ESL Language Discovery Camp 2014



ESL Language Discovery Camp 2014. 4 Corners. Have you taught ESL Summer School before? Corner 1: NoCorner 2: 1-2 years Corner 3: 3-5 yearsCorner 4: 6 or more years Introduce yourself to the people in your corner. What grades do you currently teach? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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ESL Language Discovery Camp2014

4 Corners

Have you taught ESL Summer School before?Corner 1: No Corner 2: 1-2 yearsCorner 3: 3-5 years Corner 4: 6 or more yearsIntroduce yourself to the people in your corner.

What grades do you currently teach?Corner 1: Elementary Corner 2: MS Corner 3:HSCorner 4: Combination

Welcome to ESL Language Discovery Camp

• Language Discovery Camp is for ESL newcomers that have been in US schools for 2 years or less.

• These students will learn about early American History, Biology, and Math Vocabulary.

• Get into school teams and decide what level (middle or high school) and what subject as teams.

• Teachers seek to engage students in learning through project-based learning activities. Students will learn key social and academic English through content subjects.

ESL Language Discovery Camp Language Discovery Camp was developed based on the recommendations from the Carnegie Panel on Adolescent EL Literacy (Short and Fitzsimmons, 2007: The panelists provided the following recommendations for educators:

• Integrate listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills into instruction from the start.

• Teach the components and processes of reading and writing.• Teach reading comprehension strategies.• Focus on vocabulary development.• Build and activate background knowledge.• Teach language through content and themes.• Use native language strategically.• Utilize technology with existing interventions.• Motivate adolescent ELs through choice.

ESL Language Discovery Camp 2014Social Studies

Social Studies

7 steps for teaching vocabulary1. Teacher states/shows the word in context from the text.2. Teacher asks students to repeat the word three times3. Teacher provides dictionary definition4. Teacher explains the meaning with student friendly

definition5. Teacher highlights features of the word: polysemous,

cognate, tense, prefixes6. Teacher engages students in activities to develop

word/concept knowledge. Students use the word in a sentence with a buddy for about 1 minute.

7. Teacher reminds students how this will be used after reading/listening.


“Your ancestors start with your parents, then your grandparents, then your great grandparents ,and so for many years.”

Say 3 times: Ancestor, ancestor, ancestor

Definition: A person from whom another is directly descended.

Talk to your buddy…

• My ancestors moved to Argentina from Italy. My ancestors were in the restaurant business in Italy.

• Your turn: My ancestors….


• “People immigrated to the Unites States for many reasons.”

• Say 3 times: immigration, immigration, immigration

• Definition: to come to a country of which one is not a native, usually for a permanent residence.

• Migrate is verb meaning move, relocate• Im- is a prefix meaning in, into• Immigrate means to move into a new place,

relocate to a new place• Past tense: add -ed: immigrated• “Inmigrar” in Spanish

• I immigrated from Argentina to the Unites States to study and work.

Talk to your buddy…

• People immigrate to the United States for many reasons.

• Tell your partner why people immigrate. People immigrate to …

BiologyPamella Allen & Gilmara Johnson


What do you know about the body?

What is biology?

Bio = life logy = study of

What do you know about the body?What do you know about the skeletal system?

Assemble the skeleton and label as many body parts as you can.

All About Cells


Text Comprehension:GET IT TOGETHER

• Find a partner with a different color folder

• Locate the article on orange paper in your folder

• In your journal, create a T-chart

• Locate the green think aloud page in your folder

• Wait, and the teacher will assign reading sections

In your journals, make a T-Chart to record your notes.

Main Idea Details

Text Comprehension:Partner Read

1. Read your assigned section aloud with your partner by alternating sentences until the section is complete. (2min)

2. After you read, alternate choosing each sentence from the green think aloud page and respond aloud to it, or ask your partner to do so. Each player must respond to three sentences only. (1min) Teach only one at a time. (Visualizing)

3. Next, decide who will record for the group and who will report for the group. (3min)

Think Aloud Sentences1. I’m going to visualize and think about what I just read.

2. I’m going to read chunks I can handle and then summarize.3. I’m going to change the title and subheadings into questions.4. I’m going to think of a research question(s) before I start the process.5. While reading this text, I was wondering…6. What helps teams read and discuss what they have read?7. What could that word mean? Let me reread.8. I’m going to stop and reread confusing parts of this sentence.9. I’m going to put a Post-it note after this sentence so I can ask for clarification.10. What kind of test question would the teacher ask from this


Text Comprehension:Partner Record

4. Identify the main idea of the section with your partner and record it in your journal. (2min)

5. Record the details of what happened from start to finish on the yellow note-taking page.(4min)

6. Create a title, with your partner’s input, that represents the author’s purpose in the section you read and record it on the yellow note-taking page. (1min)

Text Comprehension:Partner Reflect

Record the following on the yellow note-taking page:

7. Classify the section you read into one of the following categories:

* Cell jobs * What are cells? * Cells discovered * Building with toy blocks * Size of Cells (2min)

Text Comprehension:Partner to Whole Class Report

When called on by the Teacher, the reporter must be prepared to

orally present your groups recorded responses to numbers

4-7. (5 min. max)

Tic- Tac- Toe Menu

Name: __________Date:_____________

MaterialsPost-It Self-Stick easel pad Ballpoint penSentence strips Copy paperCrayola markers Construction paperPencils Sharpie highlightersTwin pocket foldersPoster boardsGlue sticks Crayola colored pencilsScotch tape World map/US mapStapler/staples JournalsOxford Picture Dictionaries/ WorkbooksMath DictionaryBooks for independent reading or homeworkCurriculum Guide

ScheduleSuggested Schedule for the ESL Language Discovery Program

7:45-8:15 DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) / Breakfast8:15-9:30 Homeroom (First Block)9:30-10:45 Second Block10:45-12:00 Third Block12:00-12:45 Lunch/Physical Activity12:45-2:00 Technology (May be placed into any block during the day.

Suggestions: Each teacher teaches one content area and rotate students.Use the technology time for Help Math, student blogging or student projects.

Completed Projects

Graphic Organizers and Games

Using Graphic Supports

Your ESL Language Discovery Camp adventure begins today!
