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Masthead top left hand side of the magazine… typical to most magazines whether they are music, lifestyle or fashion.

Masthead also are abbreviated/ letters which is typical fro magazines like NME and Q

Image is situated near centre-left hand side like many magazines

This front cover doesn’t challenge the conventions of magazine but very much follows them in terms of the normal eye-flow.

Different fonts are used to create a more interesting looking magazine however they are all still simple and readable.

Talk about image, and how the models clothing can represent a pop/indie music magazine

Main image creates continuity

Fashion section implies more variety of the magazine so not just a music magazine. Attracts the audience more as from the planning and questionaire states not many people of the age 16-20 bought music magazines often but

more fashion/gossip and sport.

Simple layout means it is easier for the reader to navigate around the page, and help them find what they are looking for.

Image is on the left hand side , text is aligned on the right

Models gaze reaches the audience unlike the front cover which creates a better article/atmosphere for the reader

She is still wearing the same clothes however different location& with a prop.

More upmarket and stylish as it is now desgner, yet it still has that edgy/rebellious look that young girls like.

ABC as the price of the magazine is £3.50 and the adverts are of well reputable companies like Vivienne Westwood, which is an expensive designer.

Models front covershot is a meduim/close up and the pose is very stereotypical, kind of rebellious yet casual and not that unrelatable to them

which can draw the attention of a teen girl into it,

This is also shown through the pink theme throughout the whole magazine, the fashionable clothing, the different story titles.. Like boy bands, festivals and

new up-to-date celebrities/idols like katy perry