Enfield Consumers of Care and Health Organisation · PDF fileThe Board noted the report. As...


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Enfield Consumers of Care and Health Organisation (ECCHO)

Board Meeting

Community Interest Company no. 8484607

(ECCHO carries out the statutory duties of Healthwatch Enfield (EHW) and all

items on this agenda relate to Healthwatch Enfield)


Meeting no. 24: Thursday, 26th October at 11.00am, to be held in public

Location: Community House, 311 Fore Street, Edmonton.


1. Minutes of July’s Board meeting

2. Action points from previous meetings


3. Any questions from the public about items on the agenda for this meeting


None tabled


4. Major pieces of work – progress report – verbal update


5. Chief Executive’s report

6. Finance and resources report

7. Update on communications activity

8. Update on Enter & View

9. Update on community engagement and developing the evidence base

10. Update on volunteers

11. CQC reports affecting Enfield

12. Meetings Attended on behalf of Healthwatch Enfield

13. AOB


Board Meeting: Minutes, 27th July 2017

Meeting no.23: Thursday 27th July 2017 at 11:00am (held in Room 8, Community

House, 311 Fore Street, London, N9 0PZ)

Healthwatch Enfield (EHW) is run by Enfield Consumers of care and health

Organisation Community Interest Company (ECCHO)


Parin Bahl, Chair

Audrey Lucas

Noelle Skivington

Valerie Dinsmore, Treasurer

In attendance:

Patricia Mecinska, Chief Executive

Michelle Malwah, Information & Signposting Officer


Welcome and apologies

Apologises were received from Deborah Fowler, Chair. In the absence of the Chair, Parin

was nominated to Chair the meeting by Noelle Skivington; the nomination was seconded

by Valerie Dinsmore.

It was also noted that Parin Bahl will be taking over the role of the Chair of Healthwatch

Enfield from 1st August 2017 with Noelle Skivington taking on the role of vice chair.

Deborah Fowler will remain a board member.

1. Minutes of the previous meeting

Agreed as an accurate record.

2. Action points from previous meeting

The Board reviewed action points and agreed:

▪ Item 16 “To liaise with Jenny Williams re. work undertaken of discharge to support

implementation of the project plan on adult social care” - the work did not start

due to lack of operational capacity however several relevant forum has been

identified with resources being committed to attend these

3. Questions for the public

There were no questions from the public.


4. Audited accounts

The Board approved the draft Audited Accounts and the Letter of Representation.

5. Healthwatch Enfield budget

The board thanked the Chief Executive for the work on the budget. The Board

reviewed the budget and emphasized the need for efficiency savings wherever


6. Reviewing legal framework

The Board noted the report. As the proposal concerns Enfield Consumers of Care and

Health Organisation (ECCHO), the Board agreed that the matter should be considered

at ECCHO’s Board meeting.

7. Change of signatories

At the meeting convened by Enfield Consumers of Care and Health Organisation, it

was resolved that:

1. The amendments to the Mandate for the operation of the bank account(s),

payment instructions and banking services be approved and be provided to the

Bank by persons authorised to do so in accordance with the Bank’s procedures and

the Mandate;

2. The Bank is entitled to rely upon the amended Mandate until it receives a later

Mandate amending it, and the Bank is entitled to reply on instructions given by any

person named in Section 3 and may disclose any information relating to the

account to any such person;

3. The Bank is under no duty to make enquiries before acting on the instruction of

any person named in Section 3;

4. The Bank will be notified in writing of any changes to the organisation as per the

terms and conditions of the account


8. Defining Healthwatch Enfield’s Strategy

The Board welcomed and reviewed the paper. It was agreed that the Board are more

involved in shaping the strategy therefore a strategy development day with the

Chief Executive is to be organised for Friday, 4th August.

9. Draft Project Plan for our work on AIS

The Board welcomed and reviewed the report. Following discussion, Patricia advised

the Board that:

▪ progress has been made since the paper was distributed to the Board

▪ we will be implementing the plan through working with others

▪ experts by experience have already been identified


10. Chief executive’s report

The Board welcomed and reviewed the paper.

The Board asked whether a response to our letter from Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt was

received; Patricia will follow this up with Healthwatch Haringey who took the

lead on distributing the letter.

Valerie suggested a meeting with the new MP for Enfield is organised.

Noelle expressed her concern that no Enter and View visits took place since March

2017. Patricia assured the Board that this was due to operational capacity issues

following the decision by the Enter and View Programme Manager to vacate the

post at the same time as the project group deciding to review approaches to Enter

and View. The newly appointed Community Engagement Manager (with

responsibility for Enter and View) is working on the programme of visits.

11. Major pieces of work – progress report

The Board welcomed and reviewed the paper.

Mental health: Patricia confirmed that an impact report will be prepared once

work on implementing the recommendations is completed. Parin emphasized the

need to ensure we are providing feedback and updates to stakeholders and


Adult social care: Valerie emphasized the need for a project plan to be in place

before a meeting of the project group is organised; Valerie agreed to draft the


12. Finance report

The Board welcomed and reviewed the paper.

13. Update on communications and events activity

The Board welcomed and reviewed the paper. The Board commented on interested

statistics on information that draws people to Healthwatch Enfield’s website.

Patricia urgent caution (due to Google Analytics configuration) and advised that a

more meaningful data set will be present at the next Board meeting following

migration to the new site.

14. Update on E&V

The Board welcomed and reviewed the paper. Patricia emphasized that the newly

appointed Community Engagement Manager is working with staff and volunteers to

review our approaches to Enter and View.

15. Update on community engagement and developing the evidence base

The Board welcomed and reviewed the paper recognising the value of the

secondary breakdown.

Following a discussion on how data is used, Patricia advised the Board that

intelligence is utilised (to secure changes, escalate issues and identify trends) and

we track outcomes as part of Healthwatch Enfield’s work programme.

16. Update on volunteers

The Board welcomed and reviewed the paper welcoming the streamlined induction


17. CQC reports affecting Enfield

The Board welcomed and reviewed the paper.

18. Meeting attended on behalf of HW Enfield

Corrections: Noelle did not attend the Royal Free Board meeting in June but did

attend in April.

Following a discussion, it was agreed the board are to consider the value of this

report for the public.

19. AOB

Noelle commented on the need to distribute Conflicts of Interest forms to the


Board meeting Healthwatch Enfield (run by Enfield Consumers of Care and Health Organisation)

Agenda item 2 – July 2017 Action points

No. Meeting date Agenda item no.

Action Who By when Status Note

1 14/04/2016

2 Meet with Cllr Ayfer Orhan PB Ongoing

2 16/06/2016 8 To consider with staff ways to ensure that “pop-up” stalls can generate useful feedback, that locations to date are mapped, and a programme of future stalls prepared

FA, EF 30/11/2017 In progress Being reviewed as part of Community Engagement Strategy

3 15/09/2016 3

A methodology and tools for undertaking less resource-intensive, more targeted engagement work with the target population to be developed and piloted through the adult social care project group

PM 30/11/2017 Ongoing Being reviewed as part of Community Engagement Strategy

4 15/09/2016 15 Further work on the presentation and analysis of data around communications and events is to be carried out


30/09/2017 Outstanding

Development of Communications Strategy has been delayed with new proposed deadline of 27/10/2017

5 09/02/2017 23 To ensure there is a system in place for recording further community engagement tools (as they develop) including a section on pop-ups.

