Established 1875 Headmaster’s Newsletter


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Established 1875

Headmaster’sNewsletterTuesday, 18 June 2019

Director of Studies


Head of Junior School

Head of Senior School

Deputy Headmaster

Director of Sport and Activities

Director of Boarding

Director of Performance



Boarder Parents’ Support Group

School Notices

Positive Feedback for Students

Rewarding Effort

Junior School Track and Field

Read My Lips Concert Success

Popular Books

University Options for Year 12 Students

Career Advisers


Head of Senior School

Deputy Headmaster

Head of Junior School

Director of Studies

Director of Sport and Activities

Director of Boarding

Director of Performance



Boarder Parents’ Support Group

School Notices

Career Advisers

From the Headmaster

Without exception the external hosts have written to me commending the School on the behaviour of our boys and expressing their desire to have the boys return in future years. Numerous similar positive comments have been received regarding the Year 10 boys’ involvement in the Work Experience Week at the end of Term One. It is with pleasure that I reproduce a random sample of some of the feedback comments made by the employers, management or supervisors of our Year 10 boys whilst on Work Experience:

• ‘A’ was a pleasure to have and we are sure he will be a success in whatever he chooses to do.

• ‘B’ was very articulate, well presented and keen to learn.

• ‘C’ was a most interested worker who was keen to assist with the day-to-day running of the club.

• It was a pleasure to host ‘D’ for his work experience tenure. ‘D’ was always courteous, polite and punctual. He showed a genuine interest in the role and quickly learnt how to carry out tasks assigned to him.

• ‘E’ showed good interest in all areas he was able to observe. It was a pleasure to have ‘E’ in the department.

• ‘F’ communicated well with staff and students alike. He assisted between classrooms and was eager to take on all responsibilities associated with being a teacher-aide.

• ‘G’ completed his tasks well and was punctual and polite. He has a good attitude and is willing to learn. He has a lot more ability than he gives himself credit for.

• ‘H’ was very polite and courteous, keen to be exposed to any opportunity within the pharmacy and adjacent medical centre. I hope this was of assistance in planning his future studies.

• ‘I’ was an absolute pleasure to have for the week. He showed a lot of interest in what we do and how we do it. He was keen to ask questions, yet had clearly thought them through before doing so.

• It has been a pleasure to host ‘J’ and to assist with his ongoing development. He is a remarkable and intelligent young man with a maturity well beyond his years.

• ‘K’ was a fantastic addition to our team during the week. Through his maturity, work ethic and professionalism, he is a credit to himself and the School.


Dear Parents,

I have been encouraged to hear some very positive reports of the boys’ behaviour following their Outdoor Pursuits and Activities Week at the end of Term One.

Established 1875


A GPS School for boys Prep - Year 12Boarders from Year 5

PO Box 2900, Toowoomba QLD 4350 AUSTRALIA24 Margaret Street, East Toowoomba QLD 4350 AUSTRALIA

Telephone: (07) 4687 2500 Facsimile: (07) 4687 2666Email:

ABN 86 510 299 250 - CRICOS Reg No. 00525D


Head of Senior School

Deputy Headmaster

Head of Junior School

Director of Studies

Director of Sport and Activities

Director of Boarding

Director of Performance



Boarder Parents’ Support Group

School Notices

Career Advisers

His research skills and ability to communicate with influence are beyond his 15 years of age.

• Primarily an observational role but ‘L’ interacted well with clients and staff members. Excellent self-presentation.

• ‘M’ worked diligently on all matters and was easily involved in team events. Followed instructions well and was able to complete tasks independently. He was very polite and we enjoyed having him as part of the legal team.

• ‘N’ was a well-presented, polite young man who took the initiative to forward think when tools and materials were required by tradesmen, saving them time. He then cleaned up when he had a little downtime so as to keep himself busy without being told.

• Unanimous agreement from staff ‘O’ worked with that he was excellent. Many wonderful comments.

• Given the short time, ‘P’ exceeded my expectations in all areas of the workplace. He has a desire to learn and wasn’t afraid to ask questions. The assessment I have given as a worker is strong but is eclipsed by his nature as a person. What a great young fellow.

• ‘Q’ proved himself to be a diligent worker. He showed lots of initiative but

also followed instructions well. He was well presented, punctual and a pleasure to have with us.

• ‘R’ indicated that Accounting was not his preference for a career and that Engineering was his focus.

• ‘S’ is a polite young gentleman and it was a pleasure to host him for his work experience. ‘S’ displayed a particular interest in Nuclear Medicine.

• Enthusiastic, hard-working and a good listener. We had some hard, labour intensive days and ‘T’ rolled his sleeves up and got stuck in. He also asked lots of relevant questions.

• ‘U’ is very quiet and needs to work on his communication skills with adults. This will be extremely important in his future.

• ‘V’ was a personable student who communicated well and was able to work independently. He picked up skills and concepts quickly.

• ‘W’ was a delight to have at our clinic. He was polite, helpful and had good initiative. Pleasingly, ‘W’ did not touch a mobile phone during his time with us.

The above feedback from employers, management and supervisors has a very common theme. Almost all of them focussed on what is termed the ‘soft skills’, that is those

skills employers are looking for, including a strong work ethic, positive attitude, good communication skills, time-management skills, problem-solving skills, acting as a team player, self-confidence, ability to accept and learn from criticism, flexibility and so on.

The frequency with which behaviours such as punctuality, initiative, team work, good manners, inquisitiveness, neat presentation and hard work were referred to is indicative of the importance of these traits. I congratulate the Year 10s on representing the School, themselves and their families in such a positive manner. Parents of boys in Years 7-9, I encourage you to invite your son to read the employers’ feedback as listed above and ask him to reflect on the importance of the behavioural qualities listed.

