Exclusive JLA Speakers & Presenters



Exclusive JLA Speakers & Presenters

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Contact: Jeremy Frewer

JLA, 80 Great Portland Street London W1W 7NW, England

Telephone 020 7907 2800 jeremyfrewer@jla.co.uk

Spring / Summer 2013

ExclusivE JlA spEAkErs & prEsEntErs

The global economy Rt Hon Alistair Darling MP Chancellor of the Exchequer 2007-2010 Lord Mark Malloch-Brown Former Deputy Secretary General, United Nations Robert Peston BBC Business Editor poliTicS & SocieTy Rt Hon David Blunkett MP Former Labour Home Secretary Rt Hon David Davis MP Influential Conservative Backbencher

leaderShip & moTivaTion Lord Sebastian Coe Chairman, London Olympic Games Baroness Eliza Manningham-Buller Head of MI5 2002-2007 Mark Ormrod Royal Marine Triple Amputee buSineSS leaderS & enTrepreneurS Will Butler-Adams Managing Director, Brompton Bicycle Co BJ Cunningham Serial Entrepreneur Robert Peston BBC Business Editor Ellis Watson CEO, DC Thomson Publishing Michael Woodford Whistleblowing Global CEO, Olympus SpecialiST buSineSS SpeakerS Rachel Botsman World Authority on ‘Collaborative Consumption’ Guy Browning Humorous Business Author & Brand Consultant Ffion Hague Business Consultant & Biographer Tim Harford Million-selling ‘Undercover Economist’ Leo Johnson Oxford Fellow & Co-founder, Sustainable Finance Scott Seaborn Executive Creative Director & Digital Pioneer FacTual enTerTainmenT preSenTerS Professor Brian Cox Particle Physicist & ‘Wonders’ Presenter Nick Hewer Apprentice Aide & Countdown Host newS preSenTerS Huw Edwards Lead Anchor, BBC TV News James Naughtie The Today Programme John Pienaar BBC Radio 5 Live Justin Webb The Today Programme

enQuirieS & bookingS 020 7907 2800 / jeremyFrewer@jla.co.uk

SpeakerS & preSenTerS

ExclusivE JlA spEAkErs & prEsEntErs

Spring / Summer 2013

enQuirieS & bookingS 020 7907 2800 / jeremyFrewer@jla.co.uk

Spring / Summer 2013

Alistair Darling served as Chancellor of the Exchequer from 2007 to 2010, during the most turbulent and far-reaching economic crisis the world had seen for 60 years. He introduced the measures needed to avert a collapse of the banking system, and played a leading part in restoring stability to global financial markets.

Alistair worked as a solicitor in Edinburgh before being called to the Scottish Bar and entering Parliament. He became Chief Secretary to the Treasury in Tony Blair’s first Cabinet, moving to Work & Pensions, then taking joint responsibility for the Scotland Office and the Department of Transport. His final role under Prime Minister Blair was at the helm of Trade & Industry, after which Gordon Brown promoted him to the Treasury.

As Chancellor, Alistair Darling was widely credited with preventing recession from spiralling into a repeat of the Great Depression. By the time he left office, government borrowing was less than forecast, and unemployment and repossessions were both lower than many had anticipated. Looking forward he believes that Labour must stay in the centre ground, and that the country won’t be able to adapt to future needs unless both private and public sectors work together. In speeches he offers a dispassionate account of what’s going on in the world economy

Now on the backbenches Alistair has more time to enjoy fishing and walking in the Hebrides, and spending time in the family croft - while leading the campaign for Scotland to remain in the United Kingdom. His love of the island of Lewis led the venerated journalist Magnus Linklater to celebrate his “perfect balance of Gaelic romanticism and Edinburgh canniness.”

The global economy

Rt Hon AlistAiR DARling MP

“ real candour” Dewey & Leboeuf

Spring / Summer 2013

The global economy

Mark Malloch-Brown served as United Nations’ Deputy Secretary General, Vice Chairman of the Soros investment funds and the World Economic Forum. He was also the Prime Minister’s envoy for the London G20 Summit, and Foreign Office Minister with responsibility for Africa and Asia - with a seat in the Cabinet. He has a remarkable breadth of leadership experience and insight across international politics, investment and development.

Originally a journalist at The Economist, Mark switched to a field role with the UNHCR before joining a political communications consultancy – working closely with democratic opposition leaders in Chile and the Philippines. He helped both to overthrow dictatorships. Then, after five years as World Bank Vice President for External Affairs, Mark returned to the United Nations to head the Development Programme, with offices and programmes in more than 150 countries. He ultimately became Chief of Staff and then Deputy to Kofi Annan. For several years he ran the full gamut of UN activities around the world from politics to peacekeeping and diplomacy. This made him the Chief Operating Officer of a several hundred thousand person organisation.

Mark has since served on the boards of George Soros’ investment funds and the little known but hugely influential Open Society Foundation. He is now Chairman (EMEA) of FTI Consulting, advising on macro and enterprise risks across the world.

