Engaging The End User - Staying Ahead Of The Game



The scope of end-user technology knowledge is changing at breakneck speed. Every day brings new rules of engagement between the customer and the enterprise. In a world where customers are fully in the driver seat and have power over our brands, businesses and can even dictate the delivery method of services, how do you stay ahead? Anne Saunders, senior executive and board member at Nautilus, Starbucks, Bank of America, and AT&T, describes the evolution of customer engagement she has experienced over the past decade.

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June 5, 2012

Engaging the End-User: Staying Ahead of the GameReflections by Anne Saunders

1Friday, June 15, 12

2Friday, June 15, 12

Engaging the End-User: Staying Ahead of the Game

3Friday, June 15, 12

Power to the People...(...is there any way to get some back?)

4Friday, June 15, 12

“This I.T. revolution is also ‘super-empowering’ individuals, enabling them to challenge hierarchies and traditional authority figures - from business to science to government.”

- Thomas Friedman

5Friday, June 15, 12

“Consumers are gaining more power than firms because they are quicker to adopt disruptive technologies.”

Deloitte - The Shift Index 2011

6Friday, June 15, 12

Contributing Changes






7Friday, June 15, 12

✤ Declining Corporate Performance

✤ Profitability as measured by ROA, ROIC and ROE has shown a downward trend over the past four decades. Deloitte The Shift Index ’11

✤ Loss of Trust

✤ Trust in business - 59% (’08) to 46% (’11). Edelman Trust Monitor ‘11

8Friday, June 15, 12

✤ Burst of Innovation

✤ Societal Change

✤ Personal Control

9Friday, June 15, 12

Where do we go from here?

10Friday, June 15, 12

Accept It.

When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.

~Victor Frankl

11Friday, June 15, 12

Recognize for 60% of the world < 35 , it’s not a shift, it is what is.

12Friday, June 15, 12

What do consumers want?

13Friday, June 15, 12

E(asy), T(rusted), R (elevant), V(aluable)

Decision to buy is now based on “...how easy it is for the consumer

to gather and understand information about a brand, how

much they can trust the information they find and how

readily they can weigh their options.” HBR 5/1/12

56% of global consumers want technology that is easy to use vs. 35%

want to be entertained. Ketchum Digital Living Index’11

“The most common mistake that marketers make is not recognizing the difference among what the marketer views as critical vs. what the consumer views as significant.” Email Experience Council

14Friday, June 15, 12

Innovate on their Own

✤ “Our sense was that this is a spirit of wanting to re-imagine how almost anything can work in a better way, and being able to hack their way to that new version.” Nick Shore - MTV Insights

✤ “When a platform is self-service, even the improbable ideas can get tried, because there’s no expert gatekeeper ready to say ‘that will never work!’ And guess what – many of those improbable ideas do work, and society is the beneficiary of that diversity.” Jeff Bezos

15Friday, June 15, 12

How to give consumers what they want?

16Friday, June 15, 12

Omni-Channel - Think Customer Out

“...the consumer can choose whatever channel she wants to interact with you on, any device that she’d like to do that with, and [still] get a very consistent [shopping] experience.” Peter Sachse, CMO Macy’s

17Friday, June 15, 12

Listen. Ask. Believe.

✤ Complaints

✤ User Panels

✤ Interns

✤ User Testing

18Friday, June 15, 12

Empower and Enlist your People

“...firms can gain tangible results by engaging and supporting workers at every level of the organization and giving them the tools and channels to drive scalable learning.”

Deloitt - The Shift Index 2011

19Friday, June 15, 12

3 Ideas to Consider and Discuss

✤ Revel in the Shift.

✤ Listen. Ask. Believe.

✤ Empower and Enlist.

20Friday, June 15, 12

Thank You

21Friday, June 15, 12