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Enthusiasm-Expressing joy in each task as I give it my best effort

Enthusiasm OverviewLight a FireA match can illuminate a dark place and start a fire in the cold. An enthusiastic person casts a vision for others and helps sustain the energy to overcome challenges.Have a PurposeMany associate enthusiasm with high-energy personalities, excitement, and optimism. However, not everyone has a high-energy personality, the initial excitement of a new project fades, and silver linings do not erase the clouds.When historic figures such as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Sir Winston Churchill faced overwhelming setbacks, they remained firm because their passion rose from their ideals rather than their circumstances.You might not start a movement or turn the tide of war, but you can show similar enthusiasm when you meet the needs of an elderly relative, cheerfully greet coworkers each morning, and give encouragement to someone who needs it.Make CommitmentsDaily life involves numerous relationships with family members, friends, coworkers, customers, and others. Each of these relationships brings responsibilities, and an enthusiastic person cares about others and relates to others in the context of these responsibilities. Thus, when a coworker continually takes you for granted, look for ways to respond with integrity instead of becoming resentful.Stay With ItEnthusiasm is not a matter of hiding your true feelings or expressing an inaccurately positive impression. Your enthusiasm depends on the sincere satisfaction you take in doing the right thing.Hard times provide opportunities to reevaluate attitudes. Ungrateful relatives or unfriendly coworkers can help reveal your selfish motivations. Remember your responsibilities, and identify how to best respond.Take opportunities, and make the best of disappointments.Some individuals will show enthusiasm through quiet consistency. Others will express more visible energy. Whatever your personality, let your wholehearted commitment light the way for others.

Five Keys to Building Enthusiasm(Download a PPTfor presenting the Key Concepts)1. Know Your PurposeGenuine enthusiasm must have a clear direction. When you make a decision, recall your life goals and priorities, and have sound reasons why a particular option will best help you reach them. Understand the purposes and goals behind your work projects. Break larger goals down into clear objectives so that you can stay on track and measure your progress. Take the next step forward.2. Treat Every Job as ImportantEnthusiasm identifies how each tasks completion effects the final result. Most jobs include unexciting tasks, and some jobs might not feel very significant. Remember a projects significance to the recipient, and develop the character to apply yourself to whatever needs to be done.3. Do Your BestCutting corners becomes tempting when deadlines and interruptions strain your daily routine. However, todays shortcuts become tomorrows extra work. Focus your energy on each project, paying attention to each detail so that you can look back with satisfaction when you finish.4. Motivate OthersThe clearer your understanding of the goal and the deeper your commitment to the goal, the greater your ability to inspire others. Communicate the goals, the underlying reasons, and the critical details to others. Praise others contributions, and look for progress, even in small areas. Enthusiasm can be contagious when one person or a few individuals take the initiative. Know your direction so that you can help others find theirs.5. Overcome DiscouragementAn enthusiastic person responds constructively to storms and disappointments, even when no silver lining is visible. Refocus on your goals, modify your methods, and try again. Wholeheartedly focus on what you can do. Identify your duty, and find satisfaction in faithfully fulfilling it.

Enthusiasm Application Discussion QuestionsBreak into small groups. Have each group read one of the five keys above and discuss the corresponding question below. Share answers and personal applications with everyone.1. How can you identify purposes and goals on the job and at home?2. How can you change your perspective on insignificant tasks?3. How can you remind yourself to do the job well the first time?4. How can you spread real motivation, not just excitement, in your workplace?5. When you face disappointment, how do you persevere?

Word EtymologyEnthusiasmcomes from an ancient Greek term,enthousiasmos, which came fromentheos(en-, "in"; theos, "God"), "possessed by divine inspiration."By the early eighteenth century, enthusiasm came to refer to any fervent or zealous individual.enthusiasmn1: the state of being inspired or animated 2: strong excitement or feeling 3: enlivening or exulting influence

Enthusiasm In BalanceBe GentleGentleness is showing consideration and personal concern for others. An enthusiastic person must understand what is appropriate to the time and setting. Gentleness recognizes others feelings and considers others needs. Adjust your approach in order to help those experiencing pain, disappointment, or sorrow.Maintain OrderOrderliness is arranging myself and my surroundings to achieve greater efficiency. Inspiration travels only as far as the system can carry it. Orderliness allows a person to make a plan and proceed efficiently. Think through the methods you will use to accomplish your goals, and prepare for setbacks.Tell the TruthTruthfulness is earning future trust by accurately reporting past facts. No matter how jovial or well-intended, exaggeration can undermine credibility. Start by telling yourself the truth. Do not imagine the situation better or worse than it is. Do not inflate the potential of what you are selling. Conduct yourself with consistent integrity, and be honest when you do not know the answer.