In his presentations Mark explores the opportunities and challenges for private sector interests in both emerging and ‘frontier’ markets. He examines the link between business and development, the tensions that can be created by economic progress, and political uncertainty from the Middle East to the South China Seas. His messages resonate across all industry sectors, from agriculture and energy to technology and retail.

Lord Mark MaLLoch-Brown

“ FanTaSTic global perSpecTive” Carbon Zero SoLutionS

As BBC Business Editor, Robert has broadcast a series of exclusives about the global financial situation. It was he who revealed the crisis at Northern Rock and RBS, the emergency rescue of HBOS and the inevitability of the Irish bailout. According to the Evening Standard, “as austerity cuts bite, he remains the authoritative voice on the UK economy.”

Robert was previously City and Assistant Editor of The Sunday Telegraph, in charge of business and money sections. Before that he was the FT’s Financial Editor and a member of the editorial board. He also served as Political Editor, Banking Editor and founder of the investigations unit.

At the Royal Television Society’s Television Journalism Awards, Robert won both Specialist Journalist and Television Journalist of the Year for his coverage of the credit crunch and a string of associated stories. Other honours include the Scoop of the Year Award and the Wincott Prize, and Best Performer in a Non-Acting Role at the Broadcasting Press Guild. He’s also won huge acclaim for his blog, which receives 2.5 million views each month.

Books include How Do We Fix This Mess? and Who Runs Britain? - How the Super-Rich are Changing our Lives. The latter explains the nature of the boom, and why we are now having to pay the price for excess. Or, as The Guardian describes it, “how Labour glorified the City and (allowed it to) put all the nation’s economic eggs into one dangerous basket of fizzy finance.”

As well as reporting on business news for radio and television, Robert investigated the causes and consequences of the credit crunch in BBC2’s Super Rich: The Greed Game, and presented Peston & The Moneymen for Radio 4. He also gave the Richard Dunn Memorial Lecture at the Edinburgh International Television Festival. In presentations he explains that European banking union and new regulations will have broad consequences for Britain. Charting the twists and turns, Robert explores how we can move to a more sustainable, investment based economy.

RobeRt Peston

Spring / Summer 2013

The global economy

“univerSally greaT Feedback” DeLoitte

As Home Secretary at the time of 9/11, David Blunkett served through the most testing times. The turbulence was not confined to his political life; few senior politicians have experienced quite so many ups and downs, and none have achieved high office having been blind since birth.

After leading Sheffield City Council (described by a local Tory as ‘The People’s Republic of South Yorkshire’), David entered Parliament and held shadow portfolios in health, education and employment. Then as Labour Party Chair he became a key player in the development of New Labour – distancing himself once and for all from the ‘loony left.’

When Tony Blair came to power David was appointed Secretary of State for Education and Employment – where he launched the Learning & Skills Councils, created Job Centre Plus, oversaw the Equal Opportunities Commission and established the Disability Rights Commission. Later as Home Secretary he took responsibility for security, immigration and policing. He also attracted controversy by introducing a raft of measures to combat the threat of terrorism.

As well as giving an insider’s view on the political landscape, David talks with authority on managing change, social responsibility and the benefits of diversity. His own story is one of overcoming considerable adversity. He is also an entertaining and surprisingly revealing after dinner speaker, with a fund of anecdotes about Labour’s years in power.

Since leaving the front bench David has continued to inform policy-making on social mobility, affordable credit and cyber security. He also devotes energy to his Future For Work Foundation, whose aim is to provide volunteering and work experience. David has published The Blunkett Tapes (sub-titled My Life in the Bear Pit), written a Sun column and appeared on Mastermind – where he chose Harry Potter as his specialist subject.

enQuirieS & bookingS 020 7907 2800 / jeremyFrewer@jla.co.uk

poliTicS & SocieTy

Rt Hon DaviD Blunkett MP

Spring / Summer 2013

“auThoriTaTive, inSighTFul, enTerTaining and delighTFul company” omniCom

David Davis served as Conservative Party Chairman and shadow Deputy Prime Minister, but to many he is best known for resigning his seat and stepping down as shadow Home Secretary on a point of principle. He has since established himself as an influential backbencher, and Chair of the Future of Banking Commission.

Before entering the Commons, David worked as a troubleshooter and strategist for Tate & Lyle, becoming a main board director. Apart from driving the recovery of loss-making subsidiaries he was central in reconfiguring the company. He also contributed pieces to The Wall Street Journal and Financial Times on industrial relations and management techniques, and wrote a book based on his experience. How to Turn Round a Company is as relevant today as it was then.

Soon after his election to Parliament David was invited to join the Government. His first role was in the Cabinet Office, responsible for policy delivery and public service performance and some aspects of intelligence oversight. He moved to the Foreign Office as Europe and Security Command Minister, then became Science Minister (as befits a graduate in molecular science). When Tony Blair’s New Labour was elected he stood for the leadership of the Conservatives, and was appointed Chairman of the all-powerful Public Accounts Committee.

