Event Strategy: 3 Keys To An Event Strategy For More Profit



http://eventstrategysolutions.com - Setting up your event strategy has a big impact not only on the planning of your seminar, but also on your overall profits. Before you even start thinking of setting a date and contracting a venue, you need to know the type of event and how many attendees you want. You also have to be clear on the transformation you take your audience through.

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Setting Up Your Event StrategyBy Daphne Bousquet, CMP

If hosting a workshop or seminar is one of your goals, you have much to do

Planning an event consists of many moving parts

It is easy for things to fall through the cracks

Before you even start thinking of setting a date

and contracting a venue,

you need to ask yourself three questions

Question #1:What kind of event do I want?

What is the structure for your seminar?

Is this going to be an intensive training bootcamp,

or will you also have an offer for your audience

Are you planning to have speakers at your event

to complement your content?

Will the speakers make an offer as well?

This changes your pricing structure

If you are not asking your attendees to

work with you any further,

you will have to charge more for your seminar

than if you are counting on back of the room sales

Question #2:How many people do

I want to have at my seminar?

Not every lucrative seminar needs to have 100 attendees

That is the biggest misconception I see among my clients

You can make high 5 figures or even six figures

from a small audience

It all depends on your topic,

how your seminar will improve your audience’s lives

and your revenue streams

Your ticket sales and the back of the room sales

are not your only revenue stream options

And it doesn’t take a genius to figure out that,

the more revenue streams you add to your seminar,

the more profitable it will be

Question #3:What is the transformation

I will take my audience through?

How will your seminar improve your audience’s life?

What is the big benefit you offer your attendees?

Your seminar is the solution to a problem that your audience has

If you are a business coach it can be getting more clients

If you are a life coach or relationship coach

you can help people feel loved

You have a unique solution that your attendees want

Focus on your big benefit

in the name of your seminar and all your marketing materials.

When you ask these questions before you start any planning

you will be in a better position to really be successful

with your seminar

Many times, the difference between

a six figure seminar

and one that barely breaks even,

lays in the foundation of your event

Taking a couple of hours to set up the

strategy of your event

has a big impact not only on the

planning of your seminar,

but also on your overall profits.

For strategies to fill your workshops and seminars

without driving yourself crazy,

Pick up a copy of my FREE seminar marketing eBook at EventStrategySolutions.com