drinking water comes, often, from bottles; this isdespite having water desalination and purication systems on-board. Therefore, data collection is limited to: energy ow andconsumption variables; the amount of fuel bunkered in a year; andthe energy-saving options.

    The shing sector needs to cope with all of these challenges,present a solid response and become proactive in relation to the

    * Corresponding author. Tel.: 34 667174394; fax: 34 946572555.E-mail addresses:, (O.C. Basurko), ggabina@

    Contents lists available at

    Journal of Clean


    Journal of Cleaner Production 54 (2013) (G. Gabia), (Z. Uriondo).and social aspects (Bunse et al., 2011). Ways to improve energyefciency include management, technology and policy/regulations(Abdelaziz et al., 2011). Nonetheless, for the majority of energyefcient strategies, an energy audit is the rst step (Lu and Price,2011; Trianni et al., 2013).

    Energy audits are procedures that enable organisations to knowtheir status with respect to energy use. They provide a detailed scanof the energy ows of an activity and propose measures to help

    options (Gazi et al., 2012; Klugman et al.,Mekhilef, 2010). The conditions within onshorehighly variable apart from seasonal variabilitsumption. In contrast, for offshore shing vehabits, target species migration routes, shing acare some of the critical factors that will determtion. Likewise, some of the variables, such as wsumption, represented widely in onshore industrseen as an important pillar, contributing to all aspects of sustain-able manufacturing framework, assisting economic, environmental

    process of production; a companys overall energy consumption;water and heat consumption; and energy-, water- and heat-savingEnergy savingEnergy efciency

    1. Introduction

    Dependency on fossil fuels, energenergy supply, the need to reducedustry competitiveness have transforoption to a necessity (Ang et al., 2010959-6526/$ e see front matter 2013 Elsevier Ltd.; (f) target species and their migration routes; and (g) the traditions onboard. Likewise, nogeneralisation can be made regarding the way energy is consumed by onboard equipment/machinerywhen different shing gears are compared. Energy audits will need to be site-specic and to includesufcient data to obtain representative results; these are likely to be more than in land-based industries,due to the peculiarities of this sector.

    2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

    s, increasing security ofns and to improve in-ergy efciency from aned, energy efciency is

    established regarding energy audits (Cabezas et al., 2012; Thomaset al., 2010; UNE, 2012). These standards dictate the minimumelds an energy audit must include, leaving the selection of themethodology in charge of the auditor. The common procedure forenergy audits used by onshore industry is to include dataregarding: energy ow; electricity prices and tariff rates; energy, byKeywords:Energy auditcomprehensively, for 2010e2012, to determine their energy consumption ow. The results indicate thatenergy consumption depends upon: (a) the structure and size of the vessel; (b) the engine conditions andEnergy performance of shing vessels a

    Oihane C. Basurko a,*, Gorka Gabia b, Zigor UriondaAZTI-Tecnalia, Marine Research Division, Herrera Kaia, Portualdea z/g, 20110 Pasaia, SbAZTI-Tecnalia, Marine Research Division, Txatxarramendi Ugartea z/g, 48395 SukarriecDepartment of Thermal Engineering, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Alam

    a r t i c l e i n f o

    Article history:Received 17 January 2013Received in revised form16 May 2013Accepted 17 May 2013Available online 28 May 2013

    a b s t r a c t

    Commercial shing is headecline, occupational risksare some of the reasons thacontribution aims at proviaudits, to reduce the fuel

    journal homepage: www.All rights reserved.potential savings,c

    painUrquijo s/n, 48013 Bilbao, Spain

    fuel dependant. The increase in the fuel price, together with the stockshing, the possibilities of nding a different future for new generations,ave made shing arrive at its survival limits, in many parts of Europe. Thisg shipowners and researcher with the experience of undertaking energyl of shing vessels. In order to do so, 3 shing vessels were assessed

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  • leanrise in fuel price. This objective requires effective energy manage-ment, including monitoring the engines and the energy con-sumption, redesigning ships, and rethinking and reinvention of theway fuel is consumed onboard (Lloyds Register, 2010). However,presently, the bunker purchased is usually the only register of howshing vessel maintains its fuel consumption. Therefore, energyaudits may play an important role in this approach, since they candetail how energy is consumed within a vessel. Likewise, an auditmay highlight the areas of major consumption and potential sav-ings, including structural changes and operational practices.

    In relation to the above, research is growing within the pub-lished literature (Abernethy et al., 2010; Basurko et al., 2012;Parente et al., 2008; Schau et al., 2009; Thomas et al., 2010; Thrane,2004; Villarroya et al., 2009; Wilson, 1999). There are, within thiscontext: regional websites on energy efciency of shing vessels,such as those for the EU and Alaska (EC, 2012; Sea Grant, 2012);specialised conferences, such as the e-Fishing (;regional initiatives, dealing partially with energy efciency inshing (e.g. European Fisheries Technology Platform); or generaland simplistic work sheets to guide shipowners on the reduction offuel consumption (Energy Federation of New Zealand, 2011).Despite these efforts, few vessels have implemented energy ef-cient measures onboard. Thus, more studies are required toenhance good practices in the sector.

