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Telemarketing Daily Processing Menu 3-1



DBS 2000 3-2


Telemarketing Daily Processing Menu 3-3


Purpose:This function allows you to perform the Daily functions for use in theTelemarketing System. These include doing groupings, group calling,and resetting groups, as well as the managerial feature that allowsmanagers to see what the totals for each telemarketer are at a singlekeystroke.

Access:Enter the Telemarketing System by pressing [T]m in the Top MenuLevel of the DBS2000 System. From there, press [3] to enter the DailyProcessing Menu. In the Daily Processing Menu you must chose oneof the functions listed in the Overview section in which to perform.

Overview:The functions found in this menu are as follows:

[2] Prospect Information Master

This function is the main prospecting screen in which you canaccess all history information about the prospect, all equipmentdetail, all contacts as well as output specific prospectinformation.

[3] Reset Customer Groups

This function allows you to reset the customer's in atelemarketing group once you are finished using the group.This allows the group to be reset so that the customer's can begrouped again in a different group.

[4] Customer Group Selection

This function allows you to create a customer group based onthe criteria you select. By setting up a group, you are allowedto use the group for reporting purposes as well as fortelemarketing group calling, either automatic or manualdialing.

DBS 2000 3-4

[5] Customer Group List

This function allows you to print lists of the customer groupsyou have set up. This is useful if you are not using theautomatic dialing feature of the Telemarketing System.

[6] Telemarketing Group Calling

This function allows you to use the automatic dialing feature ofthe telemarketing system to dial any group that you haveselected. It also allows you to view all history, equipment andservice agreement information for a prospect or customer.

[7] Interval Group Calling

This function allows you to call all customers who have notplaced an order within the specified interval period set up ontheir Customer Master Screen.

[8] Actions of Customer Calling

This function allows you to see all actions that have takenplace on any one of your customer calling groups. You mayselect particular actions or dates to see, for example, how mayquotes have been generated on a particular day.

[9] Current Telemarketing Activity

This function allows you to oversee telemarketing activity tomanage your telemarketing staff. It allows you to see the inand out times for each telemarketer, as well as the total calls,total appointments, total rejects, and the percentage of success.

[10] Quote Entry for Prospects

This function allows you to enter quotes for prospectivecustomers. Based on the type of quote you have set up in theMaintenance section, you will either enter Job Quotes for JobCosting or Order Quotes for Order Entry.

Chose one of these options to perform and reference that ManualSection for further help or explanation of that function.

Telemarketing Daily Processing Menu 3-5


DBS 2000 3-6



Prospect Information Master 3-7


DBS 2000 3-8


Purpose:This function allows you to track prospect information. This includescontacts with this company or individual, unlimited lines of memos,activity and categories of interest. This is the main prospectinformation screen where all history information is kept, as well as allof the contact information.

Overview:In all of the Prospect Information Master fields, the following keys areused for these functions:

Insert: Allows you to insert a line, activity, contact or interestcategory.

Home: Sends you to the top of the memo, top of the list ofactivities, top of the list of contacts, or top of the list ofinterest areas.

[Shift]Home: Sends you to the bottom of the memo, list of activities,list of contacts, or list of interest areas.

Page Up: Scrolls the screen up in any of the categories you arein.

Page Down: Scrolls the screen down in any of the categories youare in.

End: Sends you to the end of the line you are on.Delete: Deletes the line of memo, interest category, contact,

or activity with the customer.F1: Allows you to leave a box that you are in. Often

interchangeable with F4 only in this function. Whenthey are interchangeable, it is noted in the manual.

F5: Allows you to browse information similar to the otherareas of the DBS2000 System. This function also actsas a means for entering telemarketing activity in theContact field. By pressing [F5], you will enter theActivity Notes screen for this prospect.

F6: This key has the following purposes in each box:

Brw: In the Activity Box, F6 works to allow you toupdate the activity memos for the activity thecursor in on.

Mmo: In the Memo Box, pressing F6 will expand thememo for the current customer to the fullscale, allowing you to see the full memo onone screen, without having to scroll the

Prospect Information Master 3-9

screen.Cnt: In the Contact Box, the F6 is used to see the

full list of contacts on one full size screen.This is done by entering the Contract Box, thenpressing [F6].

Int: The F6 function in the Interest Box allows youto see a full scale of the Interest Box. This isespecially helpful to allow you to see all of theinterest areas of the company, along with theirdisposition levels, all on one screen.

Numeric Keys:In the ACTIVITY BOX and theACTIVITY NOTES DETAIL BOX, if you press anyalpha or numeric key on the keyboard, you will begiven the option to choose the date whose activity youwould like to see. This will move you to that date.This is especially helpful when you are looking throughan extensive list for activity notes from a certain date.