In presentations David explores the concept of ‘fairness’ and its effects on politics, social mobility and society. He also suggests that anything less than a full Coalition term would result in mutually assured destruction for both parties. Meanwhile too much power is still vested in too few companies – and government itself is part of the problem thanks to close ties with business, finance and media. David argues that we need more competition, and more scrutiny.

Rt Hon DaviD Davis MP

Spring / Summer 2013

poliTicS & SocieTy

“ everyone waS So impreSSed wiTh hiS conTribuTion” aviva

Spring / Summer 2013

enQuirieS & bookingS 020 7907 2800 / jeremyFrewer@jla.co.uk

Using his political skills, his strategic know-how and a true passion for sport, Lord Coe won the bid to host the 2012 Olympics in London. Seven years later the Prime Minister thanked him for “lifting our hearts” after organising the most successful Games of modern times.

Seb first made his name as one of the greatest athletes of his generation. He set twelve world records over four distances, achieving four gold and three silver medals in the Olympics and European Championships. He tells the story in his autobiography, Running My Life. Talking about the setbacks as well as victories, he shows how he beat the competition by facing down everything in training: “You don’t become a champion by turning up and hoping to get lucky.”

In speeches Seb takes audiences from his own on-track rivalries to the lessons learned from London - overseeing an enormous infrastructure and logistical exercise in one of the world’s great cities. He highlights the need to build a resilient and dependable team, from a variety of backgrounds; to be seen to deliver on your vision (even while under constant scrutiny); and to communicate pre-emptively and leave nothing to chance. Above all, he underlines the age-old proposition that no amount of theorising replaces ‘the genius of hard work.’

Before he took on the Olympic role Seb served as a Member of Parliament, a Government Whip and Private Secretary to William Hague - which gives rise to numerous anecdotes. He also set up a chain of health clubs and acted as a global advisor to Nike.

Seb was honoured with a Life Peerage in 2002, becoming Lord Coe of Ranmore. He has since been appointed a KBE, and named ‘Greatest Briton’ in the Morgan Stanley Awards. He remains Vice President of the IAAF, and secured the 2017 World Athletics Championships for London. In this case it is only the third largest sporting event on the planet.

Lord SebaStian CoeleaderShip & moTivaTion

“ ThiS iS whaT leaderShip meanS. There iS no beTTer ambaSSador” ePCa buDaPeSt

Eliza Manningham-Buller headed Britain’s Security Service (MI5) from 2002 to 2007, leading the organisation though substantial change in the wake of 9/11 and the threat from Al-Qaeda. During her time at the helm MI5 doubled in size, opened eight new offices and altered its approach to the professional development of staff with the establishment of a training academy.

Earlier in her career, Eliza led the Service’s investigation into the Lockerbie bombing. She served in Washington during the first Gulf war, returning to establish MI5’s intelligence effort against the Provisional IRA in mainland Britain. She joined the board and assumed lead responsibility for work on Irish terrorism, surveillance, technical collection, finance and IT before becoming Deputy Director General in charge of intelligence operations.

In presentations Eliza draws on her experience in the most demanding of environments to stress the need for leaders in any walk of life to engage in frank dialogue and invite criticism: “Do not try to be something you’re not, take responsibility for your team and remember that praising people takes seconds and can make an enormous difference. And don’t forget that humour can be found even in the most awful situations.”

Eliza Manningham-Buller is a cross-bench Peer and a Governor of the Wellcome Trust. She was also chosen to deliver the prestigious BBC Reith Lectures, alongside the Burmese opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi.

enQuirieS & bookingS 020 7907 2800 / jeremyFrewer@jla.co.uk

leaderShip & moTivaTion

Baroness eliza ManninghaM-Buller

Spring / Summer 2013

“we have never Seen an audience So capTivaTed” ConvateC

Mark Ormrod served for ten years as a Royal Marine, in both Iraq and Afghanistan. While on manoeuvres in Helmand Province he was caught in a landmine explosion and lost both legs and one arm. In an extraordinary demonstration that life can go on even after tragedy, he’s since completed The Gumpathon, a four-man run across America inspired by Forrest Gump.

Mark defied expectations at every turn of his rehabilitation. After initially being told he’d never walk again, he first set his sights on standing to receive his campaign medal. The next goal was to walk down aisle with his fiancée (to whom he had proposed in a moment of consciousness in intensive care). Having achieved those dreams Mark found new challenges, from the mundane like driving a non-adapted car, to the extraordinary like skydiving and hand-cycling 3,000 miles around the UK in a single month. He also carried the Olympic torch.

In a compelling tale of survival against the odds, thanks to his own grit and determination, Mark tells of horrific injuries and remarkable recovery. He explains how, at the very brink of despair, his ‘Marine’s ego’ kicked in and he conquered his new bionic legs. In an authentic and uplifting presentation, he proudly describes the journey – and how he now hasn’t needed a wheelchair for more than three years.

Mark has written an account of his experiences in Man Down. He works for the Royal Marines Association, raising money for veterans, the injured and bereaved families. He’s also looking to his next challenge: swimming the English Channel!