As this will be the last Newsletter for the term, I wish all boys the very best for their examinations, assessment tasks and the forthcoming holidays. With kind regards, Yours sincerely,Peter B. HauserHeadmaster


Numerous similar positive comments have been received

regarding the Year 10 boys’ involvement in the Work Experience

Week at the end of Term One.


Head of Senior School

Deputy Headmaster

Head of Junior School

Director of Studies

Director of Sport and Activities

Director of Boarding

Director of Performance



Boarder Parents’ Support Group

School Notices

Career Advisers

Deputy Headmaster

Established 1875


From the Deputy HeadmasterAs we move towards the conclusion of what has been a successful first half of the year, I am very pleased with the way in which the majority of our young men have approached their commitments. As a group, they constantly continue to impress by their dedication to attain their academic potential and their involvement in the co-curricular program. A very positive and industrious tone has been evident for the duration of the semester.

Sony Foundation Children’s Holiday Camp

Planning for the School’s thirteenth Sony Foundation Children’s Holiday Camp is well under way. The 2018 Camp was a wonderful weekend with our students who were involved gaining much from it, while certainly giving the young children who attended a great time and their families some respite. The Camp this year will be held over the first weekend of the September holidays from Saturday, 21 September until Monday, 23 September. If you would like to be involved as a volunteer or offer to contribute in any way, please get in contact with me.


The Interact Club recently held a Free Dress

Day to raise money for Drought Angels. With the additional sale of “Origin Donuts” by Boyce House on the day, the Club reached the $1500 target for this great cause.

Ten boys have been fundraising for the World’s Greatest Shave to support the Leukemia Foundation. Should each boy raise $1000, he will have his head shaved during the House Track and Field Carnival on the last day of term. On the same day, the White Ribbon committee will also organise awareness-raising activities, including the “White Ribbon Gift”.

The Interact Club has also been fundraising at home games this term to continue our support for our sponsored student, Sara, at the School of St Jude in Tanzania. Boys have been selling snow cones and fairy floss to raise funds to cover the annual fee to support Sara.

The support of our community towards the boys’ service initiatives is much appreciated.

Weekend Social Activities

At this time of year an increasing number of older boys want to attend parties on a weekend. Of course, the parties they wish to go to can range from small, well-organised gatherings to large, mostly unsupervised congregations. Each parent will be a little different as to what exposure they are willing to give their son/s to attend social activities.

It is important that we recognise that, whilst many parties are wonderful social occasions, there also exists risk when a party is not well organised or supervised.

Local solicitor, Adair Donaldson, has kindly prepared some guidance from a legal perspective for parents regarding underage parties. Mr Donaldson has particular experience in this field, both professionally and as the developer of a range of educational resources concerning young people and social consequences. For the last few years, Mr Donaldson has addressed our Year 12 boys about youth issues. Please find Mr Donaldson’s advice below:

Regularly, I am contacted by concerned parents and schools wanting advice regarding underage parties (or gatherings as teenagers would prefer to call them). Upfront I need to stress that I am only providing advice and seeking to increase awareness in relation to the legal risks and responsibilities of hosting or attending an underage event. While I neither condone nor condemn parents’ decisions regarding this issue, it is important to remember that there is a choice, and at the end of the day it should be parents not teenagers making this choice. Along with many other difficult parenting decisions, whilst not a new phenomenon, it remains a great challenge.

From a legal perspective, parents should be aware of the legal responsibilities if they are choosing to host a party, as the police are


Head of Senior School

Deputy Headmaster

Head of Junior School

Director of Studies

Director of Sport and Activities

Director of Boarding

Director of Performance



Boarder Parents’ Support Group

School Notices


I do hope boys and staff have an enjoyable

break with their families and return

re-energised to tackle the second half of the


Deputy Headmaster

able to charge owners of a property where a party has been held that got out of control. However, this pales into insignificance when compared with the risk hosts face regarding liability.

Perhaps the best way for me to put the issue of liability into perspective is to use the example of licensed premises. We are all aware of the stringent rules and regulations that govern licensed premises. If you attend licensed premises, you expect the staff will all be trained in the responsible service of alcohol and there will be proper security. Licensees accept that they owe a duty of care to their customers and if they breach this duty then they will be held liable.

Contrast this with the host of an underage party. The host also owes a duty of care to the guests, but it is a higher duty as the guests are under the age of 18, and the host is acting in loco parentis. If something goes wrong at a party and the duty of care to a guest is breached then the hosts may well be held liable. A simple example would be a minor attending a party and becoming heavily intoxicated as a result of consuming alcohol at the party; they then fall and suffer a head injury. Questions would be asked as to whether the injury was avoidable and whether reasonable care was taken to ensure injury didn’t occur. That would include how the alcohol was provided / served and how the party was supervised.

To help parents understand what their

obligations and responsibilities are as hosts, and also their obligations when considering allowing their children to attend parties, the police have created a wonderful resource. For more information visit:

Finally, if I was pressed to give one non-legal tip, it would be to urge parents to talk to each other more often about these issues. There is much to gain in building solidarity amongst parents and this only occurs if we are talking about the issues and not just relying on our children as the font of all knowledge on the subject. Chances are, if you are feeling concerned, there will be many other parents feeling the same way.

