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  • English Literature

    Day 1: Learn all the word meanings

    Day 2: Practice the Make Sentences

    Day 3: Read the story Macbeth

    Day 4: Read the story Julius Caesar

    Day 5: Learn what alliteration, personification, and anaphora are.

  • English Language: Revision 1

    Re-write the following sentences using the right form of verbs.

    1. It is many years since I (come) to your house.

    2. It was many years since I (meet) to him.

    3. We (start) the meeting after the guest (come).

    4. I did not want (leave) the place.

    5. You must better (to do) the work.

    6. The boy ran away having (take) the first prize.

    7. I went to market last night with a view to (buy) a shirt.

    8. It is high time I (change) my character.

    9. He speaks as though he (be) a mad.

    10. One of the boys (be) present in the class.

    11. You ought to (respect) your parents and your elders.

    12. The book has published.

    13. If you helped the boy he (help) you.

    14. I (read) the book since in the morning.

    15. Slow and steady (win) the race.

    16. He ran fast least he (miss) the train.

    17. While (read) a book I saw a picture of an ox.

    18. The color of his books (be) red.

    19. There (be) a high school in our area.

    20. Every man (want) to succeed.

    21. Many a boy (ruin) his career though laziness.

    22. No buses and no rickshaws (be) on the road.

    23. None of the girls (has) qualified.

    24. Why you went to market yesterday?

    25. It is no use (spoil) time by gossiping.

    26. He talked as if he (knew) everything.

  • English Language: Revision 2

    Underline the dependent and independent clauses and transform the following

    sentences according to the instruction given in the brackets.

    1. Rio Carnival was introduced in Brazil by the Portuguese in 1641 to celebrate their

    independence from Spanish domination ( complex and compound)

    2. The first carnival which was held in Rio de Janeiro lasted a week. (simple and


    3. As our parliament is a highly complex structure, its annual maintenance cost is about

    50 million taka (simple)

    4. None can receive any award unless he works hard (simple).

    5. Since the old sailor killed the bird, he brought bad luck to the crew (simple and


    6. A true friend is an asset (complex).

    7. Musharrat lay down on the grass which was very soft and short. (simple and


    8. Youhan attempted to rise but could not (simple and complex)

    9. When a healthy man is an asset to his family, an unhealthy man is a liability


    10. Scientists believe that mobile phones cause brain tumor (simple and compound).

    ✓ Practice Adverbs from the book and class works

    ✓ Practice argumentative, narrative and descriptive essay along with the formal


    ✓ Practice Tenses (what is done in the class)

