English paper 1 year 3


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  • 7/31/2019 English paper 1 year 3



    Question 1-4

    Choose the best word to fill in the blanks.

    Pilih perkataan yang terbaikuntuk diisikan pada tempat kosong.

    1. Lina likes ______________ during her free time.

    A. reading booksB. fishingC. singingD. gardening

    2. Aminah wears her __________ on her neck.

    A. ankletB. ringC. braceletD. necklace

    3. A _____________ looks like a horse.

    A. dolphinB. flatfishC. whaleD. seahorse

    4. Please bring me _____________ boxes, Arifsaid Puan Riana.

    A. these

    B. thatC. thisD. those

    Question 5 7

  • 7/31/2019 English paper 1 year 3


    Study the pictures carefully and choose the best phrase to complete

    the paragraph.

    Lihat gambar dengan teliti dan pilih rangkai kata yang terbaikbagi

    melengkapkan perenggan di bawah.

    Pak Abu rides a ____(5)____ . It has three ____(6)_____ .

    It can carry ______(7)_____ passengers. Pak Abu enjoys taking


    passenger around town.

    5. A. trishaw C. bicycle

    B. car D. taxi

    6. A. lights C. handle

    B. wheels D. seat

    7. A. two C. three

    B. one D. four

    Question 8 10

  • 7/31/2019 English paper 1 year 3


    Study the pictures carefully. Then choose the best answer.

    Lihat gambar dengan teliti. Pilih jawapan yang terbaik.


    A. Liny is playing on the swing.

    B. Liny is playing on the slide.

    C. Liny is playing on the see saw.

    D. Liny is playing on the monkey bars.


    A. The old water transport is the raft.

    B. The old water transport is the sampan.

    C. The old water transport is the boat.

    D. The old water transport is the ferry.


  • 7/31/2019 English paper 1 year 3


    A. They are chopping down the tree using a saw.

    B. They are pulling down the tree using a saw.

    C. They are cutting down the tree using a saw.

    D. They are cutting down the tree using a chainsaw.


    Question 11 15

    Choose the best sentence to fit the situation shown in the pictures.Pilih ayat yang terbaikbagi situasi dalam gambar.

    11. A. Hello.

    B. Can you tell me what letter is


    C. I can see.


    12. A. Good morning, delivery for youSir.

  • 7/31/2019 English paper 1 year 3


    B. Take this.

    C. You are welcome.

    D. Here! Take this.

    13.A. Goodbye. See you later.

    B. Hi, nice to meet you.

    C. What is your name?

    D. See you again.

    14.A. Im happy to meet you.

    B. You are welcome.

    C. See you both again.

    D. Hello, how are you?

    15.A. Where is your mother going?

    B. What is your mother doing in



    C. Is your mother in the kitchen?

    D. How is your mother?


    Question 16 20

    Thank you.

  • 7/31/2019 English paper 1 year 3


    Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.

    Pilih jawapan yang terbaikuntuk melengkapkan ayat-ayat berikut.

    16. Puan Limah is _____________ some cookies for her family.

    A. cooking C. boiling

    B. baking D. frying

    17. Anna and Shalina __________ to school by van every morning.

    A. goes C. going

    B. go D. went

    18. This is Arianna. ______ is a pretty girl.

    A. He C. His

    B. Her D. She

    19. _________ are those people doing?

    A. Whose C. Which

    B. Whom D. What

    20. Encik Shamsul is __________ than his brother.

    A. rich C. richest

    B. richer D. the rich

    Question 21

    Choose the word that has the opposite meaning as the word


    Pilih perkataan yang berlawanan dengan perkataan yang bergaris.

  • 7/31/2019 English paper 1 year 3


    21. I hate the way she speaks.

    A. miss C. dislike

    B. enjoy D. love

    Question 22 23

    Based on the pictures, choose the answer with the correct spelling.

    Berdasarkan gambar-gambar di bawah, pilih perkataan yang

    mempunyai ejaan yang betul.

    22. Danial will be taking an ___________ to London.


    23. Dato Sri Azman lives in a _____________ .

    A. bunglowB. bungaloC. bungalouD. bungalow

    Question 24 25

    Choose the sentence with the correct punctuation.