Mark OrMrOd

Spring / Summer 2013

leaderShip & moTivaTion

“ our FirST Speaker ever To geT a STanding ovaTion” ChartereD inStitute of houSing

As boss of Brompton Bicyle Co, Will Butler-Adams is helping spearhead a new surge in British manufacturing. His company design, produce and distribute over 30,000 folding bikes each year from their UK factory – with half the 1200 parts in every Brompton made onsite. Even in the current economic climate, they are enjoying exponential growth.

Along with the founder and inventor Andrew Richie, Will has taken the company from a cottage industry to a rapidly growing international brand - by combining expert engineering with a very genuine passion for the product. He sees it not as a leisure item, but as urban public transport.

Brompton operates in a similar way to specialist car manufacturers. The R&D department works tirelessly on both small, mechanical details and big ideas like a ‘smart’ battery-powered model. They also launch new colours and offer customised options, with the minimum of marketing.

In presentations Will explains his belief in ‘building out’ obsolescence: owners fall in love with a product designed to last a lifetime. As a result, rather than suffering the frustration of having to replace something, they promote sales by using social media to tell friends how wonderful it is. Riding onto the conference platform, Will outlines his vision - including further expansion into China (by not having patents), and Bromptons for hire in cities throughout the UK.

Alongside his Brompton mission, Will is one of the champions of the ‘Make It In Great Britain’ campaign and a trustee of Speakers4Schools. He believes we are still capable of manufacturing excellence, and argues that with investment and encouragement our export market can produce real growth. His own overseas customers account for 70% of sales.

enQuirieS & bookingS 020 7907 2800 / jeremyFrewer@jla.co.uk

buSineSS leaderS & enTrepreneurS

Will Butler-AdAms

Spring / Summer 2013

Whilst still a teenager BJ Cunningham started his first enterprise, importing classic cars and Harley Davidsons from LA to London. When the market collapsed he used his considerable debt to launch DEATH Cigarettes - positioned as ‘The Honest Smoke’. It gained such a foothold that BJ found himself taking on the combined might of the industry in the European Court of Justice.

Then, with a growing reputation for challenging norms, BJ set up a brand marketing agency and built a client list including Volkswagen, B&O and Nokia. Having sold the company and proved his credentials as a true serial entrepreneur, he and his wife created and ran the luxury shoe designer Georgina Goodman until its acquisition by venture capitalists.

BJ is a Visiting Professor at Brighton University, serves on the council of Business Superbrands and travels the world giving inspiring keynote presentations. He believes that while customers are magnetised towards ‘need’ over ‘want’ in the wake of recession, genuine premium will still remain resilient: “Loyalty in business is a long-term relationship, discounting is little more than a one-night stand.”

BJ’s message is that a brand is a promise, not a logo; it’s about depth, not awareness. A business must know what it stands for, say it with clarity and do what it says. With wonderfully engaging examples, he shows that customers want to understand the authentic soul of the organisation and become part of your community.

BJ Cunningham

Spring / Summer 2013

buSineSS leaderS & enTrepreneurS

“poliTically incorrecT and elecTriFying - our delegaTeS loved him” Pr week

Ellis Watson is CEO of DC Thomson, the Scottish media group. He previously headed Simon Cowell’s joint venture with Sony, and turned around the legendary Greyhound Bus business.

Ellis’ first break came as Marketing Director at The Sun, reporting directly to Rupert Murdoch. He then became CEO of Celador International, licensing Who Wants To Be A Millionaire? to 100 countries and overseeing 130 branded consumer products before being lured back to Fleet Street as MD of Mirror Group Newspapers.

After a spell with Menzies, Ellis next accepted an invitation to join the board of FirstGroup, the world’s biggest privately owned public transport operator. They parachuted him in to Ohio to address the ailing fortunes at Greyhound. Founded in 1914, it was a $3bn concern with 3,400 bus stations, 17,000 buses and 27,000 employees; but it was broken and losing share to internal airlines. Within 14 months Ellis had re-equipped the fleet, rejuvenated the brand and reinvented the culture (starting with mystery shoppers and training camps). Greyhound is now building a reputation for safety, reliability, comfort and service.

In his current role at DC Thomson, Ellis is steering a traditional firm that’s been family run for six generations into a future-proofed organisation. He’s shed a third of staff, increased turnover at the papers and moved The Beano, part of the fabric of the company, from print to digital.

In presentations Ellis argues that a significant external shock like recession can be a springboard for positive change. He shows how to inspire passion when under pressure, and how to progress from mission statements to true company culture embracing quality, integrity and diversity.

Ellis is known as one of the most inspiring and intelligent keynote speakers in Britain. He’s also hugely entertaining. After dinner he might reveal how the Colombian Minister of Information insisted on hosting ‘Millionaire’ himself, giving glamorous female contestants a helping hand.

enQuirieS & bookingS 020 7907 2800 / jeremyFrewer@jla.co.uk

Ellis Watson

Spring / Summer 2013

buSineSS leaderS & enTrepreneurS

“ very relevanT, provocaTive and enTerTaining” morgan StanLey

Michael Woodford worked his way up through the ranks of Olympus to become the first non-Japanese head of the 92 year-old company. However, he was dismissed after just four months in the position when he uncovered explosive financial irregularities. The story is set to reverberate around the world - just as four UK newspapers have named Michael their Business Person of the Year. According to the Editor of the Financial Times, he “captures the spirit of boldness.”