  • English Language: Revision 3

    # Read meaning, synonyms and practice M/S with word list given below (Rhodri Jones).

    1. Panting 16. Rampant

    2. Accentuate 17. Livid

    3. Leverage 18. Havoc

    4. Apparently 19. Scudded

    5. Snag 20. Soberly

    6. Dangle 21. Curio

    7. Congregate 22. Recklessly

    8. Exalt 23. Clinging.

    9. Bask 24. Persuade.

    10. Gallantly 25. Battered.

    11. Declension 26. Toppling

    12. Credulity 27. Swaying.

    13. Tremulous 28. Tugged

    14. Ensue 29. Lurching

    15. Shabby 30. Wailing

    # Read Synonym and antonym of the following words from the Enjoying English.

    1. Miserable 11. Restless

    2. Relief 12. Practically

    3. Twisted 13. Pouring.

    4. Stumbling 14. Shushing.

    5. Awful 15. Pacing

    6. Dodge 16. Disgusted

    7. Whine 17. Unusual

    8. Plunge 18. Saunter

    9. Eerily 19. Grab

    10. Hunting 20. Silent

  • Bengali I: Revision Work 1

    ক) শব্দার্থ লিখঃ

    ১. সম্বল।

    ২. পূনরায়।

    ৩. ননসৃ্কনি।

    ৪. জাি-বেজাি।

    ৫. হুেহু।

    ৬. সচরাচর।

    ৭. অেনী।

    ৮. অঙ্গন।

    ৯. রণ।

    ১০. দ াসর।

    ১১. েবনন ।

    ১২. অনাহার।

    ১৩. বে য।

    ১৪. উপহাস।

    ১৫. সংবেি।

    খ) বাকয রচনা করঃ

    ১. হরহাবেশা।

    ২. চাাঁ য়া।

    ৩. সেবঙ্গ।

    ৪. িড়ঘনড়।

    ৫. েযরাভান।

    ৬. েহোশযান।

    ৭. পরবি পরবি।

    ৮. নেব্রি।

    ৯. ডাঙা

    ১০. িবে।

    ১১. দভন্নাপািা।

    ১২. েুননয়া ।

    ১৩. দভাের-োবলা।

    ১৪. উচ্চঃসবর।

    ১৫. শীিািপ।

    Bengali I: Revision Work 2

  • ১. বযাখযা লিখঃ

    ে) "বেবরশিা হইবলন আল্লাহর িূ। আল্লাহর হুকুবে িাাঁহারা সেল োজ েনরয়া থাবেন।"

    খ) " নুনয়ার সাবথ গাাঁথা েুননয়া নুনয়া সোনর জনে দোঁন "

    ২. সংলিপ্ত উত্তর দাওঃ

    ে) 'সিিার পুরস্কার গবে েিজন ইহুন েংবশর দলাে নিবলন এেং িাব র নে ঃুখ নিবলা?

    খ) স্বগীয় িূ োনুবের িদ্মবেশ ধারণ েবরনিবলন দেন?

    গ) আেরা দেন দ াসর খুাঁবজ োসর োধবি চাই?

    ঘ) "োনেুজানি" েনেিার রচনয়িা দে? দোন োেযগ্রন্থ দথবে এই েনেিা দনয়া হবয়বি।

    ঙ) আসোনন দে? িার োনড়র পনরবেশ দেেন নিবলা?

    চ) 'নীলন ও নপরানেবডর দ শ' -- োর দলখা? এই গে পবড় দিাোর েবনর অনুভূনি নলখ।

    ি) নীলনব র জল ন বয় নেশবরর চাে হয় দেন?

    জ) সোল, পুুর, সন্ধ্যায় আোবশর রং এে রেে থাবেনা দেন?

    Bengali I: Revision Work 3

    বর্থনামূিক প্রশ্নাত্তর লিখঃ

    ১. োংলাব বশর সভযিা ও সংসৃ্কনির সাবথ নেশবরর সভযিা ও সংসৃ্কনির িুলনােূলে আবলাচনা েবর দিাোর েিােি াও।

    ২. েুহম্ম শহী লু্লাহ্ রনচি "সিিার পরুস্কার" নােে গবে নিন ইহু ীবে দয পরীক্ষা েরা হবয়নিল িুনে েী েবন ের দয িা যথাথব হবয়বি? যনুিসহ উত্তর াও।

    ৩. সবিযন্দ্রনাথ ত্ত রনচি " োনেজানি" েনেিার সাবথ সুর নেনলবয় িুনেও নে এেেি দপােণ েরবিা দয এই পৃনথেীবি োনে ধেবই েড় ধেব? দিাোর েিােবির নভনত্তবি যুনি ন বয় নেবেেণ ের।

    ৪. েনে জনসেউনিন রনচি "আসোনন" েনেিায় আসোননর দয পনরচয় এেং পনরবেবশর েথা েলা হবয়বি িাবি আেরা গ্রাে-োংলার নরদ্র নেবশারী দেবয়র দয অেস্থা দ খবি পাই িা ননবজর েি েবর েণবনা াও এেং দিাোর েিােবির নভনত্তবি দোন এরূপ অেস্থা হবয়বি িার যথাথব উত্তর াও।

