ERP SupplyChain


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  • 7/31/2019 ERP SupplyChain


    5-Aug-12 Ashis Mitra 1

    ERP An Introduction

    St. Xaviers college, Kolkata


    Ashis Mitra

  • 7/31/2019 ERP SupplyChain


    5-Aug-12 Ashis Mitra 2



  • 7/31/2019 ERP SupplyChain


    5-Aug-12 Ashis Mitra 3


    General Concepts

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  • 7/31/2019 ERP SupplyChain


    5-Aug-12 Ashis Mitra 5

    What is ERP?

    facilitates company-wide integrated information

    systems, covering all functional areas

    performs core Corporate activities and increasescustomer service augmenting Corporate Image

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    5-Aug-12 Ashis Mitra 6

    The Current Scenario

    Islands of Information

    Difficult to get timely & accurate information

    Heterogeneous Hardware & Software

    platforms & practices

    Poor connectivity between different

    organizational locations

    Sticking with obsolete technologyResist to change

    Lack of proven man-power to develop

    integrated software

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    5-Aug-12 Ashis Mitra 7

    Information Islands

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    5-Aug-12 Ashis Mitra 8

    ERP - Definition

    Software solution that addresses theEnterprise needs, taking a process view of

    the overall organization to meet the goals,by tightly integrating all functions andunder a common software platform

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    5-Aug-12 Ashis Mitra 9

    Why ERP?

    For Management to know what is happening

    in the company

    One solution for better Management

    For cycle time reduction

    To achieve cost control & low working capital

    To marry latest technologies

    To shun the geographical gaps

    To satisfy the customers with high expectations

    To be Competitive & for survival

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    5-Aug-12 Ashis Mitra 10

    Evolution of ERP

    1960s - Systems Just for Inventory Control

    1970s - MRP Material Requirement Planning(Inventory with material planning & procurement)

    1980s - MRP II Manufacturing Resources Planning(Extended MRP to shop floor & distribution Mgnt.)

    Mid 1990s - ERP Enterprise Resource Planning

    (Covering all the activities of an Enterprise)2000 onwards ERP II Collaborative Commerce(Extending ERP to external business entities)

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    5-Aug-12 Ashis Mitra 11

    Benefits of ERP

    Help reduce operating costs and transaction costs

    Facilitate Day-to-Day Management

    Support Strategic Planning Support supply chain management

    quicker response time

    improve the accuracy of the information

    improve the efficiency of the supply chain

    improve production

    improve supplier relationship and reliability

    bargaining power of trading partners

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    5-Aug-12 Ashis Mitra 12

    ERP implementation challenges

    Lack of top management commitment

    Lack of MRP II education for the users of the system

    Inaccurate data

    Poorly managed MPS

    Over-sophistication/Addition of fancy options

    Lack of user control

    Time consuming implementation process delayed payback

    Behavioral problems

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    5-Aug-12 Ashis Mitra 13

    Why Implement an ERP?

    To support business goals

    Integrated, on-line, secure, self-service processes for

    Business, thereby Integrating all the functions

    Eliminate costly mainframe/fragmented technologiesImproved Integration of Systems and Processes

    Lower Costs

    Empower Employees

    Integrating the systems running in all the locationsEnable Partners, Customers and Suppliers

    Transparency of information using a single data sourceacross the organization

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    5-Aug-12 Ashis Mitra 14

    How to Implement an ERP?

    Obtain the right mix of , and!

    Project Structure

    Should be aligned to processes

    Implementation Process (outlined in detail)

    Adapt your processes to those of the ERP.


    Integrated Systems

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    5-Aug-12 Ashis Mitra 15

    BPR & ERP

    Just automating the existing business practiceswill not help ERP to achieve the anticipated results

    Business Process Re-engineering [BPR] brings out the

    deficiencies of the existing setup

    BPR and ERP will give way to implement newsystems and the long pending improvements in theexisting systems

    BPR may be time consuming but the scope can berestricted & controlled by the Management

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    5-Aug-12 Ashis Mitra 16

    Stages of an ERP Implementation

    Pre-implementation stage Implementation stage Post Implementation stage

    BPR - Steps

    Understand Simplify/Improve Automate

    Understand theexisting systemsassociated with all

    the functionalities

    Draft & frame thepossibilities & ways tosimplify or Improve or

    eliminate the processes

    Implement withthe help of ERP

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    5-Aug-12 Ashis Mitra 17

    Pre Implementation Stages

    The implementation of an enterprise resource planningsystem was an expensive, difficult and time taken task.

    In-house/outsource development.

    Adaptation of standardize package

    Representative from Senior ManagementDepartment ManagersInformation System ManagerConsultant

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    5-Aug-12 Ashis Mitra 18

    For the relevant personnel to understandintegrated computer system.For the relevant personnel to understand ERP

    and its advantage and disadvantage.



    Operation requirement of individual departmentComputer access and control of individual staff within

    different department.ReportsData exchange between individual department as well as

    outside parties.Physical layout of computer equipments

    Extract the critical and/or representative data from themajor operation (department) required for the

    selection of standardize package

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    5-Aug-12 Ashis Mitra 19

    Functions and features should capable for the futuredevelopment (atleast can lasted for three years) of

    the organizations.Ability of the solution provider on future development and

    maintenance.Data and procedures set up and standardization.Implementation methods and qualities.

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    5-Aug-12 Ashis Mitra 20

    Implementation Stages

    The sample schedule in this section is at a high level but indicates relativetime frames for individual tasks and overall project accomplishment. It isintended to suggest the type of tasks that make up the schedule.

    You should break the high level tasks into detailed steps complete withresponsibilities and timeframes that fit your company's specific project.

