Evaluation of an emergency department patient advocacy program


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Evaluation of an Emergency Department Patient Advocacy Program

Maria Salmon White, Sc D Geoffrey Gibson, PhD Baltimore, Maryland

In the Patient Advocacy Program at the Adult Emergency Department of The Johns Hopkins Hospital, first year medical and health associate students provide patient teaching, crisis intervention, emotional support, assistance in patient- provider-family communication, resource referrals, information and assistance in maintaining patients' rights. The advocacy program was evaluated through a three-month trial of a Control Group, Patient Advocacy Group, Halo Group and Placebo Group, including 412 study subjects in all. It was hypothesized that pa- tients' satisfaction, behavior and knowledge would improve significantly as a re- sult of the advocate's intervention in this order: Patient Advocacy, Halo, Placebo and Control. Patient interviews and medical records were used to assess the impact of patient advocacy. Results did not support the hypotheses of either im- provement or the ranked order. Competition with traditional roles, identification of advocates with providers rather than patients, and placing the needs of the in- stitution over patients were suggested as explanations for the advocacy program's failure. White MS, Gibson G: Evaluation of an emergency department patient advo- cacy program. JACEP 7:145-148, April 1978. patient advocacy, emergency department, evaluation.


In 1973, the Adult Emergency Department at the Johns Hopkins Hospital founded its Patient Care Liaison Program to improve patient-provider com- munication and patient and family satisfaction. As a second program objective, students served in the patient care liaison role as part of their required course of study.

After evaluating one year's experience with the Patient Care Liaison Role, the emergency department administration decided that the liaison function had improved patient satisfaction, 1 but was too limited in other respects. Thus, the Patient Advocacy Program grew out of the Patient Care Liaison Program by adding two further objectives: 1) raising levels of patient ~kn0wledge about their condition and care, and 2) improving patient compliance with their regimen and referral after their emergency department visit.

The paOent advocate role included patient teaching, crisis intervention, emotional support, assistance in patient-provider-family communication, re- source referrals, information and assistance in maintaining patients' rights. For

From the Health Services Research and Development Center, Department of Emergency Medicine, The Johns Hopkins University and Medical Institutions, Baltimore, Maryland.

Presented at the University Association for Emergency Medicine Annual Meeting in Kansas City, Missouri, May 1977.

Supported in part by Grant No. HS 01907 from ~e National Center for Health Services Research, DHE-W, to the Health Services Research and Development Center, The Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions, Baltimore, Maryland.

Address for reprints: Geoffrey Gibson, PhD, 624 N. Broadway, Baltimore, Maryland 21205.

7:4 (Apr) 1978 JACEP 145/35

the most par t , advocates were f irst yea r med ica l and h e a l t h assoc ia te s tudents who spent 16 hours dur ing the school y e a r be ing t r a i n e d and superv i sed in t he i r advocacy func- tions. The superv isors were second year s tuden ts who had successfully completed the i r s tudent advocacy ex- p e r i e n c e a n d were s e l e c t e d for e m p l o y m e n t as p a r t - t i m e s u p e r - visors, This s tudy ~ eva lua tes the Pa- t ien t Advocacy Program of the Johns Hopkins Emergency Depa r tmen t ac- cording to i ts objectives of improving pa t i en t knowledge, sa t i s fac t ion and behavior.


The s tudy design, a cont ro l led t r i a l conduc ted in J u n e , J u l y and Augus t of 1975, compared four ex- pe r imen ta l groups: 1) Control Group - - n e i t h e r d i r e c t l y nor i n d i r e c t l y e x p o s e d to a p a t i e n t a d v o c a t e or placebo e x p e r i m e n t a l t r e a t m e n t ; 2) Pa t i en t Advocacy Group - - d i rect ly i n t e r ac t ed w i th a p a t i e n t advocate d u r i n g the e m e r g e n c y d e p a r t m e n t visit ; 3) Halo Group - - v is i ted the emergency d e p a r t m e n t when a pa- t i en t advocate was on duty, but had no direct interact ion, and 4) Placebo G r o u p - - e x p o s e d to a v o l u n t e e r wear ing the uniform of a pa t i en t ad- vocate and ins t ruc ted to ~'chat and be friendiy" wi th pat ients .

The per iods d u r i n g which the pa t ien t groups were exposed to the v a r y i n g e x p e r i m e n t a l c o n d i t i o n s were s t ra t i f ied by month, day of the w e e k and sh i f t . O v e r t he t h r e e - month period, the Control Group was observed for the first month, the Pa- t i en t Advocacy and Halo Group the second month and the Placebo Group t h e t h i r d m o n t h . F o r each s t u d y month (defined as four consecut ive seven-day periods), each day of the week was repl icated twice to control for differences in pa t i en t volume and character is t ics and to assess differen- t ia l advocacy impact by day of the week. Work shifts were also used for fur ther s t ra t i f icat ion so that , for each month, there were two cases for each shift for each day of the week.

The 412 s t u d y s u b j e c t s were se lec ted according to t h e i r a r r i v a l t ime in the emergency d e p a r t m e n t (no ear l ie r t han 30 minu tes af ter the beginning and no l a t e r than 90 min- utes before the end of a work shift), age (between 18 and 65 years of age inclusive), condit ion ( lacerat ions and puncture wounds, exclusive of gun- shot wounds and s t ab wounds; ab- domina l pain; lower l imb in jur ies , not including lacerat ions; upper l imb


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Control Placebo


Patient Advocacy



- levels hypothesized - levels

Fig. 1, Hypotheses and findings on patient knowledge. No significant var- iations between groups were found.


