ESURRECTION OF THE ORD CATHOLIC CHURCH · Cuando un alma generosa responde “sí” a Dios, él...


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Parish Administration Contact Information: Parish Office:(210)675-1470

Fax:(210)675-8203 Office Hours: Monday-Friday

9:00am12:00pm 1:00pm to 5:00pm; Saturday & Sunday Closed

Parish Secretary: Erika Cabrera Ex: 0 E-mail: CCD Director: Mickie Ruiz Ex: 5 E-mail: Parish Helpers and Receptionist: Anita Gallardo, Dora Villarreal and Noemi Cavazos Plant Manager: Jorge Saucedo Facilities Coord./Hall/Pav/BBQ Pit Rental: Frank Alvarado (210) 673-3706 Email: Coordinator Of Extra Ordinary Eucharistic Ministers: Mickie Ruiz E-Mail: Coordinator Of Sacristan: Janie Villarreal (210) 723-8045 Ministry of Lectors Coordinators: Frank Alvarado (English) Julio Gonzalez (Spanish) Ministry of Ushers and Greeters: Mr. Santos Sandoval (210) 674-4604 Corrdinator of Ministry of Music: Gary Fernandez E-Mail: Special Mass Coordinator: Miros Flach (210) 422-8969 Altar Server’s Coordinator: Jorge Ramirez E-mail: Finance Council President: E-mail: Festival Leaders: Carlos Leos; Sheila Kiolbassa; Deacon George Salazar and Richard Sanchez.

Parish and Non-Parish Organizations Knight of Columbus: Carlos Leos Sr. (210) 473-4337 E-mail: Marians: Diana Alvarado (210) 673-3706 Ultreya: Jaime & Ma. Elena Meza (210)748-5817 Grupo de Oración: Daniel Ruiz (210) 501-5373 & Angélica Villa de Ruiz (210) 749-2787 miércoles 7:00pm a 9:00pm en el salón Divina Misericordia: Anayeli Hernandez (210) 607-3360 CYO: E-Mail: Homebound/Bereavement Ministry Coordinator: Name: Angie Ramirez (210) 859-7671

Movimiento Familiar Cristiano: Juan David & Adriana Montoya (210) 330-2223 E-mail: ACTS: Richard Leos (210) 290-5230 E-mail: Misioneros: Mr. & Mrs. Jesus Ramos (210) 673-7289 Teen Acts/ Youth Ministry: Mr. & Mrs. Richard Sanchez Email: Teen Acts Email: Guadalupanos: Ana Velasco (210) 355-1871 St. Vincent de Paul: Sheila Kiolbassa (210) 673-4038 E-mail: President of Pastoral Council: Gary Fernandez E-Mail: Building Committee President: Frank Alvarado E-mail:

7990 West Mil i tary Drive San Antonio, Texas 78227-1850

Eucharist Liturgy (Mass) Misas

Saturday 8:00am 5:30pm

Sunday 8:00am

Domingo 10:00am

Sunday 12:00p

Thursday 8:30am

Mon/Tues/Wed/Fri 7:00am 6:00pm

Domingo 5:00p

Parish Clergy:

Pastor: Fr. Tomy Thomas, HGN Ex: 6 Email:

Parochial Vicar: Fr. Roji Peter, HGN Ex: 6 Email: Deacon George Salazar (210) 831-5451 Ex: 7 Deacon Jose Angel Martinez (210) 606-4404 Ex: 7

Eucharistic Adoration: Thursday from 8:30am -9:00pm Adoración del Santísimo Sacramento: Jueves de 8:30 a.m.– 9:00 p.m Bible Study: English Monday’s 7:00pm to 8:30pm in St. Peter & Paul Room Spanish Tuesday’s 7:00pm to 8:30pm in St. Peter & Paul Room

Chapel Hours for Prayer: Monday-Friday 7:00am — 7:00 pm;

Saturday: 7:00 am— 7:00pm

Velas disponibles en la oficina por una mínima donación. Candles available for purchase in the office. BAPTISMS, MARRIAGES, QUINCEAÑERAS, DEBUT & FUNERALS: Please contact the of-fice. RECONCILIATION: Thursday 9:30am to 11:00am or 20 minutes before and after all weekday and weekend masses. BAUTISMOS, MATRIMONIOS, QUINCEAÑERAS Y FUNERALES: Favor de llamar a la oficina. RECONCILIACIÓN: 20 minutos antes y después de cada Misa durante la semana y el fin de semana.

