EXALT Junior



EXALT Junior is a monthly magazine for school students to improve their all-round development. It has multiple activities that would bring out the best in them. It is an IIT & IIM alumni initiative.

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EXALT Know India

& the World

Colouring activities

for the all-rounder in every student

Word based fun






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WELCOME EXALT is an activity based monthly magazine that improves students‟

multiple intelligences. There are a lot of very well researched articles

for students. The magazine is a great way to have fun and also learn at

the same time.

Happy Learning!


Self Smart

Steve Jobs &

Lance Armstrong

Page # 2

Verbal skills

Word or not

Page # 6

Maths fun

Page # 9

People Smart

Page # 15

Music Smart

Page # 20


Page # 23


Page # 27


Page # 25

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Self Smart Intra-personal intelligence is the capacity to understand oneself and one‟s thoughts and

feelings, and to use such knowledge in planning and directing one‟s life. Intra-personal

intelligence involves not only an appreciation of the self, but also of the human condition.

Discover & Evolve

You have surely heard people say that no one is

perfect. Yes, no one is perfect, but we should try

and improve ourselves to the level possible. It is

easier to improve at your age compared to your

parents‟ age or your grandparents‟ age.

This magazine gives you a chance to improve

your skills in multiple areas, but the most

important aim should be to understand yourself.

You need to have aims and ambitions. It may be

too young to know exactly what you want to do

in life, but you need to understand what matters

to you and what doesn‟t, what inspires you and

what bores you, what is good and what is bad.

You can take the support of some elders to help

you in understanding yourselves and improving

continuously. You need to keep away negative

thoughts and negative people. Support yourself

by people who are very positive. If you think

positively, you will see a lot of positive things

happening in your life. Negative thoughts will

seriously curtail your progress.

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We bring to you a brief write up on two very inspirational people. First is Steve Jobs

who passed away very recently. The other is Lance Armstrong. Both of them are role

models for many across the world. One has revolutionized many industries. The other

has shown what undaunted determination and will power can do.

We hope you learn a lot of things from their lives. Every great person‟s life is an

amazing lesson in the greatest traits of humans. By reading about them you would

feel inspired and you would do things that can help you immensely. Because of the

space constraints, we cannot provide a very detailed note on their lives, but, if

possible, try reading as many books as possible about great personalities. It is a great

learning experience for all of us.

Steve Jobs

S teve Jobs, born on February 24, 1955, was an American businessman and an

innovator. He was adopted at birth by an Armenian couple. As a kid, he was noted for his razor-sharp observations. Following high school graduation in 1972, Jobs enrolled at Reed College. But he dropped out of college without completing his graduation. Steve Jobs took off for India in the search of enlightenment with his friend Dan Kottke at the age of 19. Their primary purpose was to meet the spirirtual guru Neem Karoli Baba. However, when they got to the Neem Karoli ashram, it was basically deserted after Neem Karoli had died earlier in the year. On returning to the United States, he co-founded Apple computers along with Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne in the garage of his house.

After a successful stint at Apple, he was fired from the company for his erratic and temperamental behaviour. Soon after leaving Apple, Jobs founded NeXT Computer in 1985. He also started Pixar Inc., which went on to produce animated movies such as Toy Story (1995); A Bug's Life (1998); Toy Story 2 (1999); Monsters, Inc. (2001); Finding Nemo (2003); and The Incredibles (2004). This venture made him one of the most sought after men in Hollywood. In the year 1996, Apple bought NeXT, thus bringing Jobs back to the company he co-founded. It was a period marked by a lot of creativity as he launched the Mac OS X.

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At the turn of the millenium, Jobs entered the market with his product, iPod, which was an instant hit among music lovers. Over the course of the first decade of the 21st century, he went on to launch many hi-tech products like the iMac, iTunes, iPad and iPhone. He was able to extract the best out of the employees at Apple, which is the reason why the company as a whole could reach staggering heights. Jobs passed away on October 5, 2011 at the age of 56 after a long battle with pancreatic cancer. The death of Steve Jobs came as a huge shock to the tech-world. His out-of-the-box thinking and a desire to excel made him one of the most iconic innovators of all time. Products created by him and his company, Apple, such as the iPod, iPad and iPhone have revolutionized the way people use technology in their lives. After being fired from the company he co-founded, he had the courage to come back to Apple and steer it towards being the most valued company in the world. He went one step ahead of his competitors by creating products that people didn.t believe could be created. The one thing that set him apart from everybody else was that he could sense what lay ahead. His often eccentric behaviour contrasted with his love for zen philosophy. Just like the wordings of Apple‟s “Think Different” ad campaign, he was crazy enough to think that he could change the world and he did. More than anyone else of his time, he made products that were completely innovative, combining the power of design and processors. His imaginative leaps were instinctive, magical and at times, unexpected. He was a visionary, pioneer and genius in the field of business, innovation and product design and a man who profoundly changed the face of the modern world. He revolutionized at least six different industries. History will place him in the pantheon right next to Disney, Edison and Ford. He has left behind a world that has been touched by his genius.