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Patient Advocacy


Fig. 2. Hypotheses and findings on patient satisfaction with the emergency de- partment. Significant variations were found between groups.

36/146 J A C E P 7:4 (Apr) 1978


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Patient Advocacy

Fig. 3. Hypotheses and findings on patients leaving prior to completion of treatment. No significant variations between groups were found.


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Patient Advocacy


Fig. 4. Hypotheses and findings, on patient compliance with appointment (pa- tients with one appointment). No significant variations between groups were Found.

injuries, not including lacerations; and chest pain) and not being admit- ted to the hospital. Study patients were also required to have either a return or follow-up appointment re- lated to their emergency department visit.

Patient interviews and medical

records were used to assess the im- pact of patient advocacy. A pretested telephone interview regarding pa- tient knowledge about his condition and care, as well as measures of pa- tient satisfaction, was administered to each of the four study groups within two weeks after the patient

visit and before the follow-up or re- turn appointment. A similar written questionnaire was sent to those pa- tients not available by telephone. Pa- t ient emergency depar tment and outpat ient billing records yielded pat ient behavior information, in- cluding frequency of patients leav- ing the emergency department prior to completion of treatment and com- pliance with follow-up and return visit appointments.

The study hypothesized that pa- t ients ' satisfaction, behavior and knowledge would improve signifi- cantly as a result of the advocate's in- tervention in the order shown (Fig- ures 1 to 5). It was hypothesized that, for all three characteristics, the Patient Advocacy Group would dem- onstrate the highest levels of satis- faction, the Halo Group the second highest, the Placebo Group the third highest and the Control Group the lowest level, while exhibiting similar levels of behavior and knowledge as the Placebo Group.


The study findings indicated general lack of support for both hypotheses. There were no signifi- cant differences between the study groups with respect to patient be- havior and patient knowledge (Fig- ures 1 to 5). There was, however, a significant difference between groups in pa t ien t sat isfact ion with the emergency department. Unexpect- edly, it was the Placebo, rather than the Patient Advocacy Group, that re- ported grea tes t satisfaction. The Placebo, rather than the Patient Ad- vocacy Group indicated highest pa- tient knowledge while the Control Group was second highest, and the Halo Group third. The lowest level of knowledge was found, quite sur- prisingly, in the Patient Advocacy Group. The highest level of satisfac- tion was found in the Placebo Group while the Patient Advocacy Group had the second highest level. The third and fourth highest levels were exhibited by the Halo and Control Groups respectively.

Behavior, measured th rough three separate items - - leaving be- fore completion of treatment, com- pliance with first appointment in those pat ients with only one ap- pointment, and compliance with first appointment in those patients with two appointments - - was the only characteristic for which the Patient Advocacy Group exhibited the high- est level.

7:4 (Apr) 1978 J A C E P 147/37


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Patient Advocacy

Fig. 5. Hypotheses and findings on patient compliance with appointment (pa- tients with two appointments, who kept only one). No significant variations be- tween groups were found.

DISCUSSION According to th is study, the Pa-

t i e n t A d v o c a c y P r o g r a m fa i l ed to m e e t i t s o b j e c t i v e s of i m p r o v i n g levels of pa t i en t knowledge, satisfac- t ion and behavior. There are several possible explana t ions for this.

Wi th in the role defini t ion of the advocate, there may be e l e m e n t s of compe t i t i on wi th o the r t r a d i t i o n a l ro les . Fo r e x a m p l e , t e a c h i n g and

emotional support have been histori- cally ass igned p r imar i l y to the nurse. In t he p r e s e n c e of t h e a d v o c a t e , nurses may abrogate these functions resul t ing in lower r a t h e r than h igher levels of pa t ien t knowledge. The suc- cess of the placebo over the pa t ien t a d v o c a t e m a y i n d i c a t e t h a t the placebo r a the r than the advocate role faci l i ta tes the p rov ide r -pa t i en t role and t h a t the advocate role may well

compe te w i t h a n d d e t e r f rom the prQvider-pat ient role. It is also possi- ble the advocates themselves identi- fied more strongly wi th providers than pat ients , an or ienta t ion to be expected in hea l th profession s tudents . While the advocacy role may have been of benefit to s tudents , i t seems to have lacked benefi t for pat ients .

T h e f ina l poss ib le e x p l a n a t i o n comes from the fact t ha t the program was i n s t i t u t i o n a l l y sponsored and c o n s t r a i n e d . I n h e r e n t in t h i s and o t h e r s i m i l a r i n p a t i e n t p r o g r a m s cited in the l i t e r a tu r e (Cut t ing red tape and the hospi ta l . Sun Papers, Balt imore, Apr i l 20, 1975) 3,4 is the tendency, if not necess i ty , to place the needs of t he i n s t i t u t i o n over those of the pat ient . If th is is, indeed, the case, then i t is un l ike ly t ha t such pa t i en t -cen te red object ives as those espoused by the advocacy p rogram will be successful.


1. Linzer M, Whitmore J: The Social Im- pact of the Patient Advocate on an Emer- gency Room. The Johns Hopkins Hospital Department of Emergency Medicine, May 1977.

2. White MS: Evaluation of an Emergency Department Patient Advocacy Program, thesis. Division of Health Care Organiza- tion, Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health, 1977.

3. Ravich R, Rehr H: Omsbudsman pro- gram provides feedback. Hospitals 48:63- 68, 1974.

4. Snook DI Jr: Patient's rights. Hospitals 48:177-180, 1974.

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