    Pilih ayat yang mempunyai tanda bacayang betul.

    24. A. The Dandy horse was the first bicycle to be invented

  • 7/31/2019 English paper 1 year 3


    B. The Dandy Horse was the first Bicycle to be invented.

    C. The Dandy horse was the first bicycle to be invented.

    D. The Dandy Horse was the first bicycle to be invented.

    25. A. that florist sells beautiful bouquets?

    B. That Florist sells Beautiful bouquets

    C. That florist sells beautiful bouquets.

    D. that florist sells beautiful bouquets!


    Question 26 30Look at the picture. Read the passage carefully. Choose the best

    answers to fill in the blanks in the passage follows.

    Lihat gambar. Baca teks dengan teliti. Pilih jawapan yang terbaik


    diisikan pada tempat kosong dalam teks berikut

  • 7/31/2019 English paper 1 year 3


    26. A. ran C. walked

    B. swam D. jumped

    27. A. spent C. is

    B. are D. bought

    28. A. short C. dark

    B. bright D. colourful

    29. A. cats C. horses

    B. bats D. pencils

    30. A. went back

    B. went under

    C. go back

    D. come back

    One day a group of girls scout went for camping. They

    ___(26)___ from the village till the river. They ____(27)___ a few

    hours fishing then they went in the river for a swim.

    After that, they went into a cave. It was very ____(28)____ inthe cave. There were many _____(29)_____ in the cave. In the

    evening they _____(30)_____ to the village.

  • 7/31/2019 English paper 1 year 3



    Question 31 35

    Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.

    Baca petikan dengan teliti dan jawab soalan-soalan berikut.


    Hamsters are animals. They are rodents. Hamsters are furry.

    Their fur can be black, white, brown, red, or a mix of those colors.

    Hamsters have short tails.

    Hamsters make good pets because they are easy to take care

    of. They do not need a lot of space. Hamsters usually live in cages

    that have lots of room and things to help them exercise.

    Hamsters eat mostly fruit and nuts. Some people buy

    hamsters mix food at the pet store, which is a healthy mix of food

    for hamsters. Hamsters can carry food in their cheeks. Hamsters are

    usually active in the early morning and in the evening.

    31. What kind of animal is a hamster?A. fish

    B. reptiles

    C. rodents


    32.What colour are hamsters?

  • 7/31/2019 English paper 1 year 3


    A. many colours

    B. black

    C. blue

    D. green

    33. Hamsters are good pets because

    A.They are easy to care for.

    B.They are cute.

    C.They do not eat much.

    D.They are so furry.

    34. From the passage we can guess that hamsters eat?

    A.Stakes and potatoes

    B.Apples and seeds

    C. Bread and butter

    D.Eggs and bacons

    35.Where do hamsters carry their food?



    C. back

    D. pouch

    Question 36 40

    Read the passage carefully and answer the questions that follow.

  • 7/31/2019 English paper 1 year 3


    Baca petikan dengan teliti dan jawab soalan-soalan berikut.


    My name is Terry. I want to be a firefighter. Why do I want to

    be a firefighter? I have many reasons. I like all the important things

    that firefighters do. Firefighters are heroes.

    Sometimes buildings catch on fire. Firefighters put out fires. I

    want to put out fires. If someone is trapped in a burning house,

    firefighters save them. I want to save people. Sometimes people

    have accidents. Sometimes people get sick. Firefighters help them. I

    want to help people.

    Firefighters drive big trucks. Fire trucks have loud sirens. I wantto drive a big truck. I want to be a firefighter and do all those things.

    Then I would be a hero, too.

    36. Who wants to be a firefighter?

    A. Terry

    B. Abu

    C. Ali

    D. Jenny

    37. What the firefighters does not do?

    A. They help put out fire.

  • 7/31/2019 English paper 1 year 3


    B. They drive big truck.

    C. They treat sick people.

    D. They save people who are stuck.

    38. What do fire trucks have?

    A. dogs

    B. television

    C. loud siren

    D. flower

    39. Terry thinks firefighters are.

    A. cute

    B. good looking

    C. bad

    D. heroes

    40. Why does Terry wants to be a fire fighter?Terry wants to put out fires.

    Terry wants to help people.

    . Terry wants to drive a big truck.

    . All of the above