Lance Armstrong

If you are a fan of cricket, you might have heard of Yuvaraj Singh being diagnosed with Cancer. It is a difficult phase for Yuvaraj Singh and his family. In this edition, we wanted to bring the story of Lance Armstrong who was diagnosed for cancer at a very young age but did not let it stop him.

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Armstrong enjoys some genetic benefits too. His heart is bigger than the size of a normal person‟s heart and through incredible training he has been able to increase the muscular efficiency.

Lance Armstrong has been the topic of many books, some written by him and some by others. The following books have been written by Lance Armstrong himself.

It's Not About the Bike: My Journey Back to Life The Lance Armstrong Performance Program

Armstrong also supports a lot of charities and causes. Armstrong is an inspiration to many cancer survivors, athletes and others. We hope you enjoyed reading about Lance Armstrong and may you draw inspiration from this great athlete.

“Sometimes life is going to hit you in the head with a brick. Don't lose faith.” – Steve Jobs

“Join us in wishing Yuvraj Singh a speedy recovery.”

Lance Armstrong is one of the greatest sportsmen of all time. His is a story of great grit and determination. What followed in his career is remarkable for what he has achieved. He is a seven time Tour de France winner. Tour de France is the most prestigious cycling championship and is one of the most grueling sporting events on the planet.

Lance Armstrong was born in Dallas, Texas on September 18, 1971. His initial career was as a triathlete (swimming, cycling and running). Though he was good in the other two sports, cycling was his strength and he decided to concentrate on it. At the age of twenty he won the US amateur cycling championship and turned professional in the year 1992.

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Verbal Skills Linguistic intelligence is the ability to think in words and to use language to express and appreciate complex meanings. Linguistic intelligence allows us to understand the order and meaning of words and to apply meta-linguistic skills to reflect on our use of language. Linguistic intelligence is the most widely shared human competence and is evident in poets, novelists, journalists, and effective public speakers. Young adults with this kind of intelligence enjoy writing, reading, telling stories or doing crossword puzzles. Here are few activities to fine tune them.

Anagrams The rule here is simple. We give you a word and you have to find as many new words

as possible using just the alphabets from that given word. There are four exercises in

this magazine – one for each week. Spend about 5 to 10 minutes every day to get as

many words as possible.

i. Make as many meaningful words as possible with the letters in the following


RAJENDRA PRASAD (Letters: R – 3, A – 4, J – 1, E – 1, N – 1, D – 2, P – 1, S – 1)

For each word, you get as many points as the size of the word. For example, if you

form „end‟, you get three points. If you form „dare‟, you get four points.

(By the way, do you know who the first president of India is?)

ii. Also try the same with these words:

My Super Computer (Letters: P – 3, A – 4, J – 1, E – 1, N – 1, D – 2, P – 1, S – 1)

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iii. Try this

Personal Touch

(Letters: P – 1, E – 1, R – 1, S – 1, O – 2, N – 1, A – 1, L – 1, T – 1, U – 1, C – 1, H – 1)

iv. Try this

BROADBAND (Letters: B – 2, R – 1, O – 1, A – 2, D – 2, N – 1)

Calculate your total scores by adding up all the points. Make sure you are not

repeating any of the words. Complete list of words and ratings would be given in the

next edition. Try doing this exercise individually and then do it as a group with a

couple of friends.

Word Morphing In each box, there are a couple of words and some blanks. You will have to change only one letter in the words at a time and morph the word into the final word. The words should be meaningful when you change one letter.













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Word or Not Identify the real and fake words from the following list. Do you know the meanings of all the

real words? The next edition will have the answers and meanings for real words). If you think

the word is real, write down the meaning of the word in the column of real word.


Word Real Word Fake Word










Hello, How are you?

How many languages do you know?