Parent Seminars

Thank you to the large number of parents who attended the range of Parent Seminars held at the School this term. There has been a delay with sending the video links to parents unable to attend. These will be sent by email as soon as possible.Early in Term Three, the School will host well-known speaker, Paul Dillon from DARTA (Drug and Alcohol Research and Training Australia). Paul will address the senior boys during the day followed by a parent session in the Assembly

Hall at 6:30pm-8:00pm on Wednesday, 17 July.

End of Term

As we head into the last phase of the term with the boys involved in their end-of-semester examinations, it is great to see the majority maintaining focus on their academic work. This semester has been another busy one and, from my perspective, very successful. There is a pleasing tone around the School and the senior boys are leading the School well.

On the boys’ return next semester, I do ask for your assistance in ensuring that your son’s uniform and appearance are of the highest standard. Expectations are clearly stated in the Student Diary and Senior School Handbook. I do hope boys and staff have an enjoyable break with their families and return re-energised to tackle the second half of the year.

John AndersonDeputy Headmaster


Head of Senior School

Deputy Headmaster

Head of Junior School

Director of Studies

Director of Sport and Activities

Director of Boarding

Director of Performance



Boarder Parents’ Support Group

School Notices

Career Advisers

From the Head of Senior School

I recently spoke at the Senior School Assembly about the importance of resilience and the value of getting back up and continuing to try after a failure. I referred to the above quote and used the example of our 1st XI Football team who suffered a Round One loss to Gregory Terrace but have gone on to play some of the best schoolboy football that I have seen. It was in this context that I watched our musicians on the stage at the Music Concert on Friday night. While watching their performances, I found myself wondering how often they would have made errors in practising their pieces. Developing resilience is a key to enabling our boys to develop the skills that will see them succeed in whatever their chosen field may be later in life. In many ways we should reward our boys’ abilities to fail and have the fortitude to keep trying, rather than rewarding them just for their successes, as success is only the outcome of their hard work. In summary, I encourage you to keep finding avenues to challenge your sons as the character that failing builds will hold them in good stead for the rest of their lives. Acknowledge and keep encouraging your sons when they fail to get back up and try again.

Rewarding Effort

House Colours are awarded to boys who contribute to all aspects of school life and the criteria are outlined in the School Diary. On the topic of acknowledging effort, I would like to recognise the following boys for being awarded their Colours in Term Two:




Parent-Teacher Meetings

Parents will receive detailed end-of-semester reports during the school holidays. Parents will have the opportunity to make bookings for Parent-Teacher meetings taking place on Monday, 15 July. The School Portal will be open for meeting bookings from Tuesday, 18 June.

Boys are encouraged to attend the Parent-Teacher Meetings and, if they do so, should be dressed in blues tuniform.

How to Book Parent-Teacher Meetings

An online booking system is used to book

Head of Senior School

Established 1875


“Life ain’t about how hard you can hit, it’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward.”- Rocky Balboa

Wilson Cochrane 11 Mackintosh DHunter Austin 11 Groom B

Julian Lachmund 11 Mackintosh DCameron Dean 11 Groom D

Matthew Wilson 11 Taylor DPaul Stark 12 Taylor D

Bailey Skeates 11 Boyce BMitch Dight 11 Mackintosh B

Calum Proctor 12 Mackintosh D

Cameron Cardillo 10 Groom BLiam Foley 11 Groom D

Ethan Pratap 11 Boyce DAngus Ingold 9 Groom DGoff Morgan 9 Groom B

James Heinrich 11 Mackintosh D

Sam Pegler 12 Groom BCharlie Schoorl 11 Boyce D

Angus Mohr 10 Boyce DCallum Murray 12 Boyce BThomas Maher 11 Boyce D

Matthew Murphy 11 Boyce D


Head of Senior School

Deputy Headmaster

Head of Junior School

Director of Studies

Director of Sport and Activities

Director of Boarding

Director of Performance



Boarder Parents’ Support Group

School Notices

Career Advisers meetings with subject teachers. Please click on this link for a User Guide to assist you with making your meeting bookings. You will also find the User Guide in the Parent Portal on the School’s webpage. Please note the following with regard to the booking system:

• For parents who have used the Parent Lounge previously, it may be necessary to add the Parent-Teacher Meetings option as per the User Guide. For parents logging into the Parent Lounge for the first time, the Parent-Teacher Meeting option should be visible but if not please follow the User Guide.

• A print out of your meetings cannot be made until the booking system has been closed to allow for possible changes to teacher availability. This will occur at 5:00pm on Sunday, 14 July. If you wish to print your meeting bookings prior to the closing date, please click on Print Screen and paste this into a Word document. After the booking system has been closed, an option for printing your bookings will become available through the meeting booking system.

• If you have any concerns or issues with making meeting bookings, please do not hesitate to call the Student Services Office on 4687 2653.

The Wealth Academy

Our School is committed to helping students to prepare for life after school. As part of this preparation, we have accessed the resources of The Wealth Academy to integrate into our program.

One of the resources made available to our School is a youth-oriented financial life skills e-zine titled Teenfinca, which is an acronym for teenage financial capability. The latest issue of Teenfinca is now available for students and families to read and share through this link. We encourage parents to discuss the articles within the e-zine with your children. Such discussions help to build the future financial capability and wellbeing of students.

Conclusion of Term

The Assessment Period concludes on Monday, 17 June. Classes will be held on Tuesday, 18 and Wednesday, 19 June where boys will receive important feedback from recent assessment items and review their overall performance for Semester One. The school term concludes with the House Track and Field Championships on Thursday, 20 June and boys are free to depart from 3.10pm. Rather than boarders leaving early at the end of term, it is a clear preference that families utilise the travel day on Friday, 21 June.I hope all boys and families enjoy their mid-year break.