    # আসোনন, সিিার পুরস্কার, ও নীলন ও নপরানেবডর দ শ দথবে এে োবেয উত্তর এেং MCQ পড়বে।

    Bengali II: Revision Worksheet -1

  • ১। সন্ধি করঃ

    ক) পিিাসা + ঋত =

    খ) অপত + অন্ত =

    গ) অপত + আচার =

    ঘ) গগ + অক =

    ঙ) ন ৌ + ইক =

    ২। সন্ধি ন্ধিচ্ছেদ করঃ

    ক) গবেষণা =

    খ) কথাচ্ছবে =

    গ) স্বাগত =

    ঘ) েেণ =

    ঙ) পেপচ্ছন্ন =

    ৩। ন্ধিপরীত শব্দ ন্ধিখঃ

    ক) আেশ্যক -

    খ) আহার -

    গ) আস্থা -

    ঘ) উষ্ণ -

    ঙ) উত্তী ন –

    ৪। এক ককোথোয় প্রকোশ করঃ

  • ক) আপি নথবক অন্ত ির্নন্ত -

    খ) উিায় ন ই র্ার -

    গ) র্া কল্প া করা র্ায় া এম -

    ঘ) নিশ্বক ভাবোোবস পর্প -

    ঙ) গচত্র মাবসর ফসে –

    ৫। সচ্ছ োচ্চোন্ধরত শচ্ছব্দর অথথ ন্ধিখ এিং দুটি শব্দ এক িোকচ্ছয় িযিহোর কচ্ছর অথথপূর্থ িোকয গঠর্ কর ।

    ক) ধ ী -

    ধ্বপ -

    খ) মাস -

    মাষ –

    গ) পেজ -

    েীজ -

    ঘ) েক্ষ্য -

    েক্ষ্ -

    Revision Worksheet -2

  • ন্ধিয়োর কোি

    সঠিক উত্তবরর িাবশ্ ঠিক ( ) পচহ্ন িাও।

    ১। পিয়া সংঘটব র সময়বক কী েবে?

    ক) কাে খ) িুরুষ গ) পেপশ্ষ্ট প্রবয়াগ ঘ) অতীত কাে

    ২। পিয়ার কাে কয় প্রকার ?

    ক) দুই প্রকার খ) পত প্রকার গ) চার প্রকার ঘ) িাাঁ চ প্রকার

    ৩। নর্ পিয়া েতন মাব সাধারণ ভাবে ঘবট তার কােবক েো হয় -

    ক) সাধারণ েতন মা কাে খ) ঘটমা েতন মা কাে

    গ) িুরাঘটিত েতন মা কাে ঘ) েতন মা অ ুজ্ঞা

    ৪। নর্ পিয়ার কাজ িূবেনই নশ্ষ হবয় নগবে তার কােবক েো হয়

    ক) িুরাঘটিত অতীত খ) ঘটমা অতীত

    গ) প তযেৃত্ত অতীত ঘ) অতীত কাে

    ৫) নকা কাজ ভপেষযবত চেবত থাকবে নোঝাবে নসই পিয়ার কােবক

    ক) সাধারণ ভপেষযৎ খ) ঘটমা ভপেষযৎ

    গ) িুরাঘটিত ঘ) ভপেষযৎ অ ুজ্ঞা

    Revision Worksheet -3

  • ক) ন্ধর্চ্ছের িোগধোরোগুচ্ছিোর সঠিক অথথ ন্ধিখ ও িোকয গঠর্ কর।

    ১। এোপহ কাণ্ড –

    ২। এসিার ওসিার -

    ৩। ওষুবধ ধরা -

    ৪। কথার কথা -

    ৫। কাাঁ চা িয়সা -

    খ) ন্ধর্চ্ছের প্রন্ধতশব্দ ন্ধদচ্ছয় েোরটি কচ্ছর স োথথক শব্দ ন্ধিখ।

    ১। গ্রাম -

    ২। নকাপকে -

    ৩। গর -

    ৪। নঘাড়া -

    ৫। আল্লাহ -

    ৬। মাথা -

    ৭। নকাপকে -

    Revision Worksheet -4

  • অ ুবচ্ছিটি মব াবর্াগ পিবয় িবড় প বচ নিওয়া প্রশ্নগুবোর উত্তর র্থাসম্ভে প বজর ভাষায় নেখঃ

  • Revision Worksheet -5

    অ ুবচ্ছিটি মব াবর্াগ পিবয় িবড় প বচ নিওয়া প্রশ্নগুবোর উত্তর র্থাসম্ভে প বজর ভাষায় নেখঃ


