Ephesians 4:25-27 (NKJV) 25 Therefore, putting away lying, “Let each one of you speak truth with...


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Ephesians 4:25-27 (NKJV)

25 Therefore, putting away lying, “Let each one of you speak truth with his neighbor,” for we are members of one another. 26 “Be angry, and do not sin”: do not let the sun go down on your wrath, 27 nor give place to the devil.


Nor Give PlaceTo The Devil

Nor Give Place To The Devil

Opportunist – One who takes advantage of any opportunity to achieve an end, often with no regard for principles or consequences

Do you know someone who could be described as an opportunist?

By most definitions, it seems like a bad trait

Nor Give Place To The Devil

There are certainly ways in which this can be good

As Christians, we should be opportunists

We should always look for opportunities to help others and teach the lost

Nor Give Place To The Devil

Then there are those who look for opportunity to do evil

The devil is one such character

Satan looks for every opportunity to do damage in our lives (I Pet. 5:8)

Let us heed our warnings…

Satan - The Opportunist

Satan has always been an opportunist

Satan will use every advantage and every tool at his disposal

He will deceive us and lie to us

Jesus called Satan a murderer, a liar, and the father of lies (Jn. 8:44)

Satan - The Opportunist

Paul says that Satan will even transform himself into something he is not (an angel of light – II Cor. 11:14)

Again we think of the picture of Satan as a roaring lion, looking for one to devour (I Pet. 5:8)

He is always on the prowl

Satan - The Opportunist

Satan will always look for opportunities to catch someone when they are weak

Satan came after Jesus following a 40 day fast (Matt. 4)

He was hoping to catch Jesus in one of His weakest moments here upon the earth

Satan - The Opportunist

Satan took opportunity to attack Job and weaken him enough to try and turn him against God (Job 1-2)

Satan knows our weaknesses and will come after us

He is a relentless opponent that will not give up and pounce on our weakness

Seeing The Opportunities

There are certainly times in the scriptures where we are told that opportunities are given to Satan

Our text for the lesson gives us an example of this

Ephesians 4:25-27

Seeing The Opportunities

In this case, letting our anger stew inside of us instead of handling the issue

A further example of this comes from Cain in Genesis 4:2-7

Cain was angry and God told him that “sin lies at the door. And it’s desire is for you…”

Seeing The Opportunities

Cain was giving Satan an opportunity by being angry with his brother for no (just) cause

Jesus preached strongly against giving Satan an opportunity in our lives

Matthew 5:21-48

Seeing The Opportunities

The point Christ wanted to make is not to give Satan an opportunity to tempt us to sin

James tells us that sin begins when we lust after things (Js. 1:13-14)

Satan uses the cares of the world for opportunity (Matt. 13:22)

Seeing The Opportunities

He also uses riches to tempt us and pull us away from God (Matt. 13:22; I Tim. 6:9-10)

Paul speaks to this also in Ephesians 5:3-7

He says not to even let those sins be named among us (no opportunity)

Overcoming The Wicked

The good news is that we do not have to succumb to Satan’s tricks

We can overcome them because God is greater than Satan (I Jn. 4:4)

Since we have that assurance, we must look for ways to overcome temptations…

Overcoming The Wicked

We can avoid giving Satan opportunity through:

Prayer (Matt. 6:13; 26:41; II Pet. 2:9)

Study of God’s word (Matt. 4; Rom. 10:17)

Good works (Phil. 4:8)

Putting on armor of God (Eph. 6:10-18)

Overcoming The Wicked

We can avoid giving Satan opportunity through:

Fruits of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22-23)

Looking for the way of escape (I Cor. 10:13)

Be sober & vigilant (I Pet. 5:8)

Resist him (Js. 4:7; I Pet. 5:9)
