Evaluation question 6




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Evaluation Question 6What have you learnt about

technologies from the process of constructing this product?

What technologies did you use to help you with your research and planning? Google Diary? Mobile phone? Facebook?

The technologies I used to help me with my research and planning were Facebook and

Google diary.

Facebook was very useful to get constructive feedback from our intended audience by asking them questions about the genre and conventions of our film. We targeted teenage girls, roughly from the ages of 12-17 to answer questions such as ‘What would you expect the ‘Queen bee’ to look like in a chick flick?’


Google Diary

Google Diary was useful for us to keep on top of all the work we had to do. It enabled us to meet deadlines so everything was organised so everyone knew what they were doing on

what day.

What technologies did you use to produce your animatic?

When we created our animatic, we firstly took pictures of all the frames on our shot list using

a digital camera, and we then uploaded the photos to premier pro which we then uploaded

to Youtube, to embed in our blogs.


Blogger.com is a very useful way to keep on top of everything you’ve done and learnt so far. It demonstrates your understanding and is a helpful and interesting way of presenting your work, as images and videos can be

uploaded as well as just simple text. It lays it out in chronological order so all work can be presented in the

correct order without you having to sort through it.

How have you used Youtube/Websites to help you research and put together ideas?

Youtube has been an extremely helpful source

as I have researched existing film openings and

title sequences as inspiration for my own

project. The title sequence to ‘Napoleon Dynamite’

inspired my own which is shown on youtube:


We also took inspiration from ‘A Cinderella Story’

and it’s title sequence which is on Youtube. We

wanted to have our company credit at the start in fancy writing which is show here:

This new technology has made it so much easier to access title sequences we

could use for inspiration as all that needs to be done is to type the search you’re looking for into Youtube and it will come up, as a

video format, rather than explain in words what the

title sequence looks like and does. People can see what it looks like for themselves.

The camera we used was a normal digital panasonic video camera which simply but

effectively captured the footage we needed as we recorded, rewound and played back the


On Location and Premier Pro was a great help in

order for us to complete our task as it was so easy to cut and paste the film

together, so when we thought some parts

didn’t work, we could simply delete it and

replace it with something else.

Transitions, music and sound effects could also

be added

How did you get your finished film opening on to your blog?

Once we had completed our film on premier pro, we had to get the URL to put

it on Youtube, and then copied and

pasted the link to embed on my blog.

How has technology been useful in helping you produce a stimulating and interactive Evaluation?

During my evaluation, I have incorporated a variety of

technology including Prezi’s, PowerPoint's, Windows movie maker and the use of blogger. It is important that blog posts aren’t just simple text in order

for it to look interesting and readable to the reader. These

technologies that were available to me enabled me to

showcase my evaluation interestingly and interactively.

Did the technology help you at all; or did it go wrong? Were there things you wanted to do but couldn't?

Technology could go wrong at times, but

with perseverance we managed to resolve

these mishaps. Our very first idea was to have our titles drawn onto

the screen with lipstick, however the

programmes we were using weren’t as

technical as our plans, so we had to go for a

simpler approach. Our approach