    1. Express the first quantity as a percentage of the second quantity.

    ( a) 225cm , 5 m (b ) 1 year , 3 months

    (c ) 15 min , 1 hr ( d ) 90°, 360°

    2. Complete the following table:

    Percentage Fraction Decimal

    a) 35%

    b) 2 --------


    c) Seventeen percent





    f) 1 92--- %


    3. Find the value of the followings:

    ( a) Increase 60 by 75% (b) Decrease 120 by 45%

    4. Find the marked price , if the percentage discount is 12% and the sale price is $77.

  • 5. A gold chain is sold for $ 635 at a gain of 27% . Find the profit.

    6. Complete the table.


    a. $50 $65

    b. $600 $480

    c. $88,000 Profit of 4%

    d. $50 2 Loss of 16— %


    7. Express each of the following ratios in its simplest form.

    ( a) 2.1 kg : 630 g (b) 35 : 45 : 18

    2 5 1 2 1 ( c) ---- : ----- ( d) -------- : ------- : -------- 3 8 9 3 6

    8. If p: q : r = 18 : 27 : 54, (i) Simplify p : q : r (ii) find q : p (iii) q : r (iv) p : r

  • 9. Arfan pays $6 for parking his car in a railway station for 2.5 hours. Calculate (i) the parking charges

    per minute ;(ii) the amount that he will have to pay if he parks his car in the railway station for 1hour

    45 minutes.

    10. Complete the following :


    a. 200m 25s

    b. 1 ------ min


    25 m/s

    c. 180 km 1 1----- h



    1.Solve each of the following equations: 4z – 1 z – 8

    ( a) 7x + 2 = 2x – 13 (b) -------------- = ------------

    2 3

    7 – 2y 2 1 3 (c ) -------------- --- ---- ( 2 – y) = 1 ---- (d) ----- x --- 5 = 0.5x 2 5 4 4 5 1 1 3x (e) ----- y + 2 = --- y + 3--- (f) If 4x + y = 3x + 5y, find the value of ---------- 7 2 4 16y (g) If v² = u² = 2 gs , find the value of s when v =25 , u =12 and g = 10. m ( nx² - y ) (h) If ---------------------- = 5n , find the value of n when m = 6 , x = - 2 , y = -3 and z = - 5 . Z (i) Amir is 4 years older than Prince and Sameer is 2 years younger than Prince . If the sum of their ages is 47, find their respective ages.


    1. (a) (i) Find the sum of interior angles of a regular hexagon. (ii) Hence, find the size of each interior

    angle of regular hexagon.

    2. Find the number of sides of a regular polygon if each exterior angle of the polygon is 45°.

    3. Draw an angle BAC of 50°. Construct an angle equal to angle BAC.

    4. Draw an angle BAC of 56°. Construct the angle bisector of angle BAC.

    5. Construct a perpendicular to a line at a given point on it.

    6. Practice review exercise 11(Similar work as done from Chapter 11A &11B in practice work, class

    work marking and class test)

  • Physics- Revision Worksheet 1

    Chapter 3- Energy calculations

    1. Calculate the GPE of the following:

    • mass= 12 kg; g= 10 N/kg; h= 400 m

    • mass= 5 kg; g= 10 N/kg; h= 3 km

    • mass= 1000 g; g= 10 N/kg; h= 2.5 m

    2. Calculate the KE of the following:

    • mass= 50 kg; v= 7 m/s

    • mass= 7500 g; v= 80 m/s

    • mass= 250 kg; v= 1.5 m/s

    3. Calculate the work done in raising a box of 5 kg, 8m above the ground.

    4. Calculate the kinetic energy of a bullet of mass 0.2 kg moving with a velocity of 300 m/s

    5. A boy of mass 40 kg runs up a hill of height 700 m. What is his gravitational potential

    energy at the top of the hill?

    6. A football of mass 0.75 kg is rolling down a frictionless ramp of height 10m.

    a) What was the value of its gravitational potential energy at the top of the ramp?

    b) What is the value of its kinetic energy at the end of the ramp, assuming no energy is


    7. A man of mass 60 kg, runs down a flight of stairs of height 15 m with a constant velocity

    of 8m/s.

    a) What is the value of his GPE at the top of the stairs?

    b) What is the value of his KE at the bottom of the stairs?

    c) How much energy is lost during transformation?