FA 30/11/2017 Ongoing Being reviewed as part of Community Engagement Strategy

6 27/04/2017 5 To undertake planning around implementation, timing and mechanisms to support work on Influencing Strategy and Healthwatch England’s Quality statement


30/09/2017 Outstanding

Capacity has been committed to developing Healthwatch Enfield’s strategy. It is proposed to extend the deadline to 30/11/2017

7 27/04/2017 7 To liaise with Jenny Williams re. work undertaken of discharge to support implementation of the project plan on adult social care

PM Not started

8 27/07/2017 8 To organise a strategy development day with the Board and Chief Executive for 4th August 2017

PM Completed

Board meeting Healthwatch Enfield (run by Enfield Consumers of Care and Health Organisation)

Agenda item 2 – July 2017 Action points

No. Meeting date Agenda item no.

Action Who By when Status Note

9 27/07/2017 10 To follow up with Healthwatch Haringey regarding a response to Healthwatch Camden, Enfield, Haringey and Islington letter to Rt Hon Jeremy Hunt

PM Completed

10 27/07/2017 10 To organise a meeting with Bambos Charalambous, MP MM Ongoing

Request for a meeting has been communicated and followed up – awaiting response

11 27/07/2017 11 To draft a project plan for adult social care priority VD

12 27/07/2017 19 To distribute Conflicts of Interest forms to the Board PM

PM – Patricia Mecinska, Chief Executive PB – Parin Bahl, Board member DF – Deborah Fowler, Chair FA – Fazilla Amide, Healthwatch Enfield staff member VD – Valerie Dinsmore, Treasurer EF – Emma Fridden, Healthwatch Enfield staff member NS – Noelle Skivington, Board member MM – Michelle Malwah, Healthwatch Enfield staff member AL – Audrey Lucas, Board member CR – Charlotte Rowes, Healthwatch Enfield staff member FO – Faye Oliver, Healthwatch Enfield staff member


Board Report Title Chief Executive’s report

Date and Agenda Item 26th October 2017, Agenda Item 5

Author Patricia Mecinska

Purpose (for information, decision or consultation) For information

Key Recommendations (where applicable) N/A

Attachments None

1. External Factors

1.1 National

1.1.1 Tackling delayed transfers of care (DTOCs) across health and care A ministerial statement by Jeremy Hunt and publication of the final draft of the Integration and Better Care Fund Planning Requirements 2017-19 signalled greater pressure on councils to reduce delayed discharges. This includes:

▪ A shift in the criteria for the use of the additional £2bn social care funding identified in the Spring Budget; this must now be spent on activity to reduce delayed transfers of care, rather than for adult social care pressures more generally.

▪ An expectation that local government will deliver an equal share to the NHS in freeing up 2000 – 3000 hospital beds as required in the government’s Mandate to the NHS; councils and the NHS will need to set out their target for reductions.

▪ A new performance dashboard with a series of indicators, including delayed transfers of care, emergency admissions, lengths of hospital stay, numbers of people 90 days after discharge and the proportion of people receiving reablement services, will show how local areas are performing.

▪ The government is ‘considering’ cutting the 2018-19 funding for areas that perform poorly.

The LGA and ADASS have reacted strongly to the prioritisation of new funding solely to tackle DTOCs. Delayed transfers of care (DTOCs) increased between April and June – from 177, 137 to 178,441 – higher than the same period in 2016-17 despite the efforts of system leaders to reduce this.

1.1.2 Ruling on sleep-in payments Community Care reports on the crisis in residential care following a tribunal ruling that residential care workers who sleep-in on call should be paid the national minimum wage per hour rather than a lower flat rate fee as often happens. Following the ruling, HMRC has been demanding payments backdated six years, which many residential sector organisations have said threatened to bankrupt them. The government has taken ‘exceptional measures’ to minimise disruption to the sector, announcing that HMRC will waive fines related to backdated pay and will temporarily suspend related enforcement activity until October. The Government has said it will investigate what can be done to ensure fair action for workers while seeking to minimise the impact on provision. Unions are understandably seeking to gain back pay for staff. The LGA has said that if back pay is required, there will need to be new money to cover the cost.

1.1.3 Social care market news HC-One has acquired 122 care homes from Bupa for £300m, making it the largest residential care operator in the UK, with a portfolio of 350 sites and 22,000 beds. Bupa retains around 150 care homes and six retirement villages with 9,000 residents, and is said to be investing in a large refurbishment and new build programme. HC-One is also said to have taken on £600m of debt, and former pensions minister Ros Altmann has warned that authoritities need to understand home owners’ finances and debt levels to avoid a repeat of the Southern Cross closures. Research from Newcastle University suggests that England will need more than 71,000 new care home places by 2025, an increase of more than a third. Due to people living longer, demand will also increase by 86 per cent by 2035 with a further 189,000 extra places needed. Another report commissioned by BBC Radio 4 from property consultants JLL found that with a lack of new care homes and existing homes continuing to close there would be a significant shortage places in the coming years, with up to 70,000 people left in need of care.

1.1.4 The state of adult social care services 2014 to 2017 The CQC report presents findings from their inspection programme over three years. In introducing the report the CQC acknowledges ‘there is fragility in the adult social care sector influenced by funding and resource pressures’, but states that its role is to focus on quality and impact on service users. The CQC found that almost four out of five services were rated ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’ overall, with nearly a fifth rated ‘requires improvement’. 343 – 2 per cent – were rated ‘inadequate’. The CQC found regional differences in performance – for example there are almost 10 per cent more services rated good or outstanding in East of England compared to the North West. The issues with the poorest ratings are ‘safety’ and ‘well led’, with ‘caring’ the best rated. Community social services such as supported living were rated best overall, with nursing homes continuing to present the biggest concern. Generally, smaller services serving fewer people rated more highly than larger ones.

1.1.5 Adult social care quality matters The Quality Matters partnership has set out a quality framework for the sector to implement high quality, person-centred care for all. It provides principles and an action plan for improving quality. The action plan has six priorities:

▪ acting on feedback, concerns and compliments ▪ measuring, collecting and using data more effectively ▪ commissioning for better outcomes ▪ better support for improvement ▪ shared focus areas for improvement ▪ improving the profile of adult social care

1.1.6 The state of care in mental health services 2014-17

This major CQC analysis of inspection reports of over 140 NHS and independent providers had very similar results for both sectors. Around 75 per cent were rated ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’, and nearly all rated at this level for caring and compassionate staff. However around 40 per cent were rated need improvement or inadequate on safety with the key issues being:

▪ use of physical restraint ▪ out of area treatment, particularly patients in locked rehab wards

▪ poor physical environments in many wards, staff shortages and failing to manage medicines safely

▪ access to clinical information The CQC recommends greater involvement of patients in their own care, investment in better local services to reduce out of area placements, better IT systems and leaders supporting staff to work to their full potential.

1.1.7 National GP patient survey The national survey shows a decline in patients reporting a good or very good experience of their GP surgery from 88 per cent in June 2012 to 84 per cent in March 2017. Other areas of worsening experience include the number of those prepared to recommend their GP – down from 82 per cent to 77, those waiting a week or more to see their GP up to 20 per cent from 13, and those able to access the surgery at a convenient time – down from 78 to 75 per cent. This is despite a national drive in recent years to improve access to GP services.

1.1.8 Health profile for England Public Health England has published a comprehensive report about the state of people’s health combining Public Health England’s data and that from other sources. The report covers life expectancy and healthy life expectancy, major causes of death and how they have changed, trends in morbidity and behavioural risk factors, European comparisons, inequality in health, social determinants, and emerging health protection issues.

