Enhancing Educator Training and Support. Who’s the Expert? Educators Parents/Guardians Students...


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Enhancing Educator Training Enhancing Educator Training and Supportand Support

Who’s the Expert?Who’s the Expert?





Mental Health Practitioners Mental Health Practitioners

Getting StartedGetting Started

AdministrationAdministration°°Identified areas of needs as a wholeIdentified areas of needs as a whole

°°Plan formal trainingsPlan formal trainings

Teacher/StaffTeacher/Staff°°Introduce program and staff as a resourceIntroduce program and staff as a resource

°°Identify team leaders and respected staffIdentify team leaders and respected staff

Be visibleBe visible

Be respectfulBe respectful

Be professionalBe professionalBe preparedBe preparedBe reliableBe reliable

Services and Support OfferedServices and Support Offered

Formal TrainingsFormal Trainings WorkshopsWorkshops ObservationsObservations Modeling/ In-class supportModeling/ In-class support Establish positive discipline programEstablish positive discipline program ConsultationConsultation Information/NewslettersInformation/Newsletters Referrals/resourcesReferrals/resources Crisis supportCrisis support Self-care and informational brown bag lunchesSelf-care and informational brown bag lunches

Key Factors For SuccessKey Factors For SuccessBuilding our KnowledgeBuilding our Knowledge

Disability Codes 1 – 15Disability Codes 1 – 15

°° 06 - Emotional disturbance 06 - Emotional disturbance° 08 - Other Health Impairment° 08 - Other Health Impairment° 09 - Specific Learning disability° 09 - Specific Learning disability° 10 - Multiple disabilities° 10 - Multiple disabilities° 01 - Mental retardation° 01 - Mental retardation

DSM-IV-TRDSM-IV-TR - Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, - Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Addition; Text Revision Fourth Addition; Text Revision

° Disruptive behavior disorders - ° Disruptive behavior disorders - ADHD, ODD, CDADHD, ODD, CD° ° PTSD - Post traumatic stress disorderPTSD - Post traumatic stress disorder° ° Mood disorders - Depression, anxiety, bipolar disorderMood disorders - Depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder° ° Learning DisabilitiesLearning Disabilities

Building our KnowledgeBuilding our Knowledge ContinuedContinued


Manifestations of behaviorManifestations of behavior °Skill deficits vs. Goals°Skill deficits vs. Goals

Risk and protective factorsRisk and protective factors° Economic status° Economic status ° Social Skills° Social Skills° Cognitive functioning° Cognitive functioning ° Sense of belonging° Sense of belonging° Academic skills° Academic skills ° Stability /Consistency° Stability /Consistency° Family functioning° Family functioning ° Substance use° Substance use° Adaptability° Adaptability

Strategies for changeStrategies for change

Gaining UnderstandingGaining Understanding

“ “Getting it” Getting it” ° Behavior is learned° Behavior is learned° Negative behavior ≠ bad person° Negative behavior ≠ bad person

One’s RoleOne’s Role° Self-awareness° Self-awareness - - Mood / Setting eventsMood / Setting events - Values / Expectations- Values / Expectations° Power to defuse or escalate negative and positive° Power to defuse or escalate negative and positive behavior – behavior –

What can you control?What can you control?

Self - CareSelf - Care° A necessity, not a luxury° A necessity, not a luxury° Reduces stress and burnout° Reduces stress and burnout° Improves coping ability and productivity° Improves coping ability and productivity

Strategies and SupportStrategies and Support

Fill up your “toolbox” and share with othersFill up your “toolbox” and share with others Share experiences and gain feedback Share experiences and gain feedback Ask for helpAsk for help ““Tell a friend”Tell a friend” Get restGet rest Do something you enjoyDo something you enjoy

ABCs of Behavior ABCs of Behavior

A = Activating EventA = Activating EventB = Belief/ThoughtsB = Belief/ThoughtsC = ConsequenceC = Consequence

BJohn thinks

“I can’t do this. I’m stupid”

CJohn curses/throws his pencil

AStudents laugh

when John mispronounces


BTeacher thinks “John is

Messing up myClass again. I can’t

handle him.”

CTeacher yells,

“Oh no, not in my classroom! Pick that up!”

AJohn curses/throws

his pencil

The Roots of BehaviorThe Roots of Behavior

ControlControl AvoidanceAvoidance AttentionAttention Tangible rewardTangible reward Sensory stimulationSensory stimulation


YellingYelling Public confrontation Public confrontation Sarcastic / judgmental tone of voice Sarcastic / judgmental tone of voice ““In your Face” In your Face” Humiliation/ Put downsHumiliation/ Put downs Asking why they can’t behaveAsking why they can’t behave Bringing in past negative behaviorsBringing in past negative behaviors Making unrealistic threatsMaking unrealistic threats Negative thoughtsNegative thoughts


Model appropriate behaviorsModel appropriate behaviors Speak calmlySpeak calmly Speak privatelySpeak privately Acknowledge positive and negative behaviorAcknowledge positive and negative behavior Communicate immediate expectationCommunicate immediate expectation Empathic tone of voiceEmpathic tone of voice BreathingBreathing Provide structureProvide structure

Change your Thought – Change your Change your Thought – Change your feelings and Actionsfeelings and Actions

Thought Thought -- “John is going to ruin my class again.”“John is going to ruin my class again.”