    8. A car engine takes 15000 J of energy from fuel. It produces 3000 J of heat. Find its %


    9. An electric motor produces 4000 J of useful energy and 6000 J of heat. Find its %


    10. An energy saving light bulb uses 12000 J of energy in two minutes. Find its power.

  • Chemistry: Chapter 11 (Unit 11.01 & 11.02)

    Revision Worksheet 1

    Q1. Fill in the blanks:

    a) The _______________ is the layer of gas around the Earth.

    b) The Earth was formed about _______________ million years ago.

    c) _____________ bacteria feed on ammonia producing ___________ forms _________.

    d) The composition of the air has been steady for the last ____________ million years.

    Q2. Draw the percentage composition of air in your C/W copy. Label and color the diagram.

    Q3. Learn the labeling of the all cycles given (Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Water) in the I/E


    Chapter 11 (Unit 11.03 & 11.05)

    Revision Worksheet 2

    Q1. Write whether the statement is ‘True’ or ‘False’. If false, correct the statement and


    a) Ozone is a form of hydrogen. ( )


    b) The outer layer where we live is called the mantle. ( )


    c) The average density of the Earth is calculated as 4.5 g/cm3. ( )


    d) Sedimentary rock is built up from particles compacted and cemented together. ( )


  • Chemistry: Chapter 12.01 & FT4

    Revision Worksheet 3

    Q1. Fill in the blanks:

    a) _______________ means the breaking down of rocks at the Earth’s surface largely by the

    action of the weather.

    b) Carbon dioxide dissolves in rainwater to form ________________ acid.

    c) Many ricks contain ___________________ compound.

    d) When the river slows down and runs out of energy it drops or deposits the undissolved

    materials as ________________.

    e) Soft water contains little amount of ___________________ as __________________


    Q2. Write down three advantages and disadvantages of soft water and hard water in your C/W


    Chapter: The non-metals and Periodic table

    Revision Worksheet 4

    Q1. Write down two properties of alkali metals from group 1:



    Q2. Mention three properties of group 7 elements:




    Q3. Give 3 examples of each type of group:

    a) Group 1: ____________________, ____________________, ____________________.

    b) Group 7: ____________________, ____________________, ____________________.

    c) Transition metals: _________________, __________________, __________________.

    Q4. Write down 3 differences between metals and non- metals in your C/W copy.

  • Biology: Unit 3.01- 3.04

    Revision Worksheet 1

    Q. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word/s:

    1. The male cone produces ____________________.

    2. The fertilized _____________ cone produces seeds.

    3. The largest plants in the world are __________________________.

    4. ______________________ are the largest groups of flowering plants.

    5. Roots ________________ a plant in a soil.

    6. Most of the water and minerals are taken in through the _________________.

    7. Photosynthesis means making things with _____________________.

    8. As photosynthesis speeds up, release of carbon dioxide _________________.

    9. Glucose is used to make ________________ for cell walls.

    10. Nitrogen is known as the _________________________.

    11. Phosphorus is known as the ______________________.

    12. _________________ is known as the flower and fruit maker.

    13. The stalk of a leaf is called a ___________________.

    14. Cuticle is found in the upper _______________________.

    15. Stoma is the hole between a pair of ___________________________.

    16. Many leaves are ___________ to absorb as much light as it can.

    17. Leaves are _____________ so carbon dioxide can reach inner cells easily.

    18. The seedlings of water lily have ______________ seed leaves.

    19. The main root is divided into main root and _____________ root.

    20. Leaves turn yellow from bottom upwards due to no ____________________.

  • Biology: Unit 4.03-4.05, 7.03, 7.04

    Revision Worksheet 2

    Q. Fill in the blanks with appropriate word/s:

    1. _______________ is the breakdown of complex molecules into simpler ones.

    2. _________________ is the opposite of catabolism.

    3. ____________________ is all the chemical reactions necessary for life.