1.2 Local and regional developments

1.2.1 North London Partners in Health and Care (formerly known as the North Central

London Sustainability and Transformation Plan) rating In July 2017, NHS England published ratings for all Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STPs). STP ratings are new, and focus on whole system metrics such as finance, prevention, integration and leadership. They are to be seen as a baseline, because many STPs are under new leadership. The ratings are:

▪ ‘outstanding’ 5 ▪ ‘advanced’ 20 ▪ ‘making progress’ 10 ▪ ‘needs most improvement’ 5

North London Partners in Health and Care have been rated as ‘making progress’. We continue to represent Healthwatch organisations across North Central London at the Care Closer to Home work-stream and are also involved with the Joint Commissioning Committee and the Advisory Board. As part of commissioned work to support the Urgent and Emergency Care work-stream of the North Central London Sustainability and Transformation Plan, we are planning a series of engagement activities focussing on individual’s experiences of discharge.

1.2.2 Enfield Clinical Commissioning Group leadership changes Noreen Dowd, interim Chief Officer at NHS Enfield Clinical Commissioning Group, left her post on 23rd September 2017; it is anticipated that Noreen’s replacement, John Wardell, will commence in a substantive role on 4th December 2017. John will be 4th Chief Officer since my appointment at Healthwatch Enfield in April 2016.

On 1st September 2017, Graham McDougall, Director of Commissioning, commenced a secondment to NHS England for a period of 6 months. Graham’s role will be covered on an interim basis by Vince McCabe.

2. Local relationships

2.1 North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust On 15th September 2017, we were advised that North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust joined the Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust’s group as a clinical pathway. The statement also included information that the current Chief Executive, Libby McManus, has resigned from her role in the Trust. The Health Service Journal reported that the Chief Executive was made to resign due to the poor performance of the Accident and Emergency department. Libby’s replacement means 3rd Chief Executive will lead North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust since my appointment at Healthwatch Enfield in April 2016. On 22nd September it was announced that Cathy Cale, Medical Director at North Middlesex University Hospital NHS Trust, will be leaving on secondment to NHS England. We continue our involvement with the Patient Experience Group. Following on from the conversations with the Director of Nursing about the Trust’s Emergency Department compliance with the Accessible Information Standard, a series of meetings with the Deputy Director of Nursing and Head of Equalities have been held to progress the implementation of recommendations following Healthwatch Enfield’s visit. We have an agreement, in principle, to submit a joint funding application to support this work. Healthwatch Enfield, alongside other statutory partners, was invited to attend the strategic site development workshop to consider opportunities associated with a plot of land (previously sold by the Trust). We have used the opportunity to involve local people in helping shape our response for a Community Wellbeing and Urgent Care Centre, surrounded by a ‘green space’ with a play area for the benefit of patients, staff, visitors and the local community, hosting:

▪ a multi-disciplinary integrated care team incl. GPs, nurses, social workers, mental health professionals and voluntary and community sector organisations

▪ a mental health and wellbeing centre incl. crisis café (and place of safety) ▪ 24-hour Urgent Care Centre ▪ sexual health services ▪ ‘step down’ facility ▪ community space including:

o health and care navigators and community helpline o nursery for staff and local community o library o open space, meeting and activity rooms

2.2 Barnet Enfield and Haringey Mental Health NHS Trust (BEH)

We continue our involvement with the Improvement Steering Group. In July 2017, I attended a workshop to help the Trust shape the new tender specification for the phase two of implementing the organisation’s Enablement Strategy.

We continue to support the adult mental health pathway review and, in August 2017, we launched Healthwatch Enfield’s first pilot involving Service Champions in the process as a way of implementing some of the recommendations of our report on mental health services in the borough. The term ‘Service Champions’ is used to describe Enfield residents who are existing users of adult mental health services in the borough. Healthwatch Enfield was invited to engage with the Care Quality Commission’s national Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) review which included services provided in Enfield. Our feedback and evidence base may be utilised to inform recommendations of a Green Paper that is anticipated as a result. On 25th September 2017, the Care Quality Commission commenced its 5-day long comprehensive inspection of the Trust’s services including Enfield Community Services.

2.3 Enfield’s Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG)

We continue our involvement with the Primary Care Transformation sub-group, Community Education Providers Network, Voluntary Sector Stakeholder Reference Group and the Patient and Public Involvement Committee. I was invited to meet with the Director of Commissioning to consider commissioning intentions for the mental health services in the borough where I emphasized the need for service users and carers involvement in shaping services and evaluating their effectiveness. I had a productive meeting with the Head of Estates to better understand the CCG’s approach to developing the primary care offer for Enfield now and going forward. Healthwatch Enfield will be working with the Continuing Health Care (CHC) to develop accessible resources on Personal Health Budgets; NHS England’s easy read version of the document in 53 pages long. Enfield’s CHC lead has been appointed to a cohort of national champions and offered to share our work with NHS England to support uptake of Personal Health Budgets.

2.4 London Borough of Enfield We continue our involvement with the Dignity in Care panel, a sub-section of the Quality Checkers programme. Following distribution of our first mystery shopping report, ‘Calling on adult social care’, I was invited to present the findings to Enfield Council’s Access Team and we agreed to work together to develop solutions that work for local people. Assistant Director of Housing, Health and Adult Social Care endorsed our focus on adult social care and agreed to facilitate access to service users’ data subject to project planning. In July, I have presented an update on the progress of implementing the recommendations of our third thematic report focusing on adult mental health to the Health and Wellbeing Board. To date, 62% of our recommendations have been considered by key stakeholders and are in the process of being implemented.

2.5 Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust Following the Board’s discussion, resources have been committed to developing relationships with the new leadership team at Chase Farm Hospital, part of Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust.

In August, I met with Natalie Forrest (Chief Executive) and Dr Alan McGlennan (Medical Director) who agreed to develop patient and public involvement strategy and approach for Chase Farm. Subsequently, I have been invited to join Barnet and Enfield MSK, Urology and Gynaecology Programme Provider Board which is looking at re-designing pathways as part of the Sustainability and Transformation Plan’s intervention.

2.6 Local MPs There are no interactions with Local MPs to report in this period.

3. Use of our statutory powers

No Enter and View visits were undertaken in this period.

4. Escalations to Healthwatch England There were no matters, which we escalated to Healthwatch England


Board Report Title Finance and resources report

Date and Agenda Item 26th October 2017, Agenda Item 6

Author Patricia Mecinska

Purpose (for information, decision or consultation) For information

Key Recommendations (where applicable) N/A

Attachments None

Finance Healthwatch Enfield’s income and expenditure for the period 1st April 2017 – 30th September 2017 is in line with the anticipated spending trends for majority of expenditure lines; any significant variations have been addressed in the notes (Figure 1). Resources For the period 1st April 2017 – 30th September 2017 Healthwatch Enfield has been operating with limited operational capacity; June and July saw the team operating with only 60% of staffing resources in place following the departure of the Programme Manager: Enter and View. Recruitment for Community Engagement Manager and Community and Engagement and Communications Officer took place in June with post-holders commencing 27th June and 27th July respectively. The Officer’s post has been offered to two candidates to ensure cover for maternity leave. Despite the appointments, Healthwatch Enfield has been running at 80% capacity as new staff members develop the understanding of the organisation and embed within the roles. It is anticipated resources will operate at maximum capacity from Quarter 4 onwards.