Mark OliphantHead of Senior School

Developing resilience is a key to enabling our boys to develop the skills that will

see them succeed in whatever their chosen field may be later in


Head of Senior School


Head of Senior School

Deputy Headmaster

Head of Junior School

Director of Studies

Director of Sport and Activities

Director of Boarding

Director of Performance



Boarder Parents’ Support Group

School Notices

Career Advisers

Established 1875


Head of Junior School

From the Head of Junior School

All Junior School boys from Prep to Year 6 are currently working on their entries for our annual Writing Competition. This is one of our important academic competitions, with this one highlighting the importance of writing. Boys work with set topics and set text types such as narratives or persuasive texts, with entries then being submitted to independent judges for assessment. At the start of next term boys will receive their results, with the wining student in each class receiving a trophy and a book voucher at a special assembly. The clear message to the boys is that writing and reading are powerful life skills and ones that are highly valued at our School.


Mr Mike Sharpe, Deputy Head of Junior School, has been on extended leave to deal with some medical matters since mid-May. Over the past few weeks, boys, parents and

staff have asked me about him. I am pleased to let you know that he is recovering well and is in good spirits. Mr Sharpe has been Deputy Head of Junior School since 2007 and has connected with a great many people over this time. It is nice that many boys have run up to me in the playground asking about Mr Sharpe, with this saying good things about our School. I anticipate he will be back at work at the start of next term. I thank Mr Rob Jeffries, Head of Teaching and Learning in the Junior School, for taking on the role of acting Deputy during this time.

Track and Field Carnival

The Junior School Track and Field Carnival was held recently with this being a most enjoyable day. All boys competed in various track and field events and our younger boys also participated in some novelty activities. I thank Mr Brendan Doherty, Sportsmaster, for organising and running the carnival so very

Fletcher Collie showing some technical skill at shot put.

Mitchell Wilkes comfortably clearing the bar on the high jump.

L-R) Archer Onley, Matthew Jacob and Will Davidson after receiving their ribbons at the recent track and field carnival.

One of our Junior School students running in the GPS Cross Country Carnival in Ipswich


Head of Senior School

Deputy Headmaster

Head of Junior School

Director of Studies

Director of Sport and Activities

Director of Boarding

Director of Performance



Boarder Parents’ Support Group

School Notices

Career Advisers

Congratulations to Groom House for their

success on the day and to Boyce House

for winning the Spirit Trophy.

Head of Junior School

well. I also value and appreciate the support of the entire Junior School staff ensuring the carnival ran smoothly. Congratulations to Groom House for their success on the day and to Boyce House for winning the Spirit Trophy.

Under Eights’ Week

On Wednesday, 22 May, boys from Prep to Year 2 joined with students from Fairholme College and The Glennie School in the same year levels for Under Eights’ Week activities. This is part of a structured program that occurs across the three schools, ensuring boys and girls of the same age spend time together undertaking a range of activities. This was a joyous occasion for the youngest children across the three schools.

Year 6 Canberra visit

Our Year 6 boys and staff will travel to Canberra in the last week of term as part of their unit of work on Australian democracy. The boys and staff will visit several key places while they are away. I wish all involved every success for this special occasion.

Scott CampbellHead of Junior School

Year 1 boys with Year 1 girls from The Glennie School and Fairholme College during Under Eights’ Day.

Year 1 Fairholme student and Hunter Ley working with technology during Under Eights’ Day.


Head of Senior School

Deputy Headmaster

Head of Junior School

Director of Studies

Director of Sport and Activities

Director of Boarding

Director of Performance



Boarder Parents’ Support Group

School Notices

Career Advisers

Director of Studies

Established 1875


From the Director of StudiesNationally Consistent Collection of Data – NCCD

Every year, all schools in Australia participate in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD). The NCCD process requires schools to identify information already available in the school about supports provided to students with disability. These relate to legislative requirements under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and the Disability Standards for Education 2005, in line with the NCCD guidelines (2019). Information provided about students to the Australian Government for the NCCD includes:

• year of schooling;

• category of disability: physical, cognitive, sensory or social/emotional;

• level of adjustment provided: support provided within quality differentiated teaching practice, supplementary, substantial or extensive.

The NCCD provides state and federal governments with the information they need to plan more broadly for the support of students with disability. There is no testing process for the NCCD and it has no direct impact on any student. The School will

provide data to the Australian Government in such a way that no individual student will be able to be identified – the privacy and confidentiality of all students are ensured. All information is protected by privacy laws that regulate the collection, storage and disclosure of personal information.

Further information about the NCCD can be found on the NCCD Portal

REACH Assessments

Most parents would be familiar with the ICAS Science, Mathematics and English competitions that our students have participated in over the years run by the University of New South Wales. For the last few years, every boy in Years 7-10 has participated in these competitions. However, for some students the work has been difficult for them to access. UNSW has introduced a new type of test called REACH Assessments. Reach Assessments are far more closely linked to the Australian Curriculum for the relevant year level and are not aimed solely at high achieving students. They are far more learner focussed and should create far less angst than the ICAS tests. In fact, all students in Years 7-10 have already done their Science tests within the context of their regular lessons. The English and Mathematics assessments are scheduled for August. While the competitive nature of these assessments has been reduced, the top 10% of students in

each test become eligible to enter the ICAS competition in Science, Mathematics and English. The competitive tests are scheduled for the end of Term 3. Boys will be notified of their successful qualification for the ICAS later next term.