Leadership TipsCredible leadership hinges upon a leaders personal dedication to the goal and his or her ability to inspire coworkers. Recognize those who catch the vision, and thank them publicly. Do not confuse sound and fury with productivity. Your best associates might not be those who talk the most. When your organization achieves a goal, let coworkers know, and communicate how your associates contributed. Ask individuals about their goals and vision for their jobs. Then look for ways to place each person where he or she can most likely succeed. Set an example by pulling with those who are struggling through one project or another. Maintain a professional attitude, even when enjoying lighter moments.

Sincere FocusA credible leader demonstrates the commitment and staying power to make progress, even in adverse conditions.The key to enthusiasm is not maintaining a certain level of excitement but maintaining the mental and emotional discipline to stay on track. Use the initial excitement of a new project to make workable plans, and then make purposeful choices each day.The credibility of enthusiasm comes from your sincerity. If you work up artificial excitement, others might lose confidence in your judgment and expect you to wear down eventually.Enthusiasm is not a matter of always feeling good. It is a matter of orienting your perspective according to an accurate understanding of the situation and a firm commitment to the principles of good character.Invest yourself wholeheartedly in the tasks and relationships you have, and experience the satisfaction of completing what needs to be done.Employee TipsWilling AttitudeAny project requires knowledge, ability, and willingness to take the next step. Do not get in the habit of dreading new projects. Get a clear mental picture of the desired results. Ask specific questions in order to get full information. Create a schedule. Tackle the first step. Know what comes next. Continue sustained efforts until you have finished the job. Work with others. Direct your efforts constructively instead of merely being busy.

Praising EnthusiasmEnthusiastic appreciation reflects how well you understand others' contributions.Explain why and how a person's actions have benefited you, others, or the mission. For example, "The thoroughly researched facts in your report helped satisfy the customer's questions and close a five-year contract. Thanks for your good work."Wholeheartedly recognize how each individual's effort contributes to the overall production. If the person or the demonstration of character matter little to you, your words could sound insincere.Let others know you fully appreciate the connection between their work and the organization's success.

Enthusiasm On The JobRise to the TopBalloonists must fill a balloon with cool air before firing the burner so that the stream of hot air does not burn a hole in the balloon. Similarly, excitement often burns out before the project reaches its conclusion. If you do not map out an effective plan, you could cause more harm than good.Have Goals Know your job description and the goal for each project. Set specific objectives that will help you define and measure your progress. Prioritize tasks, and select the methods that most efficiently help you achieve your goals. Recognize the purpose behind safety and quality assurance processes. Make sure your goals complement your companys mission.Take Hold Do not put off projects you do not enjoy. Take personal satisfaction in the quality of your work, no matter how mundane the task. Recognize how a task benefits others and contributes to the goal.Work Hard Pay careful attention to each detail, and avoid shortcuts. When distractions arise, refocus on the objectives, and pick up where you left off. Whatever you do, give it your wholehearted concentration.Give Encouragement Set an example of dedication others can follow. When others need help, assist them as much as you can. Express appreciation for specific things others have done well. Help put others in jobs that use their talents, and help others reach their full potential.Win When the immediate results disappoint you, reexamine your goals, modify your approach, or move in a different direction. Focus on your duty, regardless of the potential benefits. Identify what you can do, and do it with all your heart. Seek wise counsel from those who have similar experiences in order to gain perspective.

