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JULY 14,2014

A Regular Meeting of the Exeter Township Board of Supervisors was called to order on Monday, July 14, 2014, at 7:01 P.M. in the Township Building by Chairman Jeff Bukowski.

Absent from the Meeting: Dona L. Starr, Vice Chair

The Meeting was opened with the Pledge to the Flag.

Public Comment

Ron Galipeau, 41 Spruce Avenue, President of Exeter Ambulance Association, was present to offer an update on the Association. He reported the Association lost an ambulance last week due to a fire and it was totally destroyed. Mr. Galipeau noted the vehicle was insured for replacement value (appx. $96,000 plus $20,000 for the equipment inside). He stated they would be receiving a used unit later this week to hold them over until a replacement is obtained. This wi l l bring their available units back up to 3 which are adequate to cover all shifts for the Township. Mr. Galipeau stated they hired a financial consultant in January to assist with controlling A/R and to keep the billing and accounting systems in sync. He reported they currently have $427,000 in A/R; and, bad debt for the first half of the year is at $48,000. Mr. Galipeau stated they have reduced lag time in billing from 3 weeks to 1 week. They have reduced the days to collect from greater than 60 days to 38 days, significantly improving cash flow. He also stated they have reduced payroll by eliminating the Executive Director position permanently and management restructuring, having a Chief and Assistant Chief within the Association. With all of these changes, he indicated they still rely on their line of credit and significantly on their annual fund drive. Mr. Galipeau stated they do not have funds for equipment purchases; and is mankful the ambulance can be replaced with insurance proceeds. Mr. Bukowski asked i f the A/R is all considered collectable at this point. Mr. Galipeau stated approximately 54% would be collectible.

JackBittig, 181 Boone Road, Vice Chair of the Planning Commission, questioned an item (Proposed Zoning Ordinance Amendments - Bus Barn at Owatin Creek property) listed as "Other items of Unfinished Business" on the 3 r d page of the agenda. He asked why the Board was even entertaining this since there already existed an order from the ZHB (for Owatin Elementary School) which states under the 3 r d condition, any other construction requires a Special Exception hearing before the Zoning Board. Mr. Bittig stated he was perplexed why the Board would give this consideration when the District already has a mechanism in place.

Supervisors Present: Jeff Bukowski, Chairman Kenneth A. Smith Gary E. Lloyd Barry K. Ziegler

Others in Attendance: Troy S. Bingaman, Township Manager/Secretary/Treasurer John J. Mahoney, Esquire, Solicitor Cheryl A. Franckowiak, Zoning/Asst. Code Enforcement Officer Steve Schaeffer, Police Sergeant Clarence D. Hamm, Highway Superintendent Paul A. Herb, Wastewater Treatment Superintendent Joseph I . Seltzer, Park & Recreation Superintendent Joseph P. Rogosky, P.E., Great Valley Consultants, Township Engineer


Mr. Bukowski stated the School Board President approached the Board with this request; and, at the time no one on the Board recalled the condition to which Mr. Bittig referred. He stated they would ensure the School Board is aware of this condition as well before any further action is taken.

Jill Skaist, 30 Devon Drive, deferred her comments until the topic came up on the agenda.

Lisa VanderLaan, 5560 Boyertown Pike, deferred her comments until the portion of the agenda where appropriate.

MINUTES OF JUNE 23,2014 REGULAR MEETING MOTION by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Ziegler to approve the minutes of the June 23 r d regular meeting as presented. Motion carried with Mr. Smith, Mr. Lloyd and Mr. Ziegler voting in favor and Mr. Bukowski abstaining.

Disbursement MOTION by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Lloyd, to approve for payment the bills presented on the Disbursements List dated July 11 t h in the amounts of $160,439.98 in the General Fund; $1,050 in the Utility Fund; $34,212 in the Fire Services Fund; $4,063 in the Capital Expenditure Fund; $85,681.83 in the Sewer Fund; $9,437 in the Capital Projects - GOB 2009 Fund; $457,061.25 in the Debt Service Fund; $6,552.32 in the Park Fund; and $22,785.05 in the State Liquid Fuels Fund. Motion carried unanimously.

Treasurer's Report — June 2014 The Manager reported as of June 30 t h, the General Fund revenues are exceeding budget, at 63.7% and expenses are slightly over at 51.2%, mainly due to the harsh winter. In the Sewer Fund, revenues are at 51.2% of budget while expenses appear high at 74.4%. This is due to the ful l 2014 debt service being paid as of June 30 t h. He noted i f you back this out and only account for 6 months; expenses are right on target at 50%. Mr. Howell asked i f this included the sale of the former Sunoco property to Aldi, Inc.; to which, the Manager stated it likely did not. MOTION by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Ziegler to accept the Treasurer's Report for June 2014, subject to audit. Motion carried unanimously.

Department Reports The Engineering, Highway, Parks & Recreation, Police and Wastewater (including Gannett Fleming) Monthly Reports for June were submitted for the Board's review. Mr. Bukowski stated he looked at the March through May RCC Golf reports and noted their financial picture is improving.

Communications A list of Incoming and Outgoing Communications was presented for the Board's review; and, is available for public inspection in the Township Office.


Proposed Rezonins alons Oak Parkway Mr. Bukowski noted the proposed areas included the north side of the block of Oak Parkway, including the Zeswitz and Jehovah Witness parcels as well as the three lots across W. 47 t h Street on the Rite Aid side. He stated the proposal was to change this area from Suburban Residential 1 (SRI) to Neighborhood Commercial (NC). Mr. Bukowski another proposal is to change the NC uses allowed by right to include single family homes to prevent them from becoming non-conforming uses. He summarized the discussion of this proposal to date and invited the residents to offer comment. Jim Witman, 106 W. 47 t h Street stated he was opposed due to the excessive traffic and lights they already experience from the Exeter Commons development.