    This contribution presents the main results of a comprehensiveenergy audit of three shing vessels; there grouped together, utilise6 different shing gears used during a year. Likewise, the energyefcient measures implemented by the shipowners are alsodetailed. The results obtained are to be used for benchmarkingpurposes. Likewise, the steps undergone can guide researchers andauditors, in the identication of the main points to incorporate inthe successful energy audits of shing vessels; these will assist inunderstanding the peculiarities of this complicated sector.

    2. Material and methods

    Three Basque shing vessels were studied, comprehensively,during 2010e2012. Vessel 1 used the same shing gear throughoutthe year. In contrast, Vessels 2 and 3 changed their shing geartwice and three times a year, respectively, in relation to the targetspecies. The shing gears studied were: bottom-otter trawl; purseseine; pole and line with live-bait; trolling line; hand lines; andgillnet. The main details of the vessels analysed are listed in Table 1.The shing zones stated are those detailed by the FAO (FAO, 2012).

    The data were collected using: ow-meters (KRAL OMG, volu-metric positive displacement ow-meters); a portable electric po-wer logger (Fluke 435, a three-phase power quality and energyanalyser); energy meters (Circutor EMDK, standard meters); andtorque meters (Binsfeld TorqueTrak Revolution permanent torquemeter and TT10k portable torque meter). All of the equipment wasinstalled onboard, with the exception of the portable electric powerlogger and the portable torque meter, which were used sporadi-cally. Flow meters were used to collect data of fuel consumption ofthe main engine; and the torque meter for the propulsion power.The logger was used for 2 outputs: (a) to measure the power con-sumption of a particular piece of equipment/machinery; and (b) toregister, together with the energy meters, the energy patterns andoperational proles of auxiliary engines and a particular piece ofequipment/machinery, for the duration of a specic shing trip.

    The readings of the above mentioned meters (with the excep-tion of the portable logger) together with the main engines speedobtained by an Hall type pick-up inductive proximity sensor, andthe course and speed over ground of the vessel given by the vesselsGPS were all integrated in the GESTOIL system (an onboard fuel

    O.C. Basurko et al. / Journal of Cconsumption management system). As an outcome, the GESTOILprovided data to calculate: (a) the operational prole of the vessel;(b) the speed, instantaneous and accumulated fuel consumption ofthe main engine; (c) the course and speed over ground of thevessel; (d) propulsion power; and (e) machinery and auxiliary en-gines energy consumption data. Likewise, the GESTOIL includedthe polynomial relation between main engine speed (xed pitchpropeller) and fuel consumption, obtained by controlled sea trials.Furthermore, the GESTOIL also showed the fuel consumptionsaving value reducing the cruise-speed of the vessel. Data wereregistered at a frequency of 10e15 s, throughout the 2 year period;these were collected periodically once the vessels arrived in port,then analysed subsequently.

    Data relating to energy-consuming equipment/machinery on-board were provided by the skippers and chief engineers. Thesedata were combined with the onboard measurement of selectedequipment and machinery, such as: that for refrigeration andfreezing; water pumps; and lighting using the electrical powerlogger.

    The data analysis has included the identication of factors thatwill assist in determining the suitability of energy efcient mea-sures. These factors include: the activity patterns; the load ofengines; engine usage patterns (in hours) and their associatedenergy consumption (litres) for each of the shing activities on-board i.e. energy consumed whilst steaming, nding sh, shing,in port (for the trawler, shing means energy consumed duringshooting, towing, and hauling the trawl gear); the main enginefuel oil consumption curve; a histogram with time spent on speedranges within a shing trip; and an estimation of the energyconsumed by the energy-consuming equipment/machineryonboard.

    The methodology followed to undertake the energy audits issummarised in the form of a owchart in Fig. 1. The methodologycontains 13 steps which can be classied in 3 groups. Some stepscan be undertaken by the auditor alone, Group 1. In contrast, thereis a group of steps, Group 2, requiring the presence and aid of theshipowner. Steps in Group 3, need the skipper or chief engineer toguarantee the audit is done successfully. The different groups aremarked by different colour and box line in the Figure. Furthermore,the audit is structured in 3 levels: the pre-audit is the most genericone. Data are given by the shipowner and are related to the basicperformance data of the vessel such as the fuel bunkered, amountof sh caught per year and gears used during a year. The Compre-hensive audit (level 2) collects performance data of the vessel byinstalling meters onboard. Data are more exhaustive and detailed.As a result, data such as the activity pattern of the vessel, energyconsumption, and performance indicators can be obtained. Level 3of the audit presents the energy saving measures proposed by theauditor based on the results obtained in the previous levels of theaudit.

    3. Results

    The territorial distribution of the Basque shing eet is gear-specic. One location characterised by having the majority of thevessels using one gear, such as trawlers. Other locations are asso-ciated mainly with purse seiners, pole and liner with live-bait, ortrollers. The price of fuel (marine diesel oil) is also location-specic.Table 2 shows the evolution of the price of the fuel, over the past 6years and for two locations (pers. comm., shipowners).