Leaving school at 16 Michael started out as a management trainee at Lucas Aerospace and put himself through Millbank College of Commerce. Then after a spell at Cadbury Schweppes, he joined the sales force at KeyMed, the UK medical equipment division of Olympus. He made his way up the ladder over the next three decades, running their American and Russian businesses before becoming Executive MD of Olympus Europe. Two years later he was one of only five foreign nationals ever to take the helm of a global Japanese corporation.

Just after taking up his appointment as President and CEO, Michael discovered that hundreds of millions of dollars had been transferred to mysterious accounts, many in the Cayman Islands tax haven. When he brought it to the attention of his Chairman and board, and informed a contact at the Financial Times, he was instantly sacked. Told that he should fear for his safety, he returned to London and briefed the Serious Fraud Office, setting in train a series of investigations which would involve the SFO, the FBI and the Toyko Police. The scale of fraud is estimated to be $1.7billion, over twenty years. Keen to right the wrongs, Michael also offered to return to Olympus, but was rejected by shareholders.

The Olympus tale takes in the Yakuza crime syndicate and Japanese concepts of loyalty and reputation. More importantly for Western business audiences, it gets to the heart of what is and what isn’t ethical capitalism. In a typically frank and entertaining way, Michael tells the story in a keynote or after dinner speech - exploring lessons of corporate morality and risk management against a truly dramatic, and still unfolding backdrop.

Michael Woodford

Spring / Summer 2013

buSineSS leaderS & enTrepreneurS

“a Truly gripping STory” bmi heaLthCare

Rachel Botsman is one of the most influential thinkers on the power of collaboration. She argues that network technologies herald a ‘Collaborative Consumer’ revolution, which is set to have a greater impact on society than the original Industrial Revolution.

Rachel’s book What’s Mine Is Yours has been recognised by TIME Magazine as one of the ‘10 ideas that will change the world.’ It explains that consumers now have an acceptance of sharing, and that those community-driven marketplaces in which we place our trust will change the way we live. The priority for business is to understand the extension of social networking to service networking, and the seismic cultural shift that it represents.

According to the Economist Intelligence Unit, by 2020 70% of those currently in their twenties expect to access the majority of goods rather than own them - both out of convenience and cost. As one example, car clubs are already showing exponential growth (and insurers have noticed that members make fewer than average claims).

Meanwhile an increasing proportion of personal loans in the developed world are made through peer-to-peer lending sites, and ‘Task Angels’ are earning serious money (or tradable credits) for running errands for those with less time to spare. Anyone can be a producer or an entrepreneur.

In her presentations Rachel explores these trends and what they mean for corporations, SMEs and online communities themselves. How do they alter traditional rules of supply and demand? How should established brands respond, and new entrants make their mark? And on a different plane, what might be the implications of virtual currencies?

Rachel Botsman is a former director at the President Clinton Foundation and a partner in the Collaborative Fund, which offers seed capital and strategic support for creative entrepreneurs. Based in Australia, she speaks at TED events across the world and contributes to publications from WIRED to Harvard Business Review. Her next book will focus on ‘reputation capital.’

enQuirieS & bookingS 020 7907 2800 / jeremyFrewer@jla.co.uk

SpecialiST buSineSS SpeakerS

Rachel Botsman

Spring / Summer 2013

“ inSighTFul Thinking and very Topical” John LewiS PartnerShiP

Guy Browning has two key characteristics necessary for great business communication: a thorough understanding of commercial issues and a highly developed sense of humour. Known as the ‘David Attenborough of the business jungle’, he is the creator of The Guardian’s Office column, presenter of Small Talk on Radio 4, and author of a slew of bestsellers. His latest book is The Pocket Guru, a brilliantly accessible guide to enterprise.

Originally an advertising copywriter, Guy’s expertise lies in the use of creativity in business. He now runs the Smokehouse consultancy, helping companies conceive more innovative products, services and processes, and new ways of communicating. He’s also a compelling conference speaker, showing how people in every part of the organisation can use intelligence, initiative and imagination to tackle any core issue.

Guy is also widely acknowledged as one of the funniest after dinner speakers on the circuit. He slices straight through management clichés, reveals the true purpose of conferencing and offers some invaluable tips on how to scale the greasy pole: “Get yourself noticed by volunteering (but remember, work itself makes you almost invisible); steer well clear of meetings (just tell them you’re in a meeting), and ignore all emails (most of which are bio-degradable).”

Guy’s books include Weak at the Top (the uncensored diary of the last cavemanager), Never Hit a Jellyfish with a Spade (how to survive life’s smaller challenges) and Maps of my Life, which he describes as an autobiography without the bad bits. Guy has also brought a new approach to cinema, writing and directing his first film Tortoise In Love, a low-budget romantic comedy financed by and starring locals from his own Oxfordshire village.