In how many languages can you ask your friends, “Hello.

How are you?”

Try to talk to your friends, teachers and neighbors who have

different mother tongues and learn a few words every time

you meet them. This was you will learn a lot of new things.

Even in English, try to improve your vocabulary every day.

Make it a point to learn few new words every day and try

using them every day. You will have a great vocabulary over

a period of time. Language skills can, and should, be

improved continuously.

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Mathematics Fun Improve your number skills, the fun way.

There are a lot of very interesting ways to calculate faster. In this edition, we give you

some very good tips that help you calculate faster. Follow them and you would gain

immensely. Don‟t ever be scared of mathematics.

Multiplying a number by 25

You might know that it is easier to divide a number with 4 compared to multiplying it

with 25. Let‟s simplify the multiplication by following certain steps.

Step 1: 25 is nothing but 100 divided by 4. (100 / 4 = 25)

Step 2: Multiplying a number by 25 can be rewritten as multiplying it with 100 and

dividing the result by 4.

Let‟s try an example:

48 X 25 = (48 X 100) / 4 = 4800/4 = 1200

Rapid fire round

1. 29 X 25 =?

2. 32 X 25 =?

3. 63 X 25 =?

4. 120 X 25 =?

5. 140 X 25 =?

6. 12 X 25 =?

Multiplying a number by 50

Now that you have tried the multiplication by 25 shortcut, we extend it to multiplying

by 50. Multiplication by 50 is comparatively easier. 100 divided by 2 is 50. (100/ 2 =


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So multiply the number by 100 and then divide the result by 2.

Let‟s try an example:

48 X 50 = (48 X 100) / 2 = 4800 / 2 = 2400

Rapid fire round

1. 11 X 50 =?

2. 99 X 50 =?

3. 32 X 50 =?

4. 64 X 50 =?

5. 81 X 50 =?

The other numbers that could be of some help are given below

Multiplying by 5 is the same as multiplying the number by 10 and dividing the result by


There are other few easy ones you need to keep in mind.

12.5 is 100 divided by 8

25 is 100 divided by 4

37.5 is 100 multiplied by 3 and divided by 8

50 is 100 divided by 2

62.5 is 100 multiplied by 5 and divided by 8

75 is 100 multiplied by 3 and divided by 4

87.5 is 100 multiplied by 7 and divided by 8

Rapid fire round

1. 16 X 12.5 = ?

2. 8 X 62.5 = ?

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3. 12 X 75 = ?

4. 12 X 37.5 = ?

5. 14 X 87.5 = ?

Dividing a number by 25

We have seen how you can easily calculate the result of multiplying a number with 25.

Let‟s look at dividing a number by 25. If we continue with the same logic as before, 100

divided by 4 is 25. So dividing a number by 25 is nothing but multiplying the number by

4 and then dividing the number by 100.

Let‟s try this with an example:

2400 / 25:

Step 1: Multiply 2400 with 4

The result is 9600

Step 2: Divide the number by 100

The result is 96

The other way of intuitively looking at such calculations is this:

Four twenty fives make one Hundred. So take the nearest hundred smaller than the given

number and then multiply that value with 4. It would give you one part of the answer.

Let us suppose it is “a”.

Now take the right most two digits and calculate the second part of the answer. Let us

suppose it is “b”.

The required answer is: a + b

As always, let‟s try it out with an example.

What is 1275/ 25?

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Step 1: The nearest hundred smaller than 1275 is 1200. Therefore, a is 12 X 4 = 48

Step 2: We are left with 75. 75 / 25 = 3

Step 3: The answer is “a + b” = 48 + 3 = 51

Rapid fire round

Try solving the following as fast as possible. Check the answers on a calculator after you

are done.

1. 3125 / 25 =?

2. 1150 / 25 =?

3. 1975 / 25 =?

4. 775 / 25 =?

5. 1325 / 25 =?

Dividing by 50:

Dividing a number by 50 can be written as multiplying a number with 2 and dividing the

result by 100.

Rapid fire round

1. 1800 / 50 =?

2. 3400 / 50 =?

3. 1100 / 50 =?

4. 550 / 50 =?

Stay tuned to this section of the magazine every month. There will be some very

interesting things you can learn. The whole idea behind this section is to make numbers

more interesting for you. The more interest you have in numbers, the better it is for you.