    3.1. Performance indicators

    Two indicators are used usually to show the energy perfor-mance of a shing activity: litres of fuel consumed per tonne of sh

    er Production 54 (2013) 30e40 31landed; and the edible protein EROI (Schau et al., 2009; Tyedmers,

  • 2004). The former provides an indication of the fuel use intensity ofthe vessel, whilst the latter, indicates the relationship between theenergy consumption of the vessel and the edible protein yield of thetarget species (Tyedmers, 2004).

    Since the aim of the study was to compare the energy efciencyof the shing gears, fuel use intensity has been used as a referencefor the comparisons with published literature. Performance in-dicators have been compared with publicly available data (Schau

    Table 1Details of the vessels studied in the present investigation.

    Fishing gear Vessel 1 Vessel 2 Vessel 3

    Bottom-otter trawl Purse seine, pole and line with live-bait Trolling line, gillnets, hand lines

    Length overall (m) 39 37 25.9Length waterline (m) 33.4 30 20Deadweight (t) 239.05 149 66.41Gross tonnage 432 231 84.19Construction year 2008 2004 1995Hull material Steel Steel SteelBase porta Ondarroa Getaria and Orio BermeoMain engine 1030 kW 8cyl. 800 rpm 1060 kW 16cyl. 1600 rpm 493 kW 12cyl. 1800 rpmAuxiliary engines 3 auxiliary engines of 1500 rpm:

    2 of 515 kW, 1 of 59 kW anda shaft generator

    3 auxiliary engines of 1500 rpm:420 kW, 170 kW, 112 kW

    2 auxiliary engines of 1500 rpm:32 kW, 20 kW, a DC generator

    Crew size 11 15 5Target species Mixed sheries Operating with purse seine: anchovy,

    mackerel, horse-mackerel, sardine.With live-bait: Bluen tuna andalbacore tuna

    Operating with trolling line: Bluentuna and albacore tuna. With gillnets:monksh. With hand lines: mackerel.

    Fishing zones (basedon (FAO, 2012))

    The Atlantic, VIeVIIeAVIIIabd zones The Atlantic, A1 and A2 zones The Atlantic, VIIeVIII zones

    Fishing period Mid-Sept. until mid-July Purse seine: Spring and winter.Live-bait: summer and autumn

    Trolling line: JuneeOctober. Gillnets:NovembereFebruary Hand lines:FebruaryeMarch

    Downtime period Beginning of July until mid-September Mid-December until mid-February Mid-March until the beginning of June

    a Note: for location of ports, see Fig. 2.

    O.C. Basurko et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 54 (2013) 30e4032Fig. 1. Energy audit methodology.

  • et al., 2009; Thrane, 2004; Tyedmers, 2004; Tyedmers and Parker,2012), as listed in Table 3.

    The species with higher marketable price may endure better theuctuations of the fuel price rise than otherswith lowermarketableprice. To see this effect, two indicators have been added: (1) Catchselling price in port (V/kg); (2) Effect of selling price (L/1000V shlanded).

    Sunday morning. During the trip, 70% of the time is spent shing,19% steaming, and the remaining 11% manoeuvring.

    The duration of Vessel 2 (operating as a purse seine) and Vessel3 (hand line) is also considerably constant. They usually have dailytrips; leaves earlymorning and returns late afternoon; although thepurse seine may occasionally include two day trips. The activity ofvessel 3 (operating with gillnets) is also regular: the nets are placedon the bottom and after several days (usually 4) nets are hauled up.

    In contrast, the shing trips of Vessel 2 (operatingwith live-bait)and Vessel 3 (operating as a troller) are very irregular, in terms ofduration and engine use; this is due to the fact that their trips varywith the spatial migration of the tuna. Furthermore, the catch islanded in the nearest port, which varies with the particular shinglocation. Fig. 2 shows 3 of the shing trips of Vessel 2 (operatingwith live-bait) and Vessel 3 (operating as a troller), during the tunashing season in 2011. The tuna approaches from the AtlanticOcean andmoves towards the Bay of Biscay fromMay until October.Since the vessel follows the tunas migration, the rst trip is thefarthest from the coast, to the East.

    3.3. Engine use


    Table 2Average fuel price for two eet segments.

    Year Average fuel price (V/L)

    Port of Ondarroaa Port of Getariab

    2006 0.422 0.4502007 0.421 0.4282008 0.545 0.6202009 0.349 0.3592010 0.476 0.4872011 0.606 0.6502012 0.690 0.700

    a The prevailing ship type in this port is the bottom-otter trawler.b The prevailing ship type in this port are purse seiners and pole and liners with


    O.C. Basurko et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 54 (2013) 30e40 33Every energy audit must include the carbon footprint of theactivity. The last column of Table 3 reects this indicator in terms oftonnes of CO2 eq./tonnes of sh landed. For the calculation of theamount of CO2 emission per tonne of sh landed the current den-sity of the fuel used in the analysed vessels and the conversionfactor proposed by the IMO has been used (IMO, 2009), detailed inTable 3. This indicator was calculated for all the vessels and shinggears utilised; thus the results are to be used for carbon footprintbenchmark purposes. (Note: the carbon footprint indicator onlyrefers to shing activity and associated fuel consumption; carbonfootprint of other life stages is excluded).