He was concerned about parking on the street and littering. Robert Danner, 4805 Oak Parkway, was concerned about stormwater when taking the grass lot at the corner of Oak Parkway & W. 47 t h and paving it. He stated traffic is already a real problem; and, noted the reason more people were not present was due to the weather; however, they wil l be at the hearing. Tom Howell, PO Box 4635 was concerned i f this area was rezoned, this action may cause others to request similar changes elsewhere. GailHesser, 100 W. 47 t h Street, a resident since 1959 voiced great opposition due to traffic, odors and parking. She mformed the board the rear exit from Rite Aid is at her front door and she personally sees all the traffic. Ms. Hesser stated changing this would eliminate her from being a resident of the Township. JillSkaist, 30 Devon Drive, stated her heart goes out to the affected residents and asked the Board why they would do this to these people, destroying their neighborhood. Mr. Bukowski stated one of the goals of the Strategic Planning effort is to increase the Township's commercial tax base. He further stated there is a potential buyer of one of the properties who would like to construct a pizza shop and some other commercial space. Mr. Bukowski stated his observation of the area is that block of Oak Parkway is already a thoroughfare. Ms. Skaist stated it is still a residential community and asked why it is being considered for destruction when there are tons of vacant commercial properties along Perkiomen Avenue. She felt it was unfair for an add-on to the Ordinance to "allow" these folks to remain as residential when many have been there for in excess of 50 years. Mr. Smith stated the one concern the Board previously heard was the homeowners were concerned about losing their ability to do certain things with their property i f the area is changed to NC. The change in the NC zoning to allow single family residential would eliminate that concern. In addition this would give them the ability to sell their property as commercial for potentially a higher value. Ben Heckman, 4801 Oak Parkway, stated he raised this concern after speaking with his realtor. He stated he was under the impression having a home in a commercially zoned area would cause delays in receiving approvals due to the non-conforming status. He stated he was not necessarily in favor of this and he informed the residents in attendance the Board promised traffic safety studies would be done before anything was completed in this area. Mr. Lloyd stated this is not just about one place; it is about the entire area. Lisa VanderLaan, 5560 Boyertown Pike, stated she is not a resident of the Oak Parkway area; however, is a member of the Strategic PlarLning Committee. She clarified this matter did not originate at the Committee; however, it was brought to them and it was recommended for consideration. Mrs. VanderLaan also stated a change in zoning here would not preclude a resident from continuing to use their property for residential purposes. The Ordinance as written would allow someone to sell their property for commercial use; and, i f they choose to, they could re-sell it for commercial or residential use. Mrs. VanderLaan stated, in her opinion, there was a more sensible way to make this change without adversely affecting the neighborhood. She was concerned this would change the character of the neighborhood and there was no way to control what could happen with other properties along Oak Parkway. Robert Ibach, 4709 Oak Parkway, stated he lives next to the property proposed to be developed; and, he is 100% against any change in zoning from residential to commercial. David Rhoads, 106 W. 48 t h Street echoed the sentiments of those who spoke before him stating this would destroy the neighborhood and potentially require a traffic light at the intersection. Jack Bittig stated one question that was raised at the Planning Commission was the inclusion of the Jehovah Witness parcels. He was concerned that changing these parcels to NC would create yet another pre-existing non-conforming use. Mr. Bukowski stated the map was drawn to include the properties on the south side which are presently non-residential. He stated he was open to discussion as to whether this should or should not be included. Mr. Smith stated he felt it was an improvement for the Township which could bring in additional tax revenue, which is desperately needed. There was a brief discussion on how much additional revenue this could be. An estimate could not be generated without knowing the assessed value of the property and the gross receipts of the businesses. Mr. Smith stated he would be willing to give the church the same consideration as the residents. Mr. Bukowski called on Mrs. VanderLaan to share more of what she had in mind given the current status of our planning process. Mrs. VanderLaan stated she would like to see this addressed as a whole in the planning process rather than tearing things apart piece by piece. She felt the Township should be doing responsible planning, creating a sense of community not making people angry. Mr. Lloyd stated he would like to know the economic impact of making this or any other zoning change. He stated the majority of the


Township's revenue comes from our residents through EIT and Real Estate taxes. Mr. Lloyd stated the Township needed to focus on a good quality of life and a good place for successful people to want to live and raise a family. Mr. Bingaman stated he heard from two (2) residents who could not be present. One did not care and the other was opposed. He stated no written communications were received to date. Robert Danner was concerned about the salability of the properties on the south side of Oak Parkway. He felt it would be logical to include both sides of the road. Mr. Bukowski stated the question is whether to move forward with advertising an ordinance or considering the matter further. Mr. Lloyd felt it needed to be bigger picture. Mr. Ziegler felt the Board needed more information. Mr. Smith felt the Board should advertise an ordinance or the Township might as well put up a sign that we are closed for new business because we are not going to look at anything until a master plan can be developed. He stated i f we are not willing to look at things as they come before the Board then taxes wi l l have to go up to support the services currently provided. Mr. Bukowski stated he does not like making these changes piece meal and stated there are other things to consider such as consolidating NC and ROC as there are essentially no differences. Ms. Franckowiak stated she recommended the developer's engineer come in for the conversation. She stated she has been suggesting a planner for years due to the fact that our habit is to react to requests for consideration. Ms. Franckowiak thought the strategic planning effort would be to take a look at the whole Township rather than continuing to conduct business this way. It was suggested the Business Friendly sub-committee give priority to this request. Mr. Bukowski questioned i f you ever overcome the piece-meal issues. Ms. Franckowiak stated the whole idea for the planner in the RFQ/RFP was that it could be the ordinances, taking a look at zoning or shifting zones around. She stated we still don't know the overall assessment of what the planning effort is supposed to be but the steering conrmittee has already broken into sub-committees and are off and rurming. Mr. Bukowski stated they are merely thinking of ideas to bring back to the Steering Committee. Mr. Lloyd stated this is not about the people who might build there, it is about Zoning and whether this is the right decision to make. Steve Bensinger, P.E. representing the developers stated they have discussed all the concerns of the residents. They are committed to doing their best to address all the concerns. He reminded everyone that many of the issues raised are handled through the land development process. He stated his clients love the site and have been looking around for about 10 years. They have an agreement of sale that does have an end date. Mr. Bensinger stated his clients would like to see an ordinance advertised and a hearing held so all of these matters can be addressed during the hearing. Jim Witman, stated over the last year and half, he noticed an increase in foot traffic. He was concerned about kids hanging out around this new commercial establishment in his neighborhood. Mr. Bensinger stated they have 22 other pizza shops and he was confident they have dealt with issues like this previously. Mr. Smith asked about the projected budget deficit in 2018. Mr. Lloyd stated the cumulative deficit is over $4 million. Mr. Smith stated he heard a comment about fear tactics; however, the numbers we have based on current revenue and expenses show the Township in the hole over $4 million dollars by 2018. He sated our current annual budget runs approximately $9 million; and, i f we don't get additional revenues from other sources, taxes wil l have to rise. Mr. Lloyd stated a change of this nature could drive away higher income residents, which would decrease our EIT revenue. Gwen Heffner, recommended consideration of the property beside Dunkin Donuts. Ms. Franckowiak stated one of the first discussions at the Planner Steering Committee was what kind of businesses bring in the most revenue. She further asked is it the quality of job, the way properties are zoned, etc. We don't know all of this and people are trying to make decisions and move this forward without the most basic information. Mr. Lloyd stated the pot of revenue is clear, EIT is in excess of $3 million and the Business Privilege Tax is approximately $400,000. Mrs. VanderLaan stated the EIT, BP tax and R/E taxes are all tied together. To get the businesses here you have to have the people to support them. She stated the fact is the School District wil l be much deeper in debt by 2017 and R/E tax represents the bulk of their income. She stated commercial real estate tax does have a greater impact on revenues without any additional strain on the School District. Mrs. VanderLaan stated the Township should not be making decisions that negatively impact homeowners for a miriimal amount of additional revenue. There was a brief discussion on the specifics of the proposed ordinance and map and possibly advertising multiple versions of the ordinance for consideration.


Ms. Franckowiak stated the restriction of drive-thru uses is a conversation that should be held at the Planning Commission level. Mr. Bukowski asked Mr. Bittig to speak to the rationale for not including the Church parcels and the restriction of drive-thru uses. Mr. Bittig stated the Church property acts as a nice natural buffer to the homes on W. 48 t h Street and they questioned why the Board would want to allow commercial uses. On the drive thru issue, Mr. Bittig stated they are concerned about vehicles stacking up and idling, causing noise and pollution. Patrick Kirn, an employee at a fast food restaurant with a drive thru, stated the average time a car is there is 60 seconds. He stated that people are likely to let their cars running i f they have to run inside as well. Ms. Franckowiak stated this could be one of those issues that could be considered, not business friendly. She felt the regulations could dictate proper screening or buffer, etc. to avoid any issues for neighboring properties.

MOTION by Mr. Bukowski, seconded by Mr. Smith, to authorize advertising an amended Zoning Ordinance as presented with the addition of prohibiting Drive Thru uses; and the removal of the Jehovah Witness parcels from the proposed map. Motion carried with Mr. Bukowski, Mr. Smith and Mr. Ziegler voting in favor and Mr. Lloyd opposed.