Special Commendations

Congratulations to the following students who received Special Commendations recently:

Special Commendations –Academic Effort

Alison YoungDirector of Studies

Year 8

Will Flegler Japanese – Persistence and endeavour in Japanese

Samuel Gladwin Japanese – Mentoring and supporting classmates

Darcy Neville Japanese – Proactive approach to Japanese

Tyler Saal Japanese – Persistence and endeavour in Japanese

Year 10

Jack Dann Agricultural Science – Feedlot Assignment (Correction)


Head of Senior School

Deputy Headmaster

Head of Junior School

Director of Studies

Director of Sport and Activities

Director of Boarding

Director of Performance



Boarder Parents’ Support Group

School Notices

Career Advisers

Director of Sport and Activities

First and foremost is the upward trajectory of our Football 1st XI who, in their quest for success, are on a journey of achievement and self-discovery. Their success on the football field over this past season has resulted in a for and against differential not yet seen at Toowoomba Grammar School, including two incredible hat tricks to Pat McKay and Luke Lister against Brisbane Boys’ College. In saying this, the scoring of goals is the culmination of the efforts from all eleven players on the pitch and each player is deserving of the instant recognition that goal scoring brings about. For example, in the same match, Eli Adams did not score one goal but instead played a leading hand in directly assisting 5 of the 7 goals scored, a feat that is certainly worthy of mention. I could wax lyrical about each player in this team as well as players across our 30 team strong Football program, like Alex Chicalas from the 7C team scoring 8 goals thus far, or the members of the 7D Tennis team who defeated The Southport School 48-8 in their fixture. However, what is the common thread amongst all these players is their display of core values held so highly within our School. This is a testament to not only their physical prowess on the field or court but also the mental fortitude to push past fatigue, illness and injury so as to further engage with shared success, regardless of whether it is the 1st XI or

7D team. With the guidance of their coaches and mentors, we wish all the young men in our Tennis and Football programs all the best.

The recent GPS Cross Country Championship was an illustration of the determination and resilience our runners had in one of the most competitive fields the GPS has ever produced. Particular mention must go to Charlie Randall for taking out third place in the Under 13 age group. Charlie is a spectacular athlete and shows, at such a young age, a maturity well beyond his years when it comes to training, competing and representing the School with pride and distinction. Alongside Charlie, we had over 60 runners representing the School and they should all hold their heads high as their efforts were second to none with each and every one of them physically drained as they crossed the finish line.

Our Volleyballers continue to enjoy success as they begin their journey in the Queensland Schools’ Cup with our Year 8 and 10 Intermediate Schools’ Cup teams placing 3rd and 2nd respectively at the recent fixtures held at Toowoomba Grammar School. The majority of the players in this team also earned a 1st and 2nd placing in the local Toowoomba Volleyball Association competition with both teams facing off in the final. We also congratulate Ben Hood who was awarded the Most Valuable Player

in the Premier League of the aforementioned competition.

It has also been pleasing to see the players engage with the requirements of the ‘Safe Rugby Framework’ as outlined by Rugby Australia and the GPS Association. The implementation of this framework is one that will ensure we prepare our players as practicably as possible for the rigours of a Rugby season. I would like to extend my thanks to the students, coaches and families for their cooperation as we execute the strategies, protocols and procedures that will enable such a venture to occur both in 2019 and the seasons to come. In preparation for Term Three, I encourage all parents and families to consult the Sport and Activities portal for information regarding this ‘Safe Rugby Framework’, upcoming ‘Confidence in Contact’ sessions, Rugby Camp and the like.

Established 1875


Director of Sport and Activities

As we begin the final few weeks of the co-curriculum journey that is Term Two at Toowoomba Grammar School, it would be remiss not to acknowledge the fine efforts of our young men in their various pursuits within the productive and energetic environment of TGS Sport and Activities.

Wes Dunne Director of Sport & Activities


Head of Senior School

Deputy Headmaster

Head of Junior School

Director of Studies

Director of Sport and Activities

Director of Boarding

Director of Performance



Boarder Parents’ Support Group

School Notices

Career Advisers

From the Director of Boarding

Established 1875


Director of Boarding

I recently attended the Isolated Children’s Parents Association (ICPA) State Conference in Charters Towers. It was lovely to catch up with a number of TGS parents who were there supporting the hard work of the ICPA in campaigning for equitable access to education for those who live in isolated areas of Queensland. The ICPA has assisted a significant number of our past, present and future families through their lobbying and it was good to be there to hear about their initiatives. I also travelled to St George on 8 June with the Director of Enrolments to host a function for our current and future families who live in that region. I really enjoy visiting the regions where our boarders come from and hearing from parents about how their son is progressing at Toowoomba Grammar School.

There have been a number of recreational

activities for the boarders recently on weekends. We have had a group of TGS and Fairholme boarders watch a game of Aussie Rules between the Brisbane Lions and Hawthorne. They picked a good night to attend with the Lions staging a great comeback to win the game. We also had a recent trip to the Small Bore Rifle Range where a group of boarders competed against each other in a target shooting session. We’ve also had another very popular outing to laser skirmish where a large group of boarders enjoyed this high energy activity. It is important that there are recreational opportunities for the boys on the weekends and it has been encouraging to see good numbers attending recent activities.

As the end of term is getting close I remind you to provide your son’s Housemaster with the appropriate end of term departure

details. This information about when and how your son is departing is very important and each House must send its information through to the Headmaster’s Office prior to boarders departing. Thank you very much in advance for attending to this.

The boys are very much looking forward to the upcoming holidays and I hope that you are able to spend some quality time with your son over this period.