    4. An enzyme ______________ up a chemical reaction.

    5. Each enzyme has a ___________________ which combines briefly with a substance and

    changes it.

    6. In human the best temperature for an enzyme to work is ______________.

    7. Pepsin needs ______________ condition.

    8. The scientific name for the chest region is _______________.

    9. The scientific name for the space inside the chest is _____________________.

    10. Trachea is made up of soft bones called ________________.

    11. Alveoli is the scientific name for ____________________.

    12. The _______________ muscle help with breathing in and out.

    13. Aerobic respiration occurs in tiny sausage shaped objects called _____________.

    14. Respiration can also take place without ________________.

    15. _______________ get energy by fermentation.

    16. Fermentation is a type of _____________________ respiration.

    17. Cider is made from fermented _______________ juice.

    18. Beer is made by ____________.

    19. Fermentation is also used in ____________________.

    20. Walking or jogging is called ____________________ respiration.

    21. Anaerobic respiration produces _______________ acid.

    22. The full form of ATP is ______________________________________.

  • Biology: Revision Worksheet 3

    1. Define with example (if applicable):

    a) Photosynthesis

    b) Limiting factor

    c) Major element

    d) Trace element

    e) Cuticle

    f) Stomata

    g) Guard cells

    h) Metabolism

    i) Enzyme

    j) Active site

    k) Aerobic respiration

    l) Anaerobic respiration

    m) Fermentation

    2. Write down the differences between:

    i) Monocotyledons and Dichotyledons

    ii) Mosses and Ferns

    iii) Anabolism and Catabolism

    iv) Aerobic and Anaerobic respiration

    v) Mineral deficiency symptom

    3. With diagram explain how does plants make food? Write down the word equation of

    photosynthesis. (page 70-71)

    4. Explain why photosynthesis stops at night but respiration continues. (pg 71)

    5. Explain with diagram: i) oxygen cycle (pg 72), ii) carbon cycle (pg 166), iii) nitrogen cycle

    (pg 167).

    6. What is a limiting factor? How many limiting factors do photosynthesis have? Explain each

    of them. (pg 72-73).

    7. Read thoroughly about different parts of a leaf (pg 74).

    8. What is stomata? With diagram explain how it works. (pg 75).

    9. What is Metabolism? Explain the two types of metabolism with examples (pg 90).

    10. What is an Enzyme? Give example. Explain why each enzyme can control only one type

    of chemical reaction? (You should draw diagram) (pg 90)

    11. Read thoroughly about respiration and different parts of the respiratory system (pg 91).

  • 12. What is Fermentation? Write down the word equation for fermentation. Explain how it is

    used in baking. (pg 92).

    13. Read thoroughly about aerobic and anaerobic respiration (pg 93).

    14. With diagram explain the mechanism of breathing in and breathing out (pg 95).

    15. With diagram explain how gas exchange takes place in alveoli (pg 94).

    16. Practice the following diagrams:

    i. Parts of a flowering plant

    ii. Photosynthesis in leaf

    iii. Oxygen cycle

    iv. Nitrogen cycle

    v. Carbon cycle

    vi. Inside a leaf

    vii. How stomata works

    viii. How enzyme work

    ix. Respiratory System of Human Body

    x. Parts of the Lungs

    xi. Alveoli

    xii. How gas exchange takes place in alveoli

    xiii. Breathing in and Breathing out

  • Class VI (History): Revision worksheet 1

    Mongolia, Voyages of Discovery


    1.Kublai Khan conquered southern _______________ and set up ______________ dynasty.

    2.Kublai khan encouraged _______________, _________________ and science.

    3. In ________________ Genghis Khan was able to unite and conquer the Mongols.

    4The present day Mongolians regard Genghis Khan as the __________________

    _____________ of Mongolia.

    5.Slk road played a significant role in the _____________________ of civilizations.


    1.Who were the sailors, crews and leaders of the ships for the voyages?

    2.What did the nobles of 15th century wanted?

    3. What were the traded through the Silk Road?

    4. The development of which countries were influenced by the Silk Road?

    5.Which countries made the first voyage of discovery ? Why?

