Essay Writing Literary Analysis. Introduction Should start with a sentence designed to engage the...


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Essay WritingLiterary Analysis

Introduction• Should start with a sentence designed to engage the reader

• Do not include gimmicks or clichés (ex. It has been said…)

• Should offer a sentence that bridges into the thesis statement

• Should end with the thesis statement underlined.

Example of an Introduction Motherhood is a complex state of being and emotion whose absence leaves behind a vacuum in the characters of Sophocles’ world. While the role is distorted for certain characters, it also becomes a vehicle of vengeance and retribution for others. In Sophocles’ Oedipus Cycle, Iocaste and Eurydice struggle to fulfill the role of motherhood as dictated by the ancient society they are a part of.

3 Body Paragraphs• Topic Sentence: Should introduce a part of your argument presented in your thesis statement.

• Evidence: Cited examples from the original text that support your argument

• Commentary/Interpretation: 1) Ties your evidence to your topic sentence, 2) extends argument by rationalizing why your evidence is the strongest.

• Closing Sentence: Closes the paragraph with a tone of finality.

Example of a Body Paragraph Iocaste does a disservice to the role of mother in the play, Oedipus Rex, by consigning her son to death in his infancy. Her knowledge of the prophecy regarding Laios put her in a unique position to prevent it from coming true (Sophocles 38). Although it would have been possible to overturn the prophecy through gentle nurturing and careful monitoring of the child, she subdues her very nature as a woman in order to protect her husband. She kills her maternal instinct by complying with her husband’s wishes to forsake the child in order to subvert the prophecy (63). The toll she pays begins with the perceived death of her child and extends to her abandonment of him a second time when she decides to take her own life (57). Sophocles clearly shows that a woman’s influence in ancient Greek society is not limited merely to household concerns but affects public policy as well.

How to Incorporate Examples/Quotes• 1) Paraphrase and cite

• Ex. Her knowledge of the prophecy regarding Laios put her in a unique position to prevent it from coming true (Sophocles 38).

• 2) Integrate a direct quote and cite

• Ex. Iocaste reveals her knowledge of the prophecy regarding Laios when she says to Oedipus, “An oracle was reported to Laios once….That his doom would be death at the hands of his own son” (Sophocles 38). This puts her in a unique position to prevent it from coming true.

• Notice how your use of transition extends your sentences. This is necessary to promote fluidity of argument and avoid having it sound disjointed in presentation.

Conclusion•Rephrase your thesis statement. Do not repeat it.

• Incorporate highlights of your arguments as presented in your body paragraphs.

•Close with a tone of finality about the thematic material or the character(s) you focused on.

Example of a ConclusionDespite being Queens of Thebes, both Iocaste and Eurydice struggle to fulfill the most essential role a woman must bear in ancient Greek society: that of motherhood. Whether it be of their own volition or through fate, both lose their children, and ultimately their lives, to the games the gods play with Thebes. Both strong-willed women, who choose to put an end to their existence, it may very well be the only opportunity they had to gain the upper hand and wrest control away a higher power.

MLA• Example of heading shown in class

• Example of Work Cited shown in class


• Purdue OWL

• 1 inch margins all around

• Title centered

• 12 point Times New Roman font

Deadlines and Due Dates•First Draft to Google Drive (optional) by 2/7 by 11:59 p.m.

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•Final Draft to (for assessment) by 2/18 by11:59 p.m.