Keep these special functions in mind as you are using this system.These keys are helpful when moving in fields and boxes, allowing youto move more quickly, when entering and reviewing information tomake the viewable information more complete and easy to read, andfinally, when you are entering data, to insure you are entering datacorrectly.

Access:Enter the Telemarketing System by pressing [T]m in the Top Level ofthe DBS2000 System. From there, press [3] to enter the DailyProcessing Menu. Finally, press [2] to enter this function.

Within the Prospect Information Master are five boxes of information.Each box pertains to a different area of information you wish to keepon the current prospect. In order to better organize the manual, it hasbeen separated as per these boxes. They are:

1.) PROSPECTIVE MASTER - Includes information suchas the customers name, address, lead type, etc.

2.) CONTACTS - Includes with whom you have madecontacts within this company or household.Information included is extension, salutation, name,title, phone number and notes.

3.) MEMO - Allows you to enter an unlimited number oflines of memos about this prospect.

4.) ACTIVITY - This box contains information about theactivity of this prospect. It includes activity type

DBS 2000 3-10

(phone call, call scheduled, demo of products, etc.)and the date and time of activity.

5.) CATEGORIES - Contains information about whatinterests the customer holds in your products. It alsoallows you to classify their interest into user definedlevels.

****************************************************************When you press [2] and enter this system, you will forwarded into thesystem.

When you press the above sequence of keys, you will be brought intoa screen with the following question appearing on it:

Change Group? Yes or No Only

Enter [Y]es if you wish to change the telemarketing group fromwhich you are going to call to make it different than what youruser preferences are currently set at. If you do not wish tochange, leave at [N]o.

When you press the above sequence of keys, you will be brought intoa screen with the following question appearing on it:

Change Group? Yes or No Only

Enter [Y]es if you wish to change the telemarketing group fromwhich you are going to call to make it different than what youruser preferences are currently set at. If you do not wish tochange, leave at [N]o.e Name field of the Prospective Masterwill highlight to allow you to search for the ProspectiveCustomer record you wish. The procedure is as follows:

Prospect Information Master 3-11


Name: AlphaNum <= 30

Enter the name of the prospect record you wish to retrieve or create ifyou are adding a new prospect to the system. Enter only theinformation that you are sure of. Because this is a matching field, youcan enter only what you are sure of. If you enter any portionincorrectly, it will not find the information. If you do not know thename but wish to sort for the other fields, skip this field and enter findcriteria into either of those fields.

St#: AlphaNum <= 10

Enter into this field in combination with the address field a streetaddress number if you know it. This field is not an indexed search byitself and must be used in conjunction with the next field.

Addr: AlphaNum <= 30

Enter into this field address information on which you wish to have thesystem do a search by. You can enter up to 30 characters ofinformation. However, remember that it is a string search and willonly find exact matches up to the point of entry. Therefore, it is alwaysbetter to enter too little versus too much. Less information may giveyou several to choose from but this is better than not finding anymatches.

City: AlphaNum <= 20

Enter the city of the prospect. If you do not know the city, leave thisfield blank and enter information into either of the other two find fields.Because this is a match field, enter only what you are sure of,otherwise it will not find the information.

Pros #:

If you are seeking to find a particular prospect, enter the prospectnumber of the prospect. If you are entering a new prospect into thesystem, you do not need to enter a prospect number into this field. Thesystem will assign one to it. This is the tertiary sort criteria.

Once you enter data in these fields, or simply press [Enter] in them, thesystem will review it's database for the Prospect you were seeking. Byentering the above information one of two situations will occur.

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1. The current prospect record will be retrieved from thedatabase.

2. If there was no prospect to match the information you entered,you will be prompted with the following message:

No prospect was found that met that criteria. Would you like to add one?Y

By entering [Y]es you will create a new prospect file for that prospect.In doing this, the system will highlight all of the fields (with theexception of the Pros # field) in the PROSPECTIVE MASTER BOX.You will need to enter the information into those boxes. See the sectionbelow on Adding a Prospective Customer Record for entry informationinto each of the fields.

If you enter [N]o to this question, you will be returned to the Namefield to enter the information again.

If you have retrieved a current prospect file, you will be given a stripmenu with the following options to perform. Each performs a specialfunction. Some of these options are options that have been usedrepetitiously throughout the DBS2000 System. Others are completelynew to you. And still others are functions that have been used before,but they now have new or more functions. For these reasons, all of thepurposes of each function are listed below. Also, all of the fields ofthis function are listed under how to Add to Prospective CustomerRecord.

