Evaluation Question 7


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Evaluation Question 7

Looking back at your preliminary task (the

College magazine), what do you feel you have

learnt in the progression from it to full product?

My preliminary task (College magazine.)

This is my Music Magazine.

I feel that since the construction of my preliminary task I have learned a lot of things…

Small font is needed to ensure a professional look.Photographs with music related items included make the audience feel more at ease.Informal language has to be used to make a target audience feel comfortable.What colours work well together and what do not.A structured look draws a potential reader’s eye.

Some skills that I have picked up are…

The ability to use photoshop correctly and with ease.How to edit photographs professionally.How to use my camera properly.My writing skills have increased.

I have learned that my target audience of young adults / teenagers like to have their own

look and a place (A magazine) that they can connect with people like themselves and share

their ideologies and views, they like to feel unique and keep up with the latest news regarding their favourite artists / bands.I now also realise that there are some

magazine conventions that can not be broken as they are important when attracting an