Jim NobleDirector of Boarding

Dear Boarding Parents,


Head of Senior School

Deputy Headmaster

Head of Junior School

Director of Studies

Director of Sport and Activities

Director of Boarding

Director of Performance



Boarder Parents’ Support Group

School Notices

Career Advisers

Director of Performance

Established 1875


Director of Performance

R’n’B Band performing at the Music Showcase Concert

State Honour Ensemble Program

Four Toowoomba Grammar students were selected to attend the prestigious State Honours Ensemble Program, Middle School, South East Queensland, from Friday, 31 May to Sunday, 2 June at the Queensland Conservatorium, Griffith University. Congratulations to Ruben Fitton (Year 8), Nicholas Bielby (Year 7), Darcy Meagher (Year 7) and Ruben Kruger (Year 5) for their selection and participation in this wonderful event. The boys reported that the experience was very inspiring.

Read My Lips

The Junior, Intermediate and Senior TiGAA students performed very well at the Read My Lips Lip Synching Competition on Friday, 31 May. It was wonderful to see students from other schools also participate in this event. Congratulations to Mrs Eylece Blaikie and Mrs Lucy Andreas for their organisation of this very entertaining event.

Music Showcase

Congratulations to all performers for their outstanding performances on Friday, 7 June at the Music Showcase. The standard of the playing was very high, and the wide variety of musical genres presented was impressive. Producing a high-quality concert is a team effort and I would like to thank all the staff and students involved for their hard work in rehearsals leading up to the concert. The concert was designed to showcase the talents of the students in the Band and Instrumental Program as they complete their final preparations for the upcoming Toowoomba Instrumental Eisteddfod. We wish all instrumentalists well for their performances in the Eisteddfod early next term.

Term Three Events

• Toowoomba Instrumental Eisteddfod Thursday, 25 July to Wednesday, 7 August, Empire Theatre

• GPS Day of Excellence – Years 5, 6 & 7 Tuesday, 6 August, Brisbane

• The Wedding Singer Thursday, 15 to Saturday, 17 August, Empire Theatre

• Paul Morton Choral Festival Tuesday, 27 August, Downlands College

• Big Band & R’n’B Band Extravaganza Saturday, 31 August, Armitage Centre, 7:00pm

• Senior School Singers’ Trophy Competition Sunday, 8 September, Old Hall, 2:00pm

Natalie OttoDirector of PerformanceSenior TiGAA at Read My Lips

Big Band

Guitar Ensemble

Angus Mohr

Lorenzo Caso


Head of Senior School

Deputy Headmaster

Head of Junior School

Director of Studies

Director of Sport and Activities

Director of Boarding

Director of Performance



Boarder Parents’ Support Group

School Notices

Career Advisers

From the Library

In my search I include sections of the Library most used for recreational reading, which are fiction, biography, manga and graphic novels. The manga have been hugely popular this year with our readers, with some having read the entire collection.

I include, for your information, the following lists. This enables you to see what is popular with our students, and may give you some ideas to suggest for your sons’ reading interests, or for other young men in your lives. Years 7 and 8

The books featured in my fortnightly book talks with Year 7 and 8 Reading classes appear often in the top ten most borrowed resources.

1. The Iron Trial by Holly Black and Cassandra Clare

2. Hatchet by Gary Paulsen

3. Spud by John Heffernan

4. Diary of a Wimpy Kid series by Jeff Kinney

5. Cell 7 by Kerry Drewery

6. Bill the Bastard: The story of

Australia’s Greatest War Horse by Roland Perry

7. Divine Madness by Robert Muchamore

8. Dragon Ball, Vol. 1 by Akira Toriyama, Gerard Jones and Mari Morimoto

9. Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan

10. The Ruins of Gorlan by John Flanagan

Years 9 and 10 Manga is very popular with our Year 9 and 10 borrowers.

1. The Cherub series by Robert MuchamoreDuel at Araluen by John Flanagan

2. The Dead of the Night by John Marsden

3. Magnus Chase and the Sword of Summer by Rick Riordan

4. The Red Fox Clan by John Flanagan

5. Ancient Magus Bride series by Kore


6. Arata, the Legend by Yu Watase

7. Assassination Classroom series by Yusei Matsui and Bryant Turnage

8. Attack on Titan series by Hajime Isayama

9. Black Cat series by Kentaro Yabuki Years 11 and 12

As is usual, with the increased workload in Years 11 and 12, borrowing decreases.

1. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee

2. Animal Farm by George Orwell

3. Black Juice by Margo Lanagan

4. The Blood of Olympus by Rick Riordan

5. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak

6. The Call of Cthulhu and Other Weird Tales by H.P. Lovecraft

7. Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins

8. Time Riders series by Alex Scarrow

9. A Clash of Kings by George R.R. Martin

10. Dune by Frank Herbert

Liz DerouetHead of Library and Information Services

As always at this time of the semester, I report on the most popular resources borrowed from the Library.


