EQS Important Que



EQS Important Que

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  • l.{

    Plaq l{une tot> r' '- 4. .

    '>Pn't in Hlc s {ot eaihu:oi*''ry tlote the uni I < of rnPa'tuyqyr

    D?' e bicL wstlc 9 y'lone t^to'tlz ' C Pq'No'3>

    r .t^ t-.t b < .1o,, au o,o d at orrL' o'd atorr?'itorn the urtils of mea4Lr{en'r'n! in^Hks {on


    ';;;;, 'utovtr, Pta'

  • .rechbnal elevahon' ^J ^ 7 -.. ..Fat-,-- , .t- 'n 4 a bcutd/n? ere


    1::: :, /;1 ,Fehrnqre o' ,*')-T-: 'i'#r;;,-,.

    dt oos,rs , *,.fI"' '*"'6:;2ot2 L rtou /ru,,. >orfltilit ^, nToof .glab D,-tol-o z,,.- , )(t'ii ) Hasfering i' r'.1iiln'o1atb ' ltntel-< I s un-tAad,*.

    ' 7,'#: ,*: ff"7:; /, !f*:l ,!,-, at-,on ,, nqt1) P-c.L "t'n $ounolafion, Ql-il'



    L /n Supr rstYctt*z+v'eVt\ [e;t,'n, ?ta,sferrny _ t tvov I pxt >o1t-, Mo,4 11rne zot s)


  • /fi,ne zoru0ltat ls loacluha.l t's h'l1


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    aanlfautr |itlf nlis ?il

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    ' '::: '- Gt-tuv,r-12,

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    Yti':ovfe . fhe Xu^in\, "[fknk .' 6tq - rtn)(t ) li a, fh ,o o vL @Ktetva tlo n .(2)P-c-c- 1,.5,.)oLt) B.qfe.U ga+s tr,4oa* pir


    ,dolLoutlng ryetus q


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    e iovl bze tott-1oI Nov /112s 2ou L- Ha-. r-.

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  • *7-E- -tH,-d,--.G-.-"-"* G, - + T::Jlf,t*Etllr.*'4-t'hftpGC t5:10 in ,oundation, brick work in cementEEl:f-|b-rE-EcetiH..(

    2. D -? L)/-\(ul

    2, .

    What ls the earnest money depositf &aA ffrlr *A ?) rY43. What arc the uncertalnties in material rnd labour in road wo*? f ldv- Wz,,t--

    Alv-otr- earU

    )nsof afirstctassburiarns. ft.tf $!f %u -Y1)rnsof amodemroaa. [!.X lt,r ,-,-+Yl,t fr)materials and.labours, prepare the data for the.followlng


    (ii) ,Plain cemen! concretel:s:lo for 1m3 l4.Briefly exptatn the fo[owtng trems. [S1 tf lA. zo lz- +mvlnql0 I

    (ii)Contract document(lii) Termination of contract ;(iv) overhead cost anbtysis ofiates. .

    s.Briefly exphin the detaihd specificatir.E of. ,oodem,oad.. ..6.Erieflyexplatnthefo[ou,tEiEE [r.1tfr.f *tfJ . .(i) Tender +F.lrrlt 2'lr- Pct .ElCertary "iTferr-Endort

    , lrl (}:r- -. c-isdc3


  • rI


    Arrrra university questions -2 Marksl-tEt Ee Scrap Value Novl uz:ar- - Pitry Ee Salvage va lu e lul ps r-&{ r.rov lrrz zoro - prl3.tlefiE Harket value 14,/*\J*^L -?s-4-.What are the type of co"ntract? l.4lSr" >q -lz5. Define sinking fund.

    - 6- What is a tender notice? lsx tog 2,t,- - Y37..What is arbitration? A?$l

    ^^6 e,.y -V\8.Why and when the security deposit are collected? l:-9,What informations should a contract document contain? Apllr',t^t 1atl -fJ10 Why and when the earnest money deposit ur" - Ucollected? Ng6lf*. )_."1o-tl

    16 Marks questions

    l.Explain the four methods of calculating depreciation.(May/June 2009) &(May/June 2012) - ?f

    2.Explain the four methods of calculating valuation. (May/June2009) & (May/June 2012) ?tCI3.Calculate the standard rent of a building with the following data: (Nov/Dec2Qt2) ?gCost of land Rs. 7,00,000,00 cost of building 16,00,000,Expected life of building=65 years. Return expected Soloon landand Bolo on building. Annual repair lo/o on the cost of building.Sinking fund on 4olo interest basis on 9oo/oof the cost of thebuilding. Other outgoin e 3Oo/o of the return from the building.

    4.Explain the following. (Nov /Dec 2012)& (MaylJune 2AO9) 7ry(i) Types of lease(ii) Mortgage(iii) Methods of depreciation(iv) Escalation

    . 5. Prepare a detailed estimate Forthe construction of macadam road for 1 kmlength having the following specifications. (Nov /Dec 2012) PrfFormation of width of the road = 10 mAverage height of bank

    - B0 cm

    Side slope of bank -

    2:l (Horizontal : Vertical)Metalled width of road : 3.7All other details may be assumed suitable.



  • F6

    UNIT-V. '-.-r*F . .*2-Marks-ouestibnil


    2. What are the t)?es of arbitration? l,n ^.tnp + P r3. What do you mean by gross income and net income? ,l

    4. Definetheannuity? r'wln-a,r- e?^tttu sq +F'

    5. Define analysis of work?6. What is Epe of termination of contract? ,pl rhA &-p *aortl-.?v7. The present valye gf a property is 2000. Calculate the standard rent. The rate of iuierest m;y. be asstrined as OoZ j '*qlal t-o, s yf t

    8. Define the year's purchase? $.-.- rqf -/ui^t LPIL-

    9. What areth.eprinciples of report preparationl l\ lU*. 34 + n"10. Define capiial cose ff.a tg*r- lroF t Pto


    lGMarks Ouestions