Figure 1. YTD budget vs actual figures


Apr - Sep

17 Budget £ Over Budget

% of Budget NOTES


Bank Interest Earned 0.00 15.00 -15.00 0.0% awaiting interest payment

Contracts 1,588.31 0.00 1,588.31 100.0% requires re-coding to ECCHO

Grants 111,505.50 108,794.76 2,710.74 102.49% LBE's contract payments

HWE- Donations 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0%

Other 86.87 0.00 86.87 100.0% refund

Total Income 113,180.68 108,809.76 4,370.92 104.02%


Accomodation 4,525.37 3,249.96 1,275.41 139.24% payment for Q3 was made in Q2

Bank Charges 84.00 75.00 9.00 112.0%

Equipment 93.15 99.96 -6.81 93.19%


catering 70.21 499.98 -429.77 14.04% expenditure will be incured through the annual conference

Interpreters 0.00 999.96 -999.96 0.0% expenditure will be incured through the annual conference

Room Bookings 422.50 499.98 -77.48 84.5%

Total Events 492.71 1,999.92 -1,507.21 24.64%

Fixtures & Fittings 791.55 499.98 291.57 158.32% purchase of fixtures and fitting to accommodate new staff

Governance Costs 6,974.29 7,249.98 -275.69 96.2%


Hardware 849.99 499.98 350.01 170.01% cost of equipment for new staff member

software 3,433.27 249.96 3,183.31 1,373.53% includes LHM fees cleared in 17/18 for expenditure in 16/17

Support 870.00 900.00 -30.00 96.67%

Total IT 5,153.26 1,649.94 3,503.32 312.33%

Office Costs

Internet & Hosting 422.39 499.98 -77.59 84.48%

Photocopying 107.20 199.98 -92.78 53.61% awaiting invoices

Postage 4.21 249.96 -245.75 1.68% utilising electronic means of distributing information to maximise resources

Stationery 322.08 499.98 -177.90 64.42% expenditure will be incured through the annual conference

Telephone- Landline 86.87 199.98 -113.11 43.44% awaiting invoices

Telephone-Mobile 460.05 499.98 -39.93 92.01%

Total Office Costs 1,402.80 2,149.86 -747.06 65.25%

Professional Fees

Accounting 1,716.00 1,680.00 36.00 102.14%

Insurance 1,046.42 1,046.42 0.00 100.0%

Legal 120.00 0.00 120.00 100.0% reflects costs of DBS checks following volunteer recruitment drive

Other 2,327.12 0.00 2,327.12 100.0% requires re-coding to ECCHO

Payroll 324.00 324.00 0.00 100.0%

Total Professional Fees 5,533.54 3,050.42 2,483.12 181.4%


Advertising 0.00 499.98 -499.98 0.0%

Leaflets & Posters 65.00 600.00 -535.00 10.83% cost incurred in Q3

promotional materials 491.10 499.98 -8.88 98.22%

Reports 0.00 249.96 -249.96 0.0%

Total Publicity 556.10 1,849.92 -1,293.82 30.06%

Staff Costs

N.I. 14,299.31 24,625.32 -10,326.01 58.07% reflects vacancies in Q1 and Q2 with expenditure to meet the allocated budget by end of 17/18

Pension Contributions 2,762.06 3,399.96 -637.90 81.24% reflects vacancies in Q1 and Q2 with expenditure to meet the allocated budget by end of 17/19

Salaries 54,367.68 66,727.38 -12,359.70 81.48% reflects vacancies in Q1 and Q2 with expenditure to meet the allocated budget by end of 17/20

Total Staff Costs 71,429.05 94,752.66 -23,323.61 75.39%

Staffing Costs

Recruitment 472.00 249.96 222.04 188.83% cost of advertising for 2 vacancies (as opposed to one as anticipated when budget was set)

Subsistance 1.00 249.96 -248.96 0.4%

Training 1,025.00 999.96 25.04 102.5%

Travel 519.74 499.98 19.76 103.95% due to more undertaking more community outreach activities

Total Staffing Costs 2,017.74 1,999.86 17.88 100.89%

Subscriptions 124.01 123.48 0.53 100.43%

Volunteer Costs

Subsistence 182.92 0.00 182.92 100.0% includes 'Thank you' vouchers for volunteer's week

Training 49.00 124.98 -75.98 39.21%

Travel 125.31 375.00 -249.69 33.42%

Total Volunteer Costs 357.23 499.98 -142.75 71.45%

Total Expense 99,534.80 119,250.92 -19,716.12 83.47%

Surplus for the year 13,645.88 -10,441.16 24,087.04 -130.69%

Board Report Title Update on communications activity

Date and Agenda Item 27th July 2017, Agenda Item 7

Author Faye Oliver

Purpose (for information, decision or consultation)

For information

Key Recommendations (where applicable) N/A

Attachments None


Sessions % new visitors Average session length Bounce rate

July 2017 701 69.8 2.01 66.33

Aug 2017 941 59.8 2.38 63.23

Sept 2017 1253 73.8 2.17 68.95 Sessions % new visitors Average session length Bounce rate

July 2016 1282 75.5 2.03 61.7

Aug 2016 1050 75.8 1.36 63.71

Sept 2016 1495 67.9 1.58 59.26 Most popular news items during Q1 2017/18(home page views removed)

Name Views

News Articles Archive 279

About Us 199

Chief Executive at North Mid resigns 191

Book your blood test online at the North Mid 180

Feedback centre Submit 170

Contact Us 140

Our Reports 140

Services in Feedback Centre 120

Palmers Green Event 113

Events 95

Newsletters 94

Consultations 84

Our Priorities 83

Volunteer with Us 82

Tell Enfield Council What You Think About Their Social Care Charging Policy 72

Changes to patient transportation at Chase Farm Hospital 65

Amplifying Individuals’ Voices: Changing Clinical Criteria For NHS Treatments 57

Attend Our Board Meeting 56

ENABLE – Enfield Alcohol and Drug Service (Vincent House) – Feedback Centre 53

Enter and View 51

Have Your Say About Which Items Should Not Be Prescribed By Your GP 49

Our Impact 48

Social Media Twitter Tweets Impressions New Followers Profile views Mentions

July 2017 77 26 000 25 652 48

Aug 2017 77 53 800 34 976 53

Sept 2017 119 46 600 13 1267 147 Tweets Impressions New Followers Profile views Mentions

July 2016 28 14 600 10 322 16

Aug 2016 19 12 400 9 334 11

Sept 2016 26 7772 18 578 25 Facebook 119 page likes at the time of writing, 20 likes and 10 content shares Instagram (newly launched on 17th August 20170 17 posts, 63 followers Newsletters

Press 3 press articles achieved in the period. Date Headline Media outlet July 2017 Healthwatch Enfield asks clinical commissioning group

to reconsider rationing of medical procedures Palmers Green Community

August 2017 Packed meeting calls for NHS rationing rethink Palmers Green Community