The functions of the Strip Menu are:

Nxt:By pressing [N]xt in the Strip Menu, the next prospect record inalphabetical order by prospect name will display. If there is not a nextrecord, a message stating that will appear. REMEMBER! This is thenext prospect only for the current telemarketer. This is not for alltelemarketers. The group Id set up in User Maintenance determineswhat telemarketing group that telemarketer belongs to. This is toprevent one telemarketer from seeing other telemarketer's leads. If youwish to have all telemarketers see all leads, set up each user with agroup id the same as your Company Code in Company Maintenance.This will then allow each user to see all prospects.

Prv:By pressing [P]rv in the Strip Menu, the previous prospect record in

Prospect Information Master 3-13

reverse alphabetical order by prospect name will display. If there is nota next record, a message stating this will appear. REMEMBER! Thisis the previous prospect only for the current telemarketer. This is notfor all telemarketers. You will only see the prospects in thattelemarketers group.

Upd:This function allows you to update the information in the ProspectiveMaster box on the screen for the current customer. All fields (with theexception of the Pros #) will highlight allowing you to update any of theinformation. See the section on Adding a customer record for entryinformation.

Go:Allows you to use the find criteria screen described at the beginning ofthis manual section. This function operates exactly like the Go functionof the Customer Master System. It will allow you to return to theProspective Master Box to enter a Name Address and ProspectNumber for the system to do a Prospect search to find a match for theinformation you entered in these boxes. REMEMBER! Do not enterany more information than what you are sure of. If the spelling of aname or address is unsure to you, do not enter anything you are unsureof. This will cause the system to not find a match, instead of givingyou a list of all of the Prospective Customers who meet the minimalcriteria you specified. If you have entered information that does notmatch an existing Prospect, you will be prompted as to whether youwish to add one. If you enter [Y]es, the system will place you into theAdd function and will place the find criteria you entered into theappropriate fields.

Add:This function allows you to add a new prospect file to the system. Thisfile is completely separate from the current file. It is as if you hadentered the new prospect name and address in the find screen at thebeginning. By pressing [A] in this Strip Menu you will be brought intothe first field of the PROSPECTIVE MASTER BOX in this function.The fields are as follows:

FName: AlphaNum <= 20

Enter the customer's first name if it is a person. For businesscustomers, leave this field blank. Do not break up a companyname in the first and last name fields.

Name: AlphaNum <= 25

DBS 2000 3-14

Enter the customer's last name or for business customers, enterthe full business name in this field.

St#: AlphaNum <= 10

Enter the street number address for this customer. It isimportant to put into this field the street number and direction(i.e. 130 W. from the address 130 W. Main Street). By doingthis, it allows the user to look up the customer by the streetwhich they are located on.

Addr: AlphaNum <= 63

Enter up to two lines of address information for this customer.

City: AlphaNum <= 20

Enter the city in which this customer is located or press [F5] tobrowse the available cities.

St: Alpha <= 2

Enter the two digit state abbreviation for the customer's state.

Zip: AlphaNum 5 or 9

Enter the customer's 5 or 9 digit zip code.

Prospect Information Master 3-15

Tel: Numeric = 10

Enter the customer's area code and phone number.

Fax: Numeric = 10

Enter the customer's fax number including area code.

Lead: AlphaNum <= 4

Enter the customer's lead code or press [F5] to browse thechoices of lead codes set up.

Type: AlphaNum <= 4

Enter the customer type you wish to tie to this customer. If youare not sure of your options, press [F5] to browse the customertypes.

Sls: AlphaNum <= 4

Enter the salesperson code that you wish to tie to this customer.If you are not sure of your options, press [F5] to browse thesalesperson codes.

CB: Information Only

This field displays the last person who entered activity inagainst this customer.

Sz: AlphaNum <= 4

Enter the company size.

Tr: AlphaNum <= 4

Enter the territory code tied to this customer.

Cust #: Information Only

This field displays the customer's customer number.

NCD: Date = 6

Enter the next call date that you wish to call this customer.

DBS 2000 3-16

This field is updated as you enter activity for this customer.

LCD: Date = 6

Enter in this field the last call date for this customer. This fieldis automatically updated when you enter activity for thiscustomer.

List: Numeric <= 3

This field should include the mailing list number for thetelemarketing group that you are using. Normally this isupdated by telemarketing activity.

Status: AlphaNum <= 8

This field displays the status of this customer as a result oftelemarketing activity updates.

When you press [Enter] in the last field or [F1] in any field, your entrieswill be accepted and you will return to the strip menu to make anotherselection.

Otp:This option is available only after you have selected a record. Whenyou have a customer record on your screen and select this option, youwill be given the following options:

1. No Output. To opt not to printanything, select #1.

2. Print Big Label. This optionwill print thelarge sizem a i l i n glabels thatn o r m a l l yhave a returnaddress att h e t o p .T h e y a r eapproximately 4" X 3" indiameter.