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Logical Thinking & Puzzles

Below are a couple of interesting puzzles. There is one column (in black)

which has some numbers. These numbers suggest the sum of numbers in

the corresponding rows. Now, fill in the empty cells with the correct

numbers so that the sum equals the numbers in the highlighted row and


<< Puzzle 1 Puzzle 2 >>

We have solved one puzzle to give

you an idea of what needs to be


Observe the yellow numbers. This is

what you will have to do too to solve

the puzzles below.

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Puzzles are a great way to encourage lateral thinking. Below are some puzzles you

should try to solve.

1. 5 years ago Kate was 5 times as old as her Son.

5 years hence her age will be 8 less than three times the corresponding age of

her Son.

Find their ages.

2. Imagine a 3x3x3 cube.

How many cuts do we need to break it into 27 1x1x1 cubes?

A cut may go through multiple pieces.

3. If there are two jars – one with a capacity of 3 liters and the other with a

capacity of 5 liters. Can you measure 4 liters using the two jars you have?

4. A man works on the 10th floor and always takes the elevator down to ground

level at the end of the day.

Yet every morning he only takes the elevator to the 7th floor and walks up the

stairs to the 10th floor, even when is in a hurry.


5. A Man carries his son into the hospital because his son has a nail in his foot.

The Surgeon then walks in and says "I cannot operate on this boy … he is my


What is going on here?

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People Smart Interpersonal intelligence is the ability to understand and interact effectively with others. It

involves effective verbal and nonverbal communication, the ability to note distinctions

among others, sensitivity to the moods and temperaments of others, and the ability to

entertain multiple perspectives. Teachers, social workers, actors, and politicians, all exhibit

interpersonal intelligence. Young adults with this kind of intelligence are leaders among their

peers, are good at communicating, and seem to understand others‟ feelings and motives.

In this article, we give you certain tips to improve your interpersonal intelligence.

1. Role Plays:

Have a teacher or parent conduct a role play with 3 to 6 students. You can ask your

elders to give you a fictional setting and assign roles to all the participants. You can

carry out the role play for about 20 to 30 minutes and then have the elders tell you

how you have responded during the different stages in the role play.

You can have this activity once every week so that you can prepare yourself for

different scenarios and also have someone monitor you so that any mistakes can be

easily identified and you can get suggestions immediately.

Every day we meet with a lot of people, some very close and

some not so much. It is very important to know how to

behave in different circumstances and with different people.

By being well behaved, you not only get your parents‟

appreciation but also the appreciation and respect of

teachers, friends, relatives and others.

The importance for inter-personal skills only increases with

time. When you start working in companies after 10 to 15

years, you would realize that interpersonal skills play a very

important role in determining your career growth. It is

equally important in personal life too. You might also be an

introvert, but interpersonal intelligence is not just about

taking to anyone and everyone you see on the road.

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2. Sports

Most times, the importance of sports is underestimated. Sports are a great way to

build interpersonal skills. It makes you work together for a common cause and

teaches a lot of really important lessons of working for each other.

3. Observe Others

There are some people who have exceptional interpersonal skills and are widely

appreciated for the same. You need to observe those people to see what they do best

and try to put that into practice.

4. Prioritize

You may not be able to overcome all your shortfalls in a week or so. It is therefore

very important to select a few areas and work on them before you can add a few

more. To make the learning a bit faster, maintain a small notice board in your be

room. Just before you go to sleep every day, look at the board and evaluate for

yourself whether you are trying to improve your interpersonal skills.

5. Track your progress

It is important to know how much you are progressing in the areas you have selected

as the highest priority. Once you have stopped making the same mistakes, you are

good to go to the next list. You have to get to a level where you know that the same

mistakes would not repeat.

Sometimes you have to be very patient with yourself. It

may not be very easy to stop making certain mistakes, but

persistence is the key.

Do you know the favorite color of you close friends or

family? Do you know who their role models are? Do you

know the birthday of your parents or their wedding

anniversary?Try spending some time understanding people

around you. Start with the people who are closest to you.

Try to remember as many things about your close ones as


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Nature Smart

Nature Smartness is the human ability to discriminate among living things (plants,

animals) as well as sensitivity to other features of the natural world (clouds, rock

configurations). This ability was clearly of value in our evolutionary past as hunters,

gatherers, and farmers; it continues to be central in such roles as botanist or chef. It is

also speculated that much of our consumer society exploits the naturalist

intelligences, which can be mobilized in the discrimination among cars, sneakers,

kinds of makeup, and the like.