September 2017

GP feedback – Improve care given to patients Enfield Independent

Recipients Open Clicks Total opens Total clicks

Aug 2017 687 30.6% 5.6% 510 130

Sept 2017 722 30.2% 6.4% 483 60

Recipients Open Clicks Total opens Total clicks

Aug 2017 561 27.2% 6.6% 499 58

Sept 2017 574 30.4% 6.6% 664 78

Board Report Title Enter & View programme July to September 2017

Date and Agenda Item 26th October 2017, Agenda Item 8

Author Fazilla Amide

Purpose (for information, decision or consultation) For information

Key Recommendations (where applicable) N/A

Attachments None

Update on recent visits No Enter & View visits took place in this quarter due to unavailability of resources following the departure of the Enter and View Programme Manager and the requirement to review the current process and finalise previous visit reports. The Autumn Gardens Nursing Home report has been updated and is waiting for final sign off for publication. Our report on the visit to the Emergency Department at NMUH was shared with the Trust last and we aim to publish the report at the end of October. Planned Visits An E&V visit is planned for Bridgewood House for 19th October 2017. The pilot approach and the updated, simplified paperwork have been finalised. A pre-visit meeting was held on the 5th October. Enter & View project group Members of the project group have been actively involved in reviewing our new approach to conducting our Visits to Homes. In the last few weeks, 2 authorised representatives advised us of their decision to withdraw from the project group. As ever, we are grateful to our volunteers for their continued support, time, dedication and commitment; we will be actively recruiting further volunteers and have 2 more staff being trained on the 20th October. Plans for 2017-2018 Once we have assessed the pilot at Bridgewood House, we can start to roll out our programme of Enter and View visits. I am meeting with the LA Quality Checkers team to discuss the Homes in Enfield; I have asked for feedback from the CHAT team, and will review our CRM and Feedback centre for comments from the public to plan the visits.

Board Report Title Update on community engagement and developing the evidence base

Date and Agenda Item 26th October 2017, Agenda Item 9

Author Emma Friddin and Fazilla Amide

Purpose (for information, decision or consultation) For information

Key Recommendations (where applicable) N/A

Attachments N/A

Community Engagement update In quarter two, we engaged with 1,226 people raising awareness of Healthwatch Enfield as well as getting feedback. This included:

▪ 8 hospital/Health clinic pop up stalls, at North Middlesex (NMUH) and Chase Farm and 1 each at St Michael’s Centre and Forest Primary Care centre. Our records indicate we reached 249 people

▪ 10 pop ups at the Freshers Fair for Middlesex University, Libraries and summer festivals whereby 487 people were engaged

▪ 26 specific engagement activities to raise awareness of Healthwatch Enfield and listen to

people’s experiences of health and social care. Through these means we reached 490.

Pop-ups completed Location Date

Pop up at Chase Farm (Main reception) 04/07/2017 10:00 30

Event attendance 17/07/2017 12:30 9

Shane Project MS 30/07/2017 11:37 11

NMUH Pop Up 10-12noon 08/08/2017 15:42 48

St. Michaels Health Centre 15/08/2017 15:49 23

Forest Primary Care Centre 21/08/2017 08:45 28

Palmers Green Festival 03/09/2017 14:05 200

Pop up at Chase Farm (Main reception) 05/09/2017 10:00 30

NMUH AGM 07/09/2017 00:00 30

Canning Square Street Party 09/09/2017 09:21 50

Freshers Fayre - Southgate campus 12/09/2017 09:42 50

Ordnance Unity Library 12/09/2017 09:45 25

Freshers Fayre - Wood Street Campus 13/09/2017 09:23 25

BEH -Mental Health Trust -AGM 18/09/2017 10:40 5

Fore Street Library 19/09/2017 10:42 4

Enfield Vision Focus Day 23/09/2017 11:02 33

Middlesex University Freshers Fair 27/09/2017 11:29 75

MacMilian Coffee Morning- North Mid 29/09/2017 11:31 60

Number Engaged


Engagement activities

Location / group Date No.

SEND Outcomes Training event 10/07/2017 13:55 7

Our Voice Birthday party 15/07/2017 20:20 25

EPC Young Peoples Summer Fest 21/07/2017 10:24 30

Parkinson’s UK, social drop-in 07/08/2017 10:31 20

Homeless Resource Centre, N9 09/08/2017 14:50 3

Enfield Clubhouse 11/08/2017 12:40 15

Alzheimers Society 14/08/2017 09:55 30

Homeless resource Centre 16/08/2017 15:51 8

Carers Centre- E & V engagement 17/08/2017 15:54 10

Mind in Enfield 24/08/2017 09:45 6

Silverfit 25/08/2017 11:00 40

Alzheimer’s Society 01/09/2017 13:41 30

Jubilee Ward Forum 05/09/2017 13:24 13

Enfield Womens Association 05/09/2017 16:10 2

Jubilee ward Forum Meeting 05/09/2017 16:13 13

Homeless Resource Centre (HRC) 06/09/2017 13:27 8

Highlands and Town Ward Forum 07/09/2017 13:26 20

Youth Parliament Meeting 11/09/2017 09:44 15

Diabetes UK support group 12/09/2017 09:15 20

Enfield Carers Centre- Young Carers 13/09/2017 09:58 6

Cancer support group 14/09/2017 09:03 20

Young Carers 15/09/2017 09:17 4

Enfield Youth Parliament 15/09/2017 09:19 15

Muslim Mauritian Group 16/09/2017 20:32 65

Park Road Supported Housing Forum 26/09/2017 11:04 5

Bush Hill Park Ward Forum 14/09/2017 60

Number’s Engaged 490

We will be reviewing and analysing the data to inform the Engagement Strategy, and will finalise this by the end of October. We should aim to be more targeted and prioritise our key areas of focus. Therefore, going forwards our engagement numbers may reduce slightly, however, we should be more effective with our time and efforts. We are also looking to increase the number of active volunteers we have who can support on all of our engagement activities. Instances of feedback through information, signposting and engagement activities A total of 474 instances of feedback have been raised with Healthwatch Enfield during Q2 2 2017/18 through our information, signposting and engagement activities. Instances of feedback left as reviews on our feedback centre A total of 146 reviews have been left on our online feedback centre during Q2 2017/18. The total instances of feedback collected during Q2 217/18 is 620. This is a 1490% increase in feedback compared to Q2 2016/17 (total 39).

Part 1 – Instances of feedback through information, signposting and engagement activities Instances of feedback A total of 1072 instances of feedback have been collated during 2017/18 so far (Q1 and Q2)

Feedback by provider

Feedback by provider 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

North Middlesex Hospital 8 11 14 17 16 8 8 24 21 58

Barnet Hospital 8 1 1 4 0 2 2 3 4 3

Chase Farm Hospital 11 8 13 18 9 6 2 8 9 11

Royal Free Hospital 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 6

BEH-MHT - Community Services 1 1 2 3 0 0 1 1 18 1

BEH-MHT - Mental Health Services 4 2 4 4 9 1 4 5 14 10

Enfield CCG 2 1 0 5 0 0 1 7 93 11

GP practice 32 6 20 28 22 10 41 26 21 46

London Borough of Enfield ASC 4 10 4 12 10 7 6 6 11 26

Public Health 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0

*please note table only includes instances of feedback where the provider has been named. During Q2 2017/18, 34% of feedback related to a named provider was about North Middlesex University Hospital Trust. 27% was about a GP practice and 15% was related to Adult Social Care Services.









Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Yearly comparison of feedback




Feedback type

Feedback type 2015/16 2016/17 2017/18

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Concerns 58 33 36 64 51 31 55 72 186 216

Comments 16 27 18 34 22 4 9 17 363 206

Compliments 16 4 12 14 5 5 10 19 26 33

Signposting 23 19

*please note that signposting data was reported separately during 2015/16 2016/17.

During Q2 2017/18, 46% of feedback was related to a concern, 44% were neutral comments, 7% were compliments and 4% were signposting enquiries. The increase in the number of comments in 2017/18 is due to the increased use of surveys and interactive activities at engagement events.