3. Print Envelope. This option allowsyou to print an

Prospect Information Master 3-17

envelope.4. Print Small Label. This option allows

you to print a 1" X 3"address label.

5. Customer Info. This option prints outt h e h e a d e rinformation only.This includes:-Message-Prospect Name-Address-City-State-Zip-Prospect Number-Lead Type-Prospect Type-Company Size-Phone Number-Fax Number-Country-Next Call Date-Last Call Date

6. All Customer Info. Prints all informationdisplayed on screen.

7. Activity of Customer. P r i n t s a l l s c r e e ninformation, contactsand activity ofcontacts, including:-Mail Merge FlagInformation-Salutations-First and Last Name-Title-Telephone Number-Note-All MemosActivity Informationincluding:-Activity type-Date of activity-Time of activityInterest Informationincluding:

DBS 2000 3-18

-Areas of interest-Level of Interest

Tel:This option is used for automatic dialing of telephone when interfacedwith telemarketing. The options that appear are as follows:

Dial Phone:This option will perform the automatic phone dial either off ofthe aux port on the terminal or PC or the designated port in thatuser's preferences.

Hangup Phone:This option allows you to disconnect the phone call.

Close Call:This option allows you to close the phone call and complete theclosing procedure as set up in the Sales Lead Control File.

Sales Lead:This option takes you into the sales lead detail file to enter thesales lead information. It is designed for leads in which asalesperson will need to call the customer back.

Eqp:This option allows you to enter the customer equipment information.There are two fields. The customer equipment information is used toenter brief equipment classification information for marketing andreporting. The Equipment Types are set up in T-2-8.

Memo:Enter unlimited lines of memo information for this customer.

Cnt:Press [C]ontact to enter contact information or to scroll throughcontacts on your screen. This is also how you can enter contact activitywithout having to go through the telemarketing dialing routine for thiscustomer. If you wish to enter customer activity, press [C]nt to put youinto the contact section of the screen. The fields of information youneed to enter for each contact are as follows:

MM: AlphaNum <= 2

If there is a mailing flag for the contact you are adding, enter

Prospect Information Master 3-19

it in this field. By entering a [*] or another character of yourchoice this contact will be the addressee when a mass maileris done by your company and sent to this prospect. You mayhave more than one contact flagged, allowing multiple mailersto be sent to the same prospect, but different contacts.

Salut: AlphaNum <= 5

Enter the contacts salutation. Example: Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr.,Father, etc.

F-name: AlphaNum <= 10

Enter the first name of this contact at the Prospects Companyor household.

L-name: AlphaNum <= 12

Enter the last name of this contact. The system will not allowyou to continue to the next contact unless you enter a lastname. It is used for indexing the contacts.

Title: AlphaNum <= 10

Enter the title this contact has in the company. Examples:President, Treasurer, Bookkeeper, Accountant, Secretary, etc.

Telephone: Numeric = 10

Enter this contacts telephone number if and only if his/hertelephone number is different than the companies. If thisperson only has a given extension, that can be entered in theNote field. This is especially important if the contact has apersonal line or different number than the company number.If you wish, you may enter a pager number in this field. Then,in the next field, enter a memo reminded yourself that this is apager number.

Note: AlphaNum <= 18

Enter any brief note you wish to add for this contact.Examples: If the telephone number is the contacts car phoneor pager number, this message could be entered, or anextension, the persons disposition, etc.

DBS 2000 3-20

If you wish to enter activity, highlight the contact you wish to enteractivity against. When that contact is highlighted, press [F5]. This willbring up the Activity Notes Detail screen and will give you the abilityto enter the following fields of information.

Type: AlphaNum <= 4

Enter the type of activity you wish to assign. Press [F5] to seeyour list of activities that are set up.

Time: Numeric <= 2.2

This field allows you to track time against activities if thisapplies to you. It is not a mandatory field but could be used,for example, to see how long it takes you to close a deal witha customer.

Activity Notes: AlphaNum <= UnlimitedBy entering information into those fields, you will then beplaced in the Activity Notes. This section allows you to enterunlimited lines of activity notes for this customer. When youare through press [F1] and you will be prompted:

Next Call Date: AlphaNum <= 2

Into this field, you need to enter the next call date for thiscustomer. This is used to fill in the NCD field of the customer.It should be entered in terms of a number and a term. ForExample: To enter one day, [1D], for 2 months, [2M], for threeyears [3Y], etc. The system will then calculate the actual dateand place that in the NCD field. If you wish to change thatdate, you may do so by updating the customer file with the dateyou wish to change it to.

Int:This function allows you to enter areas of interest that apply to thecustomer for solicitation of new business from them. There are threefields of information. They are as follows:

Category: AlphaNum <= 8

Enter the category of interest they have. These are defaultedfrom the set up of T-2-3. If you are not sure of your options,press [F5] to browse.