Enthusiasm in RelationshipsA Winning StrategySomewhere in the busyness of work, community events, childrens sports, and other commitments, daily activities often drown out the purposes that inspired them.Remember the ReasonStep back from the details, and recall why you take part in particular activities. Driving your kids to soccer practice represents an investment in their lives. Community events provide an opportunity to invest in individuals you might not otherwise encounter.Set PrioritiesDetermine your most important responsibilities. For example, your responsibilities to your spouse, siblings, and parents should rank higher than personal hobbies or career advancement.Though we often think about one thing or the other, your priorities will influence each decision.Supporting your family is one good reason for going to work, and making time for family activities will affect your career choices. Weigh these interrelationships carefully as you make each decision.Have GoalsHave goals in each relationship so that you can purposefully benefit others and measure your progress.Remember to ask coworkers about their childrens sports teams or other current events. Make a regular time to find out how your family members are doing, and make an effort to understand everything they say.Reevaluate your goals when necessary, and keep them in proper perspective. Goals are supposed to help you accomplish your purpose, not become an end in themselves.Practical Applications of Enthusiasm When faced with troubling circumstances, identify and fulfill your responsibilities. Wholeheartedly perform household chores for the benefit of the other family members. Take an active interest in others interests, and participate in activities others enjoy. Help family members celebrate their achievements.

Enthusiasm for KidsPicture ThisEnthusiasm is expressing joy in each task as I give it my best effort. Cheerleaders show enthusiasm in order to motivate the crowd and encourage the players. You can show enthusiasm, too!Enthusiasm spreads to others. When you are enthusiastic, it helps others to be enthusiastic. This makes everyones job easier, whether at school, home, or while playing a game.Practice enthusiasm at school by listening to your teachers, following instructions, and putting your whole heart into what you do. Even little assignments deserve your best effort.

Catch a VisionThis game can be difficult at first, but with time and practice, it should become easier.Tape the end of a 6-inch piece of yarn to the top of a pencil. Make a paper circle and cut a slit from the outside edge to the middle. Slide the edges created by the slit toward each other to make a cone, and secure it with tape.Cut the tip off the cone just big enough to fit it over the top of the pencil. Tape the cone to the pencil.Cut a small strip of paper to serve as a flag. Write Catch a Vision on it and tape it to the pencil underneath the cone. Tie a large bead to the end of the yarn, and try to catch it in the cone.Supplies: Pencils, yarn, large beads Paper, scissors, tapeEnthusiasm comes when you catch a vision for what you are doing. Each task has potential to gain valuable experience. For example, a science fair project can be just another assignment and receive little effort. But if you recognize the benefits of learning new information and explaining it clearly, you can find new motivation to do your best!

Practice It!1. Why is a good attitude important?2. How can you show enthusiasm at school or while doing chores at home?

Good to see you!Discuss how each family member can show enthusiasm when meeting people. Teach younger siblings to greet others with a warm smile and a firm handshake.Older children can ask questions in order to draw others out. Young children can begin by overcoming fear, smiling, and saying Hello.Children will also learn how to interact with others as they see their parents and older siblings taking initiative to be interested in others lives.Some personalities are naturally more outgoing than others. Set standards appropriate for each child.Explore how to express enthusiasm respectfully in various situations. Even young children can differentiate between enthusiasm at a baseball game and in a nursing home.

Work It OutRegular exercise helps you maintain physical and mental energy. Exercise increases the blood flow, which carries nutrients, energy, and oxygen to your muscles and your brain. It also helps to carry away the waste produced by your neurons and muscle cells as you think and work. Exercise regularly with a friend or family member. Set daily or weekly times to exercise, and stick to your schedule. Set goals in your exercise program. Exercise by taking the stairs rather than the elevator, playing soccer with your friends, or taking a walk with your family.

Plan for SuccessA good chess player thinks several steps ahead. Similarly, wise plans come from careful thought. What do you need to do? What is your passion in life? Set long-term goals that fit your passion. Write down each night what you want to accomplish the next day. This will help point you in the right direction. List five duties or chores you face regularly. Write down the purpose for each job. Make time at least once a month to do something you really believe in. Enthusiasm shines brightest when it flows from conviction.