Known providers Q2 2017/18 North Middlesex Hospital

Barnet Hospital

Chase Farm Hospital

Royal Free Hospital

BEH-MHT - Community Services

BEH-MHT - Mental Health Services

Enfield CCG

GP practice

Adult Social Care

Public Health




Feedback type Q2 2017/18





Primary theme

Primary Theme YTD 2017/18

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

A&E 13 18

Adherence to evidence based medicine 92 1

Adult social care 15 33

Carers 1 1

Car parking 4 1

Children and young people services 5 0

Dementia 1 0

Dentistry 7 1

End of life care 1 0

GPs 31 78

Hospital Inpatient 25 9

Hospital Outpatient 17 31

Learning disability 1 0

Maternity 0 3

Mental Health 8 13

Other 11 5

Out of hours care 0 0

PALS 0 3

Patient transport 4 3

Patient participation 122

Pharmacy 4 12

Phlebotomy 3 3

Physical disability 1 0

Sensory disability 2 4

Sexual Health Services 0 2

STP 82 71

Urgent Care Centre 3 0

Surveys 267 60

The top trending primary feedback themes during Q2 2017/18 were GP practices (16%) and Sustainability and Transformation Plans (15%), followed by Adult Social Care (7%) and Hospital Outpatient services (7%). 26% of feedback during Q2 2017/18 has been related to patient engagement due to increased use of targeted questioning about topical subjects at engagement events, e.g. NMUH redevelopment plans and ideas for improving services. Secondary theme

Secondary theme YTD 2017/18

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Adherence to evidence based medicine 1 1

Access to appointments 5 22

Access to interpreters 1 1

Access to BSL interpreters 1 0

Access to services 15 30

Adjustments for sensory impairment 1 4

Advocacy 6 0

Car parking 0 1


Carer support 0 1

Community services 0 1

Complaints 4 7

Continuity of care 0 1

Difficulties getting through on the phone 2 2

GP registration 4 6

Hospital discharge 2 0

Housing 2 1

Information provision 4 14

Length of appointments 1 0

London Ambulance Service 0 1

NMUH site development 0 10

Other 16 9

Patient Online 0 2

Patient Participation 1 112

Personal budget 3 0

Physical Environment 12 17

Podiatry 0 1

Quality of care 42 57

Referral to secondary care 3 1

Repeat prescriptions 3 4

Safeguarding 1 0

Sexual health services 0 2

Social workers 1 20

Staff attitudes 14 4

STP 1 71

Waiting times 3 11

Aside from STP and patient participation, the top trending secondary feedback themes during Q2 2017/18 were quality of care (14%), access to services (7%) and access to appointments (5%). Method of contact

Method of contact YTD 2017/18

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Telephone 47 42

Email 37 26

Engagement meetings 114 62

Event 10 37

Meeting 12 72

Pop ups 13 156

Other 2 14

Internal 1 1

Website 5 2

Tell us your story cards 0 0

Survey 267 60

Social Media 1 1

Over a third of feedback collected during Q2 2017/18 has been collected at engagement meetings, events or meetings (36%) and a third has been collected at pop up stalls.

13% has been via the use of a survey, 9% of via the telephone and 5% via email.

Progress of follow up

Progress of follow up YTD 2017/18

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Open 9 258

Closed 237 156

*please note that ‘open’ refers to feedback where action is still being taken. ‘Closed’ refers to feedback where all

necessary action and information provision has been completed.

258 instances of feedback we have received during Q2 2017/18 are ‘open’ because they are still being used to feed into our work. The table below highlights the two main themes of feedback that is still open. The remaining 33% consist of a variety of different themes.

Open cases Q2 Number of cases % of open cases Work planned

STP 70 27% To feed into current STP workstreams

Ideas for change 102 40% To feed into report about the peoples voice








Contact method Q2 2017/18 Telephone


Engagement meetings



Pop ups




Tell us your story cards


Social Media



Progress of follow up Q2 2017/18




Outcome YTD 2017/18

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Improving access to information 34 27

Improving access to services 12 13

Improving patient experience 3 9

Improving quality of services 3 7

Involving patients in service development 0 11

Empowering individuals to feedback 185 89

*only instances of feedback that are ‘completed’ are allocated outcomes (n = 156)

58% of instances of feedback received during Q2 2017/18 have resulted in the outcome of empowering individuals to feedback. 17% have improved access to information, 8% have improved access to services and 7% have involved patients in service development.

Part 2 - Instances of feedback left as reviews on our feedback centre Instances of feedback A total of 146 reviews have been left on our online feedback centre during Q2 2017/18. This is a 224% increase since our feedback centre went ‘live’ during Q1 2017/18.










Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Feedback Centre reviews 2017/18







Outcomes Q2 2017/18 Improving access toinformation

Improving access toservices

Improving patientexperience

Improving quality ofservices

Involving patients inservice development

Empowering individuals tofeedback


Sentiment YTD 2017/18

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Positive 64% 47%

Negative 13% 26%

Neutral 23% 27%

Just under half of the reviews on our feedback centre during Q2 2017/18 relate to positive experiences of Enfield services (47%). 26% relate to negative experiences and 27% relate to neutral experiences.

Service type

Service type YTD 2017/18

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Hospital 13 52

GP practices 29 68

Dentist 0 3

Social care 2 2

Pharmacy 0 4

Community services 0 13

Mental health 1 4

50% of the reviews left on our feedback centre during 2017/18 so far are about GP practices and 35% are about hospital experiences. During Q2 2017/18 67% of reviews left on our feedback centre are about GP practices and 37% are about hospital experiences.




Sentiment Q2 2017/18




Star ratings

Feedback centre star ratings YTD 2017/18

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

Average overall rating 4 3.5

Did you feel you received good quality care and treatment? 4.5 4

Did you feel listened to? 4 4

Did you receive information that was helpful and easy to understand? 3.5 4

Did you feel that you were given different options to consider? 4 3.5

Did you find staff working here to be approachable and caring? 3 4

Did you find this service to be easy to access? 3.5 3.5

The average overall star rating on our feedback centre for Enfield services is 3.5 stars out of 5. This is a 0.5 decrease since Q1 2017/18.

0 20 40 60 80


GP practices


Social care


Community services

Mental health

Service type Q2 2017/18

Board Report Title Volunteer Report

Date and Agenda Item 26th October 2017, Agenda item 10

Author Michelle Malwah

Purpose (for information, decision or consultation) Information

Key Recommendations (where applicable) N/A

Attachments N/A

Policies and Recruitment Documents I have produced the following draft documents which are to be reviewed by the Chief Executive:

• Volunteer Strategy

• A Guide to Volunteering with Healthwatch Enfield

• Induction Handbook Leavers & Reasons for leaving We have recently heard from a volunteer who has sadly decided to give up volunteering with us due to other study and commitments at the Citizens Advice Bureau. We have also heard from a volunteer who advised us they won’t be able to commit any time to volunteering with Healthwatch Enfield for the next 6 months due to being involved with another project. Recruitment Drive We have sent out 13 application packs for various volunteering roles over the last quarter: Data & Research: 4 Board member: 2 Engagement Champion: 1 Community Outreach: 6 The applications were requested through the Do-it website and also came from community engagement activities that have taken place. Unfortunately, having those interested visit our website for the application form and supporting documents seems to be putting people off as we haven’t received any completed applications. Also, I think the application form needed to be updated become less formal. After further discussions with the team, it was decided to simplify the application process and invite those interested in volunteering with us to an informal interview where the application form could be completed in person to increase the likelihood of getting some new volunteers on board. With the upsurge in the number of community engagement events staff are attending, the need for more volunteers is essential. I have detailed how I believe we can achieve this in the volunteer strategy. We had 13 young people show an interest in volunteering with us from our visit to Middlesex University Fresher’s fair. I will be contacting them via email soon to invite to them to an informal interview.

