Executive Director: Reception Department...


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Executive Director: Lynelle Saunders lsaunders@racineclubhouse.org Program Director: Chris Rosin crosin@racineclubhouse.org Culinary Unit Leader: Ken Rannow krannow@racineclubhouse.org Vocational Coordinator: Jennifer Marx jmarx@racineclubhouse.org Mentor: Jordan Sweeti jsweeti@racineclubhouse.org Mentor: Amanda Greidanus Agreidanus@racineclubhouse.org

Beacon Editor: Linda Jacob— Volunteer

THE BEACON Winter 2017 /2018

Published Quarterly by Racine Friendship Clubhouse

Board of Directors

President: Pat Bohon

Vice President: Jan Clum

Secretary: Gretchen Rosenke

Treasurer: Shelly Hewitt

Nance Baum

Amy Hellwig

Cherie Lyford

Jim Murphy

Mary Rath

Don Walters

Marge Webb

Erin Wood

You might notice the new name. Every two years

Clubhouses around the world offer their suggestions on

updates to the current 37 standards each Clubhouse

works to adhere to. This year, the suggestion was made

to rename “unit” to “department” and we agreed

unanimously. Department translates so much easier to

employers and people in general.

Our Reception Department works closely with our Office

Department often even meeting together to discuss

upcoming projects and hold additional training. Members

include: Marsha L., Dee Dee M., Nance B., Patti P., Mary

L., Donna Z., Alice W., and Ann E. We have a few new

members starting next month. Receptionists are

responsible for greeting people who arrive at the

Clubhouse, answering the phones, transferring calls or

taking messages, making announcements, handling

payments, recording attendance, lunch and van riders,

and keeping the front hall neat and tidy. Department

members work well together and do a great job being the

“face” and “voice” of the Clubhouse.

Thank you Patti! - After 10 years, Patti P. is retiring from the attendance and lunch paperwork in

January. It is a BIG job and we appreciate her hard work. Patti P. and Nance B. have worked

together on the paperwork for years. Nance B. has been working hard to train a few more people

on the attendance portion and Patti P. is now training Donna Z on the month end portion.

We are looking for a couple more interested people who can commit to this weekly paperwork.

Reception Department Report

Marsha has the skills for reception work.

Nancy (left) and Patti (right) working on attendance and lunch paperwork.

Page 2 Winter 2017/2018

RFC Quarterly Update

Chris Rosin, Program Director

Racine Friendship Clubhouse’s mission is to “change lives and inspire hope and opportunity for

persons with a mental illness.” We have been focusing on our core values and our Work-Ordered Day,

which was inspired by the Clubhouse International model, based on Fountain House in New York.

It began by former patients in 1948, and has spread through hundreds of clubhouses throughout the

world. We are part of the Clubhouse Wisconsin Coalition, and regularly meet with other clubhouses in

the state taking turns hosting meetings in Madison, Wausau, Milwaukee or Manitowoc. We also have

the annual conference we attend at the Wisconsin Dells.

In Racine, we voted recently on changing our work areas called ‘Units’ to ‘Departments,’ which include the Culinary,

Building, Reception, Office, Vocational, and Membership Departments. Our members participate in all clubhouse operations

in whatever way they choose to prepare them for their goals for mental health recovery and independence They build life

skills, job-readiness, and have a community of support and belonging. To learn more about the Work-Ordered Day, check out

our short video about the clubhouse: www.tinyurl/RacineFriendshipClubhouse, visit our website: www.racineclubhouse.org,

or our Facebook page, under ‘Racine Friendship Clubhouse.’

The Racine Friendship Clubhouse would like to thank everyone who attended and helped plan, support and host our annual

“Wine, Food and All That Jazz” fundraiser. It included a live jazz band called CSQ, live auction of members’ art, hand-painted

wine glasses and wine charms for purchase, raffles, silent auction, wine and beer samples, and hors d’oeuvres. We raised

over $15,000 to help rebuild lives affected by mental illness!

Lynelle Saunders, Executive Director

I would like to say a great big THANK YOU for your support. When I reflect on the wonder and magic at

the Clubhouse, I think, too, of you. Without the support of our volunteers, generous donors, members,

staff, and community partners, there would be no magic.

I am often asked what a day at the Clubhouse is like. Through a long and winding description,

I always end up saying, “The Clubhouse is a magical place!” I, of course, preface the statement by

saying, “I know it sounds hokey, but...” Let me see if I can explain the “magic”.