Proposed Sewage Management Plan Ordinance David Beane, made the following remarks: "Mr. Chairman, members of the Board and Mr. Mahoney. As you know, I am David Beane and I serve as special environmental counsel to many of the households that comprise the Glen Oley Farms Phase 1 and Phase 2 sub-divisions. I am here this evening on behalf of my clients, some of whom are in attendance, to comment on a draft Sewage Management Plan that has been submitted to the Board for consideration. By way of background, I am sure you all recall that the draft Sewage Management Plan has its origin in the Township's proposed Act 537 Plan Amendment, in particular as regards a special study of the Glen Oley Farms Phase 1 and Phase 2 subdivisions conducted last year by the Township's Sewage Enforcement Officer, Allen Madeira of Berks Envirotech. While that special study did not suggest or conclude that on lot septic systems in Glen Oley are malfunctioning or are at an elevated risk of failing, Mr. Madeira recommended in his Needs Analysis that the Township consider adoption by ordinance of a Sewage Management Plan. I attended the special Board meeting on February the 26th of this year when Mr. Madeira made this recommendation. Mr. Madeira explained that such an ordinance would require periodic inspections of on lot septic systems, would help to ensure regulatory compliance, would help to keep systems working properly, and would help residents identify problems early so that repairs can be made before any problems rise to the level of health and safety issues. My clients supported Mr. Madeira's recommendation for adoption by ordinance of a Sewage Management Plan and comments from the Board seemed to suggest that Mr. Madeira's recommendation had the Board's support as well. My take-away from our meeting on February the 26th was that Mr. Madeira was talking about a Township-wide ordinance and everyone in attendance seemed to be in accord with his recommendation. Mr. Madeira has now submitted a draft Sewage Management Plan. I want to take this opportunity to commend Mr. Madeira for the fine job he has done in preparing a Sewage Management Plan that in all material respects complies with the requirements for such plans under Pennsylvania's Sewage Facilities Act and the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection's Wastewater Management Program. The Plan is well written and experience informs me Mr. Madeira's draft Plan, i f adopted, wi l l serve the Township well. I f Mr. Madeira's draft Plan meets with approval of homeowners in Glen Oley, then why am I here? I appear before you this evening not to pick apart discreet sections of the Plan, but to comment on the Board's consideration of limiting application of the Plan to Glen Oley—I understand the Board is considering NOT adopting the Plan Township wide. The limitation being considered by the Board is ill-founded for several reasons. As Mr. Madeira has shared with you on more than one occasion, the Department, as part of the Act 537 Plan Amendment process, is encouraging municipalities to adopt Sewage Management Plans for communities with on lot septic systems. The Department's authority for compelling adoption comes from the Pennsylvania Sewage Facilities Act, specifically from its implementing regulations found at Title 25, Chapter 71 of the Pennsylvania Code.


That Code Section requires municipalities to assure the proper operation and maintenance of on lot septic systems and to address long-term operation and maintenance of those systems in Act 537 Plans and in revisions to Act 537 Plans. The Code goes further and says that when an Act 537 Plan or revision shows that existing on-lot septic systems require periodic inspection, operation or maintenance, or are not functioning properly because of inadequate operation and maintenance, the municipality SHALL revise its Act 537 Plan to establish a Sewage Management Plan. Here, the Township's own Act 537 Plan Amendment suggests the benefits of a Sewage Management Plan to assure the future operation and maintenance of existing and proposed on lot septic systems. While the suggestion stems from the Glen Oley Needs Analysis, your own Sewage Enforcement Officer, Mr. Madeira, posits in the Needs Analysis his expectation that any Sewage Management Plan wil l be applied Township-wide. Mr. Madeira's expectation no doubt stems from his awareness of malfunctioning on lot systems in areas of the Township beyond the boundaries of Glen Oley. Mr. Madeira shared examples of such malfunctioning systems with us at the special February Board meeting. The wild card in this entire discussion about whether to adopt Berks Envirotech's draft Plan Township-wide is the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection. Thanks to the good work of Mr. Miller, Mr. Herb and Mr. Madeira, the Township has developed significant good wil l with the Department that risks being eroded i f the Board elects to accept less than Township-wide applicability of a Sewage Management Plan. In my experience the Department wi l l NOT be happy with anything less than Township-wide applicability, and to run afoul of a clear Department preference wil l only invite closer scrutiny by the Department of your regulatory compliance obligations in the months and years to come. The community of Glen Oley Farms has not yet recovered from a perception that problems are endemic with its on-lot septic systems. That perception had its origin with an unfounded connection mandate that received widespread publicity in the local press. Last year's Needs Analysis went a long way towards dispelling those perceptions but they persist, and many residents of Glen Oley remain concerned about the ill-effect all of this on lot septic system talk is having on property values in Glen Oley Farms. Adopting a Sewage Management Plan ONLY for Glen Oley sends a message that health and safety issues are limited to this small section of the Township, and an unintended consequence of adopting a Sewage Management Plan that only covers Glen Oley wil l be to depress property values in Glen Oley, as a rule making it difficult to market homes in the development. Prospective purchasers may be hesitant to relocate to Glen Oley fearing that on lot septic systems in the development are at risk of failing, and others may no longer pay market prices for homes in Glen Oley, on the theory that on lot septic systems in the development are malfunctioning. The Needs Analysis shows that on lot systems in Glen Oley for the most part are well maintained and functioning as intended, with a malfunction rate no higher than elsewhere throughout the Township, County or Commonwealth. The draft Sewage Management Plan before you imposes no unreasonable burden on homeowners in the Township. What Mr. Madeira proposes by way of seasonal operation and maintenance is what homeowners should already be doing to ensure the functionality of their on-lot systems. An initial inspection by the Township's Sewage Enforcement Officer is new, and a modest fee wi l l accompany that inspection, but the inspection requirement is no more onerous than similar requirements imposed by other municipalities in Berks County with similar Sewage Management Plans. I submit that there may even be funds available in Harrisburg to reimburse the Township for certain eligible administrative and personnel costs to implement a Sewage Management Plan for the entire Township. A l l of my comments point to the fundamental unfairness of adopting a Sewage Management Plan that would only apply to homeowners in Glen Oley. Such a restriction bears no reasonable relationship to the percentage of malfunctioning systems throughout the Township and risks rurixiing afoul of administrative or judicial scrutiny. In weighing the pros and cons of whether Mr. Madeira's proposed Plan should be adopted Township-wide, I submit that the deciding factor here is the Department of Environmental Protection. PaDEP wi l l most assuredly require Township-wide adoption regardless of what you decide. My clients certainly prefer Township-wide adoption, and i f that goal can be accomplished with no additional taxpayer expense due to the availability of state funding to administer the Plan, the benefits to all who reside in the Township in terms of assurances of healthier and safer watersheds seems to outweigh any rationale for litniting enforcement to Glen Oley. Thank you for listening to my clients' concerns."


Mr. Lloyd asked i f Mr. Beane and the residents would be okay i f there were no sewage management plan put into place. Mr. Beane stated this was talked about at length at the February 26 t h meeting. He stated, given the type of work he does in this business, he was surprised the Township had gotten this far without DEP mandating a plan. He felt the Township was at a point with the PA DEP that he would not be surprised i f they came back mandating a township-wide plan. Mr. Lloyd stated he would prefer to wait until that happens. He stated the only reason he initially went along with this was because he felt the residents of Glen Oley wanted it to help them not have to run public sewers. Mr. Beane stated this plan would ensure residents are doing what they are supposed to be doing to clean out and maintain their systems, to minimize any potential problem in the future. Mr. Bukowski stated he feels it should be all or nothing and asked that the matter be on a future agenda for discussion. The Solicitor asked Mr. Beane to summarize the inspection regimen that is proposed. Mr. Beane stated there would be an initial SEO inspection requirement. Thereafter, every three (3) years, residents would be required to have their system pumped and inspected by a qualified tliird party with proof being sent to the Township.

Maria Kraljevic, 31 Devon Drive, stated she is a 20-year resident. She stated this would be the third time an initiative has been rejected relative to septic systems in Glen Oley Farms. She felt the Sewage Management Plan was the best compromise between Township Officials and the residents. She felt it would help to correct the issues that need to be corrected. She urged Township officials to implement the regulations as soon as possible.

