Evolution The change in an organism over time.. Adaptation Characteristics that organisms acquire...


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The change in an organism over time.


Characteristics that organisms acquire that assist them in survival.

Survival of the Fittest

The concept that those organisms that have the best adaptations will be the ones that live and reproduce.

Natural Selection

The concept that those organisms that fit the environment the best will live to reproduce.


Adaptations are the specific characteristics organisms have to help them survive. The organisms of the Galapagos Islands are highly adapted. See how many adaptations for survival you can remember at the end of this presentation.

Spectacular Galapagos

Exploring an Extraordinary World

The islands are isolated from other ecosystems.

As a result, evolution took its own course.

Unique environments produce unique adaptations.

Geographic isolation limits gene transfer and makes things unique.

The islands are born of fire.

The sea has shaped the remaining volcanic ash and rock.

Unlike many dolphins, these bottlenose prefer the open sea.

Passion flowers are well adapted to the arid environment.

Flamingos perform a courtship dance.

A frigate bird brings a twig to offer its mate for nest building. They must protect the nest or another

bird will destroy it for the materials.

There are many niches available on the Galapagos.

Charles Darwin

Darwin’s Finches

Wild donkeys originally brought here to haul tortoises and parcels.

The introduction of wild dogs has had a devastating impact on the


Feral goats have done massive damage to the vegetation.

The pelican is similar to others from other parts of the world.

A blue footed boobie does a courtship dance.

Regulating temperature of an egg by keeping it shaded.

A baby chick in down.

Sea lions resting on the beach.

Cool upwellings support many fish.

Sea lion pups play to sharpen their swim skills for when they hunt.

Courting Galapagos Penguins.

Sea turtles only come on land to lay eggs.

Pelicans feed on fish that died from the heat of the volcano.

Cormorants take turns watching the nest.

Giant cacti grow dense bark to protect themselves from being


A large tree finch feeds on unripe fruits.

The woodpecker finch is a tool using bird.

The vegetarian finch beak is designed to rip and tear plants.

Land Iguanas

A large ground finch is adapted to eating seeds.

A small tree finch.

A sharp beaked ground finch.

A medium ground finch.

A small ground finch.

Courting Flamingos

A Giant Galapagos Tortoise

The Galapagos is one of a few small spaces left on earth that is

minimally affected by man.

Comparison of Iguanas

It is difficult to determine why marine iguanas are so different than their

cousins the green land iguanas. We hypothesize that the unique

environment of the Galapagos Islands favored the traits of the marine iguana

and the environment of South America favored the traits of the

green iguanas.

You are about to copy a chart

The chart you are going to copy will ask you to compare and contrast the green iguanas of the mainland and the marine iguanas of the Galapagos. A series of slides you are about to see will help you.

You will use your chart to explain how these two iguana species became so different.

Please write this chart in your notes to list unique characteristics and habits of

each type of iguana.Marine Iguana Characteristics and Behaviors

Green Iguana Characteristics and Behaviors

Don’t Forget

The appearance of the green iguana and marine iguana should

be included in your set of observations.(color, claws, shape,


Add the observations you make while viewing the next slides to

your chart.

Marine Iguanas Feed Mainly on algae under the ocean.

Green Iguanas Feed on Leaves.

Marine iguanas are social creatures.

Green Iguanas tend to be solitary.

A mature male marine iguana.

A mature Green Iguana

Some marine iguanas adapted to eating Batis salt plants when algae

was in short supply.

The red pattern on these iguanas is only found on one of the islands.

After feeding, the marine iguanas must bask to warm up.

Green Iguanas Bask in the sun.

Space is limited on the islands.

The rainforest provides lots of space for iguanas to live.

Iguanas “sky point” to avoid overheating from the sun.

Green Iguanas may sky point but they can usually find shade.•

Note the swim position and back legs of this marine iguana.

Green Iguanas Don’t Usually Swim Underwater

Marine Iguana (So Handsome)

Green Iguana (Another Pretty Face)

Make some final observations.