SpecialiST buSineSS SpeakerS

Guy BrowninG

Spring / Summer 2013

“ delegaTeS acTually appeared To have TearS rolling down Their cheekS” the entrePreneurS’ forum

Ffion Hague is an accomplished biographer, television presenter and business consultant – aside from being the wife of the serving British Foreign Secretary.

After running a leading firm of headhunters, Ffion now focuses on boardroom evaluation – often questioning the presence of an all-male board of directors when the business employs and sells to women. A native Welsh speaker, Ffion is also the author of The Pain and The Privilege, a biography of Liberal Prime Minister Lloyd George and the women in his life.

In speeches she evokes the spirit of the Suffragettes, who reached agreement with Lloyd George on voting rights in 1918, a period where women’s views were summarily discounted: “Although middle class girls are no longer kept at home lest excessive activity damaged their health, there is still a great deal to achieve. To get more than 17% of board jobs, we need to make a noise.”

enQuirieS & bookingS 020 7907 2800 / jeremyFrewer@jla.co.uk

FFion Hague

Spring / Summer 2013

SpecialiST buSineSS SpeakerS

Tim Harford is a world renowned behavioural economist and award-winning Financial Times columnist. Frequently described as ‘Britain’s Malcolm Gladwell,’ his first two books, The Logic of Life and The Undercover Economist, have been translated into 30 languages and sold well over a million copies. He is also presenter of Radio 4’s More or Less, and Pop Up Economics.

Tim’s most recent book is ADAPT: Why Success Always Starts With Failure. It shows how the challenges we face today can’t be solved with simple ready-made solutions; we must learn to improvise rather than plan. Drawing on psychology, evolutionary biology, physics, maths and economics, Tim shows how adaptive, trial-and-error processes can help tackle everything from innovation to financial crises. Gillian Tett describes it as “required reading for anyone trying to navigate an increasingly complex world.”

But whilst he’s a ‘serious’ economist with a career spanning Oxford, Shell and the World Bank, Tim’s FT columns dwell on the economics of daily life and offer tongue-in-cheek solutions to readers’ problems. He used a similar, highly accessible style as presenter of the BBC2 series Trust Me, I’m an Economist.

Drawing on the frontiers of economic research, Tim’s speeches cover everything from theories on how to save the world from Armageddon to how we can match odd socks, lose weight and find happiness. He might also reveal the hidden logic of the world around us: when a teenager commits a burglary or a smoker lights a cigarette we seem to be a million miles from common sense - or are we? Weaving evidence from sources like casinos and speed-dating, Tim shows that human behaviour is actually surprisingly logical.

Tim Harford

Spring / Summer 2013

SpecialiST buSineSS SpeakerS

“everybody loved hiS Talk” Sir riCharD branSon

Leo Johnson makes sense of sustainability. He pinpoints the trends - from climate change to increased regulation and threats to corporate reputation - then lays out both the risks and the opportunities for business and finance. His key topic is ‘future-proofing’, bringing it into sharp focus (with the same flair for language as his brother, London Mayor Boris Johnson).

Leo is Co-Founder of Sustainable Finance, advisor to over 50 global banks and businesses - and now part of PWC. He is also author of Beyond Risk and winner of the IFC Corporate Award for his work with the financial sector. He is a Fellow at Oxford’s Smith School of Enterprise, and lectures at the LSE and the Cambridge Programme for Industry.

Presentations address the questions no forward-looking company can afford to ignore. What is sustainability? Is it just hype or does it seriously affect your business? What’s going on when activists collect in the lobbies of investment banks, and consumers re-think their preferences? Leo doesn’t just set the scene, he helps win management buy-in to push through the changes necessary to pursue the next major source of economic growth.

Aside from keynote and after dinner speeches, Leo has moderated international conferences with the likes of Kofi Annan, hosted the FT Sustainable Banking Awards and helped launch the Carbon Disclosure Project in Geneva. He is a regular presenter on BBC World, a commentator on CNBC and a frequent contributor to The Wall Street Journal, FT and Spectator.

enQuirieS & bookingS 020 7907 2800 / jeremyFrewer@jla.co.uk

Leo Johnson

Spring / Summer 2013

SpecialiST buSineSS SpeakerS

“we couldn’T have aSked For a more inSpiring Speaker” barCLayS

As Head of Mobile Technologies at Ogilvy Group UK, Scott Seaborn’s work won more than 20 awards - from Cannes Lions and London Internationals to Creative Circles, D&ADs and DMAs. He is now Executive Creative Director at XS2, seen as Europe’s foremost agency for business solutions through mobile.

Naturally attracted to innovation, Scott created some of the first digital campaigns in the early days of the internet. He spent seven years working through the various digital disciplines before concentrating on mobile, serving as Co-Chairman of the Mobile Marketing Association. Today he is considered a global leader and a true pioneer in the field.