How often have you wished your community/house/family/workplace was safe and non-judgmental? That we showed

kindness and acceptance of others everyday, not just at the holidays? That we worked hard, and had friends working right

along beside us and we could reap the rewards of our hard work? How many times have you gone to sleep wishing for a

better day tomorrow? At the Clubhouse, we live those wishes every day. The Clubhouse is a non judgmental zone where

kindness and acceptance is natural and friendships develop through working together. We can fall asleep at night knowing

we have a place to go to in the morning where friendship and support is the norm and wishes can come true.

Great news! We are beginning a new Wellness Series at the clubhouse , set to start in February.

Make sure to check our facebook and website for more information in early 2018.

The Beacon Page 3

Vocational Report Jennifer Marx,

Vocational Coordinator

Hot Tips for Putting Your Job Search

in the Fast Lane

Job searching can be a tedious, thankless job, which is why

many folks stay in the same job, or do not try to get a job,

because looking for a job is hard, tedious work. It takes

patience and perseverance. There are a few pitfalls and

obstacles you might run in to while job searching. The faster

you can clear these hurdles, the faster you will land that job!

Get out those applications as fast as you can! – It takes a lot

of applications out to get a few interviews in!

Depending on the job you are seeking, it can take 5 to 10

applications submitted, just to get invited for 1 interview.

It might take 5-10 more applications to get a job offer. One

application online, can take 1 hour or more to complete and

submit. A handwritten application can take that much time,

or more, due to travel time, etc. Job searching can take 10-

20 hours a week, if you focus on it every day. How do you

make the most of your time without burning out? Here are

some tips!

Set your pace: How fast do you want to go?

I am working with job seekers whose goal is one application

per month (slow progress) to one application per week

(medium-slow progress) to several applications or more per

day (fast progress).

Get help! At the Clubhouse, job seekers can team up with

me, GTC intern Denise, computer mentor Latonya or another

Clubhouse member for help getting on the computer and

submitting applications. Denise and I are working with

vocational department members to make sure all have an

email and Job Center account so that everyone has the tools

needed to stay on top of job postings in the area!

Not getting responses from your applications? How many

applications are you getting out each week? Try increasing

that number. Consider revising your resume. How is your

follow up? After submitting an online application, visit that

employer in person to let them know you have applied and

are interested. Practice and use your “Elevator Speech”

whenever speaking with an employer. Be sure to attend Job

Fairs in the area.

Look at your work experience: If you are trying to break into a

new job or career, or haven’t worked at a job in awhile, you

might have to find another job for now. What kind of job do

your skills qualify you for right now? Think of this job as a

stepping stone. In the meantime, try volunteering or going to

school to get the skills you want for your “first choice” job.

Getting interviews, but not getting the job? Come to Job Club

every Wednesday afternoon at 1:30pm and schedule time

with Jenny or Denise to practice interviewing and dressing for

success skills. Polish up and practice your “Elevator Speech”.

Ask Jenny to accompany you to an interview to assist you if

you get stuck.

Page 4 Winter 2017/2018

The picture is of the special art piece created by Carrie

Walker and brought to life by RFC members. Sheryl

Jacoby was the high bidder and generously donated the

piece to one of the artists, Nance Baum, pictured here.

Cherie Lyford

Excellence in Advocacy Award

Gloria Salinas

For over 10 years, Gloria Salinas has worked in the Community Support

Program as a case manager for persons living with mental illness. In that

position, she has advocated on behalf of her clients for necessary medical

treatment and equality in services. Gloria seeks out services that best

help her clients, including the Racine Friendship Clubhouse, Inc.

Wine, Food, and All That Jazz Fundraiser

Two Time

Community Partner Award Recipient

Everyone had a fun evening at our Wine, Food, and All That Jazz fundraiser

on Friday, October 20. There was a silent auction, raffle items, a photo

booth area with assorted hats and accessories to try. Of course, there was

a variety of wines and beers to taste, a delicious spread of food to sample,

and the music of the jazz band to keep us entertained. We raised over

$15, 000! If you didn’t make it this year, plan to join us next fall and bring a


The Beacon Page 5

Community Partner Award

Racine Community Church of the Nazarene

With the intent to serve, the

congregation at Racine Community

Church of the Nazarene came to us

with smiles on their faces and love in

their hearts. Over the last two years

they have painted, gardened and

provided volunteers for our Movin’ 4

Mental Health 4k Walk this past


Members of the Racine Community Church of the Nazarene were not able

Thank you all for your financial

donations. We deeply appreciate

your support.