We often see valleys and mountains in movies or on the TV. Imagine walking on a

glass bridge which is about 4000 feet above a river. Grand Canyon Skywalk brings to

life a very wild imagination. You can walk 4000 feet above the Grand Canyon floor.

An entrepreneur who flew over the Grand Canyon envisioned a transparent bridge

that would allow visitors to get a feel of walking the air many feet above the floor.

Grand Canyon is a horseshoe shaped transparent bridge and tourist

attraction in Arizona near the Colorado River on the edge of a side canyon. It is

owned by the local Hualapai Indian tribe and was unveiled on March 20, 2007 and

opened to the general public on March 28, 2007. It attracts thousands of visitors

everyday and provides valuable financial support to the local tribes. More than 15 lakh

visitors have taken the Skywalk till now.

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Did you Know?

Here are a few facts that you should know.

1. Muscles in a human body are about 650 in total.

2. It takes 8 minutes 17 seconds for light to travel from the Sun‟s

surface to the Earth.

3. In October 1999, the 6 billionth person was born. (Isn‟t that huge?)

4. An ocean wave can rose up to maximum height of 21m and it was

recorded back in 2004 in the island of Maui. 516m ocean wave was

recorded at the head of Lituya Bay, Alaska in 1958.

5. On the top layer of moon when the gravity is too low, there is no

atmosphere and when someone utters something, the words won‟t

reach the next person's ear

6. An eye blinking is a complicated process and a human eye blinks 4.2

million times in a year.

7. The tallest tree ever was an Australian eucalyptus - In 1872 it was

measured at 435 feet tall.

8. In 5 billion years the Sun will run out of fuel and turn into a Red


9. The grey whale migrates 12,500 miles from the Arctic to Mexico

and back every year.

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We at “My Super Brain” and “Exalt” fine tune your knowledge in association

with all the 8 known intelligences. They are known as,

Naturalist Intelligence (“Nature Smart”)

Interpersonal Intelligence (People Smart”)

Logical Intelligence (Number/Reasoning Smart)

Spatial Intelligence (“Picture Smart”)

Intra-personal Intelligence (Self Smart”)

Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence (“Body Smart”)

Musical Intelligence (“Musical Smart”)

Linguistic Intelligence (Word Smart)

As we have already discussed about Nature smart, Number Smart, People smart,

Word smart and Self-smart in the previous sections. Here are the other three,

Music smart, Body smart and Picture smart.

There are competitions and group activities too.

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Music Smart

“Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to

be silent.”

Victor Hugo

Musical intelligence is the capacity to discern pitch,

rhythm, timbre, and tone. This intelligence enables

us to recognize, create, reproduce, and reflect on

music, as demonstrated by composers, conductors,

musicians, vocalist, and sensitive listeners.

Interestingly, there is often an affective connection

between music and the emotions; and mathematical

and musical intelligences may share common

thinking processes. Young adults with this kind of

intelligence are usually singing or drumming to

themselves. They are usually quite aware of sounds

others may miss.

Whenever you get a chance to play any musical

instrument, play it. Continue doing it until you

discover which instrument you are really interested

in. If you have a chance, participate in annual day

events in music. The best way to improve your music

skills is to participate in music events as often as you


Try singing a few songs in competitions. Experts

would give you feedback. It will be very helpful to


By the way, who is your favorite music director? Who

is your favorite singer?

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Know an instrument: Flute

Head Joint

This is the part of the flute that touches the mouth and has no keys. On the head joint

you will also find the tuning cork which you can move to adjust the intonation of the

flute. The lip-plate, also called the embouchure plate, is likewise found on the head joint.

The lip plate is where the musician rests his lower lip in order to play the flute. A curved

lip-plate is easier to blow than a straight lip-plate. The blow hole, also known as the

mouth hole, is likewise located on the head joint. The blow hole is where the musician

blows air into in order to produce sound. It can either be oval shaped or rounded

rectangle. A larger mouth hole favors low notes while a small mouth hole favors high


Body Joint

This is the largest part of the flute and contains most of the keys. The body joint

connects the head and foot joint. The keys are pressed in order to produce a certain pitch.

It is important that the key pads and springs are in good condition to produce the proper

quality of sound. Aside from the keys, on the body joint you will also find the tuning

slide and tenons. It is used primarily to tune the flute.

Foot Joint

This is the shortest part of the flute that contains a few keys. The foot joint has a rod and

it is important for it to be aligned with the center of the keys in the body of the flute.