A recent newspaper article sums up Scott’s contribution: “Few people know as much about the potential of mobile and tablet technologies. Not only does Scott understand the possibilities and limitations, he also understands how they mesh with great creative ideas to provide engaging and useful applications.”

In presentations Scott explains why mobile now accounts for over 10% of global internet use. He shows how every business and industry sector can harness it to connect with consumers and make its message memorable (- as he demonstrates onstage with the aid of a music sequencer). Aside from marketing, he also reveals how mobile can yield operational efficiencies and sharply reduce the overall cost of sales.

Scott Seaborn

Spring / Summer 2013

SpecialiST buSineSS SpeakerS

“ SigniFicanT Food For ThoughT” CPt

FacTual enTerTainmenT preSenTerS

Spring / Summer 2013

At the same time as playing keyboard with D’Ream, Brian obtained a first class degree and a PhD. He is now Professor of Particle Physics at Manchester University and one of the leaders on the ATLAS experiment at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Geneva. Not content with that, he has also become a hugely popular TV presenter and author around the globe.

Brian’s television credits include the blockbusters Wonders of the Solar System, Wonders of the Universe and Wonders of Life. He has also fronted Space Hoppers, Stargazing, The Big Bang and numerous specials for Horizon. His book Why Does E=mc2? quickly became a bestseller.

Brian’s talks inspire audiences everywhere, from TED in America to World Economic Forums in Davos and China. With staggering images, his presentations show that science breaks down barriers and can both shock and excite. He also describes the breathtaking work at CERN, where scientists are recreating conditions a billionth of a second after Big Bang “in the hope of revealing the underlying simplicity of the universe.”

Brian Cox is an International Fellow of the Explorers Club and winner of the prestigious British Association Lord Kelvin Award for his work promoting science. When he isn’t filming in far away places Brian writes for both tabloids and broadsheets, and co-presents Radio 4’s Infinite Monkey Cage with his friend, the comedian Robin Ince.

enQuirieS & bookingS 020 7907 2800 / jeremyFrewer@jla.co.uk

Professor Brian Cox

“ perFecTly piTched – our delegaTeS were overjoyed” merCk

Nick Hewer is the host of Countdown and Lord Sugar’s right-hand man on The Apprentice. His facial expressions, borne of wonderfully dry wit and a lifetime’s business experience, tell you exactly what he thinks of the contestants.

Hewer’s PR firm was selected to represent Amstrad in the eighties and soon became responsible for media handling of all Alan Sugar’s business and charitable activities. For over 20 years Nick played an integral part in Amstrad’s management structure. He also built a long and impressive client list, including the Secretariat of HH The Aga Khan and the wife of the ruler of Dubai, the late Sheikh Maktoum.

After selling the business, Nick withdrew to his house in south west France; but having become firm friends with Alan, he was called to negotiate on his behalf with the Apprentice producers. The tables were turned when Sugar persuaded Nick to take an onscreen role and promised to negotiate his fees. “I fought hard against it,” he says, “but he cajoled me - in a muscular sort of way.” Taking to television like a duck to water, Nick has since amassed a string of credits from Have I Got News For You to The Town That Never Retired and Countdown to Freetown.

Nick Hewer and his original opposite number Margaret Mountford became surprising stars of the hit reality show. Nick’s after dinner speech takes audiences behind the scenes, before turning into an extended question and answer session. With The Apprentice consistently topping the ratings, there is never any shortage of questions.

Nick Hewer

Spring / Summer 2013

FacTual enTerTainmenT preSenTerS

“ excepTionally brillianT!” Peugeot Citroen

Huw Edwards anchors Britain’s most popular TV news bulletin, BBC’s Ten O’Clock News. He also led the commentary of the spectacular opening ceremony at the London Olympics, watched by a record 27 million viewers in the UK alone.

Originally a Parliamentary Correspondent, Huw has since won a BAFTA award, made a cameo appearance in the Bond movie Skyfall and commentated on Barack Obama’s inauguration from a Washington rooftop. He has interviewed Presidents, Prime Ministers and major figures in all areas of public life.

Huw combines newsroom duties with presenting major state events, from Trooping the Colour to The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee. He has filmed The History of Wales and made documentaries on Gladstone and Mozart, among many others, and regularly visits schools as ambassador for BBC News School Report.

Huw has a natural warmth and authority as an awards host and conference chair. He is also a gifted raconteur with a ready wit, as demonstrated in the panel game Would I Lie To You?

enQuirieS & bookingS 020 7907 2800 / jeremyFrewer@jla.co.uk

newS preSenTerS

Huw Edwards

Spring / Summer 2013

“an excepTional FaciliTaTor” ernSt & young

James Naughtie is an established Today presenter and host of Radio 4’s Book Club. He also serves as Chancellor of Stirling University and chaired the jury for the Man Booker Prize. His own publications include The Rivals, which exposed the truth about the relationship between Tony Blair and Gordon Brown.

Jim started out on his local newspaper in Aberdeen. He moved to The Scotsman, then grabbed the chance of a fellowship at The Washington Post before returning to Britain to become Chief Political Correspondent at The Guardian.