We have also re-opened the Enter & View volunteering role and offered this opportunity to our current volunteers; 3 have shown an interest and training will be provided to those we feel have the right skills for the role.

Board Report Title CQC reports affecting Enfield

Date and Agenda Item 26th October 2017, Agenda Item 11

Author Emma Friddin

Purpose (for information, decision or consultation)

For information

Key Recommendations (where applicable) N/A

Attachments None

Between 1st July 2017 and 30th September 2017, there were a total of 34 CQC reports published for services based in Enfield. The total of CQC reports published for services based in Enfield so far in 2017/18 is 74. The breakdown of the type of reports are as follows: Q1 2017/18 Q2 2017/18

Hospital 0 0

Mental Health Hospital 1 0

GP Practice 8 11

Care Home 19 12

Nursing Home 3 1

Home Care 5 10

Hospice 0 0

Supported Living 1 0

Other 3 0

GP inspections Q1 2017/18 Q2 2017/8

Total 8 11

‘Good’ 8 (100%) 9 (82%)

‘Requires improvement’ 0 0

‘Inadequate’ 0 2 (18%)

GP practice Date of

publications Current rating

Previous rating Previous publication

Highlands Practice 07/07/2017 Good Good 27/01/2017

Bush Hill Park Medical Centre 12/07/2017 Good Requires improvement 13/12/2016

Riley House Surgery 14/07/2017 Good Requires improvement 17/01/2017

Southbury Surgery 14/07/2017 Inadequate Inadequate 30/03/2017

Boundary House Surgery 20/07/2017 Inadequate Inadequate 13/02/2017

Oakwood Medical Centre 31/07/2017 Good Good 06/12/2016

Green Street Surgery 15/08/2017 Good Requires improvement 14/12/2016

Moorefield Road Health Centre 24/08/2017 Good Requires improvement 09/02/2017

Green Cedars Medical Services 31/08/2017 Good Good 08/02/2017

Highlands Practice 21/09/2017 Good Good 07/07/2017

Connaught Surgery 22/09/2017 Good Requires improvement 21/12/2017

Care home inspections Q1 2017/18 Q2 2017/18

Total 19 12

‘Good’ 16 (84%) 8 (67%)

‘Requires improvement’ 3 (16%) 4 (33%)

‘Inadequate’ 0 0

Care Home Date of

publications Current rating Previous rating Previous

publication Maple House 07/07/2017 Good Good 08/05/2015

Cedar House 14/07/2017 Requires improvement Good 31/12/2015

1 Bodiam Close 26/07/2017 Good Good 10/06/2015

Laurel House 02/08/2017 Good Good 23/06/2015

Roseneath Avenue 04/08/2017 Requires improvement Requires improvement 01/07/2016

Bourne Hill Care Home 18/08/2017 Good Good 22/06/2015

Maison Moti Care Home 31/08/2017 Good Good 29/06/2015

Elmhurst Residential Home 31/08/2017 Requires improvement Requires improvement 10/08/2016

35/37 Solna Road 02/09/2017 Good Good 10/08/2015

1 Old Park 07/09/2017 Good Good 28/07/2015

Eliza House 07/09/2017 Requires improvement Good 03/07/2015

Nairn House Care Home 16/09/2017 Good Good 18/06/2015

Nursing home inspections Q1 2017/18 Q2 2017/18

Total 3 1

‘Good’ 2 (67%) 0

‘Requires improvement’ 1 (33%) 1

‘Inadequate’ 0 0

Nursing home Date of

publications Current rating Previous rating Previous

publication Albany Park Nursing Home 21/09/2017 Requires improvement Requires improvement 26/10/2016

Home care inspections Q1 2017/18 Q2 2017/18

Total 5 10

‘Good’ 4 (80%) 6 (60%)

‘Requires improvement’ 1 (20%) 4 (40%)

‘Inadequate’ 0 0

Care Home Date of

publications Current rating Previous rating Previous

publication Time Out Service 01/07/2017 Requires improvement Requires improvement 03/06/2016

Vijaykoomar Kowlessu 07/07/2017 Requires improvement No previous rating

Caremark (Enfield) 19/07/2017 Requires improvement Requires improvement 19/05/2016

Precious Homes Limited 04/08/2017 Good Good 26/05/2015

Cheviots Childrens Centre 04/08/2017 Good Good 19/06/2015

Glen Pat Homes 11/08/2017 Good Good 07/07/2015

Blu Ray House 16/08/2017 Requires improvement No previous rating

Magic House 25/08/2017 Good Good 29/06/2015

North London Asian Care 01/09/2017 Good Good 13/02/2016

Vijaykoomar Kowlessur 07/09/2017 Good Requires improvement 07/07/2017

Board Report Title Representation at External Meetings

Date and Agenda Item 26th October 2017, Agenda item 12

Author Michelle Malwah

Purpose (for information, decision or consultation) Information

Key Recommendations (where applicable) N/A

Attachments Meetings breakdown

For period 1st July 2017 to 30th September 2017, Healthwatch Enfield staff and Board members attended 81 meetings (78 meetings were attended in the same period in 2016/2017) broken down, as follows: Representative No. attended 16/17 No. attended 17/18

Audrey Lucas (Board member) 8 5

Parin Bahl (Chair) 6 6

Valerie Dinsmore (Treasurer) - 3

Patricia Mecinska (CEO) 34 36

Noelle Skivington (Board member) 2 1

Deborah Fowler (Board Member) 19 3

Total 69 54 The remaining 27 meetings were attended by staff and volunteers.

External MeetingsLimit To Current User Is equal to No

Activity Date Between 1st July, 2017 and 30th September, 2017

Activity Type Is one of Event Attendance, Meeting

Include Case Activities Is equal to No

Activity Type Subject Activity Date Type of meeting Options Other

Meeting Dignity & Care Panel 3rd July, 2017 3:33 PM LB Enfield

Meeting Pre-Market Event for BEH's Enablement 3rd July, 2017 3:38 PMProvider - Hospital Trusts

Meeting Healthwatch ASC review 4th July, 2017 3:40 PM LB Enfield

Event Attendance Q Community Welcome Event 4th July, 2017 3:41 PM

MeetingEnfield CCG Patient & Public Engagement Committee

4th July, 2017 3:43 PM Enfield CCG

Meeting5th July, 2017 12:00 AM


Meeting5th July, 2017 12:00 AM


MeetingRegional HW England Committee Members Meeting

5th July, 2017 9:17 AM Healthwatch meetings

Meeting ILT interview Doris Niji 6th July, 2017 9:09 AM Other

Meeting ILT Interview Elizabeth Roofe 6th July, 2017 9:11 AM Other

Meeting ILT interview Dawn Day 6th July, 2017 9:12 AM Other

Meeting Patient Experience Group Meeting 6th July, 2017 9:15 AMProvider - Hospital Trusts

Meeting ILT interview Valerie Dawkins 7th July, 2017 9:13 AM Other

Meeting Meeting with Karen Gordon re Quality Accounts 7th July, 2017 3:46 PMProvider - Hospital Trusts