    Who are the resistance individuals and/or groups?

    What are their needs?What beliefs and values do they have?What are their interest?Effective communicationProject management

    Project championMonitoring and evaluation of performance

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    5-Aug-12 Ashis Mitra 21

    Experience has shown that selection and implementation ofthese types of systems takes 6 months or less depending on

    what is being installed and the condition of the

    company's data.This depends on the system and the user's motivation.

    One of the most important tasks in implementing an ERPsystem is getting the information or data that the

    system requires in a condition that will allow the systemto function properly.

    Another important area that needs specific attention ispreparation of the physical site for acceptance of

    the new system.Here again the magnitude of this task is dependent on whatis being installed and the current condition of the facility.

    However, the following items usually will needattention as a result of the system implementation -

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    5-Aug-12 Ashis Mitra 22

    Converting and loading all required data into the newsystem is a formidable task. Before you begin it is

    advisable to understand the magnitude of the entire

    task.As part of your system search be sure to understand from

    the vendor what assistance they can offer yourparticular conversion effort.

    If you are converting from a computerized system, find out

    if they have conversion programs that can formatand move the data from your old system to the new.If not, ask what other options are available.It is important to understand the total logistics of this task.

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  • 7/31/2019 ERP SupplyChain


    5-Aug-12 Ashis Mitra 24

    ERP Options

    OPTION 1 MAKE [Using Internal resources]

    Developing a custom-built ERP package, specific to therequirements of the organization, with the help of thein-house IT department

    OPTION 2 - BUY

    Going for Tailor-made ERP packages available in the market likeSAP, Oracle applications, Baan, PeopleSoft etc.

    OPTION 3 MAKE [using External resources]

    Developing a custom-built ERP package, specific to therequirements of the organization, with the help of asoftware solution provider

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  • 7/31/2019 ERP SupplyChain


    5-Aug-12 Ashis Mitra 26

    Preparation Phase

    Framing ERP Implementation Strategies

    Formation of Apex & Steering committees

    Functional & IT team formation

    Training on ERP functions & features

    Scope finalization

    GAP analysis

    Action plan to resolve the gaps

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  • 7/31/2019 ERP SupplyChain


    5-Aug-12 Ashis Mitra 28

    Key ProcessIntegration

    via ERPProductLifecycle


    Supply ChainManagement




    Consumersand Channels

    Beyond ERP
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    5-Aug-12 Ashis Mitra 29













    SDSales &






    PMPlant Maintenance


    ment Integrated SolutionClient / ServerOpen Systems


    AMFixed Assets


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    5-Aug-12 Ashis Mitra 30

    Supply Chain Process

    Customer Order Picking Goods Issue

    BillingAccounts ReceivableFinal Payment

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    5-Aug-12 Ashis Mitra 31

    The Critical Success Factors

    Clear Vision & support of the Management Capabilities of the software development vendor Scope & Expectations finalization towards

    meeting the ERP concepts Strict implementation schedules & periodical

    monitoring The involvement of the IT & functional teams

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    5-Aug-12 Ashis Mitra 32

    The Critical Success Factors

    Clear Vision & support of the Management Capabilities of the software development vendor Scope & Expectations finalization towards

    meeting the ERP concepts Strict implementation schedules & periodical

    monitoring The involvement of the IT & functional teams

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    5-Aug-12 Ashis Mitra 33

    The Critical Success Factors

    Clear Vision & support of the Management Capabilities of the software development vendor Scope & Expectations finalization towards

    meeting the ERP concepts Strict implementation schedules & periodical

    monitoring The involvement of the IT & functional teams

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    5-Aug-12 Ashis Mitra 34

    The Critical Success Factors

    Clear Vision & support of the Management Capabilities of the software development vendor Scope & Expectations finalization towards

    meeting the ERP concepts Strict implementation schedules & periodical

    monitoring The involvement of the IT & functional teams

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    5-Aug-12 Ashis Mitra 35

    The Critical Success Factors

    Clear Vision & support of the Management Capabilities of the software development vendor Scope & Expectations finalization towards

    meeting the ERP concepts Strict implementation schedules & periodical

    monitoring The involvement of the IT & functional teams

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    5-Aug-12 Ashis Mitra 36

    The Critical Success Factors

    Clear Vision & support of the Management Capabilities of the software development vendor Scope & Expectations finalization towards

    meeting the ERP concepts Strict implementation schedules & periodical

    monitoring The involvement of the IT & functional teams

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    5-Aug-12 Ashis Mitra 37

    The Critical Success Factors

    Clear Vision & support of the Management Capabilities of the software development vendor Scope & Expectations finalization towards

    meeting the ERP concepts Strict implementation schedules & periodical

    monitoring The involvement of the IT & functional teams

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  • 7/31/2019 ERP SupplyChain


    5-Aug-12 Ashis Mitra 39

    The Critical Success Factors

    Clear Vision & support of the Management Capabilities of the software development vendor Scope & Expectations finalization towards

    meeting the ERP concepts Strict implementation schedules & periodical

    monitoring The involvement of the IT & functional teams

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    5-Aug-12 Ashis Mitra 40

    The Critical Success Factors

    Clear Vision & support of the Management Capabilities of the software development vendor Scope & Expectations finalization towards

    meeting the ERP concepts Strict implementation schedules & periodical

    monitoring The involvement of the IT & functional teams

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    2 hi i

    The Critical Success Factors

    Clear Vision & support of the Management Capabilities of the software development vendor Scope & Expectations finalization towards

    meeting the ERP concepts Strict implementation schedules & periodical

    monitoring The involvement of the IT & functional teams