    3.2. Trip patterns

    The duration of a trip is affected by different variables, such as:the target species; shing gear used; weather conditions; shcaught; time at sea, during a trip; and achievable price at themarket. The shing trip of Vessel 1 is relatively constant throughouta year: the vessel leaves port on aMonday afternoon and returns on

    Table 3Energy performance of the studied shing gears.

    Gear Target specie Fuel use intensity(L/tn sh landed)

    Comparative publdata (L/tn sh lan

    Bottom-otter trawl Mixed demersal 1646 107bsheries (incl.anglersh,megrims, hake)

    Purse seine Mackerel 98 80d



    Purse seine Anchovy 70 107a


    Pole and lonewith live-bait

    Tuna 1080 1400a


    Trolling line Tuna 1136 1107c

    Gillnet Monksh 677 226b

    Hand lines Mackerel 60 NA

    Conversion factor: 3.206 tn CO2/tn dieselegasoil (IMO, 2009).Key: NA e not available.

    a (Tyedmers, 2004).b (Schau et al., 2009) allocated by mass.c (Tyedmers and Parker, 2012).d (Thrane, 2004).e Fuel density: 0.85 kg/L.Two types of engines are located onboard each of the vessels:the main engine and the auxiliary engines. Whilst the main engineis used to turn the propeller andmove the vessel through thewater,the auxiliary engines are used to supply electricity and hydraulicpower onboard.

    Vessel 1 contains three auxiliary engines: one for the electricitysupply and powering the hydraulic machinery; one for manoeu-vring purposes; and a third one, exclusively, used whilst the vesselis in port. The vessel also contains a shaft generator, which is usedwhen the energy demand onboard is low, below 100 kW.

    Both Vessels 2 and 3 contain two auxiliary engines, which areused alternatively during the shing trip. In addition, Vessel 2contains also a third auxiliary engine, to power three oil pumps thatmove three specic shing gears used during the purse seinemanoeuvring; and Vessel 3 contains a small DC generator movedwith a pulley, which is used to power the trolling line and gillnets.

    When Vessels 2 and 3 operate with the live-bait and trollingline, shing takes place during the day; at night, the vessels ceasesuch activity. Since the tuna are sensitive to the noise, the main

    d Catch selling price inport (V/kg)

    Effect of selling price(L/1000V sh landed)

    Carbon footprint(tn CO2/tn shed landed)e

    NA NA 4.48

    1.15 85.22 0.27

    2.00 35.00 0.19

    4.02 268.66 2.94

    4.42 257.01 3.096.0 112,83 1.841.15 52.17 0.16

  • Fig. 2. Fishing trips of Vessel 2, operating with the live-bait, and Vessel 3, operating as a troller, during their tuna shing season of 2011.

    O.C. Basurko et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 54 (2013) 30e4034

  • energy-consuming equipment/machinery are switched on usuallyat night, i.e. ice generator, refrigeration-system, deck-lighting andspotlights, water pumps and some shing gears. As such, the majorelectrical energy demand occurs at night.

    3.4. Energy use onboard

    The trip patterns, fuel consumption, engine load pattern, andactivity patterns are listed in Table 4, with their associated standarddeviations. The breakdown of energy consumption, by the enginesonboard, is shown in Fig. 3. Fig. 4 shows the main engines fuelconsumption curve of Vessel 2, with two different propellers. Theconsumption curve plots the polynomial relation between the en-gine speed and the fuel consumption obtained in sea trials forVessel 2.

    speed, i.e. the average speed maintained by a vessel, under normalload and weather conditions.

    3.6.2. Service speed reductionVessel 2 and Vessel 3 have been controlling their speed, since

    the implementation of the GESTOIL system onboard. The energysavings obtained is calculated by using the polynomial relationbetween the engine speed and the fuel consumption obtainedpreviously in sea trials. Based on this information, a new sailingcondition was recommended by the auditors to the skipper toreduce the engine speed, and consequently, the vessel speed andthe fuel consumption. Vessel 3, when operating as a troller, hasreduced its fuel bill by 20%, since its implementation; this is by notexceeding 8 knots during steaming (pers. comm., shipowner).Vessel 2, when operating as a pole and liner live-bait, has reducedits fuel bill by 15% by not exceeding the 9.5 knots limit. The

    O.C. Basurko et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 54 (2013) 30e40 353.5. Energy-consuming equipment/machinery

    The variety of onboard equipment and machinery is wide-ranging. Fig. 5 shows the consumption percentages of onboardenergy-consuming equipment/machinery. This information wasprovided by chief engineers and on occasions corroborated by on-board measurements. The annual energy consumption by auxiliaryengines is as follows: (a) Vessel 1 e Bottom-otter trawl,208,625 kWh/yr; (b) Vessel 2 e Purse seine, 16,723 kWh/yr; poleand line with live-bait, 86,798 kWh/yr; (c) Vessel 3 e Trolling lines,12,386 kWh/a; gillnets, 5094 kWh/yr; hand-lines, 738 kWh/yr.