Platinum Sponsor • Runzheimer

Gold Sponsors • Pat Bohon & Paula Adrahtas

• Cherie Lyford

Silver Sponsors • Mary Rath

• Western Catholic Union

Supporters • Judith Amundsen

• Suzanne Chernik

• Jan Clum

• Sherry Frayer

• Kathy Godlewski

• Donna Hoey

• Jo Manderfield

• Mary Rath

• Anna Rebman

• Sherwood's Fabulous Fudge

• Shurpac, Inc

• Luann Simpson

• Southeastern Monitoring, Inc

• Bill Stoebig

• UCT Racine

• Barb Vail

Wine, Food & All That Jazz

Committee members • Paula Adrahtas

• Jan Clum

• Amanda Greidanus

• Amy Hellwig

• Sue Hess

• Cyndi Knapp-Finley

• Cherie Lyford

• Lynelle Saunders

• Latonya Sims

• Carrie Walker

Wine, Food, and All That Jazz

• Paula Adrahtas

• Cynthia Allen

• Andis Corporation

• Applebee’s

• J. Susan Barnes

• Nance Baum

• Lisa Bohon

• Pat Bohon

• Browns Lake Golf Course

• Charcoal Grill

• Jan Clum

• Culver’s – Racine

• DeRosa Restaurants

• DiCarlo’s at Meadowbrook

• Elmwood Plaza Dollar Store

• Floral Creations by Eileen

• Friends of the Library

• Kathy Godlewski

• Kenneth Gould Dentistry

• Harbor Lite Yacht Club

• Nancy Harmann

• Amy Hellwig

• Sue & Terry Hess

• Shelly & Ed Hewitt

• Hob Nob Restaurant

• Infusino’s Pizzeria

• Ives Grove

• Cyndi Knapp-Finley

• Linda’s Hallmark

• Cherie Lyford

• Mario’s Restaurant

• Meadowbrook Country Club

• Meli Café

• Metal World

• Miller’s Flowers

• Milwaukee Wave

• Mt. Pleasant Chiropractic & Rehab

• Jim Murphy

• Plumb Gold

• Racine Friendship Clubhouse


• Mary Rath

• Razor Sharp

• Gretchen Rosenke

• Sew & Save

• Sherwood’s Fabulous Fudge

• Shopko

• Sienna Retreat Center

• Starbucks

• Tax Pro Services

• Texas Roadhouse

• Carrie & Dan Walker

• Don Walters

• Marge Webb

• Wilson’s Coffee & Tea

• Yardarm Bar & Grill

Thank you all for donating time, talent, and products which helped

to make our event a success.

Our Thanksgiving Feast

We served 32 members a delicious Thanksgiving meal on November 22nd. We had generous support from Mary Rath

who provided the turkey and helped serve the meal. Also, many thanks to Gretchen Rosenke for providing potatoes and

gravy, Marge Webb for the yummy sweet potato casserole, Dee Dee M. and Mary L. for the scrumptious stuffing, Cherie

Lyford for the dinner rolls and homemade pumpkin pie, and Mary L .for the delicious pumpkin pie. Thanks to our cook,

Ken R. for putting it all together so that we could share this delicious turkey dinner. We talked about what we’re thankful

for. Family and friends were the top responses. As we get older, we appreciate the most important things in life. At the

Clubhouse, your friends become family

Page 6 Winter 2017/2018

Member Experiences

Finding Hope

by Nancy J.

I’ve been a member for over 10 years. I was happy to join,

because I got to be around others who understood and

accepted me who had similar life experiences. The clubhouse

has helped me with confidence, support, and peer

connections. I enjoy bussing (loading the dishwasher) in the

Culinary Unit, and wiping tables. I like to attend Job Club, and

I’m looking to volunteer in the community. I really liked it when

we went on an outing to Jelly Belly, and to the movies, as well

as the thrift store. I had my onset of mental illness at age 14.

I spent time in Milwaukee Lutheran’s Ward and Winnebago,

and thought I wouldn’t get out, but I did. I had to be very

positive. The staff members are wonderful at the clubhouse

and always help me. For coping skills, I read, go on outings, or

out to eat, or call a friend. I’m looking forward to making

Christmas cards!