JillSkaist, 30 Devon Drive, thanked Mr. Beane for his remarks. She stated most of the residents do not want the SMP unless it is adopted Township-wide. They do not want to be singled out. Ms. Skaist reminded everyone that Mr. Madeira previously stated the septic concerns in Glen Oley are no more than or no different than anywhere else in the Township, County or Country. She felt Glen Oley was wrongly placed in the Act 537 Plan and their community was drug through the mud for no good reason. Ms. Skaist requested the Board consider making the Ordinance Township-wide or not implement it at all.

There was a brief discussion on why the focus was on Glen Oley and not Township-wide. Mr. Bukowski stated he would not vote for an Ordinance that is less than township-wide. The Manager stated the discussion has been about Glen Oley because the Act 537 Plan submitted to DEP states we are considering an SMP for this area. Mr. Bukowski stated the matter wil l be placed on a future agenda for further discussion. He stated i f there are funds available, perhaps we could talk about using them to cover the initial inspection. Mr. Ziegler stated he would wait until DEP mandates the SMP before taking any action. Mr. Smith stated he was torn, while he does not like the government imposing tilings on people, he is inclined to agree to wait until DEP responds. Mr. Lloyd stated Allen Madeira could benefit greatly from adoption of this ordinance. The Manager stated he felt a lot of this could be handled in-house. Ms. Franckowiak noted the proposed ordinance indicates the hauler can do the 3-year inspections. Maria Kraljevic stated the water results in their community were average and felt they could be better. She stated health concerns should be the most important issue. Attorney Beane stated the data speaks for itself; and, clarified there are no current environmental issues in Glen Oley Farms.

Strategic Planning Project - Phase I Wrap-up Judy Stern-Goldstein, Boucher & James, Inc. stated she and Jeff Riegner of Whitman, Requardt & Associates, LLP have been working with the Steering Committee for several months. She indicated Phase I is complete and she wanted to update the Board on the work that was completed and the process for Phase I I . Mrs. Goldstein referred to her memo dated July 11 t h which lays out in order the steps that have been done to date. She indicated the process has not gone as originally expected; however, indicated this is often the case. She indicated surprise in that Transportation was not identified as a key component of this effort. Mr. Lloyd questioned why a market study was not identified as a key component. Mrs. Goldstein explained the value of market studies and when they are important. She further reviewed the steps that have been taken to get to


a list of focus areas for Phase I I . She indicated as a result of the key person interviews that were conducted, there was a great deal of interest in intergovernmental cooperation. Mrs. Goldstein stated, overall, there were positive comments about the future, the relations with the Township and about future potential. She indicated specific retail in goods and services to meet and serve the needs of the residents while keeping the dollars in the community are good. In addition, she stated opportxinities for the residents to live work and play in the community are good. Lastly, she stated things that can raise the property values because they raise the quality of life are good. Mrs. Goldstein stated with all of this in mind, the Steering Committee identified a series of twelve (12) themes as identified in the memo. She stated the comniittee voted to narrow the focus to the following: 1) Plan for a pedestrian-friendly mixed-use downtown to create a community identity for the Township; 2) Determine whether/how the riverfront should be developed; 3) Determine whether the Reading Country Club should be redeveloped: and, 4) combining the following: Review permitting process to ensure it supports development/redevelopment for both new and existing ^ businesses; Review all non-residential zoning to ensure it supports development/redevelopment for both new —x and existing businesses; Identify carrying capacity of non-residential zoned land for anticipated/desired jT^ growth. Mrs. Goldstein stated the Steering Committee members were very eager to continue and decided to break out into sub-committees on June 11 t h as follows: Business Friendly Subcommittee, chaired by Lisa VanderLaan; Riverfront Subcommittee, chaired by Carolyn Brunschwyler; Town Center Subcommittee, chaired by Robert Quinter; and, Reading Country Club Subcommittee, chaired by Ken Smith. Each of the committees met during the month of June and reported at the July meeting the progress of what they had done so far. Mrs. Goldstein stated the structure is that each of the sub-committees will continue to meet and provide recommendations back to the ful l Steering Committee on August 13 t h to determine what exactly will be studied in Phase I I . She stated, as expected, the project has taken a path of its own and Part 2 is not as clear-cut and easily defined as the Township anticipated in the RFP. The good news is that the Steering Committee members have all taken a very active role in the process and are engaged in the process. Mrs. Goldstein indicated Planning wi l l be the main focus, looking at land use and opportunities for creating comprehensive zoning; and, Traffic wi l l be supplementary in Phase 2. She indicated she was surprised the Market Study got thrown out early on as the purpose of this was to look at what the best use of specific properties would be throughout the community to meet the economic development goals, yet respect the nature and character of what makes Exeter special today. Mrs. Goldstein stated she anticipated their role as the Consultant for Part 2 to be as follows: Continue to attend the monthly Steering Committee Meetings; Work with the subcommittees to further define their recommendations and establish what their "work product" wi l l be; Provide planning services and work with Reading Country Club Subcommittee to write an ordinance amendment to permit the development of a hotel/conference center on a small portion of the RCC site, while protecting and preserving the golf course and existing structure; Provide planning services and work with the Town Center Committee to prepare an ordinance amendment to permit/encourage a mixed-use Town Center District; Provide planning services and work with the Business Friendly Subcornmittee to prepare amendments to the Zoning Ordinance, as necessary; Provide traffic engineering services, as necessary, to address policy issues and current traffic constraints to economic development along Route 422; Provide market study services, i f necessary. Mr. Lloyd questioned the Phase 1 report content and asked what the take-away should be. Mrs. Goldstein stated this was merely a summary of the process with a conclusion of focus areas to be further studied. Mr. Bukowski referred to the last paragraph on page 2 and the bullet points on page 3. Mr. Lloyd expressed his concern for the amount of money spent on the project for what he felt could have been accomplished in-house. He felt there were no firm conclusions as a result of Phase I . Mr. Lloyd asked i f there was any structure to the sub-committees. Mrs. Goldstein stated they are working on their mission statements and structure; however, she had cautioned they not go too far until a Phase 1 wrap-up was presented to the Board. Ms. Franckowiak stated the Steering Committee guided the whole effort to which Mrs. Goldstein stated they were hired to facilitate not dictate. Ms. Franckowiak asked, i f the steering committee wanted to be more business friendly or wanted to develop the riverfront, based on what? She specifically stated development of the riverfront sounded like a great idea at the onset; however, all of the properties are within the flood plain and we are dictated by the ordinance and FEMA.


