Essay Writing CAE



Advanced essay plan

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Essay writing Advanced

1st - (Introduction explaining about the problem in general_______________________________________



+ a negative consequence of that ____________________________________________________________


"It is therefore crucial that practical steps be taken by ____ in order to rectify the problem".

2nd - "One such solution could be to+ verb/ for + noun___________________________________________".

(Discuss first method and positives of this approach_____________________________________________



"However, ....(a brief negative of this idea)____________________________________________________.

3rd - "A second and perhaps more viable option, would be to _____________________________________"

(Discuss method and positives of this approach)________________________________________________




4th - (General round up of the topic)__________________________________________________________

"With this in mind, I believe that (your preferred option) would enable / allow / create ________________


(talk about consequence of this method being adopted and positive effect in the future) _______________