The switch to broadcast journalism came with an invitation to join Radio 4 as presenter of The Week in Westminster, followed by The World at One. He also made numerous documentaries, including investigations into UN peacekeeping operations and what was then considered a crisis of leadership in America.

Outside the BBC newsroom Jim is a noted authority on classical music and opera. He fronted coverage of The Proms for more than a decade, and published The Making of Music – putting 1000 years of composers and their works into proper historical context.

Jim has chaired many high level gatherings, including sessions of the World Economic Forum at Davos. He regularly moderates debates, facilitates panel discussions, hosts awards and delivers speeches to senior business audiences.

James Naughtie

Spring / Summer 2013

newS preSenTerS

“ brillianT handling oF The Speaker panel diScuSSionS” aStraZeneCa

John Pienaar is both presenter and Chief Political Correspondent for Radio 5 Live. A seasoned reporter, he sees his job as beating a path through the forest of Government spin. Ever since his original, often controversial parliamentary sketch for The Independent, he has acted as tour guide and translator of goings-on in the Westminster village.

John originally trained at South London Press, covering whatever was occurring on his doorstep – be it street crime, domestic violence, sex, drugs or rock’n’roll. He then became an Old Bailey Correspondent and even wrote an angling column (without ever having held a fishing rod).

Instantly recognisable to television news audiences, John has spent hundreds of hours standing in the rain outside 10 Downing Street. He was also invited to take part in a celebrity boxing show, only for it to be cancelled for fear that someone might get hurt. Picking up this theme in his after dinner speech, John imagines what would happen if the public were to vote for MPs by means of a reality TV show.

enQuirieS & bookingS 020 7907 2800 / jeremyFrewer@jla.co.uk

newS preSenTerS

John Pienaar

Spring / Summer 2013

“ he ToTally capTured The audience wiTh hiS inSighTS, anecdoTeS and humour” ConfeDeration of britiSh inDuStry

After serving as BBC North America Editor, Justin joined the team of presenters on Radio 4’s influential Today programme. He now interviews the great and the good and those making the day’s headlines - alongside John Humphrys, Jim Naughtie, Sarah Montague and Evan Davis.

In the US Justin covered all the twists and turns of the Presidential election, making him ideally placed to assess how the recession-fighting administration measures up to the challenge. As well as becoming a senior member of the White House press pack, he was the first British journalist to be granted a full television interview with President Obama.

Justin previously reported from Brussels as the BBC’s European Correspondent. He has also covered elections in Australia, a coup in the Maldives and Mafia trials in Italy. And as well as various overseas postings, he has anchored Breakfast News and The World Tonight.

Justin Webb is an extremely assured conference chair and awards host, and a wonderfully engaging speaker. After dinner he uncovers the truth about America and Americans (as in his books Have A Nice Day and Notes on Them and Us) – and has great fun demonstrating some of the differences in interviewing styles between ‘Old’ and ‘New World’ journalists.


Justin Webb

Spring / Summer 2013

“ very inSighTFul and amuSing” briDgePoint CaPitaL

Using all his political skills, his strategic know-how and a true passion for sport, Lord Coe won the bid to host the 2012 Olympics in London. Seven years later the Prime Minister thanked him for “lifting our hearts” after organising the most successful Games of modern times.

Seb first made his name as one of the greatest athletes of his generation. He set twelve world records over four distances, achieving four gold and three silver medals in the Olympics and European Championships. He tells the story in his autobiography, Running My Life. Talking about the setbacks as well as the victories, he shows how he beat the competition by facing down everything in training: “You don’t become a champion by turning up and hoping to get lucky.”

In speeches Seb takes audiences from his own on-track rivalries to the lessons learned from London - overseeing an enormous infrastructure and logistical exercise in one of the world’s great cities. He highlights the need to build a resilient and dependable team, from a variety of backgrounds; to be seen to deliver on your vision (even while under constant scrutiny); and to communicate pre-emptively and leave nothing to chance. Above all, he underlines the age-old proposition that no amount of theorising replaces ‘the genius of hard work.’

Before he took on the Olympic role Seb served as a Member of Parliament, a Government Whip and Private Secretary to the Leader of the Opposition - which gives rise to numerous anecdotes. He also set up a chain of health clubs and began his association with Nike as a global advisor.

Seb has been honoured with a Life Peerage, becoming Lord Coe of Ranmore. He has since been appointed a KBE and named ‘Greatest Briton’ in the Morgan Stanley Awards. He remains Vice President of the IAAF, and secured the 2017 World Athletics Championships for London. In this case it is only the third largest sporting event on the planet.

enQuirieS & bookingS 020 7907 2800 / jeremyFrewer@jla.co.uk


Lord SebaStian Coe

Spring / Summer 2013

“ ThiS iS whaT leaderShip meanS. There iS no beTTer ambaSSador” ePCa buDaPeSt

Jeremy Frewer

JLA, 80 Great Portland Street London W1W 7NW, England

Telephone 020 7907 2800 jeremyfrewer@jla.co.uk


Spring / Summer 2013