Essay English




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The morning lecture was interesting.The lecturer was teaching us in the lecture hall.As she was teaching,we realized that her nose is bleeding.We was shocked.I wanted to inform that her nose is bleeding.But,She realized that.She was panicked and promptly took her handkerchief and closed her nose.She sat down in front of the lecture room for a while.The wall was very quiet.

After a few minutes,she informed that the class is cancelled.Then,some students packed their stuffs and went out of the class.My friends and I noticed that her nose bleeding non-stop.We went to help her .Unfortunately,she refused it.We were hesitate to leave her alone.Then,she packed her things and went out of the hall.

I wanted to follow her but my friends stopped me.I worried about herself.I wanted to make sure that she is healty.Then,we went to our room.The next day, we get ready to for our lecture.We were late to the lecture. So,we went to the lecture hall quickly.As we reached the hall, the lecturer is not there.All the were waiting in the hall.One of my friends told me that the teacher is having health problem.Iwas so eager to know about the condition.We received news that the lecturer was admitted in the hospital.The hospital is located near our college.

We decided to visit her.My friends and I went to the room that she was admitted.She was lying unconsciously. We were very sad.Then,the doctor came into the room.He checked her.Then,he hold that she is havind hypertension but the diseases is not severe.We were delighted to hear the good news.

Finally, we went back home.I prayed that she will fine and stay healthy.After a week ,she came back to the college to continue her lecture.