    3.6. Energy-efcient measures and implementation

    Table 5 lists the energy-saving measures evaluated for the ves-sels audited. The measures implemented onboard the vesselsstudied, or those that have drawn the attention of shipowners areexplained briey below.

    3.6.1. The use of an energy management software onboardThe GESTOIL system has been operative in these 3 vessels since

    2010e2011. Since then, the systemhas been used by chief engineersin the engine rooms and the skipper, to control variables, such as:sailing speed; global positioning; and the instantaneous and totalfuel consumption of the vessel, over a year. All 3 shipowners agreeon the advantages of having an energy management system, suchas the GESTOIL system onboard, to reduce their fuel bill. None-theless, the vessels that have the shipowner(s) as a crew member(i.e. Vessels 2 and 3) have beneted the most. The system hashelped them control the fuel consumption, by adjusting the service

    Table 4Main engine performance for different activities.

    Indicators Vessel 1 Vessel 2

    Stern trawler Purse seine (anchovy)

    Mean SD Mean SDN trips/yearh/trip 40 2 30 5

    134.0 10.5 17 5L/h Steaming 178.4 3.5 91.0 8.9

    Fishing 162.2 5.5 9.8 0.5Main engine (h/trip) Steaming 26.1 3.9 8.5 2.6

    Fishing 93.3 8.7 5.0 1.0Speed (kn) Steaming 10.4 0.3 7.9 0.9

    Fishing 4.0 0.1 1.5 0.2RPM Steaming 789 1.8 1086 25.4

    Fishing 690 19.2 599 5.8

    Note: Values expressed as mean standard deviation.reduction for Vessels 2 and 3 have implied an annual saving of20,000 L i.e. 54.5 tonnes of CO2, and 13,954 L i.e. 38.0 tonnes of CO2,respectively. The only associated costs are those generated by thepurchase and installation of the GESTOIL system, i.e. 10,000V.Considering the potential savings, any investment could be repaidwithin a year.

    3.6.3. Usage of frequency convertersThe use of frequency converters is a common energy-saving

    practice, in industry; likewise, it is applicable to ships. None ofthe vessels studied have implemented frequency converters on-board. Nonetheless, all three shipowners have acknowledged theirbenets and have shown interest in their implementation, in thenear future. For example, in the case of the trawler, the frequencyconverters could be applied in: the condenser pump andcompressor of the ice-making machine; and the refrigerationseawater pump of themain engine. The total electric power and theannual energy consumption of the condenser pump andcompressor of the ice-machine were 16,593.3 kWh/yr and 4821.8 L/yr; and of the refrigeration seawater pump of the main engine56,661.0 kWh/yr and 16,465.0 L/yr. Frequency converters have asaving potential of 25% (pers. comm., manufacturer). Consideringfrequency converters were installed in the abovementionedequipment, the energy saving may be approximately 5321.7 L/yr(i.e. 14.5 tonnes of CO2 per year), with an investment which can bereturned in less than 3 years.

    3.6.4. Induction cooktopDue to the explicit interest of a trawlers shipowner, the con-

    sumption of the cooktop was analysed. The cooktop was consistedof 3 tops; one of which was always switched on at sea and in port.

    Vessel 3

    Pole and line (live-bait) Trolling line Gillnet Hand lines

    Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD10 1 5 0 10 4 14.0 4

    335.3 97.0 435 201 87.3 12.2 7.6 2.988.8 7.9 38.2 2.1 41.0 1.9 35.2 11.911.4 1.2 20.8 1.1 7.3 0.6 4.2 0.2

    152.0 72.1 113.4 94.1 23.4 3.3 2.9 2.030.7 15.3 217.2 76 39.1 0.3 4.0 0.88.1 1.2 7.9 0.4 8.5 0.4 8.1 0.91.9 0.5 6.9 0.2 1.1 0.3 0.6 0.2

    1060 34.8 1214 21 1257 19.0 1173 160.7600 5.8 969 19.0 668 9.0 726 3.0

  • se s

    O.C. Basurko et al. / Journal of Cleaner Production 54 (2013) 30e4036Fig. 3. Energy ow: (A) Vessel 1, the stern trawler; (B) Vessel 2, operating with the purThe total electric power and the annual energy consumption byeach tops is as follows: (a) 6.3 kW and 18,469.1 kWh/yr; (b) 3.3 kWand 8329.9 kWh; (c) 6.6 kW and 1801.8 kWh/yr. The average valueof the specic fuel consumption of the auxiliary engines is 247 g/kWh. The annual consumption of the cooktop is 8321 L of fuel. Thereduction in fuel consumption, by the installation of acommercially-available induction-cooktop, is, according to themanufacturer, of the order of 31% for the same usage. Therefore,2580 L (i.e. 7.01 tonnes of CO2) may be saved within a year. Theenergy-saving is modest; however, the investment may be afford-able. Likewise, it can be repaid in less than 2 years, which can makethe measure attractive to shipowners.