Mass intentions

Intenciones de la Misa Saturday, January 6th 8:00 am Pro Populo 5:30 pm Gaspar, Gabriel y Demetria Garcia Kurt & Mary Thistlethwaite Sunday, January 7th 8:00 am Pro Populo 10:00 am Monico, Paul, Nazario Huerta Maria de la Luz, Santiago, Alvarado & Reyna Herrera Luis Cisneros Luciano Brito Artemio de Hoyos Maria Justina Carreon Dora E. Davalos & Julio Ramos 12:00 pm Michael Ray Arzola Steven Long 5:00pm Pro Populo Monday, January 8th 7:00am — 6:00 pm — Tuesday, January 9th 7:00am — 7:00 pm — Wednesday, January 10th 7:00am — 6:00 pm — Thursday, January 11th 8:30 am Michael Ray Arzola Friday, January 12th 7:00am — 6:00 pm —

† Decease Special Inten on Wedding (Anniversary) Birthday Thanksgiving

Celebrations for this

Saturday: January 6, 2018 12:00pm — 1:30pm — 3:00pm —

December 24, 2017


December 25, 2018


2nd collection $878.62

December 31, 2017


January 1, 2018


CCD $173.00

• CCD Info • San Juan Del Valle Trip • 2018 Archbishop’s Appeal For more details see pages 3, 4 & 5.


GOD’S PROMISE TO ALL PEOPLE Today Isaiah reminds the people of God that the land shall be restored to their possession, they shall rejoice to see their people return from the bondage of exile, and that they shall be a light to the nations. In other words, through the people of Israel, the Savior shall come to all people who seek God with a sincere heart. This brings joy and the radiance of God’s glory to all the world and to all people everywhere. Through the fidelity of the people of God, and through God’s fidelity to them, all people shall become God’s children and rejoice in the fulfillment of God’s promise to Israel. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — You shall be radiant at what you see, your heart shall throb and overflow (Isaiah 60:1-6). Psalm — Lord, every nation on earth will adore you (Psalm 72). Second Reading — The Gentiles are copartners in the promise in Christ Jesus (Ephesians 3:2-3a, 5-6). Gospel — The magi were overjoyed at seeing the star (Matthew 2:1-12). EASTERN STAR Fair eastern star, that art ordain’d to run Before the sages, to the rising Sun, Here cease thy course, and wonder that the cloud Of this poor stable can thy Maker shroud. —Sir John Beaumont

The Epiphany of the Lord January 7, 2018 All kings shall pay him homage, all nations shall serve him. — Psalm 72:11

TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Where on earth would you go to honor the ma-gi? Iran or Saudi Arabia, Tarshish or the Isles come to mind, but Cologne, Germany would be a good choice. There the Shrine of the Three Kings has been the centerpiece of the city’s cathedral since the fourth century. Today it is the largest reliquary in the world: a gilded and ornamented triple casket gleaming high above the altar. In the fourth century, the supposed relics of the wise men were taken from Constantinople to Milan, where they remained until the German Emperor with the unlikely name Frederick Barbarossa (Red Beard) gave them to the Archbishop of Cologne. Ever since, pilgrims have streamed into the city to honor the magi, the first of all pilgrims, and thus the heavenly patrons of all who have some holy wanderlust. This largest Gothic cathedral in Europe today was begun in the mid-1200s to house the relics. In medieval times, the relics in a city’s possession were often the key to a sound international economy. The reliquary was last opened in 1864, and the remains of three men were indeed discovered. The cathedral is well worth a visit, with enormous twin spires forming the largest façade of any church in the world (it is the model for St. Patrick’s in New York). Con-struction began in 1248 and ended in 1880, a six-hundred-year project. Today, it is a World Heritage Site, described by the U.N. as “an exceptional work of human creative genius.” This great treasure of our tradition suffered fourteen direct bomb hits in World War II but did not collapse. It survived while the city burned around it, preserved, the townspeople say, by three heavenly patrons. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.


