Evaluation 22222


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 During this project I used a MacBook Pro which had the software package Adobe Premier CS6. It was in fact a lot

more efficient to use, however the main reason for using a MacBook was that the music facility needed to use the

Apple computers and therefore I was unable to stay on the Apple computer server.

Although this was more of a benefit then a disadvantage because the MacBooks are portable which was a paramount factor for me as I was able to upload film quickly to Adobe

Premiere from wherever I was as well as keep the blog updated as much as possible, which therefore allowed me

to use the software quicker and also gained further knowledge upon what I currently had.


When it came down to the editing I was already aware of the basics that there was in Adobe Premiere for example, cutting, fading and adding sound effects. This therefore meant I was able to work with the software without any

problems, which again allowed me to work at a faster rate due to the knowledge, and experience I already had about

the experience.

Although when working with Adobe Premiere I had no major obstructing problems which affected my

documentary drastically I did find hat I had to ensure the USB was connected to both the MacBook and Panasonic HD camera correctly, this is because if it wasn’t then the files

became corrupted and in one situation was unable to retrieve. I therefore had to reschedule reshooting with

interviewees, which was time consuming for the deadlines that I had.

When working with the equipment such as the Panasonic HD camera (AVCHD 1920 x 1080/50, however when

exporting to Vimeo it was unable to export the film in its full quality) along with a Manfrotto tripod which had a

good pan and tilt held which therefore meant it was easy to use, however when exporting to Vimeo it was unable to

export the film in its full quality) which as a group we used through a booking system, I was familiar with the settings and the cameras functions due to previous use during the

foundation portfolio the previous year. This was an advantage to me as I was able to change the lighting of the camera for example by changing the mode of the camera to

‘low light’ which is a mode that allows the camera to recorded in a dark room or twilight, which was useful when shooting in bad lighting areas for example bedrooms. The

format of the camera and SD card was also used efficiently and correctly.

When researching about my target audience I used a website called survey monkey, this website allowed to

engage with a broad audience to find about their views and opinions on fandom. I used questions appropriate to all

ages for example “who and what are you a fan of?”, “are you a fan of your idol due to their talents?” and “what

would you do to meet your idol?”

Media technologies enabled me to gain a greater understanding of my

audience research which furthermore allowed me have

specific data to my documentary, which not only saved time but ensured that my primary research was as

relevant as possible and gave me the correct data I needed,

for example my survey monkey was through

technology which means I therefore did not have to use hand out surveys and allowed

people to do the questionnaire in their own


In conclusion the use of technology was a huge

benefit for my research and planning because it made my productions final piece look professional and enabled me

to work efficiently.