Mrs. Goldstein stated she cautioned this subcommittee that water type / recreational activities would be the consideration for the floodplain areas; and, the areas not in the floodplain could be considered for other uses. She stated these are the types of things the committee wi l l be looking into. Mr. Lloyd asked why the RCC subcommittee only looked at keeping the golf course. Mr. Smith stated they are focusing on the addition of a hotel on the driving range and explained that they looked at making the whole property more economically viable for potential return to private ownership. Discussion ensued about the future of the Reading Country Club property and what the committee was focusing on and basing their decisions on. There was concern about the amount of money paid for the property and the amount of the debt still outstanding for the acquisition. Mr. Lloyd asked i f there was any emphasis on saving the residents money now in the near-term. Mrs. Goldstein responded this was not one of the objectives identified in the RFP. The Manager stated the main objective of the project was to enhance economic development. He also stated, while we have not decided to do a market study, we are going to need some market information as to what the economic benefits would be for each of the recommendations. Ms. Franckowiak asked for clarification on potential rezoning and the need to provide for that zoning designation elsewhere. Mrs. Goldstein responded they focus on what is required by the MPC, not all zoning types are required within a community. She further stated the Township is part of a Joint Comprehensive Plan and that would have to be considered as well. Mrs. Goldstein stated i f a change made the Township ripe for a challenge she would advise that additional area is required somewhere else. Mr. Lloyd felt Phase 1 should have resulted in a clearer blue print of what we need to do, why we need to do it, how we were going go about it and how much it was going to cost. He stated this seems very shallow and does not consider this a plan. The Manager stated the plan is to be developed in Phase 2 based on the focus points identified to date. Mrs. Goldstein stated she was pleased with where the Steering Committee ended up. She felt we were on the right track. Mrs. VanderLaan stated the committee as a whole was not bursting at the seams; however she and others felt there were things that could be accomplished and the committee did not need to sit around month after month to discuss. She felt there was a desire to form a subcommittee to determine what exactly business friendly did mean, looking at zoning and/or ordinances that could be relieved now and in the future to attain the goals and objectives. An additional discussion ensued regarding the Reading Country Club. Mr. Bukowski felt the focus on this property was that most folks wanted see the property remain as a golf course. Mr. Lloyd stated for him it was about what could make the most money for the Township. Mr. Wanser stated they are looking at more than just keeping the property as a golf course. He stated the committee desires to have an appraisal done. A debate about the use of the property continued. Mr. Wanser stated there is more to what they discussed and they are not done.

Re-affirmation ofAldi, Inc. Land Development Plan MOTION by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Ziegler to re-affirm the Aldi, Inc. Land Development Plan Approval due to the amount of time that has passed since the original approval. Motion carried unanimously.

Country Club Estates II, Phases 2 &3 Escrow Release #12 MOTION by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Bukowski to approve Escrow Release #12 for the Country Club Estates I I , Phases 2 & 3 in the amount of $98,765.33 for sanitary sewers, inspections and miscellaneous items in accordance with the recommendation of GVC. Motion carried unanimously.

Antietam Valley Municipal Authority - Sewer District #1 Mr. Herb requested authorization to re-open discussions with the Antietam Valley Municipal Authority in light of the dissolution of the Township's Authority. He stated the former 50-year agreement expired and a new one was needed. Mr. Smith asked what it would cost to run a trunk line from this area to connect our residents to our system instead of AVMA's. He felt this may be a better option i f lines need to be improved anyway since this would give the Township the ability to collect revenue to offset the associated costs. Mr. Smith stated, knowing this cost would give us a baseline to use when discussing a solution with AVMA. Mr. Bukowski referred to a recent court case where an Exeter resident sued them for overcharging for sewer.


He asked that this be passed along to the Solicitor for review. He agreed we should re-establish discussions with AVMA. Mr. Bukowski asked i f there was a way to accomplish what Mr. Smith was asking for. Mr. Herb felt it would not be feasible to run approximately 5,200 ft . of sewer line; which would go under Antietam Creek to interconnect with lines downstream that would need to be enlarged. The Solicitor suggested the Board could reach out to Gannet Fleming for an estimate. After a brief discussion, the Board decided not to retain Gannet at this time. The Board agreed to have Paul attend and AVMA meeting. MOTION by Mr. Bukowski, seconded by Mr. Lloyd to authorize Mr. Herb to attend a meeting of the Antietam Valley Municipal Authority to re-establish discussion related to the AVMA Sewer Agreement. Motion carried unanimously.

Recycling Contract Extension Option The Manager stated the Recycling Contract allows for a 2-year extension at the option of the Township. He stated he reached out to the Bureau of Labor Statistics and obtained the proper CPI data as referenced in the contract. The Manager stated the Board would need to decide at what point in time to determine the CPI percentage to be used for the 2015 calendar year. He informed the Board the percentage has ranged from 2 to 2.8% for the first five (5) months of 2014. He stated the June numbers would be out by July 22 n d. The Board agreed to defer action on this matter until the next meeting after obtaining the June CPI %.


Conditional Use Fees - Resolution #2014-16 The Zoning Officer stated she met with some residents who are interested in bringing their business to the Township; however, the only way they can do this is to go through the Conditional Use process. She explained this is a use allowed by the Zoning Ordinance; however, it requires a public hearing before the Board and affords the Board the ability to establish reasonable conditions. The Zoning Officer stated the Fee Schedule establishes a fee of $3,000 for such hearings. She noted she could not find any rationale for this fee and recommended it be reduced. Mr. Bukowski stated it seemed un-business friendly. Solicitor Mahoney read from the MPC indicating it would be difficult to justify $3,000 as reasonable. Mr. Bukowski suggested doing something business friendly now.

MOTION by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Ziegler to amend the Fee Schedule to reduce the Conditional Use fee to $750. Mr. Smith asked i f this would cover the cost of holding one of these hearings. There was a brief discussion regarding actual costs and setting appeal fees in general. Mr. Bukowski recommended reducing this and ZHB appeal fees to $500. Mrs. VanderLaan asked the Board to consider establishing a policy that i f an applicant wins before the ZHB, they get their money back. Mr. Mahoney stated the MPC allows for return of the fee for enforcement actions i f the appellant wins; however there are costs associated with these other hearings. Mr. Bukowski stated the Business Friendly sub-committee wil l be reviewing zoning in general to reduce the number of conditional uses and special exceptions that are required, to eliminate the need for going through these processes. The Manager stated this would be handled as an amendment to the Fee Schedule.

Mr. Smith and Mr. Ziegler amended their original motion to reduce the fees for applications to the Zoning Hearing Board and applications for Conditional Uses before the Board of Supervisors to $500. Motion carried unanimously.

Sinkhole Remediation — Glen Oley Drive Mr. Rogosky stated he and Mr. Hamm have been meeting with a geologist due to some subsurface condition problems. Mr. Hamm has indicated there has been a history of sinkholes in this area. Mr. Rogosky stated the sanitary sewer line has been televised; however, there does not appear to be any issues with that. However, there is a potential for the line to be compromised due to the large void area.


Mr. Rogosky stated they are looking at using a patented material which has been used locally as well as by Penn DOT, NJ DOT and the Federal Highway Administration. He stated it has a high track record with only one recall in the last 14 years. Mr. Rogosky stated the company provides a two-year warranty. He stated they drill holes in the ground place rods and inject a polymer type material similar to spray foam but much more rigged. Mr. Rogosky stated it stabilizes the soil well as evidenced by its use in Cumru & SMllington around a high pressure water main. Under the circumstances and the fact that this is under the sanitary sewer line, he recommended moving forward with the remediation. He stated a proposal was received from Uretek USA, Inc. in the amount of $58,000 which includes the mobilization, drilling and the polymer material; however, the material cost is merely an estimate, the Township wi l l only get billed the actual quantity used. Mr. Hamm stated they are currently working at Exeter Commons and Mr. Rogosky stated they are also working in SMllington. Linda Focht, 50 Glen Oley Drive asked where the water wi l l go after the hole is filled up. Mr. Rogosky stated the process will prevent the water from getting into these cavities; however, water has a mind of its own. He stated the water wi l l ultimately find another path. Mrs. Focht stated there are several other sinkholes behind her home on the Bausher property. She was concerned the water wil l travel under her lawn. She also asked i f a pipe could be placed under the road to take this water away. Mr. Rogosky stated this would require some extensive hydrologic studies and there would be no guarantees. Mr. Bukowski asked i f the Township does this work and 50 Glen Oley Drive ends up with sinkholes, what the Township's liability is. The Solicitor stated the Township is not immune. He also stated there was no requirement for bidding this project. MOTION by Mr. Bukowski, seconded by Mr. Lloyd to accept the proposal from Uretek, Inc. in the approximate amount of $58,000 to remedy a sinkhole in the street at 50 Glen Oley Drive. Motion carried unanimously.