The flute is often used in jazz and pop music, it has the highest voice in the woodwind family of instruments. This may be a bit confusing since not all flutes are made of wood. But due to the way a flute produces sound and its construction, the flute is rated among the woodwinds.

The flute is also a very versatile musical instrument, it can play solo or be responsible for carrying the melody.

If you are thinking of taking up flute playing, you must be well aware of the different parts of the flute and their specific function.

The flute has three main parts:

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Body Smart

Bodily kinesthetic intelligence is the capacity to manipulate objects and use a variety

of physical skills. This intelligence also involves a sense of timing and the perfection

of skills through mind–body union.

You might have heard the saying, “Healthy mind

in a healthy body”. Fitness is not just for the

sportsmen. It is important for all of us. Obesity is a

serious problem these days. There are multiple

reasons for obesity in human beings, but a proper

exercise plan would do no harm to anyone. When

you meet the doctor next time for a checkup, ask

him for a diet plan.

How can you improve your body smartness? How can

you stay fit and have good reflexes?

There is no one answer to the above questions. Here

are a few things that would help you improve your


1. Spend at least 20 minutes every day doing mild

exercises like jogging, running, swimming or

playing sports like hockey or football or cricket etc.

2. Participate in dance or yoga or similar pursuits

which make you put some stress on your body

3. Participate in sports whenever you get a chance.

Sports is a great way to keep your body fit and also

learn whole lot of personality traits.

4. Instead of playing a game on the computer or

on your game consoles, you should play with your

friends in the ground

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Picture Smart

Spatial intelligence is the ability to think in three dimensions. Core capacities include

mental imagery, spatial reasoning, image manipulation, graphic and artistic skills, and

an active imagination. We shall be dealing with everything related to art in this


Have you seen the caricatures of eminent people in the newspapers? I am sure most of

you have. If you haven‟t seen a caricature or don‟t know what a caricature is, please

read below the definition of caricature.

We would like to suggest an activity. Try drawing the caricatures of your close friends.

Firstly, take their permission. Don‟t draw it in a way that is offensive to your friends. If

you are skeptical, you can draw the caricatures of some famous personalities like

politicians or sports stars, movie stars etc.

If you would like to feature your caricatures on mysuperbrain.com, please email it to

us. Our email address is info@mysuperbrain.com.

Below is an example of a caricature of Einstein. On the left is Einstein‟s picture and on

the right is his caricature.

A caricature is a portrait that exaggerates or distorts the essence of a person,

animal or object to create an easily identifiable visual likeness. In literature,

a caricature is a description of a person using exaggeration of some characteristics

and oversimplification of others

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Paper Art Logic will get you from A to Z; imagination will get you everywhere.”

― Albert Einstein. Do you follow your creative pursuits regularly? With creativity, you can build great

things in life. Creativity does not require great resources to get things done. We want

you to bring out the best in you in terms of what you can build using paper.

The above work was done using paper. You, too, can build something amazing like

this using just paper and gum. You can try doing the same or any other idea you may

have. It could be your school or your sweet home. You can work with your friends to

build something very big. Again, don‟t forget to send us the pictures or videos of

such exercises. We would love to have more people view your work than just your

classmates or family.

There are a lot of newspapers already at your home. Instead of just throwing it away,

you can put it to good use. You need not finish your art in one go. You can take

your own time, collect your thoughts and innovate. You would be amazed to see

what you can really build.

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Quiz Time Test your general knowledge. Try to find answers for all the questions. You can also

learn what you already don‟t know.

Match the sportsmen and sportswomen with the sports they are associated with

Player Sport

1. Narayan Karthikeyan Cricket

2. Rafael Nadal F1 Racing

3. Sunil Gavaskar Swimming

4. Saina Nehwal Running

5. Usain Bolt Baminton

6. Michael Phelps Tennis

1. Who scored the most number of runs in International cricket?

2. Which Indian won the Oscar award for music in 2009?

3. If it is 5:30 PM in India, What is the GMT?

4. Who is the Prime Minister of India?

5. Who is the Chief Minister of your state?

6. Can you go from Mumbai to New York only on road?

7. What is the total number of MPs in Lok Sabha?

8. Which is the third biggest state in India?

9. Which is the biggest desert in the world?

10. Which is the longest river in the world?

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Group Tasks

This is a fun filled activity which can be conducted among a multiple number of students.

