English remote learning for Y1/2: Friday 29th January 2021


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English remote learning for Y1/2: Friday 29th January 2021

Reading task

Today we are going to be looking at the last two pages from the non-fiction book. If you want to look at the whole book again and gather some facts then you can put the sheets from each day together. Remember this book is made up of facts about the Stone Age. We would like you to read the pages below with an adult and talk about what information it gives you.

Year 1:

Read the pages with an adult. Answer question 1 to 3.

Year 2:

We are going to be answering questions based on the last few pages of the non-fiction book all about the Stone Age. Read the pages and then discuss the information with an adult. Read it through a couple of times and then answer all of the questions below. These facts will help you to write on your fact poster so make sure you look out for any interesting bits of information.

Mental starter/warm up activity/SPAG/spellings

Year 1 Phonics—see page 7

Year 2

Today it is Friday again so we are going to have a little spelling quiz. I am going to ask you to spell some of the words from the two lists we have learned this week. Have a go at each spelling. If you get it wrong don’t worry, it just means you don’t know how to spell the word YET! Keep practising :)

Writing task

We would like you to continue to gather facts about the Stone Age and use these facts to create a colourful and interesting poster.

Today we would like to write some facts about Stone Age tools. You can include information about the tools you have found out about like the harpoon or you can research lots of new tools using kiddle. You can draw some pictures and labels to include in your poster. You can include information about what they were used for or how tools changed throughout the Stone Age.

How to find out information.

You can find facts from the books we have been reading in guided reading, you can use the PowerPoints we have put on the shared area or you can carry out your own research using the search engine kiddle.


These could be made from bone, ivory,

wood, antlers, stone or flint.

Spear throwers meant that spears could be

thrown further and with more force, making

it possible to kill or wound an animal from a

safer distance.

The hunters used different weapons to kill

their food.

The first early humans used stone axes,

rocks and wooden spears that were

hardened at the tips with fire.

Later, spears were developed that had

sharp bone or flint tips.

Guided Reading

1. What jobs did Stone Age man make tools for ? (R)

2. What were flint blades used for? (R )

3. What two jobs did they use a spear for? (R)

4. Why did they need different shaped tools? (R)

5. How did Stone Age man make fire?(R)

6. What did they use fire for? (R)

7. Why is fire so important? (R )

Guided Reading: Answers for Thursday.

1. What animal did Stone Age man take hunting with them? Dogs

2. What useful jobs did these animals do as well? Guarded the camp and kept away wild ani-mals.

3. What word is used to describe these wolves? Tamed wolves

4. What animals were kept away by these? Wild bears

5. What did stone age man have to learn in order to hunt? Throw spears very far and very fast.

6. What part of the mammoth did they use for tools? Tusk and bones.

7. What did they use the other parts of the mammoth for? Fur skin for clothes and meat for food.

Facts about Weapons

to use in your poster. Weapons

These could be made from bone, ivory,

wood, antlers, stone or flint.

Spear throwers meant that spears could be

thrown further and with more force, making

it possible to kill or wound an animal from a

safer distance.

The hunters used different weapons to kill

their food.

The first early humans used stone axes,

rocks and wooden spears that were

hardened at the tips with fire.

Later, spears were developed that had

sharp bone or flint tips.


For spearing

fish, hunters

would carve

barbs into

antlers to make

a harpoon that

would stick in

the flesh of the


These would be

attached to the

end of spears.

Can you write the words for each of the pictures below.

Year 1 Phonics—Friday

Today’s new sound that we are going to learn is: a-e This is called a ‘split a-e’ This link reinforces today’s learning.


The way that we teach this in class is: that when these two sounds are next to one another, they talk too much so they have to be separated by another letter. Look at the word ‘cake’. Can you see how the letter ’k’ has separated the sound? Which letter has separated the split a-e sound in the word ‘late’?

Now have a go at reading these words:

Make Chase

Ape Dave

Lake Caveman

Blade Flame

Bookcase Race

Plane Fake