Library Opening Hours

Monday to Thursday: 7:30am – 5:00pm

Friday 7:30am – 4:00pm

Sunday 1:00pm – 4:00pm

Established 1875



Head of Senior School

Deputy Headmaster

Head of Junior School

Director of Studies

Director of Sport and Activities

Director of Boarding

Director of Performance



School Notices

Career Advisers

Boarder Parents’ Support Group

Established 1875




Here the cadets were challenged to navigate by compass, map, ground, at night and during the day, over hills, down valleys and all over the sprawling property. The day started with the Toowoomba Road Runners and Mrs Stacey Nottle providing the cadets with a basic lesson in Orienteering and sending them off in teams to find the checkpoints. So much fun was had by all and we thank the Road Runners and Mrs Nottle for their time. After lunch more navigation was plotted and conducted. This time the cadets had access to a Navigation Data Sheet, Compass and Map and were set off in their sections to find the checkpoints. All were successful. As night crawled in and the temperature dropped, the last of the navigation was conducted. In the dark it is much more difficult to see your map and follow your bearing; however, all sections managed to successfully navigate around the area and return to HQ. After a cold but decent night’s

sleep, it was back to the action on the Sunday with a homemade round of the Amazing Race where sections race to complete different tasks, an engaging and interesting way to complete a weekend bivouac. Thanks must also be shared with Mr Geoff Quinn for providing excellent radio communication over the weekend and Mrs Allison Stalley for her fantastic hot food that was enjoyed by us all.

As Term two winds down, we at TGS ACU find ourselves plotting and planning for what is to come in the next term. Already on the cards is a new bivouac, new lessons and a whole heap of practice for our main camp in the September holidays. Always Onwards and Upwards in the Toowoomba Grammar School Cadet Unit.

LT(AAC) Lauren Trevisani TGSACU Administration

On the weekend, 25 - 26 May 2019, TGS ACU set out on an adventurous navigation bivouac to Gordon Country, Goomburra.

Cadets happy to have reached a checkpoint

Cadets crossing a “minefield” under the direction of the

remainder of their section


Head of Senior School

Deputy Headmaster

Head of Junior School

Director of Studies

Director of Sport and Activities

Director of Boarding

Director of Performance



Boarder Parents’ Support Group

School Notices

Career Advisers

I find it hard to believe that we are already nearing the halfway mark for the school year. However, I am sure the boys are ready for a well-earned break after another busy term.

Please remember to contact your House Rep or me if you have anything you would like raised at the next Boarder Parents’ Support Group meeting which is to be held on Thursday, 20 June, at 12pm. Please note the new time and it will be held in Old Hall due to the Athletics Carnival running that day from the Pavilion.

A reminder that the laundry now offers a jumper wash which is separate from the normal wash. This will be continued in Term Three. Jumpers are washed at the end of the laundry day on a cool cycle with a wool wash sanitizer. Boys need to keep in mind that jumpers might not return as quickly as a normal wash.

After the holidays you should receive an

invitation to the Boarder Parents’ Mothers Luncheon, to be held in the TGS Pavilion on Friday, 30 August. This coincides with a home rugby game on the Saturday. This is a great opportunity in an informal atmosphere to get to know mothers from your House and others. Please don’t feel uncomfortable that you won’t know anyone, as your House Rep will be there to make introductions. We recommend that you make the effort to attend, as it is an ideal occasion to meet other families and feel more a part of the School Community.

Finally, Boarder Bake for Rugby games - I will be around on the drop off day for Term Three and happy to meet with parents if you have any home bake that can go in the freezer to get us stocked up for canteen during the rugby season. You will receive in the first week of Term Three the list of dates for rugby home games and a request asking to help with home bake. It is a small way in which

boarding families can help support the P & F and is much appreciated by supporters who always enjoy the home baked treats. Contact out Boarder Baking Co-ordinator – Ruth Johnston –

Good luck to all students competing at the Athletics carnival on Thursday in Week 9. I encourage all boarder parents to come and spectate for the day and I look forward to catching up with many of you on the day.

I wish everyone a safe and happy holiday. May you enjoy some quality family time with your precious sons.

Kind regards,Kym WrightPresident, Boarder Parents’ Support Group

Boarder Parents’ Support GroupHello Boarder Parents,

Boarder Parents’ Support Group

Established 1875



Head of Senior School

Deputy Headmaster

Head of Junior School

Director of Studies

Director of Sport and Activities

Director of Boarding

Director of Performance



Boarder Parents’ Support Group

School Notices

Career Advisers

From the Careers AdvisersYear 10 Career Interviews

During the first four weeks of Term Three, Mrs Ball and Mrs Nottle will be conducting Career Interviews with Year 10 boys and their parents. The aim of these meetings is to discuss the boys’ Career Avenues career profiles and their subject choices for Year 11 and 12. All Year 10 parents have now been emailed details and information on how to book these appointments. If you have not received the email, please contact Mrs Tanya Simpson at the Careers Office - at or on 07 4687 2603.

Year 12 Parents

During the first four weeks of Term Three, Mrs Nottle will be meeting with Year 10 boys and their parents but will continue to work with Year 12 in their career classes. She will be available for individual appointments with Year 12 boys, if necessary, after Tuesday, 13 August. If there is anything you wish to discuss with her before the end of term, she will be available on Thursday, 20 June (Track and Field) and Friday, 21 June. Please email her on for an appointment.

QTAC Guides will be available to Year 12 boys from 15 July. Applications open on 1 August. Late in Term Three, I will offer Year

12 parents a QTAC Information Seminar which will cover the application process and timelines for Year 12 students, HECS and HELP Loans, Youth Allowance and the proposed changes to the cost of tertiary study.

University Open Days run in late July and August and are a great opportunity for parents and their sons to visit prospective universities, discus course offerings with university experts, get a feel for the culture and vibe of the university, become familiar with accommodation options and find out about opportunities such as scholarships and overseas exchange programs. Information on Open Days and Tertiary Study Expos can be found here.

Accommodation Offer for UQ Open Day

UQ’s Open Day is on Sunday, 4 August. Mr Stephen Foley from St Leo’s College at UQ has kindly offered accommodation for the night of Saturday, 3 August to TGS students. TGS parents are also welcome. As places are limited, I recommend interested parents contact the College as soon as possible to make arrangements.