Prospect Information Master 3-21

Status: AlphaNum <= 2

Enter the status of this prospect concerning this category.These levels are user defined, set up in the Setup Menu of thisfunction. For example: You may wish to set up levels of:

Level 1 = made initial contact on categoryLevel 2 = sent flyer about categoryLevel 3 = received response to flierLevel 4 = customer requested demo/sampleLevel 5 = presented demoLevel 6 = set meeting to discuss priceLevel 7 = met and gave proposalLevel 8 = Approved initial proposalLevel 9 = Set final meetingLevel 10 = Signed contract to purchase

This is just an example of how you could set up yourcategories. It is up to you how you wish to set up your own.

Date: Date = 6

Enter any date information you wish to record regarding thisarea of interest. For Example: The date in which initial interestwas displayed.

By pressing [Enter] in the last field, you will be returned to thestrip menu.

Site:This option allows you to enter up to 6 lines of user defined information.The labels on these fields are defined in the Sales Lead Control File (T-2-5). This option also allows you to enter the following fields ofinformation:

Message: AlphaNum <= 19

This message will display when a telemarketer places a call tothis customer. It is designed to prompt that person for anyspecial message they may need to deliver.

User Defined Fields: AlphaNum <= 90

Into these fields, enter the user defined information.

DBS 2000 3-22

Exp: Date = 6

If you wish this lead to expire, enter an expiration date into thisfield. This can be used as a part of the purging process.

Brw:This function gives you the full Activity Notes Detail Screen. In thisscreen the following information is offered:

- Activity Type- Date of Activity- Time of Activity- Contact Person with whom Activity took place- Full notes of the Activity

The [Page Up] and [Page Down] keys allow you to move up and downthe list of Activity Note Details. Pressing the [Arrow Right] and[Arrow Left] will resort the activities by activity code or by date. Thedefault is by date. Some of the function keys have specific uses withinthis screen. They are as follows:

F1 Allows you to accept any updates you do or leave thisfunction.

F5 If you would like to update the user who entered theinformation, press the [F5]. It will allow you to enterthe user id, enter time information or change theactivity date. This changes it within the system somake sure you wish to do it before you actually enterthe information.

F6 The [F6] allows you to select a starting date foractivities and list the types of activities you wish tosee. This could be used to segregate certain types ofactivities for a specific need (i.e. collections, sales,etc.).

F7 Works as a print screen.F12 The [F12] key will allow you to update the line you are


Look:Works similar to the Go function. The look function allows you to doa search for a specific contact by either or both first and/or last name.This is especially helpful when contacts call you and leave a message,but do not leave the company name with whom they are with. Byentering a name, either first, last, or both, the system will find theclosest match to that entry and display the Customer Master

Prospect Information Master 3-23

Information about them. If there is more than one Contact who meetsthe criteria you have entered, you will be given a browse of all of theContacts who meet the given criteria.

Quot:This option will transfer you into either job quotes, service quotes ororder entry quotes, depending upon which type is set up in the SalesLead Control File. This allows you to enter a quote for the displayedcustomer.

eXit:This function allows you to leave the Customer Information Master andreturn to the Telemarketing Daily Processing Menu.

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Customer Information Master 3-25


DBS 2000 3-26


Purpose:Similar to the prospect information master, this function allows you toaccess customer information including name and address as well ascontacts, equipment, memos, and customer activity notes. When aprospect is converted to a customer, all information that was entered asactivity under the prospect are converted to this file.

Access:Enter the Telemarketing System by pressing [T]m in the Top MenuLevel of the DBS2000 System. From the Main Telemarketing Menu,press [3] to enter the Daily Processing Menu. Finally, within the DailyProcessing Menu, choose [3] to enter the CUSTOMERINFORMATION MASTER Function.

By pressing this sequence of keys, the Customer Information Masterwill display. This is the same customer data record that you accesswhen you enter through the C-3 menu or through R-2-2. It is simplyanother version of that information.

The strip menu will display with the following options within it. Thisstrip menu will allow you to modify and add information to this record.The option of this menu are:

Nxt:This option allows you to display the next customer record sorted bycustomer number.

Prv:This option allows you to display the previous customer record sortedby customer number.

Upd:This option allows you to update the customer header information thatis displayed in the top box. This will update the main customer filewhich is the same one that is accessed through Customer andReceivables.

Customer Information Master 3-27

Go:This function allows you to look up a customer by their name, address,city or customer number. If you enter criteria that matches multiplerecords, it will display all records that match and allow you to chose theone that you want. If there is only one that matches your criteria, it willbe brought up directly.

Ad:This function allows you to add a new customer record to the system.The fields of entry are as follows:

First: AlphaNum <= 20

Enter the customer's first name if it is a person. For businesscustomers, leave this field blank. Do not break up a companyname in the first and last name fields.