    Fig. 4. Instantaneous fuel consumption curve of the main engi

    hand lines, and gillnets.

    eine and pole and line with live-bait; and (C) Vessel 3, operating with the trolling line,4. Discussion

    4.1. Most energy efcient shing gear

    The shing sector world-wide accounts for about 1.2% of theglobal oil consumption; this entails approx. 134 million tonnes ofCO2 emission into the atmosphere (Tyedmers et al., 2005). Whilstfuel can account for as little as 15% of the annual costs of a troller,fuel costs for a trawler represents 40%e50% of the total annualcosts (Basurko et al., 2012; Notti et al., 2012). But in generally,passive shing gears such as pots, traps and hooks are consideredto be more energy efcient (Suuronen et al., 2012). Marketable

    ne of Vessel 2 with two different propeller congurations.

  • leanO.C. Basurko et al. / Journal of Cprice of landed sh together with the fuel price, stock abundanceand energy efciency of the activity play a decisive role in makingshing a protable activity. Low marketable price species will bemore vulnerable to the rising of the fuel price; whilst high valuespecies may endure better these uctuations. Considering theweak correlation between fuel consumption and sh catch(Thomas et al., 2010), the strategies to reduce the fuel bill becomemore attractive to combat the present difculties. Whilst nomention has been made in policy or international agreements(such as in the Kyoto protocol), in relation to Greenhouse Gasemission from shing, the quantities consumed and emitted bythe sector are considerable.

    According to the results obtained here (Table 3), the hand linesand purse seine are the most energy-efcient shing gears, whilstthe otter bottom trawler is the least efcient. The results obtainedare consistent with other ndings regarding purse seine (Thrane,2004; Tyedmers, 2004). No reference was found by the authors

    Fig. 5. Consumption breakdown for the onboard eer Production 54 (2013) 30e40 37for hand lines. In contrast, the trawler, together with the gillnetvessels studied, are signicantly more fuel intensive than thosedocumented elsewhere (Schau et al., 2009). Thrane (2004) hasanalysed already these differences, concluding that the indicatorlitres of fuel for tonnes of landed sh varies according to theshing gear used, together with the vessel size. In addition to thestatement of this author and in relation to the energy audits carriedout, it has been seen that energy consumption depends also upon:(a) the trip pattern and target species migratory routes (as shownin Fig. 2); (b) distance to the shing ground; and (c) onboard habitsand shing patterns. In fact, regarding the distance to the shingground, some authors have discussed the possibility of introducingregulation that enhance shing closer to ports, as ameans to reducefuel dependency and CO2 emissions (Bastardie et al., 2010). Due tothese factors, it is more likely that vessels from the same localcommunity, using the same shing gears, have a similar fuel-dependency.

    nergy-consuming equipment/machinery (%).

  • Eng



    leanAny policy or regulatory strategy regarding fuel efciency inshing should, therefore, take these differences into considerationand act accordingly to local circumstances. In this line, the Euro-pean Commission has proposed the indicator fuel efciency of shcapture indicator (a dimensionless ratio between the value of thesh landings with the fuel costs incurred in their extraction) tosupport the Common Fisheries Policy by measuring the effects ofsheries on the marine ecosystem (Cheilari et al., 2013). It providesinformation on trends in the fuel efciency of different sheries; adecreasing trend in the indicator may suggest a reduction in prof-itability. This indicator is inversely proportional to the proposedEffect of selling price (L/1000V sh landed) presented in Table 3.

    4.2. Fishing patterns and fuel consumption

    Some of the targeted species, such as the tuna, are migratory(Sagarminaga and Arrizabalaga, 2010). Vessel 2, operating with thepole and line, and Vessel 3, operating as a troller, follow the spatio-temporal migration of this species. The irregularity of their shingtrips, as shown in Fig. 2 on the basis of all selected trips, makes theresults unpredictable. Likewise, such unpredictability may hinderthe data collection. It was observed that a portable energy logger ismore appropriate for shing trips of regular duration (i.e. the caseof the trawler) than irregular ones (i.e. the tuna shing vessels). Incomparison, the xed meters are best used for irregular trips.Consequently, the minimum data required, in order to obtain a

    Table 5Energy-saving measures evaluated for the vessels audited.

    Energy-saving measures Scope

    Fishing geard

    Main engine monitoring and reduction of steaming speeda AllBulbous bowa Tr, Pl, Ps, TrwEnergy efcient propellera AllDrag reduction (trawl boards)b TrwAntifouling/antifriction coatinga Tr, Pl, Ps, TrwLighting: Replacing 18 W uorescent tubes by LEDsb Tr, Pl, Ps, TrwCooktopb AllFrequency converters for electric motorsb,c All

    a Data refer to Vessel 2 (purse seine, and pole and line with live-bait).b Data refer to Vessel 1 (bottom-otter trawler).c Using frequency converters for main energy-consumers (main engines refrigerad Tr e trolling lines; Pl e pole and line with live-bait; Ps e purse seine; Trw e boe Data are estimations: onboard testing is required.

