ETwinning: new directions Anne Gilleran – pedagogical manager eTwinning Central Support Service


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eTwinning: new directions

Anne Gilleran – pedagogical manager

eTwinning Central Support Service

Have worked for the European Schoolnet since 2001

• I come from Dublin, Ireland• Teacher trainer• school counsellor• school principal• Researcher• expert in technology and learning

Pedagogical manager for eTwinning since 2005



Topics of this presentation

Looking at eTwinning, how, what, where, how.

Future possibilities……

A Lifelong Learning Programme initiative- within Comenius up to 2013

Launched January 2005

Now a transversal action in Erasmus+ until 2020

What is eTwinning?

eTwinning arrived…….

In 2005 at a time of flux and change

–Educational change

–Social change

–Technological change

In 2014 eTwinning….

Has reached the end of early childhood (aged 9) in this context

Has endeavoured to respond to teachers struggling to answer the demands….

Has become the largest online community for teachers in Europe today

@260,000+ teachers 125,000+ schools+

33 countries participate (soon to be 37)

Each of those countries has a National Support Service (NSS)

Overall coordination by the Central Support Service (CSS)

Run by European Schoolnet on behalf of the EU Commission


Key Facts about eTwinning

4 main elements


eTwinning has ….

• Professional social network

• Online collaborative work

• Continuing professional development

• Inbuilt recognition

Registered user:

It all happens on


Register a project:

eTwinning is not just about technology….

eTwinning is about…….

EDUCATION– Exploring pedagogical methodologies such

as project based and inquiry based learning– Exploring the potential of new activities such

as coding, gaming, competence based activities

eTwinning is about….

Learning– Intercultural learning– Authentic learning– Contextual learning– Personal learning– Making learning relevant

eTwinning is about

Skills and competency development– Team working– Researching– Choosing– Analysing– Creating

eTwinning is about

People– Shared professional development– Support for educational ideas– Exploring educational ideas together– Teachers professional network

What is new in 2014?

eTwinning 2014

New TwinSpace

shared area to work in……

eTwinning 2014

New countries to work with

Armenia Albania

Azerbaijan Bosnia Herzegovina

Georgia Serbia

Moldova Lichtenstein



eTwinning 2015

Windows on the World

A pilot activity to open eTwinning to a global audience.

Israel already committed Other countries to follow……

eTwinning 2014

You can start an eTwinning project with colleagues from your country

eTwinning 2014

Gateway to European education

Information on– Professional development opportunities– National educational developments– European educational policy

Why should the eTwinning Community...

be interested in coding?• Because coding drives our lives in the 21st


• Because coding is the controlling language of this drive

• Better to control than be controlled….

• Coding will build the future…..

eTwinning & Coding

eTwinning 3 - 2014!

Coding enhances creativity, teaches people to cooperate, to work together across physical and geographical boundaries and to communicate in a universal language. Technology is part of our life, and coding brings it closer to you!

eTwinning enhances creativity, teaches people to cooperate, to work together across physical and geographical boundaries and to communicate in a universal language. Technology is part of our life, and eTwinning brings it closer to you!

Welcome to eTwinning…..

Thank you for your attention!