2nd October, 2017 3:59 PM

Activity Type Subject Activity Date Type of meeting Options Other

Meeting LAS Patient Forum Meeting 10th July, 2017 9:22 AM Other

Meeting Older Peoples Partnership Board11th July, 2017 9:23 AM

LB Enfield

MeetingNHS Enfield CCG Voluntary & Community Stakeholder Reference Group

11th July, 2017 9:25 AM

Enfield CCG

Meeting General Practice Transformation Sub Group12th July, 2017 9:37 AM

Enfield CCG

Meeting Health & Wellbeing Board Meeting12th July, 2017 9:46 AM

LB Enfield

Meeting NMUH Patient Experience Group13th July, 2017 9:48 AM

Provider - Hospital Trusts

Meeting LBE Access Team Meeting Presentation13th July, 2017 9:50 AM

LB Enfield

MeetingNCL STP Health & Care Closer to Home Board Meeting

14th July, 2017 9:52 AM


Event Attendance Our Voice Birthday party15th July, 2017 4:30 PM

Meeting BEH MHT Board Meeting17th July, 2017 10:16 AM

Provider - Hospital Trusts

Meeting Quality Performance & Safety Hub18th July, 2017 10:19 AM

LB Enfield

Meeting Enfield CCG Governing Body Meeting19th July, 2017 10:20 AM

Enfield CCG

MeetingEnfield Healthwatch Workstream 5: Psychological Therapies

21st July, 2017 10:23 AM

Provider - Hospital Trusts

Meeting CEPN Steering group21st July, 2017 10:29 AM

Enfield CCG

Activity Type Subject Activity Date Type of meeting Options Other

Meeting Meeting with Nichole McIntosh (NMUH) 28th July, 2017 1:55 PMProvider - Hospital Trusts

Meeting Meeting re: mental health28th July, 2017 3:30 PM

Enfield CCG

Meeting ILT Steering Group1st August, 2017 2:14 PM

LB Enfield

Meeting Meeting with Noreen Dowd (ECCG)2nd August, 2017 2:15 PM

Enfield CCG

Meeting Dignity & Care Panel7th August, 2017 3:31 PM

LB Enfield

Meeting BEH Workstream 2 Assessment Service7th August, 2017 3:36 PM

Provider - Hospital Trusts

MeetingMeeting with North London Hospice -priority for improvement project

8th August, 2017 3:39 PM


Meeting Meeting with Richard Whetman-Estates Strategy8th August, 2017 3:41 PM

Enfield CCG

Meeting General Practice Transformation sub-group8th August, 2017 3:42 PM

Enfield CCG

MeetingNCL STP Health & Care Closer to Home Board Meeting

11th August, 2017 3:44 PM


Meeting LAS Patient Forum Meeting14th August, 2017 3:42 PM


Meeting Mental Health Partnership Board15th August, 2017 3:43 PM

Partnership Board

Meeting BEH MHT Workstream 115th August, 2017 3:48 PM

Provider - Hospital Trusts

Meeting BEH Workstream 417th August, 2017 3:52 PM

Provider - Hospital Trusts

Activity Type Subject Activity Date Type of meeting Options Other

Meeting Deep Dive- Adult mental Health18th August, 2017 9:42 AM

Enfield CCG

Meeting Dementia Strategy Steering Group18th August, 2017 3:44 PM

LB Enfield

Meeting BEH MHT-Workstream 222nd August, 2017 9:43 AM

Provider - Hospital Trusts

Meeting Deep Dive- Specialitst Services25th August, 2017 9:47 AM

Enfield CCG

Meeting Integrated Locality Team29th August, 2017 9:48 AM

LB Enfield

Meeting Natalie Forrest Meeting31st August, 2017 9:50 AM

Provider - Hospital Trusts

Meeting ECCG-Commissioning Intentions31st August, 2017 9:52 AM

Enfield CCG

Meeting Life Chances Funding Meeting1st September, 2017 9:54 AM


MeetingPlanning for the future changes to local respite services

5th September, 2017 3:58 PM

LB Enfield

Meeting Patient Experience Group Meeting5th September, 2017 4:01 PM

Provider - Hospital Trusts

Meeting NCEL Quality Sureveillance Group Meeting5th September, 2017 4:05 PM

NHS England

Meeting Health &Wellbeing Board -Development Session5th September, 2017 4:07 PM

LB Enfield

Meeting BEH - Mental Health Trust- Workstream 15th September, 2017 4:08 PM

Provider - Hospital Trusts

Meeting Patient Participation Group network meeting5th September, 2017 4:12 PM

Provider - Hospital Trusts

Activity Type Subject Activity Date Type of meeting Options Other

Meeting Life Chances Fund Development Meeting6th September, 2017 9:07 AM

LB Enfield

MeetingWorkstream 4 Enfield Crisis Resolution & Home Treatment Team

6th September, 2017 9:13 AM

Provider - Hospital Trusts

Meeting Enfield Health work stream 3- Assessment7th September, 2017 9:23 AM

Provider - Hospital Trusts

Meeting ECCG Patient & Public Engagement Committee7th September, 2017 9:25 AM

Enfield CCG

Meeting BEH MHT- Workstream 2 In-patients7th September, 2017 9:36 AM

Provider - Hospital Trusts

Meeting Strategic Development Workshop- NMUH8th September, 2017 9:37 AM

Provider - Hospital Trusts

Meeting Life Chances Fund Develoment Meeting8th September, 2017 9:38 AM

LB Enfield

Meeting Residents Health & Inclusive Services11th September, 2017 9:42 AM

LB Enfield

Meeting LAS Patient Forum Meeting11th September, 2017 9:43 AM


Meeting Healthwatch London Network Meeting12th September, 2017 9:45 AM

Healthwatch meetings

Meeting Quality & Risk Meeting13th September, 2017 9:55 AM

Enfield CCG

Meeting GP Transformation Sub -Group13th September, 2017 10:01 AM

Enfield CCG

MeetingPersonal Health Budgets meeting with Steven Deller

14th September, 2017 10:09 AM

Enfield CCG

Meeting Catch up meeting14th September, 2017 10:10 AM

Provider - Hospital Trusts

Activity Type Subject Activity Date Type of meeting Options Other

Meeting BEH MHT-Workstream 5 Psychological Therapies15th September, 2017 10:30 AM

Provider - Hospital Trusts

Meeting Patient and Public Engagement Strategy Meeting18th September, 2017 10:33 AM

Provider - Hospital Trusts

Meeting Residents Health & Inclusive Services Group18th September, 2017 10:39 AM

LB Enfield

Meeting Enfield Volunteer Organisation Network19th September, 2017 10:43 AM


Meeting Quality, Performance & Safety Sub Group20th September, 2017 10:44 AM

LB Enfield

Meeting Governing Body Meeting20th September, 2017 10:46 AM

Enfield CCG

MeetingCAMHs Thematic Review- focus Group Destigmatisation & Whole system awareness

21st September, 2017 10:56 AM

LB Enfield

Event Attendance Introduction to Quality Improvement22nd September, 2017 10:59 AM

Event Attendance An Indroduction to Appreciative Inquiry22nd September, 2017 11:00 AM

Meeting Enfield CCG AGM/Governing Body meeting27th September, 2017 11:24 AM

Enfield CCG

Meeting North Central London CEO's Meeting28th September, 2017 11:30 AM

Healthwatch meetings

Row(s) Listed 81