Automotive Service, Inc. Release & Settlement of Claim The Manager stated Automotive Service has made the Township whole on all expenses related to the fuel error back on January 29 t h. They have reimbursed the Township a total of $33,228.17 for expenses related to all departments obtaining fuel between 1/29 and 1/31. Along with the last check, Automotive Service submitted a Release & Settlement of Claim for execution by the Township. The Manager informed the Board that Mr. Bellwoar reviewed the agreement and recommended execution. Attorney Mahoney agreed. MOTION by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Ziegler to approve the Automotive Services, Inc. Release & Settlement of Claim in accordance with the recommendation of the Solicitor; and, authorize the Chairman and Secretary to execute the same. Motion carried unanimously.

Wrap-up of Early Intervention Plan Presentations

Mr. Bukowski stated this would be deferred to the July 28 t h meeting.



INDIVIDUAL REPORTS Mission Healthy Living Grant Opportunity - Pottstown Health & Wellness Foundation The Park & Recreation Superintendent informed everyone of a grant opportunity whereby several parks are competing for the most votes to win the top prize of $10,000 for their park. He stated residents could vote daily via QR codes which are posted at the park or through the Mission Healthy Living website. The Manager asked i f this was posted on the Township's Facebook page. Mr. Seltzer stated it was on the Park & Recreation Facebook page. Mr. Smith asked that a link also be placed on the Township website for those not utilizing Facebook.


Alcohol Use at Trout Run The Park & Recreation Superintendent stated he attended the meeting because he understood the use of alcohol at Trout Run was going to be raised tonight. He asked the Board i f they wanted to revisit the idea of allowing the use for certain groups or functions. Mr. Bukowski stated it came up during one of the sub­committee reports last week. Jim Wanser stated they talked about making some small decisions to start increasing gatherings within the community. Mr. Bukowski recommended placing this on a future agenda, possibly in early August. Mr. Seltzer stated he wil l revisit his original memo and refresh it for consideration.

Emergency Service Organizations — Joint Meeting Mr. Ziegler recommended appointing two (2) Board members to collectively meet with the Police Chief, Fire Chief, Ambulance Chief, Fire Police Captain and Emergency Mgmt. Coordinator to coordinate efforts and ensure all of the services are working well together and meeting the needs of the Township. MOTION by Mr. Ziegler, seconded by Mr. Bukowski to appoint Mr. Ziegler and Mr. Lloyd to meet with the Heads of each Emergency Service entity within the Township. Motion carried unanimously. Officer of the Year Recognition Mr. Ziegler recommended the Board formally recognize Detective Godshall for being named Officer of the Year by the American Society for Industrial Security. The Board agreed to recognize him at an upcoming meeting.

ElPPlan Presentation Wrap-up Mr. Smith stated for those who think expenses and taxes wi l l not be going up, he encouraged them to attend the meeting to hear the report. He felt it was frightening and when costs continue and revenues do not increase, the Township needs to get money from somewhere.

Farming Ridge Park Construction Mr. Smith asked the Highway Superintendent when Farming Ridge Park was planned to be completed. He assumed the Dept. was working on this when time allowed as more important tasks were a priority. The Highway Superintendent responded in the affirmative. He stated it was coming along nicely.

NOTE FOR THE RECORD: The Board met in Executive Session immediately after the meeting to discuss Teamster's Local 429 Contract negotiations.

First Responders Picnic Gwen Heffher invited the Board and staff to the First Responders Picnic being held at Trout Run on August 3 r d from 12-4pm.

Exeter Township Fire Department Line Officers Mr. Bukowski referred to the list of newly appointed Line Officers of the ETVFD and congratulated all those appointed. He thanked all the volunteers for what they do.

ADJOURNMENT MOTION by Mr. Smith, seconded by Mr. Ziegler, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried unanimously. The Meeting adjourned at 10:22 P.M.

Respectfully Submitted,

Troy S. Bingam^n/ Township Secretary

Time: " ~"'26AM 1 — • — ^ ^ • • • ^ ^ • ^ ^ ^ • ^ • ^ • • ^ — • 1 ^ a g e :


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GC 084003 0 0000002318

GC 084004 0 0000009629

GC 084005 0 0000001286

GC 084006 0 0000008151

GC 084007 0 0000002041 GC 084008 0 0000001948 GC 084009 0 0000009234

GC 084010 0 0000001876

GC 084011 0 0000002236

GC 084012 0 0000009232

GC 084013 0 0000000402

GC 084014 0 0000001707

GC 084015 0 0000002038 GC 084016 0 0000000096

GC 084017 0 0000002261

GC 084018 0 0000002028

GC 084019 0 0000001970

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GC 084021 0 0000001100

GC 084022 0 0000001349

GC 084023 0 0000002125

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GC 084025 0 0000001879

GC 084026 0 0000008261

GC 084027 0 0000001828

GC 084028 0 0000002193

GC 084029 0 0000000699

GC 084030 0 0000002094

GC 084031 0 0000001711

GC 084032 o 0000002222

GC 084033 0 0000001940

GC 084034 0 0000001941

GC 084035 0 0000002244

GC 084036 0 0000002055

GC 084037 0 0000001559

GC 084038 0 0000001198

GC 084039 0 0000008017

GC 084040 0 0000001671

GC 084041 0 0000002109

GC 084042 0 0000001998











































07/14/2014 3,454.67

07/14/2014 1,190.38

07/14/2014 364.00

07/14/2014 624.62

07/14/2014 382.00

07/14/2014 843.00

07/14/2014 84.00

07/14/2014 112.00

07/14/2014 1,000.00

07/14/2014 115.00

07/14/2014 26.73

07/14/2014 112.00

07/14/2014 28.00

07/14/2014 12,132.72

07/14/2014 3,303.44

07/14/2014 1,327.50

07/14/2014 84.41

07/14/2014 327.00

07/14/2014 654.25

07/14/2014 167.52

07/14/2014 3,995.55

07/14/2014 1,252.00

07/14/2014 252.00

07/14/2014 883.00

07/14/2014 9.00

07/14/2014 20.00

07/14/2014 300.00

07/14/2014 282.00

07/14/2014 500.00

07/14/2014 1,350.00 07/14/2014 53,664.12

07/14/2014 15,785.00

07/14/2014 163.07

07/14/2014 960.00

07/14/2014 500.00

07/14/2014 738.00

07/14/2014 757.00

07/14/2014 1,258.00

07/14/2014 56.00

07/14/2014 1,652.00 K ) GO

1,652.00 K ) GO

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GC 084043 0 0000000129 CLEAN IMAGE 07/14/2014 237.20

GC 084044 0 0000008290 COLONIAL ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO INC 07/14/2014 189.00

GC 084045 0 0000002081 COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA 07/14/2014 56.00

GC 084046 0 0000002237 COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA 07/14/2014 20.00

GC 084047 O 0000004082 COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA/PA DEP 07/14/2014 500.00