Last: AlphaNum <= 25

Enter the customer's last name or for business customers, enterthe full business name in this field.

St#: AlphaNum <= 10

Enter the street number address for this customer. It isimportant to put into this field the street number and direction(i.e. 130 W. from the address 130 W. Main Street). By doingthis, it allows the user to look up the customer by the streetwhich they are located on.

Address: AlphaNum <= 63

Enter up to two lines of address information for this customer.

City: AlphaNum <= 20

Enter the city in which this customer is located or press [F5] tobrowse the available cities.

DBS 2000 3-28

St: Alpha <= 2

Enter the two digit state abbreviation for the customer's state.

Zip: AlphaNum 5 or 9

Enter the customer's 5 or 9 digit zip code.

Tel: Numeric = 10

Enter the customer's area code and phone number.

Fax: Numeric = 10

Enter the customer's fax number including area code.

Lead: AlphaNum <= 4

Enter the customer's lead code or press [F5] to browse thechoices of lead codes set up.

Type: AlphaNum <= 4

Enter the customer type you wish to tie to this customer. If youare not sure of your options, press [F5] to browse the customertypes.

Sls: AlphaNum <= 4

Enter the salesperson code that you wish to tie to this customer.If you are not sure of your options, press [F5] to browse thesalesperson codes.

CB: Information Only

This field displays the last person who entered activity inagainst this customer.

Sz: AlphaNum <= 4

Enter the company size.

Tr: AlphaNum <= 4

Enter the territory code tied to this customer.

Customer Information Master 3-29

Cust #: Information Only

This field displays the customer's customer number.

NCD: Date = 6

Enter the next call date that you wish to call this customer.This field is updated as you enter activity for this customer.

LCD: Date = 6

Enter in this field the last call date for this customer. This fieldis automatically updated when you enter activity for thiscustomer.

List: Numeric <= 3

This field should include the mailing list number for thetelemarketing group that you are using. Normally this isupdated by telemarketing activity.

Status: AlphaNum <= 8

This field displays the status of this customer as a result oftelemarketing activity updates.

When you press [Enter] in the last field or [F1] in any field, your entrieswill be accepted and you will return to the strip menu to make anotherselection.

Otp:This option is available only after you have selected a record. Whenyou have a customer record on your screen and select this option, youwill be given the following options:

1. No Output. To opt not to printanything, select #1.

2. Print Big Label. This optionwill print thelarge sizem a i l i n glabels thatn o r m a l l yhave a returnaddress at

DBS 2000 3-30

t h e t o p .T h e y a r eapproximately 4" X 3" indiameter.

3. Print Envelope. This option allowsyou to print anenvelope.

4. Print Small Label. This option allowsyou to print a 1" X 3"address label.

5. Customer Info. This option prints outt h e h e a d e rinformation only.

6. All Customer Info. Prints all informationdisplayed on screen.

7. Activity of Customer. P r i n t s a l l s c r e e ninformation, contactsand activity ofcontacts.

Tel:This option is used for automatic dialing of telephone when interfacedwith telemarketing. The options that appear are as follows:

Dial Phone:This option will perform the automatic phone dial either off ofthe aux port on the terminal or PC or the designated port in thatuser's preferences.

Hangup Phone:This option allows you to disconnect the phone call.

Close Call:This option allows you to close the phone call and complete theclosing procedure as set up in the Sales Lead Control File.

Sales Lead:This option takes you into the sales lead detail file to enter thesales lead information. It is designed for leads in which asalesperson will need to call the customer back.

Eqp:This option allows you to enter the customer equipment information.

Customer Information Master 3-31

There are two fields. The customer equipment information is used toenter brief equipment classification information for marketing andreporting. The Equipment Types are set up in T-2-8.

Memo:Enter unlimited lines of memo information for this customer.

Cnt:Press [C]ontact to enter contact information or to scroll throughcontacts on your screen. This is also how you can enter contact activitywithout having to go through the telemarketing dialing routine for thiscustomer. If you wish to enter customer activity, press [C]nt to put youinto the contact section of the screen. Highlight the contact you wishto enter activity against. When that contact is highlighted, press [F5].This will bring up the Activity Notes Detail screen and will give youthe ability to enter the following fields of information.

Type: AlphaNum <= 4

Enter the type of activity you wish to assign. Press [F5] to seeyour list of activities that are set up.

Time: Numeric <= 2.2

This field allows you to track time against activities if thisapplies to you. It is not a mandatory field but could be used,for example, to see how long it takes you to close a deal witha customer.