Work-Ordered Day

Mary Jane (left) and Donna (right) know what it

means to be a member of the clubhouse. They

understand that the clubhouse belongs to all of

us. They participate in activities and in the daily

tasks of keeping the clubhouse running. There is

a sense of ownership when each member works

in a unit/department to help the clubhouse func-

tion smoothly. After lunch, Mary Jane loads the

dishwasher and Donna wipes off the tables.

Other members help carry boxes downstairs,

vacuum the carpet, clean the restroom, keep

track of attendance, mop the floors, lead small

group discussions, and much more. Working

together is part of what we do and we build

friendships and skills at the same time.



We decorate for

many holidays at

the clubhouse.

Enjoying our


together is an

important part of


Also we have

special holiday

meals and

birthday meals.

We are like a big

family here.

Clubhouse Wish List • Copy paper

• Small size envelopes

• Postage Stamps

• Speedway or BP gas card

• Small paper plates

• Paper napkins

• Disposable gloves (size L or XL)

• Liquid hand soap

• Toilet paper

• Paper Towel

• Men’s razors

• Winter gloves

Your donated items are always appreciated and help with our daily operations.

The Beacon Page 7

Donations Financial Donations are always welcome and deeply appreciated.

Remember to include your name and address so we can properly thank you for

your kindness and generosity

as well as provide you with a receipt

Financial Donations:

• Jim and Julie Arens

• Jerold and Dianne Belland

• Jeff and Nikki Benn

• Mike Boticki

• Virginia Buhler

• Tom Buhler

• Pat Cherf

• Doug Clum

• Julie Craig

• Tom DeFrancesco

• Randy Dorece

• Draeger-Langendorf Funeral Home

• Jay & Kathy Drobnik

• Jo Ann Hansen

• Shelly Hewitt

• Sister Jeanne Kimler

• Clement & Ann Knight

• Cherie Lyford

• Susan Manalli

• Sally Marciniak

• Barb Mattner

• Matt Meyer

• Harold and Marilynn Miller

• JR Mitchell

• Anita Nielsen

• Barb Nommensen

• Michelle Perri

• Jan and Gus Petrakis

• Kurt Popp

• Bongo Praninsky

• Robinette R.

• Noel Sheer

• Simpson Family Fund

• Barbara Smith

• Leone Townsend

• Charles Turbush

• Dr. Ed & Janna Waldeck

In Kind donations:

• Rose Mary Hermann – paper products

• Linda Jacob– bingo prizes

• Geri Rannow– food supplies

• Liz Ricchio, women’s work clothes, beauty supplies

• Cheryl Thonnes beauty supplies, jewelry, etc

• Maria Von Schrader – soda, candy, pudding

• Carrie Walker – paper products, bingo gifts

• Marge & Pat Webb – Shark vacuum cleaner

• UW Parkside students – trash bags

In Honor of:

• Barbara Bennett in honor of Judy Mayer

• Sandy Lutze in honor of Betsy & Leon Janssen

• Doug Clum in honor of his retirement

• Judith Amundsen in honor of Mary Rath

• Matt Meyer in honor of Maria Von Schrader

• Roger & Susan Chernik in honor of Reverend Tony

Larson's retirement

• Susan Randolph in honor of Amy Randolph

Also needed: 8 Quart Slow

Cooker and an Electric Skillet



Clubhouse 2000—17th Street Racine, WI 53403

Phone: 262-636-9393 Fax: 262-636-9084

Email: info@racineclubhouse.org

Web: www.Racineclubhouse.org

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of Racine County

Partner Provider

This institution is

an Equal



Racine County Agency Provider

Facebook is where we post our news and pics You don’t even have to be a Facebook member to see our page.

You can go to the following address to browse our page.


Make sure you comment or “like” our posts so we continue to show up on your newsfeed.


Our Mission

Changes lives and inspires hope and opportunity to

people with a mental illness.

Our Vision

Working together to rebuild lives affected by mental illness.

Racine Friendship Clubhouse, Inc. is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life and improving

employment opportunities for persons recovering from serious mental illnesses such as

schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and depression. The clubhouse model is based on the belief

that our members are partners in their own recovery, rather than merely the passive

recipients of treatment, and that meaningful work and relationships are integral parts of their

