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Final Evaluation

Kandice DicksonMedia Studies

Preliminary Task

Planning, Ideas & Research…Looking at the assignment we looked at the requirements; Length, Shots, Dialogue and characters.

We all composed our own scripts and decided which to use.

We then researched what will be found in that environment and decided what props we will need.

In addition to this we looked at the required shots and which ones will use to show our research and decided on any additional shots.

Equipment… The Camera: Panasonic SD 900

We used this camera to record the entire video and then used ‘Final Cut’ to edit our work. We were also able to attach the camera to a tripod to capture all of the required shots .

The TripodWe used the tripod to take some of our shots. The tripod has a plate at the top to mount the camera onto it. This enabled us to vary our shots. However when changing the height of the tripod we had to take the camera down first.

The Boom Pole And Mic.

The boom and microphone were both used to capture the dialogue. The boom pole was able to extend when unscrewed at certain points. Once it has been adjusted we had to ensure it was screwed back so it was stable and safe. The microphone was then attached to the boom pole and plugged into the camera.

We used the headphones to listen back to our footage. This allowed us to make important decisions such as whether or not we needed to re shoot certain parts of the video.

Headphones: Sennheiser

Editing: Final Cut…We used the program Final Cut to edit our footage. We used a USB cabled to upload the footage from the camera to the computers, and final Cut. Upon doing this the program automatically opened its browser where you can see all of the different footage you recorded. When launching Final Cut we had to go the video folder and only launch it by opening our work from there.

The Browser:

The browser shows you all of the different footage you have. You then drag down the videos to the timeline.

The Timeline:

The timeline allows you to cut, delete and add footage. This is called editing. You can also add in transitions between the changes. The different types of effects appear where the browser was previously. You can also edit the sound by using the padlock keys on the side, this prevents that locked area from being edited.

The Display Boxes :

These boxes allowed us to view the images and to hear the audio. The first viewer only showed when you had clicked on in the browser and a certain highlighted part from the timeline. On the right side, the second viewer allowed you to watch what you have completed so far.

Camera Shots & Transitions…The assignment required that we use the following shots: Close Up, Long shot and Wide Shot.

The Long shot and close up:

In this part of the video you see the long shot and the close up. You also get to see the ‘Cut’ transition. You can also consider the close up as the establishment shot as it tells you where this character is.

The Wide Shot:

In this section of the video you see a wide shot of the character walking into the room. This could also be seen as a panning shot.

Shot- Reverse- Shot

Shot reverse shot is going from one character to the next to show emotion amongst other things.

Soundtrack – The Score

• Soundtracks are the overall sounds (Music) from the film or TV program.

• The Score are major pieces of music, that can be used to represent the film.

• An example of this is the Twilight Saga; The Score:

New Moon (The Meadow) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4CD4r5CN-Ws