    6. Which explorer thought that his ship would fall over the edge of the world?Write four

    reasons for the voyages of discovery.

    Revision Worksheet-2

    Conquistadores, Effects of Voyages of Discovery I&II

    Answer in one sentence

    1. What is inflation?

    2. Which Oceans cut America from the rest of the world?

    3.Who were the Conquistadores?

    4.What kind of ideas did the sailors and merchants bring from Asia to Europe?

    5. Write one impact of voyages of discovery on Europeans.

    Short Q/A

    1.Why did the people of16th century have elaborate clothes?

    2.Why could Europeans easily defeat the Amerindians?

    3.How did Europeans begin to capture lands in Asia?

  • BD. Studies–revision worksheet 1

    Natural resources of Bangladesh

    1. Answer the following question: -

    a] What are the main resources of the Sundarban?

    b] Why is rice grown everywhere in Bangladesh?

    c] Mention any three challenges Bangladesh faces in agriculture.

    2. Fill up the table: -

    Name of the


    Where in Bangladesh are they found

    Natural gas



    b.studies –revision worksheet 2

    ports of Bangladesh

    1. Answer the following question: -

    a] What is the current economic status of Bangladesh?

    b] What facilities are provided by the Mongla Port?

    c] Write about the Pangaon Terminal of the Port of Dhaka.

    2. What are the following abbreviations mean :-

  • a] BIWTC:- ___________________________________________________

    b] BIWTA:- ___________________________________________________

    c] CAAB:- ___________________________________________________

    d] BSBK:- ____________________________________________________

    e] BLPA:- ____________________________________________________

    b.studies –revision worksheet 3

    rights and duties of a citizen

    1. Answer the following question: -

    a] What are the kinds of elections held in our country?

    b] Why do we need the social rights?

    c] Who is called a good citizen?

    2. Write true or false in brackets; correct the statements those are false in the given space

    a] In Bangladesh one can vote at the age 16. (_____________)


    b] Right to protect life is a political right of a citizen. (_____________)


  • c] In our country national election is held after every five years. (____________)


    d] To educate the children is the political right of a citizen. (____________)



    (Print or copy either in the CW copy or TEST copy to complete the work) (A) Fill in the blanks with sensible words: 1. Coast is our _______________ line.

    2. ____________ is wearing away of the _____________ surface by the actions of

    _____________, ice sea or when hit by ___________.

    3. A ___________ rock that is resistant to ________ is called _______ rock such as


    4. It is ________________ for plants to grow in ______________ marsh as it is often

    covered by _____________ water from ___________

    5. ___________ cannot survive in sand __________ as it is very _______ and lack


    6. We are threatened if _____________collapses and is ______________ away.

    7. ________ grass grows on the sand ________ as its long ___________ find

    _____________ in the dry __________.

    8. ______ means breaking down of ______ caused by the ________ of weather and


    9. ______________ copes with the _____________ in the marsh by moving it all in

    one ______________ which later _______________off.

    10 _______________ separates our home from _________________.

    (B) Identify the following diagrams. Write about them along with their advantaged and disadvantages:



    (Print or copy either in the CW copy or TEST copy to complete the work)

    (A) Fill in the blank s with sensible words.

    1. Corals are common in ___________ Ocean and the coast of south east


    2. Corals are reef of ________________.

    3. The ________________ of Mangrove trees trap_______________ preventing

    mud and _______________ from being __________________ out to the sea.

    4. ___________________ trees are the trees that grow in

    __________________ water.

    5. The reefs are one of the richest _____________________ on earth.

    6. ._________________ are tiny animals that live in water that is

    _______________ and, _________________.

    7. Great _________________ Reef is the largest reef in the _______________

    located at _______________ of tropic of ____________________ in


    8. The largest ________________ reef has been declared a

    _________________ Park in ________________ and later a World

    ________________ Site.

    9. ________________ Park contain ______________ different corals and

    _______ different species of __________________.

    (B) Answer the following questions :

    1. Why was the largest coral reef in the world designated as a Marine Park?

    2. Coral reef described as “Tropical Rainforest under the Sea” ? Why?

  • GEOGRAPHY – STD VI Chapter 7


    (Print or copy either in the CW copy or TEST copy to complete the work)

    Name :__________________ Roll:_____ Sec:______________ Date: ____________

    A. Fill in the blanks:

    1. The _______________ Greek ______________________ of

    __________________ has the largest known rookery of

    __________________________ turtles in the ________________ region.

    2. _______________ and ________________ are the two traditional crops of

    Mediterranean ________________.