GC 084048 0 0000002259 CORNELIU GAVRILOVICI 07/14/2014 55.00

GC 084049 0 0000000250 CRAIG J. ANTUSH 07/14/2014 285.00

GC 084050 0 0000000508 DALE T MILLER 07/14/2014 340.50

GC 084051 0 0000001049 DASH MEDICAL GLOVES INC 07/14/2014 330.50

GC 084052 O 0000000535 DEER COUNTRY FARM & LAWN INC 07/14/2014 1,105.36

GC 084053 0 0000000571 DOUGLAS KEENER 07/14/2014 227.50

GC 084054 O 0000000958 DYER QUARRY INC 07/14/2014 840.16

GC 084055 O 0000001750 EL MOR CHEVROLET 07/14/2014 10.80

GC 084056 0 0000002241 EMISSION SUPPLY INC 07/14/2014 4,700.00

GC 084057 0 0000001157 ERGON ASPHALT AND EMULSIONS INC 07/14/2014 418.89

GC 084058 0 0000008054 ERIC LEE LESSIG 07/14/2014 1,280.00

GC 084059 0 0000003035 ESSIG VALERIANO & FUDEMAN PC 07/14/2014 633.20

GC 084060 O 0000003090 EXETER AMBULANCE ASSOCIATION TC 07/14/2014 100.00

GC 084061 0 0000000903 EXETER LIBRARY 07/14/2014 28,750.00

GC 084062 0 0000002274 EXETER VETERINARY HOSPITAL 07/14/2014 206.49

GC 084063 0 0000000070 FEDEX 07/14/2014 349.91

GC 084064 0 0000008271 GANNETT FLEMING INC 07/14/2014 1,772.00

GC 084065 0 0000000458 GEOFF PENSKEINC 07/14/2014 1,059.53

GC 084066 0 0000001872 GEORGE JAMES HEDRICK 07/14/2014 1,025.00

GC 084067 0 0000008029 GEORGE W TURNER 07/14/2014 1,017.00

GC 084068 0 0000008020 GILLES G MORISSETTE 07/14/2014 2,171.00

GC 084069 V 0000004060 GRAINGER 07/14/2014 0.00

GC 084070 0 0000004060 GRAINGER 07/14/2014 1,452.86

GC 084071 0 0000000945 GREAT VALLEY CONSULTANTS 07/14/2014 3,350.33

GC 084072 0 0000009595 GROFF TRACTOR & EQUIPMENT 07/14/2014 81.14

GC 084073 0 0000000108 GUARD ENTERPRISES LLC 07/14/2014 132.95

GC 084074 0 0000002048 GWENDOLYN A HEFFNER 07/14/2014 100.00

GC 084075 0 0000002298 HAHN EXTERIORS 07/14/2014 50.00

GC 084076 0 0000000741 HARRIS COMPUTER SYSTEMS 07/14/2014 453.69

GC 084077 0 0000001867 H O L L I M M O R I S S h l I h 07/14/2014 26.00

GC 084078 0 0000002035 IMOW GROUP, LLC 07/14/2014 5,260.00

GC 084079 0 0000002178 ISOLATOR FITNESS 07/14/2014 796.95

GC 084080 0 0000000193 J C EHRLICH CO INC 07/14/2014 483.00

GC 084081 0 0000009777 JALLA TECHNOLOGIES INC 07/14/2014 205.00

GC 084082 0 0000001854 JAMES ALEXANDER SINCAVAGE 07/14/2014 490.00 z woe i.

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GC 084083 0 0000001531 JAMES M HERR 07/14/2014 1,545.00

GC 084084 0 0000009230 JEFFREY ALLEN SHILLING 07/14/2014 1,049.00

GC 084085 0 0000001881 JEREMY EMERICH 07/14/2014 54.00

GC 084086 0 0000001609 JOHN R YOUNG & CO 07/14/2014 1,006.68

GC 084087 0 0000009763 JON BARRY READINGER JR 07/14/2014 112.00

GC 084088 0 0000009231 JOSHUA TROLLINGER 07/14/2014 168.00

GC 084089 0 0000002254 JULIA STUBBE 07/14/2014 79.03

GC 084090 0 0000000297 KEYSTONE ENGINEERING GROUP INC 07/14/2014 7,952.00

GC 084091 0 0000001373 KNOWLEDGE LAKE 07/14/2014 1,094.50

GC 084092 0 0000002047 KURT REINERT 07/14/2014 1,214.00

GC 084093 0 0000009734 LARRY PIERSOL 07/14/2014 3,500.00

GC 084094 0 0000000049 LOWE'S 07/14/2014 448.37

GC 084095 0 0000002633 LUCAS LANE INC 07/14/2014 135.00

GC 084096 0 0000000639 MARTIN LIMESTONE INC 07/14/2014 312.00

GC 084097 0 0000001261 MATERIAL MATTERS INC 07/14/2014 1,485.00

GC 084098 0 0000002255 MATTHEW AND/OR DAWN KITCH 07/14/2014 19.46

GC 084099 0 0000000021 MC MASTER-CARR SUPPLY CO 07/14/2014 1,020.31

GC 084100 0 0000005800 MET-ED 07/14/2014 22,291.37

GC 084101 0 0000002257 MICHAEL AND/OR SUSAN KERN 07/14/2014 11.94

GC 084102 0 0000009226 MICHAEL D DETURCK 07/14/2014 224.00

GC 084103 0 0000008028 MICHAEL G TRIEVEL 07/14/2014 70.00

GC 084104 0 0000001282 MICHAEL W KLINE 07/14/2014 168.00

GC 084105 0 0000005828 MINUTEMAN PRINTING INC 07/14/2014 57.00

GC 084106 0 0000004104 MONTAGE ENTERPRISES INC 07/14/2014 1,629.49

GC 084107 0 0000000278 MOUNT PENN BOROUGH 07/14/2014 1,133.00

GC 084108 0 0000001640 MY ALARM CENTER 07/14/2014 576.00

GC 084109 0 0000000144 NATIONAL CLEANERS 07/14/2014 622.93

GC 084110 0 0000005942 NATIONAL SAFETY COUNCIL 07/14/2014 450.00

GC 084111 0 0000000972 OMEGA INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY INC 07/14/2014 377.24

GC 084112 0 0000001651 ON SITE SERVICE 07/14/2014 283.01

GC 084113 0 0000000904 OVERHEAD DOOR CO OF READING 07/14/2014 1,720.00

GC 084114 0 0000001826 PA DEPT OF AGRICULTURE 07/14/2014 42.30

GC 084115 0 0000005848 PA DEPT OF LABOR & INDUSTRY-B 07/14/2014 264.00

.GC 084116 0 0000006163 PA ONE CALL SYSTEM INC 07/14/2014 178.50

GC 084117 0 0000001058 PATRICK KIRN 07/14/2014 1,664.00

GC 084118 0 0000001939 • PAUL K BIXLER 07/14/2014 896.00

GC 084119 0 0000001857 PAYPHONE OPERATIONS INC 07/14/2014 165.00

GC 084120 0 0000008058 PEN TELE DATA 07/14/2014 209.90

GC 084121 0 0000008133 PENNSYLVANIA-AMERICAN WATER COMPANY 07/14/2014 37.80

GC 084122 0 0000006254 PHILADELPHIA BALL & 07/14/2014 1 , 6 6 3 ^


Time: 11:02:26AM 1 ' " " " '" " ' °' I P a 9 e :

Exeter Township O) Including all check statuses

For Bank Id GC and Check Number from 084003 to 084178



GC 084123 0 0000009755 PHILIP W EHRLICH 07/14/2014 56.00

GC 084124 0 0000006300 PIKEVILLE EQUIPMENT CO 07/14/2014 391.38

GC 084125 O 0000000171 PIONEER MANUFACTURING COMPANY 07/14/2014 2,166.50

GC 084126 O 0000002206 PPG ARCHITECTURAL COATINGS 07/14/2014 107.75

GC 084127 O 0000000977 PROCESS TECHNOLOGIES INC 07/14/2014 173.50

GC 084128 O 0000009293 QUEST DIAGNOSTICS 07/14/2014 866.88

GC 084129 O 0000002246 RAY'S SANDBLOASTING LLC 07/14/2014 1,650.00

GC 084130 O 0000002256 RAYMOND R SHUTT ESTATE 07/14/2014 46.43

GC 084131 O 0000006651 READING ELECTRIC 07/14/2014 61.00

GC 084132 O 0000001771 RICHARD A FOX SR 07/14/2014 1,925.00

GC 084133 O 0000001825 RICOH USA INC 07/14/2014 80.32

GC 084134 O 0000008003 ROBERT F JORDAN 07/14/2014 1,186.00

GC 084135 O 0000001873 RONALD G HAWK 07/14/2014 919.00

GC 084136 0 0000000206 RUSCO HYDRAULICS INC 07/14/2014 5.25

GC 084137 0 0000000666 SCALES INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGIES INC OF PA 07/14/2014 6,407.84

