Evaluation #2


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Evaluation #2

This year along with our movies, we had to make a website and postcard ad to accompany and promote our film. Since the genre of my film was teen film and was targeted at teenagers and young adults, I decided to incorporate things that appealed to the young eye.

Some teen films appeal to females and some to males, but it is mostly females who take interest in this particular genre. Since the protagonist of my film is a female, the design layout for my website and postcard ad is such that portrays her interests. Her main interest is money and fashion.

In my website I have added pictures indicating Natalie’s life and what she likes. There are pictures of her friends, shopping bags, money, fashion accessories, travel and quotes that portray her personality.

In the post card, the background has a lot of expensive items scattered around, which compliments Natalie’s interests. The effect I have used is sepia because this dramatizes the poster. It was this effect that distinguishes the poster from a chick flick one.

Mean Girls poster with a lot of bright shades of pink.

My films poster with a black background and sepia effect which has muted the original colors.

The font I have used makes the website as well as the post card ad look very modern and I have used soft, muted colors as effects or background colors, as this gives a serious and troublesome look.

All this basically establishes Natalie’s character. It shows that she is a rich and pampered teenager who doesn’t understand the value of money. She has an attachment with expensive things because of the stereotype she comes under which is “school diva”. A girl like that normally has the-popular-girl-with-a-rich-daddy sort of character. To her friends and peers, she is a trendsetter. Money is so dear to her that she would go to great lengths to make sure it doesn’t stop coming. This also makes Natalie seem like a rebellious teenager, who gets her way and her way only and this attitude would probably be what gets her into trouble in the film.