    O.C. Basurko et al. / Journal of C38representative result for a shing trip may be different for thesetwo groups. By default, data from a minimum of 3 entire trips isrecommended, in order to achieve a realistic result for a shingseason.

    4.3. Energy efcient measures

    It was observed, that all of the shing gears, with the exceptionof the trawling, consume the most energy whilst steaming(Table 4): for the purse seine and the live-bait, more than the 80% ofthe total fuel consumption of the vessel; and for the trolling lines,approx. 60%. Similar results were obtained for a Danish seiner(Thomas et al., 2010). Furthermore, the energy consumption ofonboard equipment/machinery here is diverse, as shown in Fig. 5.No particular pattern can be identied, unless vessels using thesame shing gear are compared. A knowledge of the energy con-sumption pattern, in terms of by shing activity, is the key topropose adequate energy efcient measures.

    Although several energy-efcient measures are available forshing vessels (Cabezas et al., 2012; IDAE, 2011; Latorre, 2001;Parente et al., 2008; Thomas et al., 2010), not all are suitable for allshing activities. Some relate to improvements whilst the vesselcruises (e.g. reduction of navigation speed or use of antifoulingcoatings) or during shing (e.g. the use of low energy-consumingshing gears (Sala et al., 2010; Trring and Hansen, 2012)); othersrelate to the technological improvement in the energy-consumingequipment/machinery, such as the optimisation of the onboardrefrigeration system (Ruiz, 2012).

    Shipowners have invested considerably in updating their shipswith new technology; this has helped to sh more efciently andincrease the comfort and safety onboard. Nowadays, the TAC (TotalAllowable Catch) imposed by the EU is generally lower than in thepast, fuel consumption is higher, whilst the price of the fuel is risingand the catch selling price at port is unpredictable. Despite theaddition of a bulbous bow, downsizing the engines, or changing apropeller, being the most energy-efcient measures, the invest-ment required is high. Nonetheless, it may be returned within a 5year limit (Thomas et al., 2010); hence, in many cases, unaffordablein the present socio-economic climate.

    During the audits it was noted that the success of the energy-efcient measures implementation onboard may depend alsoupon having the shipowner as a crew member, together with his/her will to adopt energy efciency measure onboard. Furthermore,the continuous monitoring of the energy performance of the vesselfacilitates the success of the implementation, together with thereduction in energy consumption. This approach is something

    Investment Energy saving

    ine Amount (V) Return (years) Litres per year % Over annualconsumption

    n 8000 10 10,800 5n 20,000 4 8200 4n 15,000 10 5600 2.5iliaries 7000e 3e 4000e 0.5e

    iliaries 3000e 1,5e 2600e 0.4e

    iliaries 5400e 1e 5300e 0.9e

    water pump and compressor of the ice-making machine).-otter trawl.

    er Production 54 (2013) 30e40omitted from the energy audit norms (i.e. the Spanish UNE-216501), which, in the shing sector, is signicant.

    Several energy-saving measures were, energetically-speaking,desirable for the vessels studied; however, they affect the shingcapability, which is the reasonwhy some shipowners disregard themeasure. For example, for the same duration of a shing trip,reducing the service speed implied less time for shing; hence, alesser quantity of sh may be landed. Such an approach wouldmean 4 h less duration, in a trip, or 715 L for a trawler. Since lesstime would be invested in shing, it has been calculated that 2fewer shing sets would be thrown, during each trip. Consequently,the amount of sh landed may decrease. The shipowner will needto balance the benet of reducing the fuel consumption, in com-parison to a reduction in income. Therefore, energy efcient mea-sures should be considered also with the shipowner to assess theirvalidity onboard.

    One measure can work in a particular shing vessel but,depending on its specic shing pattern, energy consumption inrelation to shing activity and globally, it may not work well forothers. By a rst approach, one easy way to check the suitability of

  • leanan energy efcient measure could be the use of the fuel con-sumption curve (Fig. 4) of the main engine; this is one of the out-comes of the energy audits. However, it must be noted, that thiscurve is vessel-specic and any retrotting onboard may changethe curve. Thus, the curve should be updated regularly for thevessel.

    4.4. Decision-making for making shing a protable business

    Fuel consumption and the carbon footprint of a shery havebeen considered recently as some of the several critical variables insheries management and decision-making (Bastardie et al., 2010;Driscoll and Tyedmers, 2010; Ziegler and Hansson, 2003). It isconsidered also that the energy use and emissions of shing vesselsmay be subsidised, to encourage operators to retrot the vesselswith more efcient equipment and cleaner fuels (Hua and Wu,2011). European Member States, through the European FisheriesFund, have offered already subsidies for investments onboardshing vessels, which guarantee an improvement in energy ef-ciency (European Commission, 2007). Energy audits are required,to establish the energy efciency.