Activity Notes: AlphaNum <= Unlimited

By entering information into those fields, you will then beplaced in the Activity Notes. This section allows you to enterunlimited lines of activity notes for this customer. When youare through press [F1] and you will be prompted:

DBS 2000 3-32

Next Call Date: AlphaNum <= 2

Into this field, you need to enter the next call date for thiscustomer. This is used to fill in the NCD field of the customer.It should be entered in terms of a number and a term. ForExample: To enter one day, [1D], for 2 months, [2M], for threeyears [3Y], etc. The system will then calculate the actual dateand place that in the NCD field. If you wish to change thatdate, you may do so by updating the customer file with the dateyou wish to change it to.

Int:This function allows you to enter areas of interest that apply to thecustomer for solicitation of new business from them. There are threefields of information. They are as follows:

Category: AlphaNum <= 8

Enter the category of interest they have. These are defaultedfrom the set up of T-2-3. If you are not sure of your options,press [F5] to browse.

Status: AlphaNum <= 2

Enter the status of this prospect concerning this category.These levels are user defined, set up in the Setup Menu of thisfunction. For example: You may wish to set up levels of:

Level 1 = made initial contact on categoryLevel 2 = sent flyer about categoryLevel 3 = received response to flierLevel 4 = customer requested demo/sampleLevel 5 = presented demoLevel 6 = set meeting to discuss priceLevel 7 = met and gave proposalLevel 8 = Approved initial proposalLevel 9 = Set final meetingLevel 10 = Signed contract to purchase

This is just an example of how you could set up yourcategories. It is up to you how you wish to set up your own.

Date: Date = 6

Enter any date information you wish to record regarding this

Customer Information Master 3-33

area of interest. For Example: The date in which initial interestwas displayed.

By pressing [Enter] in the last field, you will be returned to thestrip menu.

Site:This option allows you to enter up to 6 lines of user defined information.The labels on these fields are defined in the Sales Lead Control File (T-2-5). This option also allows you to enter the following fields ofinformation:

Message: AlphaNum <= 19

This message will display when a telemarketer places a call tothis customer. It is designed to prompt that person for anyspecial message they may need to deliver.

User Defined Fields: AlphaNum <= 90

Into these fields, enter the user defined information.

Exp: Date = 6

If you wish this lead to expire, enter an expiration date into thisfield. This can be used as a part of the purging process.

Brw:This function gives you the full Activity Notes Detail Screen. In thisscreen the following information is offered:

- Activity Type- Date of Activity- Time of Activity- Contact Person with whom Activity took place- Full notes of the Activity

The [Page Up] and [Page Down] keys allow you to move up and downthe list of Activity Note Details. Pressing the [Arrow Right] and[Arrow Left] will resort the activities by activity code or by date. Thedefault is by date. Some of the function keys have specific uses withinthis screen. They are as follows:

F1 Allows you to accept any updates you do or leave thisfunction.

DBS 2000 3-34

F5 If you would like to update the user who entered theinformation, press the [F5]. It will allow you to enterthe user id, enter time information or change theactivity date. This changes it within the system somake sure you wish to do it before you actually enterthe information.

F6 The [F6] allows you to select a starting date foractivities and list the types of activities you wish tosee. This could be used to segregate certain types ofactivities for a specific need (i.e. collections, sales,etc.).

F7 Works as a print screen.F12 The [F12] key will allow you to update the line you are


Look:Works similar to the Go function. The look function allows you to doa search for a specific contact by either or both first and/or last name.This is especially helpful when contacts call you and leave a message,but do not leave the company name with whom they are with. Byentering a name, either first, last, or both, the system will find theclosest match to that entry and display the Customer MasterInformation about them. If there is more than one Contact who meetsthe criteria you have entered, you will be given a browse of all of theContacts who meet the given criteria.

Quot:This option will transfer you into either job quotes, service quotes ororder entry quotes, depending upon which type is set up in the CustomerMaster Control File. This allows you to enter a quote for the displayedcustomer.

eXit:This function allows you to leave the Customer Information Master andreturn to the Telemarketing Daily Processing Menu.

Customer Information Master 3-35


DBS 2000 3-36


[Tm] Telemarketing Management System[ 3] T/M Daily Processing Menu[ 4] Prospect Group Calling

Prospect Group Calling 3-37


DBS 2000 3-38


Purpose:Allows you to do a telemarketing session only with a specified groupof prospective customers. The group is a group selected in theCustomer Group Selection Function.

Access:Enter the Telemarketing System by pressing [T]m in the Top MenuLevel of the DBS2000 System. From there, press [3] to enter the DailyProcessing Menu. Finally, press [4] to begin a PROSPECT GROUPCALLING session.

When you press the above sequence of keys, you will be brought intoa screen with the following question appearing on it:

Change Group? Yes or No Only

Enter [Y]es if you wish to change the telemarketing group fromwhich you are going to call to make it different than what youruser preferences are currently set at. If you do not wish tochange, leave at [N]o.

