ENPI Estonia-Latvia-Russia CBC Programme 2007-2013 Annual Conference and Contact Forum “Strategic...


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ENPI Estonia-Latvia-Russia CBC Programme 2007-2013

Annual Conference and Contact Forum

“Strategic Cooperation- United by Borders

Silja Sorgus

Estonian Ministry of the Interior

16 November 2011/ St. Petersburg

16 November 2011/ St. Petersburg

Achievements….but long way to go

Maturity of cooperation

16 November 2011/ St. Petersburg

6. Implementation- Joint implementation of actions, efficient joint management, fulfillment of requirements by each partner

5. Decision- Binding commitment of partners, partnership agreements

4. Strategy/planning- Defining joint objectives and developing concrete actions

3. Coordination/ Representation- Creating a joint partnership structure, first allocation of functions and roles

2. Information- Developing (targeted) exchange of information, building basic cooperation structures, shaping cooperation ideas

1. Meeting- Getting to know each other, learning about motivation, interests, needs, skills, expectations, cultural and structural aspects. /Beck/

16 November 2011/ St. Petersburg

Joint Regional Development

16 November 2011/ St. Petersburg

• Business environment:- Industrial economy (based on oil shale; producing energy, fuel,

chemicals etc)- SPA-tourism- Transit and logistic- Low business activity

• Social challenges (integration, health, education)• Environmental challenges (industrial economy)

North-East region

16 November 2011/ St. Petersburg

• R&D potential research institutions´ cooperation with business sector

• Natural resources (wood)traditional industries (ecological food, wood and furniture industry)

• Culture meets business (traditional handicraft)• Tourism and recreation

South-Estonia region

16 November 2011/ St. Petersburg

• Manufacturing food products and building materials• Need to develop relevant entrepreneurship and education• Potential for recreation and social care services

Central-Estonia region

Our expectations towards projects…Large Scale Projects: Extensive action plan and

budget as well as expected results

Important topics like environmental situation of the Lake Peipsi, border crossing, historical-cultural objects

State institutions play crucial role

Looking for close cooperation with different stakeholders to achieve the expected results

16 November 2011/ St. Petersburg

Our expectations towards projects…Open Calls for Proposals:

1st Open Call 25 approved projects in different fields like Transport E-governance Tourism Environmental care and education Archaeology Cultural traditions Health and social care Etc

…but no approved projects in the sphere of improving business environment and energy efficiency.

16 November 2011/ St. Petersburg

16 November 2011/ St. Petersburg

Want to see real marriage…

… sharing the life and developing together

Towards fruitful cross-border cooperation!!!

Silja Sorgus

Estonian Ministry of the Interior

+372 612 5282silja.sorgus@siseministeerium.ee

16 November 2011/ St. Petersburg