English presentation ji young kim




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How did Cultural Revolution affected


Ji Young Kim Grade 9 English

Cultural Revolution

: Cause of Cultural Revolution

Trying to introduce higher socialism in China.

Increase China’s agriculture and industry.

Generation would know only Communist rule.


Students starts to participate red guard.

Education system during the revolution

Student Red Guard (Hong Wei Bing)

First Red Guard : Qing Hua middle school student.

Students attack teachers

Conflicts with students and teachers : Protest

Wearing hats confess teachers.


“In June 1966 middle schools and universities throughout the country closed down as students devoted all their time to Red Guard activities.  Millions of these young students were encouraged to attack "counterrevolutionaries….."

Hitler was the more cruel. Kill people more and more, close to become true revolutionaries. (Mao Ze Dong)


Da Zi Bao

Name of counterrevolutionaries

Against teachers

Against students

Rural areas : field

“During the Cultural Revolution, millions of educated youths were sent to rural areas to work in the countryside and learn from the peasantry.  Mao believed that this would ultimately create a new society where there was no gap between urban and rural, laborers and intellectuals.”


1."DAZIBAO." Laboratoire SUBATECH. Web. 03 Feb. 2010. <http://www-subatech.in2p3.fr/~photons/taps/guestbook/en_guestbook.shtml>.

2. "Dazibao." Web. 04 Feb. 2010. <http://plaza.ufl.edu/amorey/myweb4/dazibao.htm>.

3. "HarperCollins Children's Books - Kids Authors & Illustrators." HarperCollins Children's Books - The Destination for Kids, Parents, Teachers and Librarians. Web. 03 Feb. 2010. <http://www.harpercollinschildrens.com/Kids/AuthorsAndIllustrators/ContributorDetail.aspx?CId=12268>.

4. "KHJ." Web. 03 Feb. 2010. <http://blog.naver.com/braveattack?Redirect=Log&logNo=10067308674>.

5. "To Live/Mao Zedong." Index.html. Web. 04 Feb. 2010. <http://brian.hoffert.faculty.noctrl.edu/TEACHING/ToLive.htm>. 6. Web. 03 Feb. 2010. <http://hi.baidu.com/evil_force/album/item/936662909b0323a6a977a4f7.html>.


5. "To Live/Mao Zedong." Index.html. Web. 04 Feb. 2010. <http://brian.hoffert.faculty.noctrl.edu/TEACHING/ToLive.htm>.

6. Web. 03 Feb. 2010. <http://hi.baidu.com/evil_force/album/item/936662909b0323a6a977a4f7.html>.

7. "KHJ." Web. 15 Mar. 2010. <http://blog.naver.com/braveattack?Redirect=Log&logNo=10067308674>.