GC 084138 0 0000008050 SCOTT A OXENREIDER 07/14/2014 2,500.00

GC 084139 0 0000006800 SCOTT REIDER INC 07/14/2014 519.21

GC 084140 o 0000001535 SCOTT V HOLMES 07/14/2014 432.00

GC 084141 0 0000000296 SCOTTYS POTTYS 07/14/2014 70.00

GC 084142 0 0000000586 SEAL MASTER/ALLENTOWN 07/14/2014 11.00

GC 084143 0 0000000902 SEALING SPECIALTIES INC 07/14/2014 16.70

GC 084144 0 0000001830 SGS ANALYTICAL PERSPECTIVES LLC 07/14/2014 1,600.00

GC 084145 0 0000000932 SOUTH READING BLACKTOP 07/14/2014 19,248.04

GC 084146 0 0000002253 STEPHEN AND/OR JEANNE I I h STARSZYK 07/14/2014 54.72

GC 084147 0 0000002258 STEPHEN R AND/OR ANA C DENAGHY 07/14/2014 7.67

GC 084148 0 0000001772 STEVEN M GEIBEL 07/14/2014 517.00

GC 084149 0 0000008052 STEVEN P KRUSZEWSKI 07/14/2014 100.00

GC 084150 0 0000008268 STONEY CREEK RENTALS 07/14/2014 435.60

GC 084151 0 0000001191 STRATIX SYSTEMS 07/14/2014 82.60

GC 084152 0 0000000149 SUPERCO SPECIALTY PRODUCTS 07/14/2014 354.28

GC 084153 0 0000001415 TELCO INC 07/14/2014 1,095.00

GC 084154 0 0000002245 THAN NAING 07/14/2014 15.00

GC 084155 0 0000001979 THE DENT GUY 07/14/2014 87.00

GC 084156 0 0000001053 THE SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO 07/14/2014 748.36

GC 084157 V 0000007200 THE WATER GUY 07/14/2014 0.00

GC 084158 0 0000007200 THE WATER GUY 07/14/2014 190.33

GC 084159 0 0000000351 THOMAS L WALTERS JR 07/14/2014 713.00

GC 084160 0 0000000128 TIMOTHY M FOX 07/14/2014 112.00

GC 084161 0 0000002393 TOMARK SPORTS INC 07/14/2014 335.07

GC 084162 0 0000001690 TREVOR KRIZE 07/14/2014 140.00 z woe

Date: 07/11/2014

Time: 11:02:26AM Selective Check Register

Exeter Township

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GC 084163 O 0000002252 TSSi 07/14/2014 1,050.50

GC 084164 0 0000001242 U S BANK 07/14/2014 457,061.25

GC 084165 0 0000007993 UGI UTILITIES INC 07/14/2014 2,482.12

GC 084166 0 0000002003 UNITED STATES TREASURY 07/14/2014 172.00

GC 084167 0 0000008074 VEN-MAR SALES INC 07/14/2014 509.45 GC 084168 o 0000002329 WALMART COMMUNITY BRC 07/14/2014 175.43 GC 084169 o 0000001853 WAYNE F RULLO JR 07/14/2014 1,411.00

GC 084170 0 0000008041 WILLIAM B ROHRBACH 07/14/2014 325.00

GC 084171 0 0000002242 WILLIAM FOREMAN 07/14/2014 35.00

GC 084172 o 0000002005 WIN-911 07/14/2014 395.00

GC 084173 0 0000001238 WINDSTREAM 07/14/2014 598.49

GC 084174 0 0000009304 WITMER PUBLIC SAFETY GROUP INC 07/14/2014 3,650.74

GC 084175 0 0000009698 W O L F S COMMERCIAL REFRIGERATION INC 07/14/2014 294.40

GC 084176 0 0000009274 YALE ELECTRIC SUPPLY 07/14/2014 84.42

GC 084177 0 0000000155 YEAGER SUPPLY INC 07/14/2014 6.20

GC 084178 0 0000002249 ZEE MEDICAL SERVICE CO #52 07/14/2014 181.85 Bank ID: GC Name: General Checking Checking Account*: 536364227 Bank ID Totals:

Report Totals:




130112 Date: 07/11/2014 Time: 10:30:35AM

Selective Check Register User: Page:


Exeter Township

Including all check statuses

For Bank Id VC and Check Number from 001375 to 001395


V C 001375 O 0000001641 ADVANCED DISPOSAL S E R V I C E S 07/14/2014 833.61 V C 001376 O 0000009647 ALLIED W A S T E S E R V I C E #318 07/14/2014 16,318.00

V C 001377 O 0000005020 E M KUTZINC 07/14/2014 1,251.59

V C 001378 O 0000002440 E X E T E R PRINTING 07/14/2014 4,716.00

V C 001379 O 0000003100 E X E T E R S U P P L Y C O INC 07/14/2014 1,290.80

V C 001380 0 0000005100 LAWSON P R O D U C T S INC 07/14/2014 634.99

V C 001381 0 0000008264 LYNX COMPUTER T E C H N O L O G I E S INC 07/14/2014 145.75

V C 001382 0 0000000912 NEW HOLLAND AUTO GROUP 07/14/2014 521.23

V C 001383 0 0000000454 O F F I C E S E R V I C E C O 07/14/2014 46.17

VC 001384 0 0000002165 PIONEER C R O S S I N G LANDFILL 07/14/2014 960.43

V C 001385 0 0000000192 P L A S T E R E R EQUIP C O INC 07/14/2014 180.96

V C 001386 0 0000000437 P O L Y D Y N E I N C 07/14/2014 4,738.00

VC 001387 0 0000000071 QUILL C O R P 07/14/2014 165.93

V C 001388 o 0000004150 RADIO MAINTENANCE INC 07/14/2014 694.00

V C 001389 0 0000006700 READING FOUNDRY & S U P P L Y C O L L C 07/14/2014 69.70

V C 001390 0 0000006805 R E D THE UNIFORM TAILOR 07/14/2014 960.50

V C 001391 0 0000000353 RIDGEWOOD SOILS 07/14/2014 152.69

V C 001392 0 0000000626 SUBURBAN TESTING LABS 07/14/2014 3,247.47

VC 001393 0 0000002074 TOM MASANO 07/14/2014 508.24 V C 001394 0 0000001916 VERIZON W I R E L E S S 07/14/2014 2,065.81 V C 001395 0 0000008550 Z E P MANUFACTURING C O 07/14/2014 719.36

Bank ID: VC Name: VISA Clearing Checking Account*: 539001776 Bank ID Totals:

Report Totals:



00 CNJ


R E S O L U T I O N #14-16

P A G E 20 only

ZONING HEARING F E E S HEARINGS B E F O R E ZONING HEARING BOARD Appeal of Zoning Officer Action 500.00 Variance 500.00 Special Exception 500.00 Validity of Zoning Ordinance or Map 2,000.00

HEARINGS B E F O R E BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Zoning Change 5,000.00 Curative Amendment 5,000.00 Sewage Permit Refusal or Revocation 300.00 Plumbing License Revocation 300.00 Building Permit Refusal or Revocation 300.00 Conditional Uses for Home Occupations 250.00 Conditional Uses for all other 500.00 Miscellaneous,, Hearings 500.00*

*Plus|!Court Costs

PASSED AND APPROVED at a Regular Meeting of the Board of Supervisors of Exeter Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania, held this 14th day of July 2014.


/ <0_ n

rChairman /