The Tertiary Studies Expo (TSXPO) will be running at the Brisbane Showgrounds on Saturday, 20 and Sunday, 21 July. Go to https://www. for further information.

Bond with Bond Seminar & University of New England Early Entry

Mr Scott Williamson from Bond University will be presenting a seminar for students and parents in the Jacaranda Room on Tuesday, 16 July from 5.30pm to 7:00pm. This is a great opportunity for interested students and families to find out about the unique Bond difference, as well as hear from a Toowoomba student currently studying at Bond University. To view more details and register for the event, please go to the following link –

University of New England Early Entry closes Friday, 27 September 2019

Applications are to be completed online at There is no requirement for the boys to also complete a QTAC application but students may decide to submit QTAC for courses at other universities. Work Experience

Any Year 10, 11 and 12 boys wanting to complete work experience during the

Established 1875


Careers Advisers


Head of Senior School

Deputy Headmaster

Head of Junior School

Director of Studies

Director of Sport and Activities

Director of Boarding

Director of Performance



Boarder Parents’ Support Group

School Notices

Career Advisersupcoming school holidays should speak to Mrs Rathie in the Careers Office as soon as possible.

Qantas Group Pilot Academy

Estimates suggest that 790,000 more pilots will be required globally over the next 20 years. To meet this growing demand, the Qantas Group will be opening their Pilot Academy in Toowoomba in September.

The Qantas Group Pilot Academy aims to produce industry-ready pilots with a strong focus on safety and quality of training, delivered in an inclusive and supportive environment. Training will be facilitated by Flight Training Adelaide (FTA) with support from the Qantas Group to provide an outstanding student experience.

Qantas will also be offering a scholarship program to make a number of grants available. These range from covering the cost of accommodation through to full training.

If you’re born to fly and serious about a career in aviation, applications for the first intake are now open.

Find out more and apply by clicking here.

BHP 2020 Apprenticeship Program

BHP is currently taking applications for its 2020 Apprenticeship Program, offering

a number of opportunities within the Bowen Basin communities. This is an opportunity for school leavers or mature aged candidates to gain experience and a trade qualification in the following areas:

• Automotive Electrical• Diesel Fitting• Electrical• Mechanical Fitting• Boilermaking• Refrigeration Mechanic

Prerequisites for Automotive Electrical, Diesel Fitting, Mechanical Fitting and Boilermaking trades is a minimum Year 12 pass in prevocational Mathematics and English or equivalent.

Prerequisites for Electrical roles is a minimum Year 12 pass in Mathematics B and English. To findout more about the opportunity and apply, click here. Anglo-American 2020 Mining Apprenticeship Program

Applications for Anglo-American’s 2020 Electrical & Mechanical Apprenticeship Program at Moranbah North Mine are now open.

Successful applicants will join the Moranbah

North Operation as either an Electrical Apprentice or a Mechanical Apprentice. The apprenticeship includes on-the-job training combined with classroom-based training.

Throughout the program you will rotate to different operational areas of the mine, helping you develop your technical skills as well as gaining professional and personal experience. Camp accommodation is offered for those individuals who do not reside in Moranbah. Applications close Friday, 21 June. To find out more and apply, click here.

Stacy Nottle and Jenny BallCareers Advisers

Careers Advisers

Mrs Ball and Mrs Nottle will be conducting Career Interviews with Year 10 boys and their parents.

The aim of these meetings is to discuss the boys

Career Avenues career profiles and their subject choices for Year 11 and 12.


Head of Senior School

Deputy Headmaster

Head of Junior School

Director of Studies

Director of Sport and Activities

Director of Boarding

Director of Performance



Boarder Parents’ Support Group

School Notices

Career Advisers

School Notices

Established 1875


A GPS School for boys Prep - Year 12Boarders from Year 5

PO Box 2900, Toowoomba QLD 4350 AUSTRALIA24 Margaret Street, East Toowoomba QLD 4350 AUSTRALIA

Telephone: (07) 4687 2500 Facsimile: (07) 4687 2666Email:

ABN 86 510 299 250 - CRICOS Reg No. 00525D

School Notices

The Uniform Shop has a range of stationery items and as a service to the boys we carry $30 & $50 Telstra phone/data cards. So please remember us next time you need to top up.For boys who earn awards to be embroidered on their Blazer,

we ask that boys bring their Blazer to the Uniform Shop by Thursday afternoon. The Blazers are away for a full week. Collection and payment will be the following Friday. Cost varies depending on where the award is to be embroidered.

Uniform Shop

Grammar Downlands Day

Toowoomba Grammar School will play Downlands College in their annual

rugby fixtures on Saturday, 27 July 2019.

Toowoomba Grammar School will host the competition this year.

The 1st XV will play for the O’Callaghan Cup at 2:30pm.

Guests are requested to please observe the No Alcohol policy which will apply at this event.

Also, due to the expected crowds, parking on the grounds of the School will be very restricted.

Uniform Shop Opening Hours

The Uniform Shop will close for school holidays Thursday, 20 June at 5pm, and will reopen for Term

Three, Monday, 15 July 8am to 5pm.

Opening Hours During Term timesMonday 8:00am-5:00pm

Tuesday-Friday 1:00pm-5:00pm

Email: | Ph: 07 4687 2528

Positive ParentingEvery month releases a new series for parents and students. This month’s

topic is ‘Positive Parenting’. TGS encourages all parents to click on the box on the right to

watch this informative and helpful series on healthy parent and child relationships.
