EW20 COMPO Guys Are Better Than Girls


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  • 8/13/2019 EW20 COMPO Guys Are Better Than Girls


    iGuys are better than girls. Discuss.

    Guys :

    Guys are leaders of the world in science, engineering, sports, arts and politics. They make manycontributions to the society. Albert Einstein, Leonardo Da Vinci, Thomas Edison and many like great mindsshape the landscape of human history by impro!ing the li!es of millions of people. Therefore " agree thatguys are better than girls in many ways.

    "n this day and age, guys play a !ery big role in gi!ing direction and managing the country and theworkforce. Guys are big thinkers, they plan well ahead, function well in the workplace, they make e#cellentmanagers who produce good results for the company and they are first$rate politicians also. Guys holdpositions of power all o!er the world, there are not that many women politicians in the world who areindependent, decisi!e and confident as guy politicians.

    %urthermore, in my humble opinion, guys are better cooks. There are more guy cooks in restaurantsand hotels. They ha!e abundant !igor and the correct techni&ues to cook up something delicious withinminutes. Tele!ision features more guy cooks such as 'hef (an. Girls as cooks are usually more confined tothe house kitchen.

    Guys e#cel in sports and most of our )alaysian representati!es to the *lympics, +ea Games andother e!ents are guys. Guys usually bring home more trophies because they are stronger physically and

    mentally. Girls are at least weaker physically. "n addition, guys dont gi!e up easily in competitions and theyare well prepared to win.

    "n conclusion, although " agree that guys are definitely better than girls " ha!e to admit that guys andgirls go together hand in hand. (e coe#ist because we need each other, -ust like we need our mom and dad,brothers and sisters and friends of both se#es. (e guys are from )ars and girls certainly are from Venustheyre fussy and too neat/ but God made us all e&ually beautiful.

    Girls :

    Generally, guys are usually seen as someone who is more independent, decisi!e and has moreleadership &ualities. They hold positions of power all o!er the world, as managers and ministers. 0owe!er, isit fair to discard girls -ust as creatures with pretty faces and nothing else1 " disagree.

    +tatistics show that girls e#cel in studies more than guys. "n uni!ersities, the ratio of girls to guys are2 3 4. Girls are usually at the top of any classes, because they pay more attention in class. Guys, some if notmost ha!e no direction in their studies and careers. These end up as dropouts. Girls are moti!ated to studybecause they are eager to learn, willing to hand in work on time and they make sure they sit for their testswith the intention to pass with flying colours.

    %urthermore, girls make good counselors, teachers and social workers because they ha!e the softtouch. They are at the forefront of shaping the younger generation to be useful people. They are people$friendly. )others sacrifice their time, sweat and tears for their children, daughters take good care of their oldparents e!en though they ha!e their own families to feed and more often sisters take care and babysit theirsiblings rather than their male counterparts.

    5owadays, we see more girls working and being independent indi!iduals. They dri!e their own cars,hold important posts in the company and are definitely better household managers. Girls are moreresponsible in managing money. Girls are confessed shopaholics but they usually think about their familyfinances before they splurge.

    "n conclusion, although " agree that girls are definitely better than guys " ha!e to admit that guys andgirls go together hand in hand. (e coe#ist because we need each other, -ust like we need our mom and dad,brothers and sisters and friends of both se#es. Guys certainly are from )ars theyre pretty rough and untidy/and girls are from Venus but God made us all e&ually beautiful.

  • 8/13/2019 EW20 COMPO Guys Are Better Than Girls


    iCarol Chu Mei Yin, 31 March 2009