English Homework – 16.10.20 and 23.10.20 For this week We


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English Homework – 16.10.20 and 23.10.20

For this week’s homework and over the half term we would like you

to go over all the Year 2 and some of the Year 3 grammar elements.

We have put together a pack for you to go through with your child.

The children are working hard to practice and apply skills from Year

2 and we have been revising them over the last few weeks. We feel

it would really benefit the children to practice them at home too.

If your child would like to do some extra work over the half term

they could practice the grammar in the pack by using it in sentences

or a piece of writing for example writing a story or keeping a diary

over the holiday. You can then send these to the class teacher to

read after the holidays.

Thank you for your support.

The Year 3 team


Subordinating conjunctions


The brown monkey— noun phrase

The brown, naughty monkey—expanded noun phrase.