To Dare Mighty ThingsTheodore RooseveltWhether hiking over rough terrain, leading the Rough Riders up Kettle Hill, pursuing political reforms, or writing books, Theodore Roosevelts uncommon zeal made him an icon of American statesmanship.Start SmallOn October 27, 1858, Theodore Roosevelt became the firstborn son of Theodore Roosevelt Sr. and Martha Bulloch. From age three, Teedie suffered from severe asthma, but his father challenged him to make his body, and years of hiking, hunting, and disciplined exercise helped Roosevelt overcome his asthma.As an adult, Roosevelt loved the outdoors. He took guests hiking in a straight course, over whatever terrain they encountered. He was an avid hunter, and he believed in preserving natural resources for use by future generations. During his presidency, he doubled the number of national parks.Do What You CanRoosevelt first wanted to become an author and naturalist, but he became interested in politics as he completed his degree at Harvard. He attended law school at Columbia University, and at age 25, he became the youngest member of the New York legislature. His tenacity made him popular among conservative progressive reformers across America.Roosevelt became New York Citys police force president in 1895. Within two years, he modernized the department, introducing fingerprinting, forensics, and rap sheetsall procedures still used today.President William McKinley appointed Roosevelt the assistant secretary of the navy in 1897, but when the Spanish-American War began, Roosevelt resigned and took a commission as a colonel in the United States Army.As colonel, he transformed a collection of Eastern gentlemen, rugged cowboys, and a few soldiers into the legendary Rough Riders. Roosevelts regiment became famous when they reinforced the American troops during the Battle of San Juan Hill.In 1900, McKinley named Roosevelt his running mate, and Roosevelt assumed the presidency after McKinleys assassination in 1901. Roosevelt promoted fiscal reform, advocated humane labor laws, fought civic corruption, and sought bureaucratic efficiency.Balance PrioritiesRoosevelt admired his father and saw his accomplishments as a monument to his parents investment. He made his own family his top priority, even while writing books, meeting with dignitaries, and fulfilling numerous other obligations. He wrote his wife, Edith, affectionate letters nearly every day and devoted time to her regardless of his busy schedule.

His children adored the rambles and romps he instigated, and Roosevelt taught all his children to swim, row, sail, and ride. Alice, his oldest daughter described him as King Arthur, William Wallace, and Buffalo Bill all rolled into one.Roosevelt continued his political involvement and active lifestyle, including an African safari and a Brazilian expedition, until his death on January 6, 1919.Woodrow Wilsons vice-president, Thomas R. Marshall remarked, Death had to come in his sleep or there would have been a fight.Written by Lauree Beth Stedje

Points to Ponder:Theodore Roosevelt was driven by a passion for life. Seize opportunities, even when you have disadvantages. Work toward the goal instead of avoiding challenges along the way. Pursue worthy objectives. Find the best way to do things. Go where you are needed most. Take necessary risks in order to get the job done. Stick with your plan when you know it reflects the principles of good character. Maintain relationships, no matter how busy you become. Wholeheartedly do what needs to be done, wherever you are.

Useful Links: http://www.whitehouse.gov/history/presidents/tr26.html http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/peace/laureates/1906/roosevelt-bio.html http://www.npg.si.edu/exh/roosevelt/

Lessons From the Humpback WhaleHumpback whales typically reach 40 to 50 feet in length and weigh 40 tons. Their flippers are proportionally longer than those of other whales, extending 13 to 16 feet. Their tail flukes span 15 feet, and their hearts weigh an average of 430 pounds.Humpback whales travel in pods of 10 to 15 members that regroup each summer. The males are called bulls, and the females are called cows. Females calve after an 11- or 12-month gestation period.The Appointed RoundsHumpbacks will travel up to 6,000 miles on their annual migratory routes between the northern oceans and the West Indies or Hawaiian Islands. They spend summer in cooler waters but calve and breed in tropical or subtropical waters.The humpback whales singing and extended breaching activities distinguish them from other whales.The males sing complex songs which carry for thousands of miles through the ocean. Scientists have attributed the singing to the whale courting process and to the hunt for krill in colder waters, but the full function of the whales song remains unknown.The whales vocalizations are made by pushing air through their nasal cavities, and the notes range eight octaves.Scientists also do not know why humpback whales spend hours breaching, or leaping out of the water. Instead of swimming toward the surface, the humpback swims parallel to the surface and leaps into the air, creating a tremendous splash.Humpbacks are also known to slap the water with their flippers and tail flukes. Some researchers theorize these actions stun the fish in surrounding waters and make it easier for the whale to catch its prey.Use What You HaveA humpback whale daily consumes an average of 4,400 to 5,500 pounds of krill, plankton, and small fish, such as herring, mackerel, or capelin.The humpback has keratin plates that line its mouth instead of teeth. These plates look like a comb and act as a sieve, letting water but not the whales food escape from the whales mouth.Humpbacks can dive 500 to 700 feet. They resurface for breath every 10 to 15 minutes, though individuals have remained under water up to 45 minutes. When resurfacing, the whales blow a 10- to 20-foot spray from the two blowholes located on top of their heads.