Activity Build a strong tower that can support a one liter water bottle.

Equipment needed

Ice cream sticks, Glue, Newspapers, threads and a one liter water bottle.

Time 25 minutes.

Team Size 3 to 6. All the teams should be of the same size.

Aim Build a structure that is tall and strong enough to support a one liter water bottle at the top. The teams will have to work together and in the given time work together and create the structure as tall as possible.

Judging The team that builds the tallest structure that supports the one liter bottle is the winner. Do this with a teacher as the judge.

It is time to test your memory power. Hope you have done a good job learning lot of cool

things today.

Activity Quizzing Equipment needed

EXALT magazine

Time 20 minutes. Team Size 3 to 6. All the teams should be of the same size. Process How well have you read the magazine? Do you remember all that

you have read? After you have read the magazine in detail, you can see how much you have learned or remembered. Form a team of 3 students. Prepare a set of 10 questions and get them to the class. Have a teacher help you with this quiz. Give your 10 questions to the teacher. Request the teacher to collect all the questions and then conduct a quiz for all the groups in the class.

Judging Whichever team gets the most number of questions right is the winner.

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EXALT and www.mysuperbrain.com work hard to bring you a global platform

to showcase your skills in different areas. Your entries would be viewed by

students, parents, teachers, experts and enthusiasts from all over the world. It

gives you a very easily accessible platform to showcase and improve your skills.

It is also a great chance to discover your latent skills. We may not be aware of

our greatest skills unless and until we give ourselves a chance to see how good

we are. MySuperBrain.com gives you the opportunity to participate in all the

competitions. Experts would look at your submissions and give you feedback.

You may realize your skills because of the experts.

I am sure you love participating in competitions. This is

your chance to showcase your skills to people from

around the world. Participate in these exciting

competitions and win amazing prizes.

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Essay Writing

Topic The country of my dreams


We all hope that India was a better place. We all have our dreams for the country. What is the country of your dreams? What would India have for it to be called the country of your dreams? What do you want to see changed? What are you willing to do to bring about the change?

Prize Medals, Certificates and T Shirts to be given to the top three candidates


Topic Seasons

Description Every season is special. Every season brings its own variety. Capture the specialty of each season in a beautiful painting and send it to us.

Prize Medals, Certificates and T Shirts to be given to the top three candidates


Topic Going green


Environmental degradation is a serious threat. Come up with an idea that would improve the environment. Using eco-friendly material or replacing some harmful things with eco-friendly materials. It could be reusing old bottles for plants or old clothes instead of shopping bags etc

Prize Medals, Certificates and T Shirts to be given to the top three candidates/ teams

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Social Impact

Topic Make the society a better place


Every day we come across so many social problems. You might have your opinions and ways to make the society a better place by solving those problems. Send in your entry that captures the problem and also what you think would solve the problem. We will work with NGOs/ Government Organizations or anyone related so that we can fix the issue.

Prize Medals, Certificates and T Shirts to be given to the top three candidates

SuperBrain of the Day

We are all very special. Every day we feature one special kid as the “SuperBrain of

the Day”. This is to encourage students to showcase their skills and also give

them the recognition and a pat on their back for a job well done.

If you wish to feature yourself on the Home page of the website as the

SuperBrain of the Day, all you have to do is write to us at


The write up should be written by the

student himself/ herself. Some of the

points that could be covered are family,

aims and ambitions, role models, hobbies

and interests, friends, school, most

important things in life etc.

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www.mysuperbrain.com is India‟s first website that is aimed at

improving multiple skills in students. Every student is special. Every

student has different skills. At www.mysuperbrain.com, we improve

your skills and showcase it to the world.

Imagine your painting or essay or a project getting showcased to the

whole world. Students, teachers, parents and experts from across the

world would view your work and give you feedback and points.

You can also read about various topics and improve your knowledge,

play educational games to improve your skills in Logical thinking,

Creativity, Vocabulary, Number crunching, Writing, Painting,

Projects, Music etc. You can even talk to experts from various

domains like scientists, artists, engineers, doctors, sportsmen,

psychologists, businessmen etc.

There are exciting prizes to be won too, including laptops, books, T-

shirts, certificates and medals.

How to register?

1. Go to www.mysuperbrain.com 2. Click on “Join Now” button at the top of the Homepage 3. Enter your details and register. 4. Registration is “free”.

So what are you waiting for? Jump into the amazing world of mysuperbrain.com.