Feel Feel -- Angry, powerless, resentful Angry, powerless, resentfulAction Action -- Yell. Kick John out of class Yell. Kick John out of class

ThoughtThought -- “Ok. John is having a hard “Ok. John is having a hard

time. Maybe I can help get things backtime. Maybe I can help get things back on track.”on track.”

Feel - Feel - Hopeful, calm, empathicHopeful, calm, empathic Action - Action - Speak calmly. Speak privately.Speak calmly. Speak privately.

Offer assistanceOffer assistance..


Think Act

Positive DisciplinePositive Discipline

Teach a desired skillTeach a desired skill

Model desired skillModel desired skill

Reward when student exhibits desired skillReward when student exhibits desired skill

°°Give praiseGive praise

°°Give tokenGive token

°°Give tangible rewardGive tangible reward

Get SupportGet Support

Who is on your team?Who is on your team?

What resources do you need?What resources do you need?

What kind of self - care may help?What kind of self - care may help?

Where can you refer this student for assistance?Where can you refer this student for assistance?° ° In the buildingIn the building

° ° Out of the buildingOut of the building


The bell rang for first period. Ms. Frank stood up and said, “Another crazy The bell rang for first period. Ms. Frank stood up and said, “Another crazy day of dealing with these kids. I know we can’t even make it to class without day of dealing with these kids. I know we can’t even make it to class without John acting like a fool.” As the students approached the lockers, John John acting like a fool.” As the students approached the lockers, John began laughing loudly and making jokes about Ms. Frank. John started began laughing loudly and making jokes about Ms. Frank. John started running up and down the hallway jumping up to “tap” the door frames as he running up and down the hallway jumping up to “tap” the door frames as he went. The other students laughed as they opened their lockers and got their went. The other students laughed as they opened their lockers and got their things. Ms. Frank chased John down the hallway yelling, “Get back here things. Ms. Frank chased John down the hallway yelling, “Get back here you rotten kid! You do this everyday and you will never be anything better you rotten kid! You do this everyday and you will never be anything better than a clown. I know your mother did not raise you right! You just need a than a clown. I know your mother did not raise you right! You just need a good kick in the pants is all!” Ms. Frank continued to complain about John good kick in the pants is all!” Ms. Frank continued to complain about John as she went over and opened his locker and put John’s coat in his locker. as she went over and opened his locker and put John’s coat in his locker. Ms. Frank closed John’s locker and started leading the students down the Ms. Frank closed John’s locker and started leading the students down the hallway. John joined the line and Ms. Frank walked next to him and said, hallway. John joined the line and Ms. Frank walked next to him and said, “Why do you have to act like a fool everyday? It is all fun and games until “Why do you have to act like a fool everyday? It is all fun and games until you go no where.”you go no where.”

Note: Ms. Frank is one of two teachers for this class. She used to walk the Note: Ms. Frank is one of two teachers for this class. She used to walk the class alone every morning and this scenario played itself out almost class alone every morning and this scenario played itself out almost everyday according to Ms. Frank and the class.everyday according to Ms. Frank and the class.

What’s Happened?What’s Happened? What strategies or supports did Ms. Frank use? What strategies or supports did Ms. Frank use?

What “escalators” did Ms. Frank use? What “escalators” did Ms. Frank use?

What “diffusers” did Ms. Frank use?What “diffusers” did Ms. Frank use?

Any identified possible skill deficits?Any identified possible skill deficits?

Any identified possible “roots” of negative behavior? Any identified possible “roots” of negative behavior?

Ms. Frank’s possible thoughts:Ms. Frank’s possible thoughts: Ms. Frank’s possible feelings: Ms. Frank’s possible feelings: Ms. Frank’s actions:Ms. Frank’s actions:

John’s ABCsJohn’s ABCs




Let’s Assist Ms. FrankLet’s Assist Ms. Frank

In the moment…In the moment…

Other team members that could help?Other team members that could help?

What diffusers might have been helpful? What diffusers might have been helpful?

Changes in thoughts Changes in thoughts → → Changes in feelings and actionsChanges in feelings and actions

Ms. Frank’s Helpful thought: Ms. Frank’s Helpful thought: Feelings:Feelings:Actions:Actions:

Going Forward….Going Forward….

Possible skill deficit?Possible skill deficit?

Possible “roots” for behavior?Possible “roots” for behavior?

Where could she refer “John”? In and out of the Where could she refer “John”? In and out of the school?school?

What self - care practices could she use?What self - care practices could she use?

What positive discipline practices could she useWhat positive discipline practices could she use


CSMH: CSMH: www.csmha.umaryland.eduwww.csmha.umaryland.edu

School Mental Health: School Mental Health: www.schoolmentalhealth.orgwww.schoolmentalhealth.org

National Association of School Psychologists: National Association of School Psychologists: www.nasponline.orgwww.nasponline.org

Education World: Education World: www.educationworld.comwww.educationworld.com

Iris Center: Iris Center: http://irispeabody.vanderbilt.eduhttp://irispeabody.vanderbilt.edu