    3. _________________ is the largest producer of ______________ in the

    world and the ________________ largest producer of ______________ .

    4. ________________ of Turkey, ____________________ of Greece and

    _____________ have _______________ turtles.

    5. The Mediterranean region has hot, dry ______________ and warm


    6. The _______________________ climate and vegetation can also be found in

    ______________________ in the USA, southern

    _________________________ and South __________________.

    7. Most rain falls during ______________ and ________________ in

    ________________ region.

    8. Some farmers in __________________ region are digging up ________ and

    planting _________ and soft fruits Such as ______________ ,

  • strawberries, _____________ , tomatoes and ___________ as they are

    more _____________ than vine.

    9. ___________________ and ________________ parts of the

    __________________Sea are most polluted by _________________.

    (B) Write following questions: (1) Write short note on Mediterranean Sea. (2) Where is Crete? How does it overcome its water problem? Why is it the best solution to such a problem?

    (C ) Draw a pie chart in the CW copy and show the following information : World’s largest crude oil suppliers

    Supplier Quantity in percentage

    Conversion for Pie Chart

    Iran Iraq Saudi Arabia Russia Turkey Kazakhstan Africa Others

    35 17 13 10 10 07 07 01

    __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________ __________________



    (Copy in the CW copy or TEST copy to complete the work)

    (A) Answer the following questions: 1. What is EU and what does EU stand for? when was it formed?

    2. What was the goal of the EU?

    3. Who is the main trading partner of the EU?

    4. Where is the capital of the EU?

    5. Who are the founding members of the EU?

    6. Write down names of any other seven existing members of the EU?

    7. Name the applicant members of the EU.

    8 .Who are the candidate members of the EU?

    9. What does the EU do?

    10. Name the area where EU provide funding.

    11. What are the main body of the EU?

    12. Name the country which has decided to leave EU in 1917.

    Computer Science

    Homework for this week:

    Page 42-43: Go through the chapter and solve the MCQs, fill in the blanks and True/Falses.

  • Browse this website and try to understand how we can create beautiful things using scratch:


    Revision worksheet


    Question Answers:

    1. What is a Spreadheet?

    2. What are the properties of spreadsheet?

    3. How to insert cells?

    4. How to insert rows and columns?

    5. How to delete a cell?

    6. How to merge/unmerge cells?

    7. What is AutoFill? How does it work?

    8. Write about some applications of spreadsheet.

    9. What is formula in a spreadsheet?

    10. What is function in a spreadsheet?

    11. Write the name of 5 useful spreadsheet functions with examples.

    Definitions: Spreadsheet, sum(), average(), min(), max(), count(), cell, active cell

    Fill in the blanks, MCQs, True/False: Page number 90-91 [as discussed during the class]

    More on MS Word

    Question Answers:

    1. What is MS Word?

    2. How to cut, copy and paste?

    3. How to make text bold/italics/underlined?

    4. How to change the font family?

    5. How to change font size?

    6. How to justify texts? [Changing alignments]

    7. How to use bullet points and numbering in a word document?

    8. How to add a picture in a MS Word document?

    9. How to change page margins from page layout tab?

    10. How to make multiple columns in a Word document?

    11. How to enable spelling and grammar checker in MS Word?

    Mail Merge


  • Question Answers:

    1. What is mail merge?

    2. Describe the basic steps of mail merge.

    3. How to set up the excel data file for mail merge?

    4. How to set up the main document?

    5. Write the procedure of specifying the excel data source for mail merge.

    6. How to select the recipients?

    7. How to add merge fields and complete the mail merge process?

    8. How to personalize individual letters after completing mail merge?

    Fill in the blanks, MCQs, True/False: Page number 50-51 [as discussed during the class]