    Thus, against the background of the difcult situation the shingsector is suffering, together with the more restrictive guidelinesrelated to climate change, it is imperative that not only are energyefcient measures implemented onboard, but also energy auditsundertaken on the vessels to obtain a holistic understanding of theproblem. The present study has discussed the steps required tofollow, to undertake a successful energy audit of shing vessels.Although a challenging objective, it is necessary that energy auditsare established and implemented in shing vessels, for the accurateimplementation of energy efciency in the shing sector. Theowchart presented in Fig. 1 can be used as a guideline for futureenergy auditors of shing vessels.

    5. Conclusions

    Fishing is heavily fuel dependent: as such, an increase in fuelprice has made the future of this sector insecure. The shing sectorneeds to become proactive and adopt measures to overcome thepresent difculties. Accordingly, energy efciency is apparent alsoin the shing sector. Indeed, the energy performance of a vessel isone of the 7 criteria used to assess the sustainability of the sheries.Furthermore, the fuel is linked indirectly also to another of thecriterion, i.e. protability; this is measured in earning capacity,which includes the sh landed, the achieved price at port and fuelcosts (Utne, 2008). Energy audits may play an important role in thisapproach, to establish the energetic condition of a vessel and itsshing activity. Whereas energy audits in shing are somewhatlimited, in shipping they are more common. Shipping Associationshave become proactive and have initiated collective actions,research and implementations; these help combating the effects ofclimate change on shipping (Inoue, 2012). The shing industryneeds to be established at the same level. Besides being subjectedto an increase in the price of the fuel, additional problems mayaffect certain shing vessels in the future, e.g. the IMOs regulationon Greenhouse Gas emission (Annex VI of MARPOL, which isregulated by Annex VI of MARPOL 73/78) (Hua and Wu, 2011).Energy audits will permit a reduction of the pollution of vessels;hence, to be in a better position to overcome additional legislationin the future.

    Energy consumption depends upon: the structure and size ofthe vessel; the engine conditions and use patterns; the shing gearsused; the shing and trip patterns; the distance to the shingground; target species and their migration routes; and the estab-

    O.C. Basurko et al. / Journal of Clished traditions onboard. Likewise no generalisation can be maderegarding the way that energy is consumed by onboard equipment/machinery, when different shing gears are compared to eachother. Energy audits will need to include sufcient data to presentrepresentative results, and all of the particularities of that vessel,including human factors.

    Successful energy audit will require the implication of theshipowner, skipper and chief-engineer. Operational details (i.e.annual sh landed, annual fuel bunkered, fuel price) and equip-ment/machinery information will be previously collected duringthe level 1 of the audit. Logged data (i.e. fuel consumption, mainengine speed, vessel speed) are sensitive to sea and weather con-ditions; minimum of three trips are recommended to record data inorder to determine the shing and operational patterns and energyconsumption proles of the engines. The 10 golden rules proposedby the authors elsewhere (Basurko et al., 2012), can be a goodstarting point for auditors with few experience working with theshing sector.

    The results of the energy audit of 3 shing vessels have beenpresented, whilst energy-efcient implementations are detailed.The results obtainedmay be used as a benchmark. However, it mustbe noted that each vessel behaves differently, despite operatingwith the same shing gear. Therefore, an energy-efcient solutionfor onemaynot be adequate for another vessel. Similarly, the energyaudit together with the feedback from the shipowner, are the keyto determine the suitability of energy efcient measures onboard.Likewise, installing energy meters and an energy managementsystem, such as the GESTOIL system, is recommended stronglyfor all vessels; however, especially for pole and liners with live-baitand trollers, due to their irregularities (in terms of length of trip).


    The work presented in this contribution has been supported bythe European Fisheries Fund (ref. 351BI20090040). We would liketo express our sincere gratitude to: the shipowners, skippers andcrew of the three audited vessels for their helpful support in thisproject; Iigo Krug and Jose Mari Ferarios (AZTI-Tecnalia), for theirknowledge and help during the data collection in the eldwork;and Prof Michael Collins (IKERBASQUE, Basque Foundation forScience, Fellow (PIE, UPV/EHU)), for his constructive comments.This paper is contribution no 629 of AZTI-Tecnalia (Marine ResearchDivision).


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    Energy performance of fishing vessels and potential savings1 Introduction2 Material and methods3 Results3.1 Performance indicators3.2 Trip patterns3.3 Engine use3.4 Energy use onboard3.5 Energy-consuming equipment/machinery3.6 Energy-efficient measures and implementation3.6.1 The use of an energy management software onboard3.6.2 Service speed reduction3.6.3 Usage of frequency converters3.6.4 Induction cooktop

    4 Discussion4.1 Most energy efficient fishing gear4.2 Fishing patterns and fuel consumption4.3 Energy efficient measures4.4 Decision-making for making fishing a profitable business

    5 ConclusionsAcknowledgementsReferences