The Humpback Whale in ActionKeep at ItHumpback whales breach by swimming parallel to thesurface and then leaping through the air. The purpose of breaching is unknown, but humpbacks can put on these displays for hours.DistinguishThe white markings on a whales flukes are unique to each individual and provide positive identification in the same way fingerprints help to distinguish one human from another.CooperateHumpbacks work together to catch krill and small schooling fish by blowing a bubble net. They swim in circles to tighten the ring of bubbles around their prey, making dinner much easier to catch.SingWhales hover in the water as they sing. Each season the males sing a different song, which often lasts hours and can be heard by other whales for hundreds of miles through the ocean.Written by Lauree Beth Stedje

Useful Links: http://www.pbs.org/wnet/nature/humpback/# http://www.acsonline.org/factpack/humpback.htm http://animals.nationalgeographic.com/animals/mammals/humpback-whale.html

The Bricks and the CathedralOn one of his visits to oversee the building of Saint Pauls Cathedral in London, architect Christopher Wren reportedly asked some workmen what they were doing.Im cutting stone, replied the first man.A second man said, Im building a wall.Another man said, Im feeding my family.One man said, Im building a cathedral!See the Big PictureThough slight variations have circulated, this legend illustrates well how perspective can influence a persons approach to a task.Stuffing envelopes seems mundane unless you see how those letters will benefit your company. Sweeping floors or filing papers might seem pointless and repetitive until you see orderliness as essential to good client service.When you can see how your job contributes to the goal, you can work more easily with others who are headed in the same direction.An organization where members relate to their mission stays on track and innovates more easily because members know the goals and can make adjustments to reach them. Organizations where members merely do their jobs will have trouble seeing and responding to market demands.Look Beyond YourselfEven an enjoyable task can become toilsome if you do not see its significance. Consider how your work benefits others. Think of the services you provide, the products you create, the company you help succeed, and the community you strengthen.Consider the family you support. If you have no family now, look for ways to invest in others, and save for the future.Appreciate Your JobRecognize the moral duties involved in your job. As you see your job in this context, you will have the perspective to pursue everyday tasks and maintain your resolve.For example, a hospital custodian helps control infection, helps create a comforting atmosphere for loved ones, and improves the workplace for healthcare professionals. These tasks have ethical as well as practical motivations.Whether they say it or not, most individuals want to know they are doing something worthwhile, and they will look for other options if they cannot see a good reason for their activity.Find satisfaction in your job by identifying the purpose of your work, seeing how you can benefit others, and fulfilling the moral responsibilities involved.

The Brighter Side

A very old lady looked in the mirror and saw she had three remaining hairs on her head. Being a positive soul, she said, "I think I'll braid my hair today." So she braided her three hairs and had a great day.Some days later, she noticed she had only two hairs remaining. "Hmm, two hairsI fancy a center part today." She duly parted her two hairs and again had a great day.A week or so later, she saw she had just one hair on her head. "One hair," she mused, "I know! A pony-tail will be perfect."The next morning she was completely bald. "I'm bald," she said to herself, "How wonderful! I won't have to waste time doing my hair any more."Recognize the opportunities in each situation and live with enthusiasm!

Picture ThisTotal DedicationFireworks provide spectacular displays by firing in sequence and performing as designed. Similarly, an enthusiastic person gives a one hundred percent effort every day.Look for ways to improve. If you have an opportunity to get further training in your field, take it. If you see a little detail that could help improve the process, address it. Apply your best knowledge and effort to each task.If at first you do not succeed, let it not be for lack of planning or effort.