LA PROMESA DE DIOS A TODOS Hoy Isaías le recuerda al pueblo de Dios que recuperará su tierra, que se alegrará al ver que las personas regresan del cautiverio del exilio y que será una luz para todos los pueblos. En otras pala-bras, por medio del pueblo de Israel, el Salvador llegará a todos los pueblos que buscan a Dios con un corazón sincero. Esto traerá la alegría y el res-plandor de la gloria de Dios a todo el mundo y a todos los pueblos. Gracias a la fidelidad del pueblo de Dios y, gracias a la fidelidad de Dios con ellos, todos serán sus hijos y se alegrarán con el cumpli-miento de su promesa a Israel. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc. LECTURAS DE HOY Primera lectura — ¡Levántate y brilla, Jerusalén! La gloria del Señor amaneció sobre ti (Isaías 60:1-6). Salmo — Se postrarán ante ti, Señor, todos los pueblos de la tierra (Salmo 72 [71]). Segunda lectura — El misterio de que los gentiles son coherederos, socios en la promesa en Jesucris-to, se ha dado a conocer a los hombres (Efesios 3:2-3a, 5-6). Evangelio — Magos del oriente llegaron, dicien-do: “¿Dónde está el rey de los judíos que ha naci-do?” (Mateo 2:1-12). HAGO EPIFANÍA Cuando un alma generosa responde “sí” a Dios, él baja al mundo, se hace Epifanía. —Anónimo

La Epifanía del Señor 7 de enero de 2018 Ante él se postrarán todos los reyes y todas las naciones. — Salmo 72(71):11

TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE Melchor, Gaspar y Baltasar son los nombres que la tradición ha dado a los tres reyes magos. Pero ¿quién dijo que eran tres? Según San Mateo (Mt 2:1‑12) fueron sabios del oriente que trajeron oro, incienso y mirra a Jesús. La imaginación cristiana decidió que cada regalo requería alguien que lo re-galara. Se fija así el número de sabios en tres. Por ser astrólogos del oriente, tenían que ser magos. Ve-nían buscando al nuevo rey de Israel y fue así que se les da el papel de reyes que representaban los tres continentes conocidos en la época medieval: Asia, África y Europa. Ellos también representan tres edades humanas: juventud, madurez y vejez. Melchor (rey de la luz), fue un anciano europeo que obsequió oro al Rey Je-sús; Gaspar (tesorero) fue un joven asiático que re-galó incienso al Niño Dios y Baltasar (dios proteja al rey) fue un hombre africano que donó mirra al Hijo del Hombre. Hoy día habría que incluir una niña americana y una adolescente australiana a la lista de reyes ma-gos. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.


Information Parents of CCD Children that need to be baptized

can come to the office on January 7, 2018 and pick up the baptism registration form. Forms are due

back to the office by January 14, 2017.

Información Padres de los niños que se están preparando para

recibir la comunión que aun no han sido bautizados por favor de pasar a la oficina después del 7 de

enero para recoger la forma de registración para el bautizo de su hijo o hija. Las formas deberán ser

entregada antes del 14 de enero.

Cost: $45.00 per Person

Day Trip to Basilica of our Lady of San Juan

& Progresso, Mexico

Saturday March 10, 2018

Bus leaving from Resurrection of the Lord Church 7990 West Military Dr. at 5:30am

Sign up every Sunday before and after mass in the parish hall until bus fills up

starting Jan. 14 –28, 2018 First come first served.

Further information call

Janie Villarreal at (210) 723-8045 or Margarita Perez at (210) 449-3785

Passport required to cross

into Progresso.

The 2018 Archbishop’s Appeal has begun with a theme In the Spirit of Love and an overall Appeal

goal of $4.5 million. Our 2018 Appeal parish goal is $19,610.

The Archbishop’s Appeal is the annual ongoing

effort of the Catholic community, which supports more than 40 ministries that evangelize Christ’s

people locally in the faith and serves those in need.

Pray on how you and your loved ones may consider renewing your gift or making a gift for the first

time. Your support is essential to ensuring that we as the local church are able to continue providing the Catholic Appeal ministries that aid homeless women and children, care for our retired clergy,

clothe and feed the poor, support the education and spiritual formation of men preparing to serve our parish communities as a priest or deacon, comfort

the hospitalized, share our mission of faith with the incarcerated, provide Catholic tuition assistance to

families in need and so much more!

Please pray for the success of the Archbishop’s Appeal and make your gift today by completing the

Archbishop’s Appeal pledge card sent to your home, here in the pew on the weekend of

January 20-21, online at or by calling

the Office of Archbishop’s Appeal at 210-734-1604.

If this is your first time making a gift to the Appeal and are unsure of how much to give, consider a gift of 1% of your total household income, $1 for each day of the year ($365), or a gift in any amount that

your circumstances permit. You may also make pledge gift payments. Gifts of all size are

appreciated and 100% of your gift will go directly to ministries. Share the light of hope and the love of Christ with others through the Archbishop’s Appeal. Your gift will also help us to meet our 2018 Appeal

parish goal. Thank you for your prayers and generosity. May God bless you!