Group Number? 0

Enter the telemarketing group you wish to call from. Theseshould have already been generated through T-4-7Telemarketing Group Selection. If you do not wish to callfrom a group, leave this 0 and it will then prompt you for theprospects you wish to call on. If you enter a group, you will beprompted:

Searching This will take a while.

When the system is through with it's search, the first record inthe specified customer group will appear. Information includedis the same information that is displayed in the ProspectMaster. You will be given the first prospect in that group withthe basic strip menu that is the same as in telemarketing. Forusage information on any of the functions that are not unique tothis function, see manual section T-3-2 for a full explanation.

When you are through with the entire group of prospects the system willreturn you to the Daily Processing Menu where you may choose another

Prospect Group Calling 3-39

group to call or one of the other functions of this menu.

DBS 2000 3-40



Customer Group Calling 3-41


DBS 2000 3-42


Purpose:Allows you to select the group of customers who are regular customerswho you have selected into a calling group.

Access:Enter the Telemarketing System by pressing [T]m in the Top MenuLevel of the DBS2000 System. From there, press [3] to enter the DailyProcessing Menu. Within the Daily Processing Menu, select [5] to runthe CUSTOMER GROUP CALLING Function.

The fields in this function are the same fields that appear in functionTm-3-2. See that manual section for information concerning thosefields.

The customer's whose records are a part of this group are allcustomer's who interval date is less than today's date. Having thisfeature is especially helpful in contacting customer's whose regularorder has not come in yet. Often these customer's may go to differentcompanies for their products just to try another company, but with aclose watch over these accounts, the customer is made to feelimportant and not just another account and you continue to get thebusiness of this customer.

For instructions on any of the Strip Menu Functions in this function, seemanual section Tm-3-2.

Customer Group Calling 3-43


DBS 2000 3-44



Current Telemarketing Activity 3-45


DBS 2000 3-46


Purpose:This function is a management function to allow telemarketingmanagers to see what the results thus far of today's telemarketingsessions are for each telemarketer. The numbers that appear in thefields for each call type are the dollar amounts that telemarketer hasreceived of good calls (the telemarketer is awarded a certain amountfor each successful call). This is very useful to managers to see howeach telemarketer is doing at any given time during the telemarketingsession.

Access:Enter the Telemarketing System by pressing [T]m in the Top MenuLevel of the DBS2000 System. From there, press [3] to enter the DailyProcessing Menu. Finally, press [9] to run the CURRENTTELEMARKETING ACTIVITY Function.

When you enter this function you will be prompted for which date ofactivity you wish to see with the default for today's date. Enter the dateyou wish to see and the following will display.

The information provided in this function is up to the minuteinformation. It shows all activity that has taken place during the currentday. This information is only for quick checks of the telemarketerseach day. The information provided in this function is as follows:

User: Display Only

This is the user id of the telemarketer whose statistics arealong side of it.

In: Display Only

The time this date this telemarketer logged on to thetelemarketing system and made his/her first call.

Out: Display Only

The time this date this telemarketer ended his/hertelemarketing session.

Total: Display Only

Current Telemarketing Activity 3-47

Total number of calls made during this session by thistelemarketer.

Calls: Display Only

Number (in a dollar amount set up in T/M Setup Menu) oftelephone calls that resulted in Service Calls.

Reject: Display Only

Number of calls that were reject calls.

App: Display Only

The number of appointments (in a dollar value) that thistelemarketer has schedules during his/her telemarketingsession.

App/Calls: Display Only

Number of appointments to calls in a percentage amount.

In this function you may Page Up and Page Down through thetelemarketers but you may not make any updates or changes to therecords. These are statistics and are not to be changed except by theactivity of the telemarketer. To leave this function, select [F4] to leavethis function.

DBS 2000 3-48



Quote Entry for Prospects 3-49


DBS 2000 3-50


Purpose:This function allows you to utilize the quoting functions of either jobquotes, order quotes or service quotes for prospects. When a quote isentered for a prospect, and when it is converted to an order (eitherservice or normal) or into a job, it will then automatically convert theprospect to a customer.

Access:Enter the Telemarketing System by pressing [T]m in the Top MenuLevel of the DBS2000 System. From there, press [3] to enter the DailyProcessing Menu. Finally, press [10] to run the QUOTE ENTRY FORPROSPECTS Function.

Overview:The fields of this function will coordinate with whichever quote optionis selected in the Sales Lead Control File. For specific information oneach type of quotes, see the respective manuals. For Job Quotes, seethe Job Costing Management manual. For Service Quotes, see theService Order Manual. For the Order Entry quotes, see the Order EntryManual.

Quote Entry for Prospects 3-51

